Curse of Tails Doll! (FULL MOVIE) - Sonic and Friends

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smells like garbage in here I think it's because this is where you dump all your trash can it Cube we need to get this cleaned up [Music] already owy look gizmos and gadgets and other assorted trinket come on you imbeciles we're not here to play we're here to clean up oh um right I'm cleaning up what [Music] the what is this thing doing here one of those dunderheads found it first they'd be dead already better put it away for safekeeping where am I even supposed to start I'm thinking in here dude I mean look at all this stuff huh where is that it's coming from here are you still playing in that box of old things what did you just find anyway I don't know huh looks like a computer to me and it's beeping there's no way I throw a perfectly functioning computer out let me take a look the tape on it says Grand Prix what's that supposed to mean do I can't believe it I thought this thing was defunct oh hey be careful with that doctor if that thing's supposed to be defunct why is it making sounds H I'm not sure maybe it means that we won and we should look for more fun toys like this thing shut up cubot seems like you messed it up even worse [Music] huh what is it doctor did we win again no it's a Tracker for one of my old devices this thing really is ancient if a tracker for one of your old devices is on does that mean it's on the Move I'm sure I shut this one down so how could that be oh oh maybe it's an evil killer Rogue robot that would be kind of cool that can't be it my machines don't just wake up after years of inactivity and rebel against me someone must have taken it over oh a mystery Orbot cubot no time for games we've got to find out who hijacked my [Music] creation thanks again for inviting me to the party Sonic it means a lot no problem man how if they been with you recently anyway we haven't talked in a while ah nothing interesting just my boring old life living alone I won't get into it hey man if you ever want to hang out you can come down here anytime thanks Sonic I still feel bad about that whole bird incident though a come on man we're over that already by the way I'm curious how are those rare birds doing oh you know I I I visit them occasionally dude you have got to tell me your guys a secret how do you guys do that like electric chaos power thing oh you mean this ow yeah that well for me it's because of my ancestors they were very connected to the chaos emeralds for Sonic though he's used the chaos emeralds so many times that power is just embedded within him at this point so that power comes from the chaos in Worlds yep it say you think I'll be able to use it someday try over using the chaos emeralds like Sonic and maybe you will just kidding don't do that man this part is so nice guys Sunny really did itself yeah the decorations are on point could use a little more fishing than me hey cream you think that is my perfect chance to get with Sonic hey don't ignore me hey you what's with your eyes why are your eyes so creepy why is that all that black around that why are they so weird they're so small they're so creepy I mean it fits for Halloween but it's kind of creepy don't you think if they're like that all year round that's so weird it's so strange you're weird children can be so cruel oh vecky my Wy how's the business going oh you know it's at an alltime low but we're chilling oh nice nice well you see I don't have any of those issues because I just inherited all the wealth from the ancient Babylonians wow that was a really smart sentence for you did did you understand anything of what you just said ah not really all I know is that it means I'm filthy stinking [Music] Rich uh you come here often oh thank God all right everyone it's time to begin our Halloween festivities of the year for our first event we're going to tell spooky stories scary stories oh I've got a perfect scary story to tell everyone I want to go first all right then if we got no other volunteers jet the stage is yours oh oh gol tell them about the one time in the bathroom when okay I think I'm going to keep that one private for now is Sir yeah you certain yeah I'm certain okay all right uh here goes there once was a man wait that's it no that's not it I haven't even gotten to the scary part yet now listen up this man wandered through an alley and stumbled across a strange looking figure at first he thought it was just another guy but upon closer inspection he noticed it was not just a man it was the boogeyman oh wait a minute you say it wasn't just another man it was the boogeyman but he is another man because he's called the boogie man oh my can you guys just be quiet anyway yeah I know they're so rude oh my gosh yeah thanks buddy they they need to give you the respect you deserve thanks man anyway okay uh back to my story once he encountered him the Buggy Man started and showing him strange pictures look at this picture of a dog with a cat's body I guess that is a little freaky jet when does this story get good I'm about to move on to the next person oh my God you guys are so impatient just hear me out okay we're about to get to the climax all right listen up shortly after showing him this disturbing image the boogeyman's phone died with nothing left to do the Boogyman ate [Music] damn huh that was really odd timing for the lights to go out that story sucked yeah can someone else tell one you know I was planning on telling one next but I think we're missing someone oh right wait where did she go oh golly I think I found her [Music] huh why what you do on the floor yeah you didn't get eaten by the boogeyman what is she an actor is she playing dead oh well if that's the case she's pretty good at it she's