Inside The Indian Hotel For The Super Rich | Hotel India E2 | Our Stories

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[Music] the hotel's deputy manager parveen is responsible for much of its day-to-day running okay so what we need to do we just we're just going to go through today all the functions for the next eight days okay so start the sheet is called let's stop at only the important ones he's looked after hotels all over the world but nowhere on the scale of the taj residential wedding ready yeah how many rooms are there approximately 80 at this particular period of time [Music] it's it's not just a hotel it's an institution you know a lot of different kinds of firsts happened here the first hotel to have electricity you know the first hotel to to have elevators uh you know the first ballroom in the country despite having an entire hotel to look after nothing is too small to escape parveen's attention it's extremely important to get to the minutes details you know the ironing of the tablecloths to the way the flower arrangements are and you know checking of each and every glass i mean these are like some of the most important things this needs to be done so you literally have developed a bit of a tarnish to get that done the kind of people who whom we get here they they are the top creme de la creme of the society every small detail has been kept in mind to give people a feeling of luxury and exclusivity see that handle that's come off so get that sorted out these stable cloths we again need need a bit of an ironing certainly and those flowers again need to be changed can you help checking things when you walk around well i do that all the time they hate me for this restaurant i can find 500 points you've got 1500 people working here so that means you have to ensure that every person delivers what he is supposed to deliver all the time for example the in-room dining actually might land up walking almost a mile to reach your room and there are certain places where two people have to lift to lift a trolley to bring it to you and so there's a lot which goes at the back of the hotel to ensure that there is uh you know a perfect service delivered good afternoon everyone we have uh 45 arrival spending for the day those most attuned to the demands of the guests are the hotel's 35 butlers also another important guest who's coming and he loves to enjoy his breakfast and he loves to have the toast freshly bought out from the toaster and on his plate so the room as per his preference with a toaster toast holder everything already preset he'll be coming quite late in the night but evening shift butler just just do a double check of that room because he's a very important guest palace service we recently had head of a a fairly large country who came and stayed with us one of the premiers and uh the rider for them him was one of the most toughest that i've ever seen they don't want a speck of light in the room in the night and they don't want even 10 decibels of noise coming in inside the room thank you one of the top most hollywood star who visited us for him we had to actually convert the entire room into a gym and he would not eat anywhere in the hotel so he he we had to set up a dedicated pantry with all kinds of food which would be served to him from there every vip who comes in has a customized list of things to do [Music] as a hotel we usually never say no have a great day same to you and kindly let me know if you require any assistance of course thank you thank you [Music] i get this room every time i come well i have to entertain a lot so instead of taking people to a restaurant it's always so much cozier and nicer to have a little dinner over here because it's almost like calling someone to your home kalyani chola is the brand ambassador for christian dior in india and a frequent guest of the hotel the taj with all this attention to detail and you know it's just i think it's just it's just fascinating and it's just pure luxury you know more than anything else it's just so it's just so beautiful i mean there was russell brand staying in this suite in my bed but okay but i'm quite confident that i get better treatment than russell brand yes i do a suite at the hotel costs between two thousand and nine thousand pounds a night i think this is the best part of the suite there's it's actually really romantic and sorry it's in a mess but it's a wardrobe walk in there and this beautiful bathroom inside and when i'm lying down the bed i can still see you know a little bit out of the windows this is my domain it does feel like a bachelor pad to me this is a party pad yes i can see complete decadence happening here but which i've refrained from i'm here on work there's potential when kalyani threw a party to celebrate the launch of a boutique in the hotel she took over the whole first floor we actually transformed the entire section so we have ripped off the carpets in the grand staircase we took over the entire sea lounge which before that nobody could do and we had imported crockery cutlery tablecloths everything in spite of all the unreasonable demands they gave did not only agreed but they did such an amazing job it is definitely the place to be this is the place to be in terms of in terms of prestige or in terms of you know a certain caliber of the kind of hotels that you're expected to stay i mean this is definitely the best there's no doubt about it