Meet CATNAP! - Sonic and Friends

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[Music] all right guys how would you feel about a quick trip to Sonic H I can work with that I can't lie I am parched right now a cherry limeade would do wonders well we're not that far so no need to worry it's a nice day out too so we can eat outside man it feels good now that it's spring again I know right I was tired of all the cold weather [Music] huh what the what was that noise it kind of sounded like a cat what is someone taking their cat on a walk people even do that big Blaze that's in a whole another dimension dude right that wouldn't make sense well it's got to be one of them look at that purple cat in those rocks over there it looks like it's trapped guys we got to help it hey buddy you okay don't worry we're going to get you out of there here I found where it's stuck help me out guys all right here we [Applause] go W there you go little guy well you're not so little and man you're kind of creepy man good thing I was wearing my gloves or my cat allergy would have gone crazy hey what are you doing hey I think he likes you well I'm sorry Kitty but I can't like you well uh we saved this creep creepy cat so can we go to Sonic now all right come on guys let's go see you later cat all right guys go on ahead I'm going to go grab the trash all right see you inside Sonic all right tomorrow is trash day time to get these things pulled out to the [Music] curb whoa what the it's you that cat from earlier today did you follow us all the way home sorry buddy but I don't think I can let you inside I sure do feel bad leaving you out here though okay you can come in for the night maybe we can find you at home tomorrow hopefully taals and Knuckles won't be too bothered well Kitty this is where you'll be staying for the night hey Sonic do we have any more what the it's that creepy cat from earlier today and you brought it inside you brought what inside guys guys I can explain listen I was out getting the trash cans when I saw him out there shivering I thought I'd just let him stay in here for the night we can find him a new home tomorrow man we don't even know this cat's name well that's not an issue I mean he's got a caller so maybe he belongs to somebody and we can find out tomorrow in fact maybe he has a name on there let's check and okay hat that I don't like how creepy it looks and that's a weird name it'll also make my allergies blare up okay I didn't question this earlier but how are you allergic to cats when you're just fine around big or Blaze there's a difference between people and animals Knuckles but aren't we animals but we're also people huh just don't question it I'm allergic to that thing and I don't want it here well listen it's just staying for the night and it'll only stay in my room get better and make sure to lock your door too I don't want it roaming around and getting its hair everywhere don't worry I will now come on catnap why don't we head to bed I got a bad feeling about this H if it's only for a night can't be too bad [Music] who could possibly be making all that noise at this time of [Music] night why is my door wide open uh catnap he's not there did he get out somehow guess I better go check it out [Music] what the catnap did get out catnap what are you doing in here jeez Sonic didn't we tell you to lock the door sorry Tails I thought I locked it what's he doing in our silverware anyway your guess is as good as mine well do you think you could get that thing back in your room the cat hair is already affecting my allergies all right who's disturbing my beauty sleep this guy no what the thought that thing was in your room Sonic well he was but somehow he got out well did you lock your door I guess not well he's interrupting my precious time of rest so you need to get him back in there so I can sleep all right catnap enough playing in the silverware let's get back to the room ah f finally I'm going to go back to sleep chill well all right then good night guys oh wait I got to turn the light out hey who turned out the light I can't help [Music] sorry so uh did he get out again in the middle of the night or something he shouldn't have been able to too I locked the door for sure the second time well I don't know how he's doing it but he's definitely getting out oh guys there's cat everywhere I can barely stand it we need to get rid of this thing help like I was saying we have to get rid of that cat well that's the plan today we're going to find that cat at home one where he'll be happy and healthy maybe we can make some money while we're at it I'm an excellent salesman anything to get rid of it my allergies are going crazy speaking of which where is catnap anyway haven't seen him all day what wa there you are enough Dilly dallion guys what better place to start than the park there's plenty of willing customers there sounds good all right catnap time to find you a home so uh how do we even begin to sell this thing that's the thing it's so hideous I don't think anyone would want it unless we give it away for free you guys aren't experienced in the realm of salesmanship like I am trust me I've got this come one come all to knuckles's Fantastic freak Show what what are you doing sh just watch the customers roll in did somebody say freaky uh not quite I said freak close enough wait a minute jet you're a weird guy you'd love this hey hey hey hey wait Sonic I appreciate the help but I'm the salesman here you'll ruin my whole pitch so what kind of gooberlicious stuff are y'all selling oh we're selling the most gooberlicious thing imaginable this cat W the did I just watch it die what no he's just playing dead play in see wow what a sophisticated little creature so well Tamed exactly and he's one of a kind look at