not even breathing what was that all right way funny joke you can get up now yeah it's really not that funny anymore um guys are we sure this is just a [Music] joke dead wa wait what but how nobody even moved I don't know how is this possible quick we need an ambulance call 911 I'm trying but none of my calls are going through is anyone else is working no nothing's working what are we supposed to do well if we can't call him we'll just drive her to the hospital right storm you take her I'll get the car started is everything going to be okay of course it will we'll get through it just like we do everything else let us out dude come on get the door open it won't open oh let me try oh I'm so sorry wave FY it's not opening what do we do what do we do back door back door try the back door okay oh come on back door no it's not working either it need Lo no this door doesn't work either no ST we do I don't know what are those two doing down there what's going on they better not be goofing around at a time like this it's their friend Vector I don't think they want to goof around they're probably stressed I'll go see for myself what are you doing move on we can't the door won't budge neither this one or the back door well if that really is the case then have you tried busting it down no but I dancing going to help oh my I don't mean that I mean this it really won't budge wait wait let me give it a try nothing if we can't get this open no one can we've got to let the others know about this but wait wait what are you guys doing back up here I thought you were going to take her to the hospital the door's jammed and I I couldn't bust it open either did you let storm try yes he couldn't do it either I'm really scared here man what's going on we're suddenly locked in our own house doesn't make any sense how does wave just drop dead like that when the lights go out and then now we're locked in you don't think that it could be oh what's going on the lights are out again no no not now not now Amy cream what happened big he another victim Vector what's happening I don't know but we've got to solve it quickly Mr Pig no how can this be happening I don't believe it how did it just happen again clearly this isn't coincidence yeah someone's behind this wait there's no way you're suggesting that right none of us here would be willing to kill one of our own friends right maybe not but someone who's not friends with all of us would be willing to wait what you silver you never talk to any of us here except for Sonic and his Pals but none of us waa jet calm down we can't literally start accusing people of killing someone it's a possibility that he did it though it just makes the most sense well listen I I promise it wasn't me and okay maybe we don't know something maybe they're not really dead maybe it's none of us oh now you're trying to bargain huh you're trying to escape what you've already done you're so optimistic for what because you killed him it's just the way he is man don't blame him for it that's just the way he is huh so he's just a murderer yeah huh he's just a murderer yeah what what you guys can't be serious about this right I mean I can do the same thing you guys did you guys are quick to accuse who's to say you aren't covering up your own murder because we aren't you really think we'd kill wave see my evidence is just as flimsy as your guys's it means nothing but silver wouldn't feel anything about killing wave he didn't know her it is no big either look at him now stop what are you guys doing two people just died and all you want to do is argue but but she's right we don't know what's really going on here and this arguing won't get us anywhere why is this all happening maybe we were too quick maybe it really isn't one of us what happened what happened J jet J no what's going on who's doing this Jet got too close to finding out your secret so you killed him what but but I I didn't that's not proof you didn't do it well let's say it was silver what was his motive what would be his reason for killing all these people tonight Sonic you were talking to him earlier did you notice anything strange what no Silver's just the same guy he's always been if anything he seemed really happy to be here here I don't have a motive I would never kill someone if it's motives we're looking for then it was you wait what I saw you earlier you had an awkward conversation with wave and it drove you mad so you killed her cuz it was too weird and then you enjoyed the thrill of it so you killed big and now Jad those are all baseless claim storm Espio didn't do a thing look we all want to know what's going on and who's behind it but arguing isn't going to get us anywhere then what am I supposed to do my friends are dead then how about all of us together get to the bottom of this no more pointless arguing tails is Right arguing isn't going to get us any closer right what the huh Char me oh my who the hell is doing this charm me who did [Music] it I said which one of you killed Charmy Vector calm down don't you remember what we were talking about we can't argue it won't get us anywhere I don't care anymore more charm's dead now all because one of you killed him Vector you realize what you're saying right yeah nobody else is in here with us so it had to be one of you you don't really think one of them did it right asfeld we're detectives we have to put our biases aside Vector you do realize that it's you huh me I know you hate us Knuckles all because of our past together all because of one mistake and you're trying to accuse me for for what you guys did this isn't about that it's about Charmy you'd have the perfect motive to kill him or any of us I don't hate you so much that I kill you and why would I kill everyone else beforehand a good