space is such a luxury in bombay especially with everyone's living in little match boxes because there is no space to come to bombay and live in this space i think it's beyond just luxury you know it's just absolutely fabulous and you look out and you see the sea because it kind of cuts off everything else below and you just have this expanse of water and the boats and the sun shining you know this is this little mirage in the middle of this city where it's just a concrete jungle almost you know [Music] [Applause] since the hotel quietly opened its doors to just 17 guests in december 1903 it's been seen as a home away from home for the high society of india to begin with we had very few luxury hotels in the country i think it was extremely important to to be seen and people understand it uh as a synonym with luxury and history [Music] the hotel had few rivals when playing host to the stars entertaining everyone from pierre kadar to alfred hitchcock it was the only place to be for the international elite we all extremely attached to it and as we all call it the grand old lady it's it's not just a hotel it's an institution but even grand old ladies cannot rest on past glories but since 2000 when the indian economy has been booming the escape of the country is completely changing all over the country there are new five-star hotels which are coming up all the time to keep its place on the world stage the hotel must continue to court institutions who share an equally illustrious past [Music] this is where everyone comes this is where everyone meets from around the world and the taj from the very beginning were art collectors and supporters and sponsors hugo weir is an international director at christie's the world's oldest and largest auction house they're holding their first ever auction in india consisting solely of indian art we've been working towards this for a long time so this is a dream come true now we're on the ground here in india with enough millionaires to fill every room in the hotel mumbai is an untapped market for christie's i think this will be a seminal event and the taj is really the sort of anchor for it for parveen and his team an international auction on this scale is unprecedented okay so christie's looking at the prestigious event and the kind of reputation it has all over the world they've chosen this hotel because of its historic significance because they find this as just the right background to do the auction it needs to be rarely handled with care [Music] christie's will take over the hotel's two main function rooms for a week in the run-up to the auction we're doing all sorts of events around it we'll have a reception on monday and dinner on tuesday inviting all the important collectors and inspire new collectors here and will they have paintings on both sides they've been inside and out they will have paintings all around and i think they will also have paintings inside [Music] and just ensure that we don't have anybody walking in there from the hotel who's not supposed to be either okay so just make sure from front and back i don't want people just trying to have a peek or just trying to walk in so same goes for you in the running just make sure your people are very clear who's going to be allowed to clean up so by any means i want to restrict as less number of people inside the hall as possible okay right so that's the book it's gonna be in my office if anybody wants to have a look at it yeah so it has it has some of the best paintings that you guys would have seen i want the wagon with the water i want the waiter with the water for my daughter i want the waiter with the water for my daughter cause my daughter has an order for some water on a train what are you checking the toaster basically the guest likes to toast the breads as for his requirements early morning rather than ordering and waiting for the scene so we have arranged for a toaster which we'll be placing in his room before his arrival from our place we said those are ready so that proved that yes it's working properly here we go it's perfect whether it's extending gregory peck's bed or allowing president obama to book the entire hotel the staff will do anything to make the hotel a home for their guests i said listen guys i personally wanted to take care of this gentleman okay like i know he was very particular he cannot speak okay then he says like have you told the guy that i'm deaf i said no i told him that you are a bollywood star or hollywood star okay so there she is and she's all ready to go please ensure that just take good care of them okay for half the staff the hotel has been their home for over 20 years hello good evening satish was 18 when he started as a trainee in the hotel's patisserie hello how are you my friend 20 years later he's chief concierge a role that exists exclusively to make sure guests get anything and everything they desire my concierge is man friday he is your magic wand maybe helicopter ride to to the hotel possible i can do that have somebody play back piper at the airport to welcome you possible what whichever car you like from a sedan to jaguar to bentley mercedes s-class with wi-fi inside possible maybe a glass of champagne bottom bottle of champagne possible i cannot get your pink elephant i'll try i'll not disappoint you elephant is possible great thank you so that's what we do yes we dazzle with delight that's how we engage with our