MEET THE ALTERS: KYLE | DissociaDID | Dissociative Identity Disorder

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kyle was formed in 2000/2001/2002 though. When they were a child.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/edenflicka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

There ia another video where they said thet male alters are formed because trauma can be "separated" when there's is a difference in gender between the biological body and the alter one. Do you remember when everyone asked kyle what his trauma was?. They never said why he was formed, but they kinda let us guess that it was because sexual abuse. I think they said it in the sexual survivor video or in this one, I'm not sure actually.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LemostPerson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It looks like they are reading a prepared script or notes.

That is one well organised system!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fleur-duMal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right guys hello this is Kyle and welcome back to another video by dissociated our patrons from the wonderful associated patreon I've asked for me to do a meet the oldest video so that's what I'm doing for you now [Music] so what is this video this video is a meet the ultras video which means that I'm gonna tell you about me my name is Kyle I'm the primary protector in the dissociated system I'm going to tell you about what that means basically our primary protector is the ultra in a system that looks out for everybody I guess we are the the first point of contact for looking after and out for the system and making sure the systems safe now that can mean that we're keeping the system safe internally externally as much as possible for me that means I know pretty much everything that goes on in the system I'm 19 years old but still you have all these agencies that can get a bit funny sometimes ages represent a time and in the life of an older where they got stuck or they were formed sometimes it just seems to be random for me identify as being 19 years old but my my intelligence and the way my brain works I have the maturity of somebody much older than that so some of you may be familiar with me on this channel I've done a PI or does my makeup video which people seem to find quite amusing if you want to watch that you can you can see that up there I've been around for a long time I've been around in the system for many many years I've been around since it's way way way before Chloe knew that she had the ID since before most of the others that we have now were formed I've been around from the start and some of my duties involve making sure that people always are doing what they need to be doing making sure that everyone's happy you could kind of call me like the boss of the system if you want like technically Chloe's like the figure heads and I'm the boss on the manager who makes sure that everyone's everyone's doing what they need to be doing to make sure that everything goes well and that everybody's happy so if somebody front end is in trouble I'll be the first person to step forward unless it's like a physical attack in which case ruby would step forward or if it needs a really scathing tongue then that would be Jade's area of expertise but other than that if something's going wrong but a smart job to figure it out internal or external I'm generally around in the inner world a lot making sure that everybody's arrived if somebody goes missing in me in the worlds I'll go find him the little Snoopy puts beds Chloe you're right or Sally will be putting them to bed you know what do I look like I've got I've got that care that is spiky it front add a bit of a quiff I've got a small nose probably lips about same size as this blue eyes shut up this are mine right I've got cover up this bird all [Music] right are you kidding me about 5 foot 10 I like to wear hoodies I like to wear hats a lot and this is my hoodie that I got for Christmas for me nice man's clothing yeah like I said I've I've been around for a long time right I've been through some changes over the years right I I used to be a bit of a [ __ ] I used to be everything yet and it ain't something I'm proud of but protectors come with we get we get we get enough responsibility a lot of responsibility and you know just like anyone we didn't ask to be like created my bonuses well we didn't ask for what we've got right when I was coming to terms with the reality either I ain't ever gonna have my own life I never gonna have my own body I never gonna be as in a relationship with somebody who I love in the way I want to because I ain't got my own body I ain't ever gonna be able to yeah going to law because that's what I wanted to do I went to go into law but what I do what I do is look after our system and I will always look after our system now a lot of you know me as quite chill laid-back guy and I am quite sure laid-back guy you know I like to laugh a lot my means I try not to take life too seriously like I like a bit of a giggle now and then but I do have a lot on my shoulders and I do have to make a lot of really difficult decisions in the system I mean at one point there was too many of us and there was too much going on and I had to put one of the littles and a few of our art was had to put him to sleep for a while you know they went dormant and that was my decision that had to be made don't regret it I think that it was important it wasn't done against their will but you know stuff like that takes a lot out here you know knowing that at the end of the day anything that happens in in the system is my responsibility to deal with not unlike the last and the first point of contact you know I've got I've got to make sure things stay shipshape so when I was first coming to terms with all this riot I was frustrated with Chloe I was she didn't know I was real she thought I don't even know what she thought she weren't taken it seriously right that was how it should've been like with the ID there's a reason that the hosts and sometimes I always don't know that they're sharing a body and it's all about survival it's about staying safe there's a reason why you're not supposed to know what's going on because you wouldn't be able to live with it otherwise you won't be able to deal with that kind of pain and still be able to live a normal life like but I knew and I had to I had to deal with some abusers myself and I had to look after