these stitches on his legs these horrifying claws these deep empty eyes my goodness I could only imagine this thing costs quite the fortune that's what you would think but today he's on a special discount for only 12 bucks oh you drive a hard bargain that's a little over what I made last month okay okay well du to your circumstances why don't we bring it down to a clean tin sir you have got yourself a deal Knuckles actually did it finally that cat will be gone I knew I could do it if I didn't have a slight cat allergy so you're not going to buy it slight cat allergies chill yep sorry guys just not feeling like taking that risk today and just when I thought Knuckles actually did it I tried just not the right customer well you got any more salesmanship in you depends how many people come running for my speech no don't worry we're going to find you home soon hey wait knuckles I think we might have more customers really [Music] oh there he ISO it's time uh Sonic we don't have to serve these guys I mean sometimes you can read a customer by their looks until they're not with to buy we've got to try every customer we can get and that cat needs a home if you won't do it for the cat's sake do it for [Music] Tails okay fine hey Knuckles long time no see pal don't touch me so I see you've picked up a business in selling cats it's uh not really a business I'm just trying to get rid of this thing well if you're looking for a job me and CH me have the perfect offer for you you'll never believe what role will open up if you join the leadership role dude give me some space okay wow this cat looks pathetic almost as pathetic as Vector cuz he's been missing one of his old Pals so much it's a real shame he went grocery shopping earlier today and he was in tears before he left because it broke his heart knowing that one of his favorite activities he used to do with his best friend he's now all alone don't care if that guy's crying crocodile tears or not are you going to buy the cat or what well will you join the chaotics if we get out dude what the heck why didn't you sell to them we would have gotten rid of the cat I'm an honorary salesman I'm not going to lie to them and say I'll join just to sell it well now what do we do I don't see anyone willing to buy this thing even for the low price of 10 bucks maybe we should just give it away for free like you know how we found it I'm a Salesman not a charity this guy has value I know it value you say well well well if it isn't big oh man I glad to see you right now really no one's ever said that to me before yeah nobody usually thinks that but these are special circumstances because I'm trying to sell you something I don't want I don't know what you just said but you s it direct so uh what are you selling me anyway well my friend we're selling this purple cat right here oh that's a cat yeah I know it's hard to tell through the sunken eyes and the wide smile but he's a real softy once you get to know him well he looks nice in all Knuckles but I feel kind of weird owning a cat considering I am oh come on man if I had a little mini me to own I'd be so happy think of this just as a little version of you it's hard to think about it like that whenever he's staring at me like that oh he means no harm he's just greeting you so sorry I just don't feel great about owning a purple cat especially one that looks like that oh if it's his fur that's the issue I can pay them orang INE I'm sure he look great heck after that I could even drop the price by five bucks wait you were going to make me pay for that uh yeah oh well sorry I'm definitely good now uh I'll be over there fishing if you need me not to sell any more animals though dang it Big's like the softest guy we know and even he won't take it I don't see anyone else around I think it's hopeless no there's got to be someone there's got to be someone jeez Knuckles calm down how am I supposed to calm down when I can't even make a single sale uh hey guys what are you screaming about I need to make a sale I need to make a sale jeez man calm down whatever you're selling I'm sure I'd be willing to buy it really yeah I'm sure it couldn't harm anyone okay look we're selling this purple cat and you know what special discount today 100% off you can have them if you want them what the that's what you're selling ew looks like it came straight out of the Grave sorry but I'm out come on Knuckles let's go home well now what do we do I don't know but now that that cat's going to have to stay here longer my allergies are getting worse I'm sorry man I wish we could have found him a new home it just seems like no one wants the poor thing even my salesmanship wasn't enough I couldn't sell them all for free well now that the cat's stuck with us what do we even do well seems like nobody wants a disgusting freak of nature monster cat maybe people just want a cute cat of course people want a cute cat Knuckles that's why they buy them if you think you can sell this guy off his cuteness you need your eyes checked oh I'm not saying he's cute he's really ugly hideous even but with a little bit of editing magic just you watch all right catnap I'm going to take a quick picture of you so pose perfect just right now hold that position there we go just got to throw that into Photoshop and make some minor adjustments Knuckles what are you doing I'm turning our freaky feline into a cutesy cat that anyone would want to buy and how exactly do you intend to make that thing look cute don't worry I'm a Photoshop professional I know what I'm doing do you really think Faking It is going to work yeah someone from like three states over is going to travel here for this cute cat but when they realize he's ugly they'll already feel bad because they know he's not going to have a home if they