Korean Adoptee Reunites with Identical Twin Brother!- "aka DAN" KOREAN ADOPTEE DOC Pt. 3 -

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jeeeeek 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

it totally threw me off when i heard the guy on the stage rapping in danish because i understand it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/havregryns 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2017 🗫︎ replies
I think the number one thing that people keep-either they tweet me, or they send me a comment is: "I hope that you find what you're looking for." I feel like they think that like, I'm missing this like, huge piece of me, in my life, and ultimately, I guess I am. This should technically reconnect me with everything that I've been missing. This is the one missing puzzle piece in my life so far, like not knowing where I came from. Oh my god... [Reading] "Dear Dan Matthews, I am writing to share the information of your birth family. You may also find that your brother Kiseong is actually your twin brother." What?! As soon as I took off my mic and walked inside, I went to talk to the social worker. She basically just walked me through what was about to happen. And then after that, she was like "Are you ready to go up?" She just want to make sure completely that I was ready to go. Then I was like "Yep, let's do it." So me and Jason walked up. It was on the second floor, and it was literally like one of those things straight out of a movie. Honest to God, I am able to replay that scene in my mind over and over again. As soon as he stepped inside, his mom came up and she started hugging him, and touching his face. She couldn't believe that she was seeing her son after like, 28 years. I was looking at people. I was looking at her, I was hugging her, but it was difficult. Because I haven't met them before, there was that distance I have between myself and the family. She was crying for a long time. It took a while for her to calm down. Dan...he was really...he was in shock. It was a very emotional moment. It was a relatively quick meeting, it went a lot faster than what I thought. I thought that I was going to be there for a really long time. That's why I was really happy that they suggested eating somewhere. Right now we're at the location where we had my first family meal. That's really weird. After we finished dinner, they're saying goodbye, and his mom did not want to let him go. She was walking away, and turned around, she started crying again. She kept on coming back to me, holding my face, holding my hands, just not wanting to let go. And then she walked away again, and then she came back. She did the same exact thing. It was really really difficult. For two reasons, the first reason is I got really really uncomfortable. I didn't know how to react. I didn't know whether or not I was being a bad person for not reacting with her. I wasn't crying with her. But it was also a difficult situation just because this person genuinely cares about me. She has this love for me, and I don't know how to convey the same love, at least not at this point in the relationship. It's very very interesting situation. Oh my god dude, it's so crazy! I think I was just in shock the entire time. You know you're supposed to feel something to these people, but you're really disconnected with them. Like, I've never met them before-on top of the fact that I was also dealing with the fact that I knew my twin was in the room too. And I saw the dude, and at first I didn't immediately see it. Then as I spent more time with him, the features, it set in a lot. I could definitely tell that there were a lot of similarities between me and him. Our postures are really the same. There's a lot of other weird like internal things, he got laser eye surgery, and I wear glasses and stuff. He had braces when he was younger too, so his teeth are ok now. I think we're fraternal twins, I don't think we're identical. First off, the guy's like 6'1. He's much taller than me and the rest of the family, which is super bizarre to me. He's like a lot taller than me. I found out I have a different birthday than I actually do. I found out that I'm two years younger than I actually am! Are you serious?! No, I'm just kidding. That's not true. When I got Dan's message, I lost it. I was like Dan's a twin! I freaked out. It's just crazy how intertwined our lives are. I feel like we were meant to meet Dan. Dan told me about IKAA and told me to come here. Every time I see Dan, I feel like I have that feeling again. The surprise and the joy of finding somebody of your family. [Park Geun-hye speaking in background] Left after birth, moved from hospital to an iron crib No memories about my early life, only the information in my file Case number they gave me with my name, the number I chose to decorate my arm Childhood memories and pictures start from 3 months Later mom and dad proudly showing people Their friends ask "Can't you remember anything from that foreign country of yours?" But I don't remember anything, I was a newborn baby you fools! Stop asking idiotic questions and stop disrespecting my parents asking if I miss my "biological" I'm not say this is how it is, I'm just saying this is how I feel, these are my thoughts, my lyrics, my words, my thing. Thank you for letting me share it. So we're on our way to Arirang TV. I'm going to make an appearance on Korea Today on Arirang, which is like