guests and and build that connect with them and that's how concierges they say they are very friendly people and that's how we we enhance that uh friendship and it goes into relationship later on so we have a whole lot of regular guests coming back and they come and they hug you and that's that's that's important and that's that's the satisfaction for me [Music] well nice before i got married you're thinking about getting married and pete said oh if we get married i'll take you all around the world and i thought oh this'll be good so we've kept on doing it as much as we can for the last 25 years susie and peter noble have been shipping their classic car from their home in essex now retired from their business making metal fastenings for jeans they drive all over india often starting and ending at the hotel i was like a man friday for them you know liaising all the trip into into the whole of india just head straight into this corridor midway through i think the grand stack is the first floor [Music] he got the car all the way up from england over here so he could travel around the country and each point that he went he went to surah gujarat udaipur met some maharajas over there he would call me and tell me like you know what to do with the next destination ensure that our car is coming ensure that we have enough parking space for them and that's what you know i would i would i would do for them [Music] probably they are my favorite couple guests ever i just love them it is a little bit british to do it but our interest is in a way the nostalgia and try try and capture a fast-changing world we set off on a journey to china crossing the gobi desert in a bentley continental and we stopped on the desert and a rolls-royce passed us the road silver goes driven by a swiss and i said to susie when we get back home i'm going to buy a car like that but i'm going to buy a lancaster should never heard of that most people haven't the saying used to be in the 20s if you wanted a really good car you bought a rolls-royce silver ghost but if you want something a little bit better you bought a lanchester well somebody said to us today or where have you come from we said you know britain england and they said where does this car come from said england so they said oh good the british are coming back so that's all i wish they were [Music] basically it's like being a celebrity and i hate celebs but it's like being a celebrity in this car [Music] look at those playing on the grass airplane there's a feeling of sadness there's also a feeling of guilt where these lovely children living like that and frankly you're living in the taj you feel you don't want to go out into the streets you have to and you feel you feel wretched really it's a saddening process now so i'm going to get to the taj i'm going to go down put the car to bed if you go to the room satish he'll help you thank you satish [Music] in a hotel as old as the taj parveen and executive housekeeper indrani face a constant battle to keep up appearances just hold on till another 15 days as of now just give it a coat of paint let it dry we take we do it on let's say first week of february let's go to 651 everywhere from the corridors to the 15 room 5 000 square foot tata suite is in need of regular attention we've just taken the suite out for maintenance and we're basically uh doing well you know we don't have any major visit happening here for the next couple of days so we've just decided to do with different kinds of paint finishes and it usually the it's an old building so it needs a bit of massaging every few months okay so now this is a state of affair you know why so can i rip it off and do the same color as this one slightly silver all right i'll show you the sample yeah exactly like this when we started the hotel 110 years back our founder was very clear he wanted to make not just any hotel but he wanted to make the best hotel in the country you have to continuously keep spending time and money and effort on restoring things in the same manner it was 110 years back and rather in certain cases you have to do better and then do a finish which is very similar so it should not be a bright finish because after doing scotchguard this is the effect so do i do a dull finish do a dull finish also i think this entire yeah we need a fresh painting it's a part of us we can't help it so everywhere you go you know there's some issue and whenever cattle catch hold of him he knows i'm going to only come out with issues which needs to be sorted out that's why i run away from her you'll always find me running away from her still she actually physically comes to my office and drags me because there's so many issues that needs to be sorted out alternative suggestions financial [Music] approvals and you know we come up with some uh housekeeping is like my second passion so i like to spend a lot of time because i'm married to a housekeeper so it's like you know the hotel better than most people know their homes anything more than that she spends more time in the hotel than she spends at home my home gets my attention only on sundays that's on sunday it's like no no for anything and you do housekeeping at home no i mean do you do the detailing at home about the paint and polish i wish i could do that at home but no time seriously i'm a mother and i'm a daughter-in-law and i'm a wife so all those takes more precedence but yes some little bit of