don't get him so they have to get him whatever you say and done what do you think guys [Music] well at least the cat's cute I don't think anyone's going to come for this Knuckles oh smooy they will just you watch Sonic if you don't think anyone's going to come for him then why don't we just let him back out into the wild you know where we found him it's too dangerous for him out there we found him stuck in a pile of rocks listen we're just Sheltering him until he can find a good home oh he will with this Banger ad shelter hey why don't we take him to a shelter they'll take better care of him than us shelters are so cruel though he'll get euthanized in less than a day just because of how ugly he is maybe it's for the best I mean it looks like he's suffering anyway maybe he's just hungry or dehydrated wait a minute I haven't fed or gave this guy water since we found him dude I thought we were taking care of him not holding him hostage all I'm saying is a shelter wouldn't have forgotten to feed an animal I can fix this come on there's got to be something good in here um cats like Doritos and there you go catnap now you can eat and have a drink sorry it took like a [Music] day this feels so cool hey at least he's enjoying it probably because he hasn't had anything for a whole [Music] day dude wait a minute I'm getting a phone call really uh-huh uh-huh yeah you're outside okay perfect I'll get the cat right to you oh wait there's actually someone here to get the cat you bet now I'm going to go seal the deal it's finally time storm I didn't know you were buying the cat golly knuckles I didn't know you were buying the cat what oh you're selling yeah oh I I thought there would be more people here anyway uh you're here for the cute purple cat right yes so tell me is it the same purple cat that jet saw at the park uh yes no maybe he so keep keep talking and I'll answer well jet told me about this purple cat he saw at the park earlier today with you guys and he didn't get it cuz of his allergies but he told me how cool it was and I was like that cat sounds so awesome and I want it and I don't care about his allergies so if it's the same cat I want it oh oh well boy am I glad to tell you it is indeed the same cat perfect can you bring it out here of course oh catnap OMG the G stands for golly he is just a doll is he not now that you mention it kind of looks like one with all those stitches on his body but he's a cat so you want him oh yes I do but uh bang on his head oh that's just his mask take it off to reveal your new pet oh my golly the Moment of Truth wait a minute why did you try to sell me this it looks nothing like that picture I don't know if I should be terrified or angry at you probably a bit of both it was a bit of a creepy cat I did try to scam you you thought you could trick me with such an ugly cat like that it looks nothing like the picture goly oh well it sure he does if you just squint and then close your eyes and then just imagine the picture all right I'm doing it and all I see is that creepy cat it's not working oh come on he knows some tricks too I mean he can drink water out of a cup hey where do you think you're going why I ought to what do you think you're doing I slamed the door on you to insult you well I'm going to slam this mini window on you to insult you I bet that feels bad so lots of yelling you seal the deal no man I'm too tired and sick to deal with this cat anymore chill we just need to let him go listen Tails if I can't get him out of here by the end of tomorrow I'll let him go good I'm too tired for this I'm going to bed he's right it's getting late time to hit the hay maybe I'll get a call in the morning come on catnap looks like you're sleeping here for another night right [Music] [Music] no all right who's there cat nap no one will ever believe you all right catnap another day of trying to find you a home hey Sonic hey catnap hey tail where's Tails now that you mention it where is Tails he usually gets up pretty early I don't know I haven't seen him since I got up maybe he's still asleep maybe his allergies kept him up all night I'll go see what he's up to all right Tails tails you up no [Music] response the door's locked so I'm assuming he's still sleeping then well usually after the third knock he tells me to shut up something isn't right here maybe try again uh okay I'll try something this ought to make him open the door Tails Tails let in Tails cn's going to kill me it's not working that's weird that was pretty convincing too I'm starting to get the feeling he's not in there but if he's not there where is he I've got a plan it's my last resort oh so you find him no and that's the best I could think of too well now what do we do we don't know where tails is and we still got to get rid of catnap wait a minute Sonic that's the key we need to get rid of catnap Tails must have left because he was fed up with his allergies but once we get rid of catnap he'll come back I don't know I feel like Tails would have said something before he left allergies will make a man do anything Sonic that's probably what it is you're saying we should just kick him out now listen Sonic we tried to find him a home but my salesmanship wasn't enough and at this point he's getting between tails and us I guess you're right exactly once we get rid of him Tails will come back and everything will go back to normal you're right guess we better get cat hey buddy we were just talking about you perfect timing catnap I think it's time for us to say goodbye bye sorry pal I really tried but I guess it's time for you to go W well it's been nice catnap but we need Tails back sad to see him go kind of well now that he's gone you think tails is going to come back well there's only one way to find out and that's by waiting