Heathrow: Britain's Busiest Airport - S4 E3 | Our Stories

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[Music] this is Britain's busiest airport with nearly half a million planes taking off and Landing every year it's currently Europe's number one Airport but competition from abroad is hotting up are you sweating as well me too and with nearly 80 million passengers expected through Heathrow this year sometimes I feel I'm going to have a heart attack yeah ambulance please it's down to the army of nearly 77 000 staff to keep their airport at the top of the table my pleasure there'll be some familiar faces and some new ones it's your back Garden you're in charge of this you're the landlord on the Airfield in the terminal can you see the knife and for the first time passports out of your pockets please we'll go to the front line of Britain's biggest border so if you just look at me straight on we head up everyone is working harder than ever to clumber one they left the ticket it's mid-morning in terminal 2. downstairs level two and then basically go down the other end of the building and the 40 000 daily visitors have already started spilling into the terminal really sorry but no children on the trolley I'm really sorry working behind the scenes to keep them moving come on steps uh heathrow's passenger experience managers don't know how much damage he's done let's see how bad it is with upstairs we're the first member of staff that you'll see we work land side we work outside I will approach customers and passengers and make sure they're all right and make sure they've been looked after because our main priority is to get everyone home safe and looking after each other Demi is highly trained in everything from Custom first aid yeah it's a couple of little scratches I wouldn't say we call an ambulance for this and with over 80 medical incidents every day he needs to be okay how are you feeling better yeah nervous when you hear chest pains and difficulty breathing and stuff like that but something like this is every day how you doing 43 year old male Demi's nerves and 21 years of experience are about to be put to the test [Music] something for muscle but it's like he's got a heart attack [Music] when you see passengers like that it does worry up adrenaline starts pumping the first thing that goes into your mind is cardiac arrest [Music] hi guys what's going on liberalator in hand Demi needs to address the passengers escalating condition s what's he taking so he's had these control control from echo three how many of these have you taken sir how many secretary the conditions worse than on this gentleman is getting the chest pains he's taken 15 minutes ago he took some Naproxen ambulance please what was these for what did you take them for because he had muscle pain that rum heart yeah okay and that's who's taking it because he had chest pains is that right and is that what you usually do and then usually it's okay not like this one right so he's got worse [Music] okay don't worry now stop okay now she looked after all right with 15 paramedics on bikes the chances of surviving a heart attack at Heathrow are six times better than for the rest of London okay you have to in your head try to relax try to breathe slowly just try to hold your breath as much as you can [Music] paramedics are worried the passenger could be going into cardiac arrest and need to check his heart with an ECG machine now we're ready to go so you take those deep breaths just relax into the chair you know you won't feel anything that's all perfect don't strand that breathing it's getting quicker are you someone of your age just sitting in a chair it shouldn't be over 100. you know this 134 I can't do blood tests here yeah and they are the true indicator of whether you have had some sort of cardiac event and if they're all negative and that's fine then then then you haven't is some unidentified reasons at the moment yeah of course you get a bit worried and nervous and apprehensive let's go we'll go I'll take you downstairs but once something like that does happen your train just kicks in and you just get on with it head down in his condition the passenger won't be allowed to fly thanks mate see you later he went to hospital for further assessment where it was discovered he'd had a panic attack and shortly after recovered heathrows Terminal 4 was built in 1986 and originally only served British Airways but now it hosts over 30 different airlines including aeroflot who are one of only two carriers flying direct to Moscow guys full flights today is the beginning of the school holidays for departure manager Oksana and her comrades that means one thing unaccompanied minors who are children flying alone Age 5 to 16 under the supervision of the airline pay attention to the alcohol and stuff like that I know he's very young but please his 11 year old traveling in business class so my colleague is just going to take him to business Lounge boys will be voice and no it's better better safe than sodas the number of wealthy Russians attending Britain schools has rapidly increased over the last 10 years London is