criminal uses misdirection that's what you've been doing up to this point you thought you could do this without me noticing guys stop I I don't know what happened in the past but that doesn't matter with what's going on right now yeah Knuckles wouldn't kill anyone anyway and now you have your friends convinced too or worse yet they're in on it Sonic jet is always bothering you anyway and so is Big of course you'd want to get rid of them we didn't do anything you're evidence falls flat everywhere we have no reason for killing these people I just gave you your reasons I'm sure I can find some more if you want Vector now's not the time get your head straight I can't believe you guys you make me sick it makes perfect sense Sonic organized this party this is his house you guys are all in on it [Music] Victor huh don't you see what you're doing your bias for charm me has led you to accuse everyone else but but right when you said no more arguing and now you're doing this but but I Vector we understand why you're angry but we shouldn't split apart like this and act like someone is a killer maybe I was a little Hasty it's fine Vector we can all still solve this mystery together uh no it's not fine you brought Myck stop we can talk about this later I'm sorry knuckles I shouldn't have gone there huh what happened silver not just him Vector 2 Guys what do we do what are we doing this is sticking us out fast I I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to go I don't want to go I'm not just going to sit here and let people die anymore whatever the hell is doing this show yourself Catch Me If You Can huh no no what happened Amy cream oh next what it's being no what's going on it's acting faster now it's because I taunted it isn't it I don't know but whatever it is I'm getting sick of it and we've got to find it already whatever it is it's doing all of its work in the dark so we can't hell that must have been its goal from the start to turn us all against each other but just what is it I don't care what it is I didn't want to see my friends again join him he's got storm now it's just us for what are we even supposed to do we don't even know what it is we're going to make it through this just think how's it killing everyone so quickly it's doing all of its work in the dark but the body's left behind show no sign of physical trauma then what exactly is going on here whatever it is it's something we've never dealt with before perhaps something beyond our comprehension that's right h no wait a [Music] minute we have dealt with this before it's Sonic EXE wait a minute you're right these people aren't dead their souls have been taken but we trapped exe in that Emerald how the hell would he get out this is unlike anything exe would do he would always put us through some sort of game but this this is completely different meaning this isn't exe's work it's someone who can do the same thing as him there was another exe now that I think about it is there more than just those two what the uhoh guys keep your guard up no he's after us again guys Focus if he comes at one of us we have to be prepared Knuckles is right just [Music] focus what the is that the Tails Doll one of eggman's earliest inventions and you're telling me it was behind all of this there's no way could Eggman really be no there's no way Eggman would go this far then how I thought it might be related to exe but this throws my theory off completely exe what the you can talk now are you the voice voice I heard earlier that's right and I'm the one behind everything that's happened you little why you three you were the ones that sealed exe so then you are with exe I just want to get him back and I know the emerald is here if you only wanted the emerald then why did you had to kill everyone else it's simple their souls give me energy even even if it's only a small amount and besides isn't it fun you're disgusting what about killing innocent people is fun to you your reaction that's what's so funny I don't care what you find funny you're not getting the emerald you stupid doll oh I'll get that Emerald one way or another not if we stop you right here that sounds fun I'd like to see you try oh wait wait guys didn't you see what he did to all of our friends yeah but did you see what I did to his puny face this guy's nothing we've got this exactly he's just a doll in why don't we play huh where'd he go uh right here huh no he's fast dirty trick going for Tails first maybe this will be more fun than I ah you were talking so big earlier now where did all that energy go let me show you all right I think I've had enough fun with you what was that hold on N oh oh the one who stood up to exe let's see what you've got Miss me uhoh yeah we're not done [Music] yet not bad now it's my turn time to try out this new move I've been working on new move what's he doing don't be Reckless Tails all right Tails Doll you ready huh now is not the time to test new moves I know you're the weakest one here uhhuh [Music] Tails Tails tails are you okay I think I'm fine he just stunned me come on I know you guys are capable of more than this I'm disappointed you guys aren't as fun as I thought you'd be so much for taking down exe this isn't a game maybe I should just end things here and go for the EM we won't let you have it okay Tails new plan I need you to grab the fake Emerald with exe sealed in it and run away as far as you can oh wait but what about you guys I can't just leave you here we can handle him now come on get going I don't know how long we can stall this guy H okay but promise me you'll meet up with me when we're done here you got it dude we'll be there now that's more like it that's the power I want to see how you holding up nuck just fine but I'm not doing much to