so I don't know about you but I'm going to wait by watching TV guess I'll join you [Music] well I'm sure it won't be long before he gets back so let's just relax and watch some good oldfashioned television dude he's not back yet I'm too tired for this listen man he'll come back tomorrow I'm sure of it I hope you're right I guess I'll go to bed too come on must be catnapped just be [Music] quiet is the bang finally gone finally I can sleep well what the why is Knuckles screaming what's going on out here what the why is the light up there on that doesn't sound right the light's coming from the attic huh Tails Knuckles and is that catnap what's going on in here Tails this is where you've been the whole time yeah I've been screaming for help this whole time but no one can hear me which tool shall I use first perhaps this spoon to scope your eyes out jok's on you my eyes are too big to get out with the spoon perhaps this knife will do never mind I like the spoon better what the hell is happening catnap is trying to no I can't dwell on it I've got to end this fast without katnap realizing spin dash ought to do it which one of you shall I kill first you won't get the chance Sonic you made it I can't believe it how'd you know heard some weird noises and saw the door was wide open you guys all right uh just a little shaken up but yeah what was he trying to do to you guys all tied up silverware everywhere I'm assuming his plan from the start was grab this silverware get us all three tied up in here and then do some weird experiments on us yeah also could you get these chains off they're really tight yeah oh right of course so are we just going to leave that guy in there uh we can worry about him tomorrow we all need some sleep you're right well at least now you guys can sleep without a worry of catnap can't believe that cat was secretly some messed up scientist or something I always had a bad feeling about that thing it almost looked like a suit for most of the time well whatever it was at least he's gone now we don't got to worry about him anymore yeah you're right but it'll always be a mystery some weird purple cat thing luring in people by getting itself trapped in a bunch of rocks I don't know what kind of messed up experiments it wanted to do on us but I'm just glad we didn't have to find out well no need to think about it anymore hopefully we can just go to sleep peacefully like this never happen H did you forget cats have nine [Applause] Li eight of my lives still remain you stand no chance oh I should have known it wouldn't be that easy so it's a fight he wants huh if it's a fight he wants then he'll get it come at I'm impressed you've already taken another life this guy's just a big pushover whenever you get down to it so Seven Lives left huh let's end this fast one sec Sonic before you start I want my revenge against this guy too go for it you miss wasn't aiming for [Music] you nice going nucks that's got to be another light down right now let's get down there and finish this fast just like you said you got it [Music] five lives left I see I'm underestimating [Music] you guys watch out grab on to [Music] me what the what is that it's some sort of weird sleeping gas he used on me before we can't in hail it great what do we do now one of us needs to hit him so it'll stop spewing that gas well if I'm fast enough then I don't have to breath it [Music] in great job Sonic yeah now that the gas is gone we can go back to fighting like normal I call the next one you will win well I'd say that's a good three lives left now I'll happily take the next nice one Tails bet that leaves two left there's no more time for games I can't lose yeah this guy's been a piece of K Sonic let go [Music] you turns out that when you're in a fight you're just as weak as any normal cat what we took you in we sheltered you but it was all a trick so you could carry out your Twisted plans so what you could never understand I don't need to understand your story to know you're a monster so um how are you guys doing after that well uh I'm not sure what to say at least my allergies are gone yeah and uh we're not being terrorized by some strange cat in the middle of the night well yeah glad it's all over you're right about that now I can finally sleep again without sneezing all night thinking about it the cat really didn't bother me that much until it tried to kill me what what the Knuckles what is it well that's what I'm going to check all right who is it can I help you yeah what's up DC uh I just asked you that what do you want Oh little little me oh that freaky looking cat thing you got online oh oh I forgot to take that down oh all my days it did it die I I'm so sorry if so I'll leave uh no no it's uh right over there oh my days he's even freakier in person I can have him yeah he's uh all yours awesome that's perfect and uh thanks for giving them to me for free too for free I forgot to make him pay hey you're supposed to pay cash it's too late he's already gone so what was it Knuckles well you remember that ad I made for catnap well I forgot to take it down so somebody came here and ran off with his corpse tails what are you laughing at I just think it's really funny that after all this time I'm trying to find that cat at home someone finally wants some I guess you're right hey that is pretty funny but I still want my money [Music] m
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 967,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, kirby, splatoon, fnaf, persona 5, persona, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, kirby plush, splatoon plush, fnaf plush, persona plush, zelda, zelda plush, plush toys
Id: Bc4TE3jsJUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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