probably aeroflots busiest minor destinations in the summertime we would have up to 70 on the flight studying here is a status symbol for any aspiring oligarch I'm studying in a boarding school I'm doing gcses flying on a private jet by yourself you know it's a bit boring for us here get new friends so that's great [Music] we like children yeah love children who doesn't honey the children aren't the only valuable cargo Oxana has to deal with pets now pets are in row 10 when you get the passenger with the pet let me know please she also needs to ensure that their luxury hand luggage is properly pampered what is in there a Pomeranian a little puppy unlike some airlines aeroflot fly their passengers prized pets in the cabin as long as they weigh less than six kilograms I don't have anything to do all right he's very violent and Oksana is doing her best to ensure nobody makes a protest about the puppy yeah but we have baby in Royal 11 and it's kind of tricky to have passenger with the pet so we can't sit in this house we carry pets on board but if any other of the passengers voices objection so if they're allergic or they are not comfortable in general we will have to offer the passenger with the pattern cabin in different flight think about that wow what do you think about that because I hopefully the dog gets there yeah hopefully it doesn't the dog is clear check-in but with two hours until takeoff there's still time for passenger objections so this puppy still might not be allowed to fly but at least he has one fan I love dogs I'm a dog person I have a cat at home but I'm a dog lover I hope we did everything properly and there will be no issue at the gate at all [Music] women airlines are another National carrier based in terminal 4 and check in for their daily flight to Bangladesh is just about to kick off and for the last two weeks check-in Girls Carrie Anne and Selena have had to cope with baggage belt breakdowns but before the storm of dealing with four bags per passenger they are enjoying the car Central no it's not a potential oh shame single Selena has just returned from a wedding where relatives have been trying to find her a Suitor potential no no she likes quite big strong men that could like lift her she likes manly nurse but manicured manly nurse so I've got a good view now and have me that's all I need just simple things in life look he's making himself look good for you Selena I think he's quite cute this is how we get through the day just I do want to find a boyfriend I think it'd be nice it's good for her I think he is hot [Laughter] but love will have to wait all right I'm ready for your bag please check-in opens and 300 passengers with all their bags need processing [Music] under the toilet you've got about 12 kilos left who's Hussein Aisha row 11 def for the three okay sorry they left the ticket [Music] thank you sometimes I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack a Carrie always feels like that I kind of got some chest pain but it's fine Carrie Anne might be fine right on cue the baggage belt fails again scanners at the back can't handle the speed of our machines the wheel art machine fingers crossed things run more smoothly at the gate hopefully with the help of a certain security officer luggage not moving on baggage belts can cause passenger frustration but out on the Airfield things not moving on taxiways can be dangerous Heathrow is constantly growing and modernizing to attract more Global footfall and a 150-ton crane is required to build the latest four-star hotel but the biggest mobile crane in Europe is too big to drive through the main tunnel into the airport so it will cross the same taxiways the planes use obviously air traffic are fully aware so they're not going to root aircraft in your way we're going to have the most direct route possible about half an hour uh yeah it's a good way for the phone call for the first truck to leave okay for Airfield Works manager Peter it's a plan that's taken over three months to put together we do get a lot of wide loads but not of this nature these this is quite special in its own ride because of its size it needs to be transported in daylight so for the first time ever a construction vehicle will cross heathrow's live Airfield one wrong move could lead to Heathrow shutting down one of its runways up three worked one first one from uh the flash crane is being dispatched from the first location the double jib 15 meter all-terrain crane has arrived and there he comes let's keep out of the way Peter now has only 30 minutes to get it across one of the world's busiest airfields hopefully just in time for what's left of another major milestone it's my son's 11th birthday party that I'm missing for this you have to make sacrifices sometimes and these are one of them sadly to say but I'll make it up to it he's a great kid as the taxiway is Live Peter and his team need to escort the crane without stopping any delays will affect inbound planes potentially delaying passengers and costing Airlines hundreds of thousands of pounds where's the stress levels at oh uh one to ten uh I'd probably say