housekeeping comes naturally whether it's persuading people to spend 9 000 pounds a night on a hotel suite or millions on a painting presentation is everything [Music] we gear up to the the days and they're all these steps ahead of it the catalog is the first major step when we get that into print and it's received by the by the collectors around the world wow now the exhibition is the the next major step because this is where everyone will be able to see it in person for the first time with christie's best chance to woo the indian art world approaching hugo like parveen is a stickler for detail we must be perfectionists and we want to present them in the best possible way that includes hanging them straight on the wall having the lighting perfect the label all at the same height all of this matters because it's that first impression of a work good it's well done it's looking terrific yeah we're getting there yes because it looks a little bit crowded over there right maybe yeah alongside the art the hotel will be laying on lavish parties for potential buyers no it's a it's a buffet yeah buffet and people are circulating around so it's standing okay so you're not doing cutlery crockery no we're just putting the smaller plates at the smaller but is the food going to have knife uh will the food need a knife no sure yeah they started dinner at 8 15. they said it's going to be like so is it like networking champion for this they've called very socialized that that's okay from here onwards yeah these two feel these two space which is fine but it's a bit tight that's my only concern but otherwise this is good the centerpiece of the auction is a painting by the indian rothko by studio ghatande christie's are hoping it will break the current world record of three million dollars and become the most expensive indian artwork in history it's important to be able to present it in a way that everyone can say wow it's obvious it's fantastic it looks so beautiful and it i could maybe acquire it and i could maybe have it in my house and it'll just you know make everything look so wonderful at my house too i don't want anybody serving around these paintings okay so stay away tell people to be at least two to three feet away from at least about three to four feet away from the main area so that you you don't even land up in an accident where somebody's just kind of you know banging into you i don't want any accidents okay anything else we've been living this life for so long now couldn't do anything else we're always together have been ever since we got married and it will stay like that well there's nobody else that i could travel with nobody else would travel with you no and that's a good point sir that's a good point 12 years ago i had a stroke complete left side paralyzed and from then onwards he's done everything for me he has to cut my food do my hair everything you can't imagine what he's had to do and nobody else would do that so he's my rock but we thought she was going to be in a wheelchair for life half paralyzed i mean everything was dead on the left side so therefore um it was these were dark days for us uh you can't imagine and sue was talking about well i can sit on my balcony and look at my garden and i said no you know we're going up to the sudan we're going to go up the nile and it really was a big turning point and sue has improved every day since and she still supports me and she still does her fair share of all the donkey work where it can be done and that's a so just you know i can say no more really how did you both get through those dark days i can't remember i really can't remember no excuse me sir i can't stand talking about him so there you are and uh but we turn the corner where's the main thing [Music] and i said i often said to sue you know anything happened to her i'd probably come and live here [Music] i'd be quite happy to have 10 good years with the lanchester and suzy [Music] something [Music] the noble's man friday lives just 10 minutes from the hotel with his wife mother and son come on yeah yeah very good very good charlie let's do jabba come on sharmila also works at the hotel where they met 15 years ago we were selling pastries at taj and that's where our eyes met a vienna lemon cheesecake yeah so taj gave me a wife and a sand and a nice house to live what more can you ask for [Music] this is my luxury this is my the grand presidential tata suite and do namaste to everybody we must do a good morning namaste namaste yes so thank you for coming [Music] thank you for coming to my house [Music] seeing this monumental building you know said oh wow this is starch it's a very big hotel i i never no i never imagined that i know i'll be ever working into this hotel [Music] and you know here i'm working for that hotel and at times i wonder when i look outside it's it's probably somebody else out over there is also dreaming to come inside at work and i have something for him and it's like your dreams do come true taj really makes your dream come true for the wealthiest in mumbai an exclusive retreat can be found via a private lift in the lobby [Music] the chambers is one of the most sought after business clubs in the whole of india membership is by invitation only consisting of a library bar dining and conference rooms this is where captains of industry and the international elite network and broker deals [Music] bernard steinwuker is president of