We surprised a Korean grandma living on $2 a day | ASIAN BOSS
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Channel: Asian Boss
Views: 2,477,703
Rating: 4.9650483 out of 5
Keywords: Asian Boss, Poverty in Korea, Korean elderly, heartwarming story, giving money to the poor, Elderly poverty, kroea, korean, korean person, korean poverty, korea poverty, poor, give money, charity, story, good story, teary eyed, 한국, 한국인, 한국 사람, 한국 문화, 한국 삶, korean life, korean culture
Id: _xcvPRBIqmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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That was hard to watch.
How modest and humble can a person be.
This kind of people, even when a mistake is made not on their side (car accident), they are not going to accept the help.
I'm almost sure, her kids don't even know she lives that way. She is probably to proud to admit, that is not able take care of her own.
Great initiative.
I really hope those people will eventually find a courage to ask for help.
How does your back get like that?
The driver who hit her offered her his business card and yet she just declined everything. Just lived off her savings and didn't do anything.
This doesn't make sense. If you get hit by a car and the dude offers to help, why wouldn't you accept? Is there some sort of culture in South Korea of not accepting help? Wouldn't she been helped by the insurance company if you get hit by a car?
So many questions.
Wonderful Lady with a great Heart and humble dignity.
If you aren't personally saving for your retirement now than expect to be living in the same conditions as these people.
I think this bothers me so much cause ME PERSONALLY I would have went and brought her home instantly. Five children and not one shows up.
SK is quite wealthy nowadays this not accepable.
Doesn't South Korea have a retirement for old people?