Chloe and I had to look after the inner world as well and that was a lot for a kids it's a lot for any kids but that ain't no excuse for being a dick I was never a persecutor but I was a bit of an ass I was a bit of an ass relationships between sister members can get difficult can get strained sometimes you know there's there's a lot that goes on that's complex within system life the single people people with one integrated personality ain't ever even going to think about let alone how to deal with I mean [ __ ] like I was frustrated because I felt like clone was weak I felt like she was stronger as a host none of this stuff would be happening that maybe I wouldn't have so much on my shoulders you know it may it may be none of this we should have been stronger in the first place none of this would happened you know right but that's not what it's like we were both kids Chloe plays her role in the system she plays it really [ __ ] well better than ever now that she's aware and she's taking that on board Chloe's more than just a host - she's a protector like me but I'm the primary protector I've got a lot of stories to tell I seen a lot in the world and outer world and it gets frustrating the people see me as this body you know like people see me as a 22 year old girl like oh you know what what could she possibly know what could she possibly have seen in online well I'm not sure you for a start as frustrating I'm going to be making a video on dysphoria cuz I suffer the worst with this for ya apart from Gregory probably but like Gregory ain't out as much as me you know being a man in a girl's body no woman's body aye sir so a lot of challenges on a sign right and I think that a lot of people underestimate me because of the on a jokichi or persona that I thought cross and that is what I'm like I'm very chill very relaxed I do like to have a laugh and be a flirt you know like I like existing I do I do and we've been through some rough times I've been through some rough times all of us have been through some rough times but I'm a dad to some of the liquids in system I've officially adopted some of them I've got some little girls my little girls I love doing much and Chloe and i co-parent and some of them and my little girls and some of them are Chloe's little girls they know as mommy they know me as Kyle sometimes they'll call me Dad then my baby son I love kids I really love kids you probably won't think it looking at me and I hear me talk but I do I've got a massive soft spot for kids so I'm always making sure that little is all right and at this stage they've got everything they need and I spoil the hell out of them I do Chloe even more than me to clear out my and Chloe ain't in a relationship or anything like that we've never been in a relationship we wouldn't be able to do it but we do co-parent I'm single I'm in a relationship our system as of this moment is in a relationship with another system and there are multiple relationships between our system and theirs but I'm not one of one of them so I'm a single boy single dads I'm intelligent I know lot of people think that I based on my accent and yeah like that image uh cut across is a bit like I don't know like common Gangstar I'm not gangster shut up but like do you know what I'm getting at I did a lot of the lot of science at school we were very intelligent we're sharing intelligent brain I am good at logic stuff I like organizing I like being tidy making lists and stuff I like being in control and I own what's going on and having plans the Chloe's much more on the like [ __ ] she likes having everything sorted out as well so we get in well like that but she's much more on the literature science stuff so like we were the highest achieving girl in our in our high school year we got you know straight A's a star students I took the science stuff so we got a starts in that - ace doesn't know a level Chloe got a nice star in English literature and I think we were the only person to get a nice star and that as well I'm very logic based think ah I make my decisions based off facts I've emotions but I'm not not an emotional person not Chloe's a very emotional person like I'm a little bit further removed from that stuff like and you may think oh what why is it keep bringing up close because me and Chloe asked the the most thought control over this system in terms of external stuff at least so like we like the two people who are most kind of in control of how the system works right and what decisions are made and everybody does need to make decisions together and that's very important that we do and when it comes to things like and they're making important decisions that everybody needs their input on everybody will come and give their opinion and we've got like I've had a panel of protectors right and we call us the executive protectors and that is that's me Jade and Chloe and we we make the final decisions on that or on what happens so it's it's a growth decision group vote but you know if it can't be decided on then we would decide between the three of us is the executive protectors and that's how we work it you could kind of think of it as being not run like a business but like this is democracy but we've still got you know people at like the higher ends of power a sort thing that that's our last how it works in our system and I'm light up with Chloe at the very top the roles we play are different but we both got a lot an equal amount of power but you know when it comes to final things might my decision is respected the most because I'm the one who takes care of everybody not in a physical way like Chloe does what she can out here but on in and out all the time like people know who I am you know I'm the dad of the system like I kept us safe as much as I can and I've done for the last time 19 years do I eat yeah yeah I age I do age slowly so last year I was 18 now I'm 19 and like I said that don't really relate to my intelligence or maturity it's just a number like anything it's just a number like I know people who were are raised you you know got the mental capacity of a 13 year old and you know and I thirteen year olds you can have a really long conversation with us just like somebody who's twenty two words you know I'm flying I like food so just a positive trigger for me so often when we were around food our front at least a little bit at the time especially if it's like pizza or not you know good food Chinese food is a massive slight positive trigger for me a positive trigger