We rented a Korean 'Oppa' | ASIAN BOSS

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hey guys it's Marie from Asian boss thanks to the rise in popularity of kdramas Korean men are often perceived as tall good-looking and basically the perfect boyfriend or oppa I'll pass the term Korean females used to refer to guys older than them often in a flirtatious kind of way but what if there was actually a service that allows you to run out to all three of them to give you a private tour of Korea recently we came across one company that does exactly that on this scientists can rent an opera to show them erotic Korea all for a small fee well today we're going to see if we can rent an Appa and get some insight okay let's see well he looks kind of cute I guess gonna flick it on him Adam is his name okay so on his profile it says he speaks perfect English and you can even choose where to go or even customize where you want him to take you I'm using a small writing a person experience but kind of excited at the same time all right looks like we're all set let's go meet him now oh hi are you my oh yeah I'm alright hugging yeah I don't know okay nice to meet you I am Marie I'm aremy okay so I don't know this feels like a blindside so what are we supposed to do I'll bring you around one day and we can have a conversation and maybe drink a coffee yeah okay yeah let's go [Music] by you rather I rabbit you like it I like the name [Music] with string would you like when they lobbying lot there will do do you want to order it try ordering it and then Korean panel a pin lot there and done tonight [Music] okay so we have to share because I'm quite title on my money for Lucas okay we have to like share it first actually [Music] but yep I'd like to try cake first [Music] okay eat first okay so when did you start doing this job I started this job in April this year I grew up in Korea and then we moved to New Zealand and I lived there for about 15 years I only came back three years ago and then I was looking for a job somehow I found this oh my so are you doing this that's a full-time job or are you doing something else I do a few other business businesses too and I'm actually a mobile streamer and why exactly did you start oh my oppa I was doing a similar kind of tour previously it was called era meat war because I was bringing my viewers from the mobile streaming when they come to Korea I brought them around Korea and we went for camping and stuff what kind of services do you offer I bring you guys around and show you guys some good places and recommend and suggest we're to go and what to do in Korea how much do you charge we have fixed price around 70 to 80 dollars for 25 hours how often do you get hired if I open up every day I usually get almost full booking every day that's a lot do Koreans ever hire you a Korean guys or girls we don't allow Korean girls or guys to book us so it's really just a tourist yeah so is full foreigner so shall we do something else sounds good so we're at Han River now and this is a tandem bike so we have two seats here so I'll be using this you can just hold this handle and just do the pedals all right let's try we might fall I apologize in advance I will stop pedaling and you can just follow your ticket Elise okay good are you having fun it's nothing comfortable though yes I'm not scared at all [Music] so what are the things that you can or cannot do anything involves physically touching like holding hands and kissing but we hug each other earlier was that too much already yes we broke the rules oh my god it's any other client other than read right across the line before not really this because the tour is only for two and a half hours it's quite short have you ever dated a client after the tour no I haven't our policy is very restricted we normally cannot exchange numbers afterwards so yeah I never had a chance who was your average customer our customers are aged around 20s to 30s usually there are more Asian than Western people more Asians yeah because I think Kay drummers are more well-known in Asian countries then European and Western countries so since your service is called woman oh my oppa do your clients call you oppa yes usually even though they are older than me they still call me oppa how does it feel when they are called upon well usually I think they like to be called as an oppa how do I say you just say like that they go oh you mean a new voice yes yeah the voice changes it's better when you add some movement don't just say oppa sale ask them like why do Korean girls do this I don't know they think is very thank you they think they're cute while they're doing this chicken it looks like a ticket yeah yeah you guys don't do it in like your country not all yeah I think that's tested the friends between like Korean and Weston like foreigners do girls ever take advantage if they try to keep a cute yep yep yep like let's say if you want to get a Chanel bag you can just go and and just point at it to the bag and and yeah doesn't work when I do to you let's see okay that was one thousand one I want do you think it's actually getting quite cold should we move on to the next location yeah can you warm up my hands I my hands are usually my hands on you should warm [Music] we are at the convenience store and there is like Korean style ramen that we can eat yeah let's try these two and so this is a Romulan cooking machine okay and put the noodle inside here and take out the flavor and then you put the plate here you just crack the egg and put it inside oh that's all right [Music] alright pull it down a little bit [Music] okay so usually you like this in Korea you need to make sound while you're eating just suck it hard as you can I don't think Korean guys are so popular overseas because of the mostly kdrama and kpop how are Korean guys portrayed in Korean drama every time when you see the drama you can find a perfect looking they are very told everything is like perfect you know how are Korean guys really I've been told that I'm you can find the perfect Korean guys and one of the most famous club in Gangnam it's really hard to find like these people that acting in the drama but do you dislike most about this job when people first hear about the service some people think is quite weird yeah yeah something like that but it's not true yeah this is completely not true why cut off message would you like to tell foreigners who are planning on visiting Korea if it's their first time visiting Korea I think it's a good idea to book use our service because our hope is already to I bring you guys around and like give you guys nice tips Korea is a nice place and I'm sure there are a lot of cool stuffs that you can experience for first time so yeah please do visit Korea okay thank you so much out of me for today I had a little problem you taught me a lot yeah was really good I'm glad that you enjoyed you said you are not allowed to exchange contact details that's true well I think we broke many rules to them okay it's okay to break them out the rule number Wow okay I see okay okay we have a chance yeah okay okay take care okay [Music]
Channel: Asian Boss
Views: 1,074,158
Rating: 4.9310222 out of 5
Keywords: oppa, Korea, Korean culture, K-pop, K drama, k-drama, korean drama, asian boss, asianboss, interview, travel, rent, 한국, 오빠, 한국오빠, 한국 오빠, 한국 오빠 빌리기, 사업, 신기한 사업
Id: cdcgpepswEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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