the Korean version of PBS. I'm really excited, I get to talk about my adoption experience and I'm really honored they'll have me on their TV show. Bang it. Jason's coming too. Shut up Jason. It should be a really good experience though, I've heard a lot of really amazing things about Arirang and just to have the opportunity to talk as an adoptee to a national audience, I think is really- one, it's an honor, and two, for me to be able to process and be able to explain what's going on so far in my experience as an adoptee. It was a long time coming, Dan Matthews joins me now to share with us his special story. Thank you for joining us this morning Thank you so much. Now let's get right to it, you've met with your biological parents, and your siblings. Some of whom you didn't even know existed until recently. What went through your mind as you went into that room to sit down with them? It was a really surreal moment. It was something that I kind of played through my mind over and over again before I actually got into it. Then you walk in there, and you don't expect anything. It was shocking. I think the best way to describe it is very shocking, especially the siblings. The brother I didn't know existed is actually my twin brother. So that was mind-blowing. It's like looking at yourself for the first time. Were you able to get some of the answers you were looking for? No. Not at all, at least at this point. I feel like I was too in shock to be able to ask anything at all. I mainly just made small-talk. For the most part I just sat there, looking at people. I couldn't believe that I was actually in that situation. So you didn't ask them the questions that were probably burning in your mind all these years. Well to be honest, I think that now that it's-up 'til this moment, I haven't had... I had one question that I actually was able to ask. I had dinner with my brother and my birth mom yesterday. The question was about health issues, if there's anything disease-wise that I had to worry about. Apparently I'm from pretty healthy family, bad eyes, bad teeth, but beyond that, pretty good. But to be honest, when I was in that situation, I think that all of my concentration was going into what it was going to be like when I actually first met them, not what I was going to ask them. I think I need to think for a very long time, and just write down a lot of questions. Well thank you Mr. Matthews for sharing your very special story with us this morning. Thank you so much. KiSeong! Good to see you. I scheduled an appointment with one of the leading twin experts in the world to do some tests to see how similar Kiseong and I were. Nice to meet you Thank you so much for communicating and everything. You're very welcome. I really appreciate it. Welcome to Korea and Seoul. Thank you! Yes, I'm very happy to be here. The twin expert compared our medical histories and also had us take a personality test. The physical height and weight are very different but generally the personalities are very similar. It's amazing to see how similar. And you both have low eyesight and back problems. Also some genetic differences are there if you are fraternal twins because fraternal twins generally share 50% of the genetic material. So if you're fraternal twins your genes are not completely the same. Anyway, DNA test will tell you. Open your mouth please. These are ok? Yes, yes. A little more. It's a match! I don't usually have pretty girls pull my hair. Thank you so much. I appreciate your time. After the test, Kiseong wanted to show me his apartment, which was located in the suburbs outside of Seoul. Yeah! Donkey Kong, Super Mario they're all the same. All part of the same company. Kiseong is helping me listen to some of his favorite music right now. Korean rapper E-sens. Why do you like hip hop? Hip hop? Why do I like it? No particular reason. I just like it. You just like it? Yeah. It just comes naturally. You ever shop here? Yeah. Everyday. Yay, we're here! This is his place. Oh man! This is great. Snoop Dogg! Everything I did it. I decorated all of them, paintings. I love his decals. Definitely something I would have. Fashion, something I would've had. Giant bear, definitely something I would've had. Chicken thing in the corner, definitely something I would've had. This is probably if I actually lived in Korea, I think my place would look similar to this. I like your shoes too. This is the jacket that you...um... Yeah, yeah. There's a photo that they sent, and this is the jacket you were wearing in the photo. Yeah, yeah. That's my first memory of you, wearing that jacket. This one is interesting. Wait really? The bottom is leather. I wanted to show this. He's way more creative than I am. He also has a skateboard, which is interesting, because I can't skateboard at all. So that's the one big difference between me and him. I've got bad balance. But he can skateboard, he can ski and everything. I can't do any of that.
Channel: ISAtv
Views: 2,710,387
Rating: 4.896183 out of 5
Keywords: aka DAN, DANakaDAN, adoption, documentary, Korean adoptee, Korean, biological family, isatv, adoptee, korea, megan lee, eat your kimchi, International Korean Adoptee Association, IKAA, adoption documentary, kpop, asian American, isa, seoul, ikaa, reunion, birth, family, love, identity, music
Id: sWPcPbzlOLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 13 2014
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