him I sent tails to protect the emerald let's stay here and take this doll down you don't have to tell me twice perfect oh man I hope Sonic and Knuckles hurry up I don't want any more trouble but oh the emerald huh what are you doing here you followed me of course I did you're going to be my new best friend Tails no stay away from me what did you do to Sonic and Knuckles how are you here you really think I'll just leave our friends to be bored no I'm keeping them company too but how that doesn't make any tails look at how how pathetic you are you ran from your friends to save yourself no that's not true Sonic trusted me to you truly believe that he only told you to scram because you're nothing but dead weight to them what Sonic and Knuckles don't believe that really think about how they had to defend you the whole time I know I'm not as strong as them but they don't think that of me they never would you're naive they think that all too much and now look at where you're at I I your friends are going to die because you're weak you can't do a single thing to save them no they're not going anywhere I'll stop you really now then do it huh do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do [Applause] it [Laughter] too slow jeez this guy's stronger than he looks he's using his speed to amplify every one of his moves he's insane what is he thinking this is so funny what's so funny about this not only am I messing with you guys but your friend is being tormented as well wait what before he left I made sure to leave a part of me with him so I can watch everything he's doing what the what have you done to him oh I haven't done anything to him physically at least but mentally he's breaking what do you mean soon enough he'll be so scared of me he just hand over the emerald breaking taals of spirit down so we can get the emerald quicker you and you're so distracted about what's happening to your little friend that you don't realize you're going to burn aive in here damn it we've got to get out of here and get to Tails I don't know what the extent of this guy's power is so we've got to help Tails as soon as possible let's go Sonic right taals doll we'll play with you some other time oh leaving already that's no fun this is the Fate that awaits you and your friends no it's not possible we can't lose you already have there has to be some way some way to stop this so it doesn't happen there is huh that Emerald is the key if you hand it over you can be the first you can avoid this pain I have to protect this Emerald with my life I won't ever give it to you what a shame then I suppose you'll have to watch as your friends die no no face it there's no other choice I can't I I don't want to see them die the emerald tails very good Sonic Knuckles I'm [Music] sorry uhuh just in time can't believe he managed to get here before us even though I knew his location before you too you still managed to catch up impressive is Sonic Knuckles hey little bro you miss us sorry to keep you waiting man I know this guy can be a real pain you guys made it I don't know what kind of nonsense this guy was spouting to you before we got here but all I know is that it doesn't matter we're going to take him down here and now yeah just keep guarding that Emerald man I know you've got it but guys Tails Doll it said didn't you hear what I just said I don't care what that guy has to say same here now come on I'm itching to get my my revenge on this guy you guys you never doubted me I had it it was right there your friend almost gave it than you looks like our Playmate isn't too happy to see us again maybe cuz we had some Foul Play Running Away earlier you you infuriate me oh what weren't you having fun before you're the angry one now you cocky little getting bored of this guy Sonic you ready of course I was thinking the same [Music] thing all right tail stall you ready for round [Music] two now [Music] [Music] knuckles wa it's completely different they're not struggling at all this time not so tough now ehy taals doll yeah you were a lot cockier before where'd all that energy [Applause] go your turn Sonic wa nice job getting them near the water sorry forgot about the whole thing nuck I got an idea let's blly find it sounds good let's do it all right here we go huh what are they plotting okay taals doll get ready what the a tornado what's going on all right it's time to finish this it's all you man but how I focused all my energy in this limb to stop you and now you're vulnerable [Music] huh what the Sonic what have you [Music] done Sonic Knuckles what happened just before they were winning you really thought thought they could beat me and now that they're gone I can deal with you and take that Emerald uhhuh what [Music] the oh great even more problems to deal with metal Sonic we're leaving what the they'll be back looks like we got you just in time why did you save me well I couldn't allow that Rogue machine to take any more victims and needs to return to its old Master me but how did you know well tailes doll was originally made by me I thought at least you'd remember that I do but how did you know he was after us well I assumed he was a defunct creation up until now I was looking through my trash and I found a Tracker connected to him lo and behold it revealed to me that tailes doll was on the move again he's caused some real trouble ever since he reawakened I think it's because of this Sonic EXE Sonic EX what now when did Sonic become a computer file well Sonic EXE is some sort of evil spirit that was trying to kill us and now that Tails Doll thing is somehow connected Ed to it what the we're dealing with evil spirits last time we fought exe we sealed him in this emerald and now Tails doll's fighting to get him back wait a minute it is that