Meet John & Mack: The Most Famous American Kids In Korea | ASIAN BOSS
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Channel: Asian Boss
Views: 1,698,703
Rating: 4.9043717 out of 5
Keywords: asian boss, asia, korea, south korea, kids, living abroad, famous, celebrity, 존, 맥, 외국인, 한국인, 학국말, 특히함, 신기한, asian, interview, 뉴스, 인터뷰, news, 한국, 대한민국, 아이들, 아가들, 귀여워, cute, children
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
First gen white children in Asia:
-Marveled at and praised for speaking Asian language and eating Asian food
-Popular at school, even popular online to the extent of having some sort of celebrity status
-Complimented for being "attractive" (codeword for looking white), stopped on the street and scouted for modelling/acting gigs
First gen Asian children in the West:
-Mocked by kids and adults for having an accent when speaking English
-Unpopular at school, often bullied, kids make slant-eyed gestures at them
-Ashamed to bring Asian food to school because the other kids think its disgusting and weird
these white kids will become the presidents of korea in the future at this rate. blows my mind how one can treat people so much better solely for the color of their skin
It still boggles my mind why we're the only race that acts this pathetic. I mean it's not like Asians were the only victims of white colonization, why doesn't other races act like this. Fuck man.
It's very sad that white kids will be embraced and popular in Korea and given celebrity status. While (I assume) a Korean American would be looked down on for not being Korean enough or not speaking the language perfectly.
John is about to hit that bullying age real soon.
I think this is what infuriates me the most about the differences between Asians and whites no matter where they're from. The overwhelming reality is Asians get treated the most subhumanly, which speaks to issues of sexpats, dating, and media portrayal that we have brought up time and time again.
I am pretty sure they are a lot of kids who are from South East Asia who can speak better than them. Anyway, it's sickening. I didn't watch the video because it pisses me off
Lmao i love the line “knowing your place and giving proper respect was confusing” ???
i don't speak korean but if i did, these kids probably sound like shit in koreans.