the indo-german chamber of commerce and he and his wife ranjana have been members for the last six years when i came this was my first home in mumbai i had a beautiful suite here on the sixth floor [Music] luckily the hotel took good care of me it makes you proud you know it kind of situates you in a certain time and place which is rare having grown up in bombay it's our first idea the word posh i mean you know before you had terms like over-the-top luxury and things there was posh and taj represented that so it's very associated with growing up in bombay and something very special it's iconic in that sense sometimes when i'm having lunch here with guests it's you you happen to you know bump into some of the celebrities of mumbai but they are comfortable here because nobody's bothering them make sure that the grooming of the boys is up to the market make sure everybody polish his shoes [Music] and get a lot of next time when you want people to polish just an empty brush and a liquid polish everybody needs to wash their face gel their hair well we have exclusive music even for the members of the chambers today and we've got anushka shankar daughter of the famous siddhar player pandit ravi shankar who's going to be here tonight look rested i just want to say hello praveen manager it's a pleasure having you again thank you very much for everything in the suite we didn't get time to thank you guys you know and it's an honor for us having you stay in there yeah great thank you [Music] the hotel has welcomed some of the world's biggest music icons it was the first home of jazz in the city playing host to the likes of duke ellington and when george harrison took up residence anushka's father sitar legend rabbi shankar taught him to play in one of the hotel suites [Music] right now i'm thinking i will change this one david cameron has already replaced sarkozy so we want to add tom cruise and where's anushka's picture anushka for sure nikila is the hotel's director of public relations it's her job to make sure the hotel capitalizes on its illustrious past if you come to mumbai actually if you come to india and you come anywhere near the city of mumbai this is where you must stay anybody who's anybody has wanted to stay here we try to keep it as current as possible so the vips that we are putting up right now have actually visited us in 2013 most of them um i'm going to be leaving a little space for tom cruise later but uh it's because i love him i think it's about sharing the same space with somebody who is world famous and world-renowned so i think it's nice sorry um it's fine now what do you think is it too crushed i think you can actually push even some mick jagger a little down and then everything won't be so cramped [Music] when my dad was first in mumbai he used to be a banker when he was transferred to mumbai and i was six years old this was my home and i remember running around in the corridor singing and my mother used to be very very um you know she was she would try to keep me quiet saying please please you know we're right in the middle of the lobby and for me it was my home um so i thought everybody lived in such lavish beautiful homes [Music] tv [Music] we just go and do random checking of the rooms basically so what happens is that um on a daily basis we take about four to five rooms the rooms are chosen random at the last minute we spend about an hour and there'll be about six to eight people which go on the floor put it back so you have one guy who will check the air conditioning there'll be somebody who'll check the plumbing then the housekeeper so she also has her team of people there's one helper who has to strip the room there'll be one supervisor then we get somebody from in-room dining to see the glasses and all that and mohit usually comes and checks the room along with us in terms of all the other detailing or there are some water stains there's some kind of staining so peach write it on please because if you need to check a room in 10 minutes you need that many number of people to just kind of completely strip everything and do that and you do four to five rooms a day why are we laminating these because they are getting every day poorer stay in order can't have lamination please no lamination you go for a better quality if you think staining is an issue you go for a stained non-stained finish but no lagging you tell nikhila to develop your better quality this one as well yeah no lamination but after seven years okay we are supposed to be giving the best to our guest as far as hygiene cleanliness and maintenance is concerned and that is why they're coming to us and not going to any other smaller hotels skipping but you got to look the exactly the way a guest would have seen the room so you have to get into every corner rather you have to see better you know you'll find dust at certain places you're going to find small marks on things so and that's about getting your people to see so you've got to see it yourself you know it has to be perfect so you've got to give a guest a zero defect room by all means and it's it takes a huge amount of hard work and eye for detail to reach your zero defect that's what the team's job is what do you check what do you check when you come to the room when this was introduced you didn't see that size is not up to the mark they said they were changing itself it's not a matter of changing why didn't you see it abbas