a Chaos Emerald kind of it's a fake one I made specifically to trap him impressive I thought everything would be all right but then Tails Doll appeared and started stealing all of our friends souls and now Sonic and Knuckles are I can't wrap my head around this whole evil spirit thing but I believe you what were Tails doll's powers like now I can only describe them as an illusion it's similar to another demon we fought in the past called eyx any idea on how he uses these Powers I'm not quite sure but it has something to do with that gem on his head we need to get that gym off of his head cuz that's the power source it's too risky if we even try to get that close any of us will lose our souls that's why I'm going to send you out with some Pals that don't have souls huh wait a minute Metal Sonic and is that Metal Knuckles that's right this old debacle with Tails doll has made me feel very nostalgic so I've decided to repair him so what's your plan with them well if Sonic and Knuckles couldn't finish the job then certain L my Creations could yeah we've got it covered so tails you ready to get back out there and stop the doll well there's no other choice and with these two on my side there's no way Tails Doll wins that's the spirit now I'll give Metal Sonic Tales dolls coordinates and you guys can get out there and finish this battle right it's time to save everyone now come on guys all right Eggman said he should be around here somewhere there so you decided to come back huh but you're nothing without your friends so what are you going to do now I'm not alone that's your help how could they possibly help you they're just two soulless robotss that's the point huh wait a minute these two are robotic copies of the ones I faced before If Only They had souls to steal but no matter they're just like the other two so I should at the least be able to counter their attacks they're holding their own against tails dog just like Sonic and Knuckles were but this time there's no disadvantage cuz there aren't souls to steal wao even when taals doll fights back they annihilate him and Metal Knuckles especially I wonder why Eggman ever retired that guy come on come on what am I supposed to do against these too I can't act quick enough wait they're robots if I overload their programming with my energy they'll be finished what what the what just happened I expelled all of my energy on those Su but now if I just get you what he's still up but his energy is low so maybe this is my chance don't get any stupid ideas you're not nearly strong enough to take [Applause] me huh I knew this thing would come in handy Eggman when did you get here oh I've been here I've been waiting for this exact moment tailes doll expelled all of his energy wait then this means that your plan worked of course it did now time to turn this doll into scrap metal or fabric I [Music] guess what huh Eggman behind you [Music] huh but but how he just destroyed your gym my Jim you really believe you can destroy that wait a minute you tricked us that was just an illusion that's right and now I can finally finish you off and take that Emerald oh what do I do what do I do everyone I know has had their souls taken and I don't have the strength to fight this guy alone huh so that power comes from the chaos yep say you think I'll be able to use it someday try overusing the chaos emeralds like Sonic and maybe you will just kidding don't have you finally decided to give up the [Music] emerald sorry Knuckles looks like I'm going all out huh what the why what are you doing what the how did you you idiot that won't what the what happened it's like he's 10 times faster than before and stronger too no matter as long as I can he's trying to use the air to his Advantage but it won't work the what's he doing Thunder Sho where is he where'd he go right behind you no it's not fair he's using that Emerald for [Music] energy what's [Music] happening what the my body can't handle the Emerald's energy for much longer wait he's overcharged himself this is perfect I should have known he couldn't handle exe's energy now's my chance I can finally get rid of this new [Music] it's time huh how how are you still standing you shouldn't be able to handle all of that energy shaking what the hell am I feeling is this fear [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sonic you're really bad yeah all thanks to you you little bro how' you know I was here you were all the way over and we saw it all dude wait what when our souls were taken we were trapped in that doll's gym and we could see everything he could huh the way you did everything for us and that beat down man that was cool I you saved everyone's lives we're proud of you little bro huh I'm so glad that you guys are okay thanks a lot for leaving me back there not my fault you can't keep up Knuckles and U tails what did I tell you about using the emeralds hey I said sorry in advance I'm just playing with you man what you did there was incredible well so uh what do we do with the doll just leave him he won't be going anywhere well I guess that means we should head back home then right but man I can't believe you were able to harness the fake Emerald's energy like that for a first time use that's crazy well actually I don't think it's all that the emerald wait huh come on it's around here somewhere H aha oh yeah wouldn't want to forget about that okay now we can go home sounds good to me come on guys let's [Music] go oh my back look at what he's done to you too I'll get you guys back home and fix you up as for you you're going in [Music] safekeeping [Music] minut
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 463,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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