Meet the Fake Spider-Man (Spider-Men Side Mission) - SPIDER-MAN PS4

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something wrong oh no no I just had to thank you for saving my daughter from those muggers um when did this happen just now yeah busy guy like you I guess it all blurs together huh near the theater on 126 and Powell she's just called and told me right sorry uh happy to help I'm glad your daughter's safe okay I wasn't anywhere near there I should swing by and see what's going on there's the theater and the crime scene I better find out what happened still alive so whoever did this isn't a lethal protector that's promising sorry I missed the action thanks for keeping us safe spider-man you're back already I thought you were checking out that fire right on my way now which way was it again last time you went that way salad thanks got a little turned around someone's impersonating me it could be the chameleon again I've got to pick up his trail it does smell like there was a fire in this direction there's the fire dimension looks like it got put out quickly big bitey what'd you do with that fire extinguisher fire extinguisher huh use the fire escape guess he couldn't copy my web-shooters you came back I can't thank you enough for saving my friend from the fire I thought she was dead my pleasure look I want to make sure everyone's safe but the smoke kind of got to me do you remember where I went next sorry I was helping my friends I think he went back up there Thanks I give your friend my best never faux spider-man is he's helping people but what he's doing is dangerous looks like the fire was caused by an electrical short not arson my doppleganger used a fire extinguisher might still be around here [Music] he used a fire extinguisher what type of suppressant is in this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ADP pretty standard and easy to track he got fire suppressant on him if I key my lenses to track its chemical signature it should lead me right to spider-man 2.0 he's walking normally and a webs no power which makes what he's doing suicidal this guy looks like he's been in a fight maybe you know something come on man lay off I told you everything the deals going down on the roof no lie right just you stay out of trouble hope I'm not too late my topic angers got some skills this one will need painkillers for a few days but should be fine and he left the drugs seems like his intentions are good even if his methods are nuts but police will handle the cleanup counterfeit Spidey must have gone down the other fire escape that's him people seem to like him yeah I mean me I mean this is weird my pleasure citizens excuse me I hear someone in need okay I do not talk like that nobody talks like that let him go Yeah right we'll get even more from mr. Fiske when we bring him your head well hey guys I'm not the real spider-man not anymore you're not time to even the odds a little [Music] I've got this go you know how to fight yeah but when you dress like me you inherit my enemies and I've got a lot of enemies I'll take the ones with guts you get the rest [Music] you know you want to help your community there's a feast shelter nearby and I'm sure folks would appreciate free self-defense classes [Music] [Music] you hi I'll finish them off tell me twice [Music] [Applause] [Music] man that was intense how do you do it one bruise at a time look your hearts in the right place but if you keep this up you're gonna get killed yeah I see that now don't worry I'm hanging up the suit spider-man no more good call besides you don't need a costume to make a difference
Channel: Noctober
Views: 32,173,639
Rating: 4.7246218 out of 5
Keywords: fake spider man, spiderman ps4 side missions, spiderman ps4, spiderman ps4 fake spiderman, spiderman ps4 missions, spiderman ps4 news, marvels spiderman, marvels spiderman side missions, marvels spiderman spidermen side mission, spiderman fan, spiderman ps4 spidermen, spiderman ps4 all side missons, spiderman fans, spiderman ps4 spidermen walkthrough, spiderman ps4 spider armor mark 5, the spider armor mark 5, spider man ps4 spider armor mark 5 gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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