has said and after that you see your responsibility because this is your part of the room so then you're supposed to see it [Music] with the imminent arrival of the art elite nikila has called in the hotel's art consultant to make the most of their collection so just take this but very carefully huh lift it from one side and you lift it from the other and just hold it there we just want to see how it looks you know the hotel has the most exquisite art but the guests who are coming of course know art they love art they may not be able to see these because these pieces are hidden in suites or in lounge so we thought let's bring the pieces to them so we're lining the pathway for their entrance with masterpieces so they'll have masterpieces inside and outside within the hotel's collection are some of the most important pieces of modern indian art including four paintings by gatandi and it's perfect in the late 1950s a group of new modern artists emerged in india many of whom were supported by the tata family who owned the hotel they found an outlet in the hotel's gallery space a lot of these artists actually came and stayed in this hotel and painted we used to have an art gallery here where a lot of these paint painters would come and sell their art pieces and the hotel would buy them put it down hold it from the base only from the base don't hold it up don't hold the top so we have some of the most beautiful collection of indian contemporary art be careful because otherwise you hit the wall now go up many of the artworks being sold at the christie's auction are by this same group of artists so the guy donde painting is one of our most important paintings in the entire collection possibly the most important so the fact that we've brought it out and putting it here is a huge deal vs guyton is arguably the most famous abstract artist the country has ever produced they are going to be showing a guide on there also inside personally i think ours is here but i'm biased how much is it worth it's priceless i'm gonna see it from the other side to see if it's straight if the auction is a success the value of the works in the hotel will increase substantially it looks lovely it's going really nice it looks like it was always there i'm very happy with it and i just have to get that spotlight down and it's like it was meant to be there [Music] good afternoon i'm stephen murphy chief executive of christie's thank you so much for coming it's actually an auspicious moment today but we're here announcing this great moment for christie's on the same day as the 110th anniversary of this great building this great institution of this hotel that we're part of so we're very excited to be showcasing all of this wonderful art to all of our clients around the world in the same moment thank you i think the indian modern art has been doing well over the last 10 15 years but the market has been overseas been in new york and london and uh but not in not in india and what's nice about this particular auction is that it's almost like that they're coming back back to india it's their return [Music] well the taj is is the sort of iconic hotel in india so it is the appropriate place for a high-end art event and christie's and the taj is like they're good brands two big brands uh we'll be fighting that for attention we have to carry on this event much better than their expectations so actually not just meet their expectation rather exceed the expectations this is a combination of perfection and i for detail [Music] and it falls to parveen's team to make sure that nothing is overlooked so basically it's a seven-course sit-down dinner chef has crafted the menu which is there now as of now they've not told us how they want this printed have another paper one no that's what i'm saying i want to use the uh the one we did for the no no not the scroll one sorry i'm getting into this stuff that other one with the antique look those old huh no it's here in fact it's right here so it has a nice archival look and it goes with the whole you know feeling that we're trying to create you can do either burnt insert or just do regular also i'm fine you don't have to go with the burnt insert no yeah so do this outer so you know the size now that you need to make it is a big opportunity for us on the international stage i mean it's the first time christie's is coming to india for an auction and they've chosen the taj so from that perspective it's huge how many lots are there 80 80. it's supposed to be in now so i think we should move to the venue to ensure the auction is a success the team is planning every last detail something ahead of food and beverage maher knows all about can we just have them organized properly and you put little tags certainly that says exactly which item and what is the past talk you're going to maintain fine ma'am yeah because as discussed last time my biggest concern is that you guys do it once and then after two weeks again we have to come and check it it should not be like that have a proper checklist also make a checklist here on the wall which clearly says what are the items you will be stocking and what quantities you intend to put i mean we keep checking and checking and checking each time you check you find something new i don't want all this you know why this is typically happening because again you're not doing what i had told you last time that's the only way to reach perfection is