is something that can like cool forward and oh our or like encourage you know at the front but not in a negative way so a lot a negative trigger would be like for example if someone starts screaming and somebody switched out then that would be because it's a negative trigger you know like somebody got triggered out sort of thing which I ain't a good thing but a positive trigger is just like a right for example if one of our little see something you know really paint and fluffy like a kid's thing than that though usually end up rock-rock it into the front pretty quick but that don't mean they upset and it don't mean it's a bad thing and it can be like it can be annoying and difficult to avoid it's but like that's just how stuff works in it like what's my accident people might ask I've got an Essex accent some people seem to be very opinionated on this in like now Kyle you've got a cockney accent or a London accent I think my sing my accent is is Essex because we grew up in in the same place we've been the same place all our lifes and when we live in Essex and like some people around you a really really well spoken like Sally's really really well spoken in English like but other people we know we've got like this deep Essex kind of accent and that's probably kind of where where mine got picked up from because you know in high school and stuff like that I spend a lot of time out because that's when a lot of the abuse was going on and I had you know what my abuses that were I would I would have to take care of that you know got enclosed behalf and then sometimes other people would have to so but I don't get triggered easily like for example if somebody does get triggered I'm usually the person who'll make sure they're okay look after the body the other night okay it was I reckon it was Chloe put it up on Twitter and like how I looked after her in omega because they both had flashbacks at the same time and I was like right I made sure Megan was all right and I slipped in front with her so we have a coke on coke conscious means like two people kind of drive in the body at once not sharing the steering wheel sort of think she was in the passenger seat I was driving I had one arm around her if you're gonna think of it like it's a car and I made them I made them some hot chocolate I made sure they ate some food I made sandwiches for them and you know I made sure we've taken our medicine and I was doing all this stuff and I felt absolutely useless like if my heart was doing all this stuff right because there ain't nothing you can do to take away the pain of a memory those that there ain't nothing you can do about that you just gotta ride it through and it it's awful to watch and it's even worse to experience but I was doing what could and it was just she was crying a cry and a crying I seen oh Jesus like I just snapped it was a bit of a bad day for a skit I thought and I was looking in fridge for something to put in a hot chocolate and I found a can of whipped cream and it's nearly empty I swear self-care all in my mouth till it was done and that made her laugh and it tasted pretty good we were quite sick so it probably weren't the best idea but I mean you know it worked for a little bit so like problem solving but yeah I've got loads and stories about system I've got loads of stories about everybody in the system I know what secrets I don't know everybody's secrets for life I know like me and Jade work together pretty well because I am easy to get along with I'm quite chilled laid-back guy but I don't mean you can look over me because I in that kind of person that I'm primary protector I will step in and tell you that back off if necessary like Ruby don't beat me to it or Jade yeah that's me I guess my favorite colors are gray and blue I like sky-blue slash navy blue 19 I'm male and I'm a systems primary protector I don't go by labels for my sexuality but the closest one would be pansexual because I really don't care like I'm attracted to people not the body they come in so it really doesn't matter to me at all if I fancy somewhere I fancy them you know I don't don't care but yeah my name is Kyle when this was my making out with video if you want to know more about the ID or you want to meet the other was in our system then you can go ahead and have a look our playlists which would be linked at the end of this video if you want to see some other videos are Fenian ups your clock we will drop one up there and if you will understand how di D works and like the psychology behind it why it's formed is it definitely real what's the proof Chloe does this fantastic and and some of the others have joined in as well actually it's fantastic series called debunking di D where we debunk stigmas and the inaccurate information that surrounds this disorder so if you want to learn about that please go check it out I really hope you enjoyed this I just want to pop in a really quick shout out as well while talked about Paige to our patrons because we are now filming on our brand-new camera which means that we ain't got no stupid autofocus goal isn't our anymore so you guys are going to be happy about that thank you so much to our amazing patrons you guys really lifted our quality of life and you've helped us to to get to a better place and to have this amazing filming equipment so that we can we can make better quality stuff for you guys to watch and so that we can spread our message further right make it more enjoyable to learn about the idea cuz that's the whole reason why we do this is to educate people and to reassure people that ain't as scary as you might think ya ain't no picnic ain't no walk in the park and it ain't all sunshine and rainbows but it's absolutely possible to live a happy life with div thank you so much for supporting us right everybody see you later bye [Music]
Channel: DissociaDID
Views: 767,464
Rating: 4.9841719 out of 5
Keywords: Dissociative identity disorder, DID, DID disorder, dissociation, dissociating, DissociaDID, dissociated, dissociative disorder, multiple personality, multiple personalities, multiple personality disorder, mental health, mental illness, mental disorder, alter, Alters, Meet the Alters, Alters DID, Alter introduction, meet my alters, Meet the alters DissociaDID, alters intro, DissociaDID Alters, depression, switch caught on camera, DID switch, DissociaDID Kyle, meet the alters Kyle
Id: AbXhJ3iQFR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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