about 10.25 Convoy is made up of six vehicles with one leader and five other cars all ready to react in an instant to any unforeseen problems with the crane well they stopped [Music] an A330 is being held on the taxiway blocking the Convoy and any plane trying to exit the runway so now we've got one up our backside as well if they don't get moving Heathrow may be forced to shut down a Runway out on the taxiway Peter is stuck behind an A330 with the UK's largest mobile crane honest about I did think it was going to be bigger I'd like write to Anne Robinson and complain [Music] the South African A330 has been allocated a stand allowing Peter and the crane to get moving aircraft always take right of way unless it's a fire engine on blues and then you just get out of the way they've cleared the first major hurdle but still need to navigate The Maze of narrow roads to get the crane to its site over in terminal 4. [Music] aeroflots manager Oxana is dealing with some traffic of her own 30 unaccompanied minors who need to find their way safely through security first we check for the liquids toy guns Swiss knives and everything so hopefully they're hand baggage is clear and they will have the Speedy security clearance already cleared through security is this canine and his traveling companions we usually go back to Russia and to London by ourselves where my parents are working I came from Italy to London by myself I'm working from France to London the name uh fluffy Fluffy's already caused an upset with the seating plan we had to move they said that it's dangerous having a dog and a baby together do you like the dog uh yeah I do but sometimes it can be a bit annoying [Music] picture on this flight hangs in the balance if any passenger complains about him he won't be allowed to fly and he will have to go on a later flight so it's a nervous wait for these three young siblings we wouldn't want to advertise it just just not to make people uncomfortable he said that I can't take it out what's the subjections and they will be on their way home do you well so far it's been fun [Music] it's so good and quiet I would like to try and keep it that way [Music] [Applause] so we are all boarded and okay thank you 28 business plus 139 in economy and one puppy you live late in 20 minutes now a very nice for any remaining guests traveling or female only 16 gates Away Carrie Anne and Selena have survived their baggage belt breakdown and can now begin boarding the flight to Bangladesh putting cards and passports ready I think this lady needs a needs a wheelchair but they're more concerned with elderly passengers than puppies last stretch everyone hello love Passenger please [Music] sorry to just be bless you faster big though they hang out with all 365 passengers now boarded the girls can focus on more important things all right where's your security guy the devil all right love well done yeah well done so what is your background for work so security phase okay so do you guys you know you should have a coffee after work if you're not doing anything we'll go for a drink and I'll tell you please let's call it a day what are you calling it we'll go for drinks for drinks a drink a drink then all right cool we'll go away all right do it on a date it is a day it's not a day Selena might not think it's a date but if it was she'd be spoiled for places to meet the newest of which is a hotel with a new bar as well as 362 rooms vital to keep up with accommodation demands crucial to its construction is the UK's largest mobile crane come on guys where are you Peter heathrow's Airfield Works manager is escorting it through the tight network of roads which provide access for service and emergency vehicles so it's vital the 15 meter crane navigates the chicane-like terms without damage right well they stopped why have they stopped you're right luckily for Peter the crane hasn't hit anything the driver just needs an extra pair of eyes on the ground [Music] the all-terrain crane is 2.3 meters in width and over 15 meters in length [Music] it has the equivalent weight of over 23 fire engines so it would do more than scratch the paint if it was to bump into something [Music] very tight around there it has front middle and rear steering to help tackle sharp and narrow bends someone got their calculations right squeeze past the final post you're fine did you have your eye Peter has successfully delivered the UK's largest mobile crane to its final destination up three works fine did you say you know everything went smoothly uh well lubricated and uh the cranes out of CPA for Peter it's a job well done and he calls the boss back home with a status report hello mate how you doing that was your party all your mates turn up I'm gonna be leaving shortly and then when I get home we can have a game on the Nintendo all right see you later so job done everyone's happy let's go home [Music] thank you
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 338,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes
Id: 4KTT0hYIUo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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