to keep challenging yourself to find something else to correct so the idea is to be as organized and clean so at one shot a butler comes running he sees it and says okay my coasters my this ideally you should be able to just see it and do it but then still a tag would be beneficial and you should write down the exact quantity and that is the endeavor we're constantly fine-tuning uh till you reach that level of perfection or till the guest arrives you need to keep coming it's not like we do it once and we don't you know go back to check it yeah and you guys are here every day so i expect that you will check all this every day your new cupboard has come up engagement tools covered okay good i think or say that's it for now [Music] with a few days to go before the auction itself the seduction of mumbai's elite is well underway [Music] this uh event was actually supposed to be 400 to 450. it's now become i think a little more than that [Music] but we've got the who's who of the city you know you have pretty much a good mix of socialite and industry so it's been going smooth so far [Music] so which painting are we heading for all of them too many zeros no yes but zero has no value i love that i love the use of colors it's happy painting it'll really work well in my home 162 to 243 000 usd so i'm worried about what that might end up at the auction so yeah i have a couple of headwaiters and one or two managers who are only looking out for the vvip people and when i say vvip it's not to say that the others aren't important but it's more to say that you know we're looking out for the people who are used to us normally really pampering [Music] you've them certain spots which are the one where you go and you know you're going to meet half of the world you are showing that you have the power to buy something you were there it's a prestige this place the taj you can you can meet i don't know you can everybody in the world is going through so i've met a lot of people there we had madonna who came gerald butler salman rushdie every people in the world who is known wants to go in the touch nowhere else i will not be there if it was not the best [Music] here in in mumbai one big difference from all over the places in india is money is more important than anything else [Music] what you see in the touch are only rich women but you don't know from where they go and they don't look at your cast money is model and that's a very big thing in mumbai [Music] um [Music] me [Applause] [Music] at these these levels when you're talking about sort of million dollar pictures um it's you know there's only only a handful of any buyers at any given time so yes i think we'll we will see lots of diamonds and emeralds i think i think that what what we'll see tonight is because it's a live sale and it's a chance for people to show off a little bit and also especially when you're building in the room and you can see the actual bidders people do lose their uh their inhibitions perhaps you know and they kind of do lock horns and so these battles do emerge and i imagine that within the mumbai you know social network there's going to be quite a quite a lot of that you look amazing you have your card yeah yeah [Music] welcome to all of you welcome to all of you whether you're on christie's live or here at the taj mahal [Music] you can tell when someone's about to bid they start shuffling their feet or they go quiet number [Applause] you know one of the billionaires starts bidding and he's bidding in the room i don't think they'll let it go of course you know there's that element of well pride i suppose sir it's yours thank you sir lot number sixty-three cavalot vasudejo gaitonde from 1979. i can start this here at 3.5 crore after a week where christie's and the taj have been courting the mumbai art scene the success of the event will largely be judged on whether one lot breaks a world record at 8.5 going on currently that stands at three million dollars nine is here now at nine nine point five at nine point five ten damien's in 10 crores here now at 10. ahead of the 11 crores 12 i have 14 sandhya you're in new bidder at 14. sandhya's bid holding with sandhya 15 i have come in 15 is here 500 if you like 50 15.5 yes i will thank you 16. back to dk now at 16 crore small step for you big step for guyton d [Laughter] 16.5 well done 17 crore at 17. small steps 17 and a half 18 dk so now sure you've said that before 18 is with dk at 18. 0.5 18.5 19 crores this close now so now you've come this goes we're this close now 19 crores 19.5 19.5 one more deep breath twenty cloves well done final final call thank you and sonal you have it at 20 and a half crore so 8-1-2 [Applause] well done thank you [Music] this is everybody's touch everybody has a kind of fond memory which is connected to the hotel people have you know kind of lived here people have grown here got married here so it's a hotel which lives in the memories of people [Music] you
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 2,015,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes, hotel india, taj mahal palace, taj mahal, taj mahal palace hotel, taj mahal hotel, luxury hotel, working in a hotel, most luxurious hotel, finest hotels, best hotels, grandest hotels, life in india, india hotels, mumbai hotels, hotel documentary
Id: DEVP9xux6Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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