Sonic Meets Skibidi Toilet! - Sonic and Friends

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foreign [Music] [Music] stupid video I love stupid videos well get ready because this one's extra stupid I just want to get your opinion on it put it on already I want to see all right all right check this out [Music] oh my gosh dude what was that that was hilarious glad you enjoyed it I mean I don't think it was that funny it tells that he hated it yeah he said it's just gonna be like a really super annoying Trend what this isn't annoying this is comedy I mean it's just a singing head coming out of a toilet you think that's comedy yeah what's your concept of Comedy huh yeah I'm sure it's not heads coming out of toilets singing this silly song cause that is comedy whatever you say man I don't know why you're so passionate about this because I just don't get how someone can slander something so funny chill dude it's just an opinion opinion of schminion I don't care I'm gonna watch this again again was it that good heck yeah it was that good dude all right let's watch this wait this is different wait whoa what dude dude this is different dude he made more he made more this is crazy oh my gosh dude this was even better seriously dude it's just the same thing with a couple more toilet heads come on dude you cannot deny that one was hilarious not really it's not any funnier the second time you just hate fun bro I'm gonna watch more all right let's see great what is it now dude there's 50 of them 50. dude I am about to binge all of these right now Knuckles there's no way you could watch all those right now you gotta get tired of it dude how good I possibly get tired of this this is perfect man I can't stay up here and even listen to that for 50 episodes I'm gonna go suit yourself bro I'm gonna enjoy myself all 50 episodes of skippity toilet did he really like it that much I didn't expect this okay and he's going to watch all 50 episodes I didn't even know there were 50 episodes I didn't even know there was two ah well hopefully by the time he's done he'll be tired of it by the time it's done it's been 10 minutes and it doesn't show signs of stopping anytime soon I've gotta stop this right now you have to stop watching that dude why would I stop watching I'm only on episode 27. dude it's annoying it's stupid and none of us want to hear it I want to hear it I don't care give me the iPad hey hey give that back hey Knuckles this is my iPad give it to me I was watching skippity toilet on it give it back I don't care what you were watching it's mine and I'm taking it back what the Sonic you broke the iPad what I didn't break it and iPad can't just explode by pulling on it well you learned something new every day you broke it but I didn't break it if anything it was like I can still hear it it's not just you dude I hear it too huh then it's back I can watch it [Music] dude what's going on I don't know but it's real watch out he's trying to kill us just like in the videos they kill people I'm telling you man there's more to this skippity toilet thing than you think okay then how do we stop it well we gotta flush him down his own toilet flush him down his own toilet how are we supposed to do that dude it's just like flushing a real toilet it's not that bad okay fine I'll distract him you flush him got it gotcha we get him oh yeah got him dude that was just like it is in the videos I don't care if it's like it is in the videos man I'm just wondering how this is even possible I don't know man maybe [Music] that was Tails we have to go check on him all right what is that thing Sonic Knuckles what's going on dude it's the skimmy toilets they're real I noticed but why I don't know we're still trying to figure that part out well whatever the reason we gotta flush this guy he's flying well there's only one of us here who can fly right you seriously want me to flush that thing no one else here can do it uh I'm fine just get its attention for me got it hey toilet um actually its name is skivity toilet who cares about the name we're just trying to flush it time for you to go down you creepy toilet oh yeah nice one Tails oh dude look at us we're destroying these skivity toilets just like in the videos Knuckles we don't want it to be just like the videos we just want these things to be gone yeah yeah whatever [Music] huh another one and it's coming out of the bathroom wait maybe that's where they're spawning well in order to find out we gotta stop this one machine gun dad what do we do this one has a machine gun I don't know but I serious hat can't fly up to it okay just listen to me I've got a plan that might just work we'll make it fast because that thing's getting closer okay Sonic I'm gonna throw you right at the toilet so then when you pass by him you can flush him at high speed throw me right in the line of fire are you stupid dude it's gonna work you'll be passion of tour boy you don't have another Choice we've gotta do it okay [Music] yes he did it got rid of that one well that thing came out of the bathroom so should we take a look in there yeah let's check it out well nothing seems out of the ordinary no kidding I really thought they would have been spawning from here though there's gotta be something more to this something we're not seeing I don't know man maybe there was just three of them uh guys well why is the toilet rumbling now that I think about it it would make a lot of sense if they spawned from the toilet [Music] how is this even possible we're gonna die to a bunch of toilets well actually they're called skibity toilets you don't care about the name Knuckles we're about to die foreign they're gone who's that are they gonna try to kill us too no way camera guy wait Knuckles you know this guy of course duties in the videos he's one of the guys who fights off the skivity toilets so you've heard about it yeah dude what's going on listen we don't have much time it's toilets are coming out of my world and into yours planning a multiversal takeover we have to stop them and fast whoa whoa whoa that's way too much a multiversal takeover there's no time to slow down I have to go back to my world to finish off the rest wait let us come win I'm afraid my world is too dangerous for you guys this is a matter best left to the professionals dude come on we can help we've already dealt with a bunch of toilets here I suppose we could use some extra help all right let's stop these toilets I'll fill you in on some other details when we get there for now follow me wait wait we're really doing this heck yeah dude no come on let's follow him he knows what he's doing well this is a wait we have to jump into the toilet I'm not sure I want to do this guys I've done it before it's not that bad oh it's an hour and over oh we've made it oh dude I never thought this place would be real so this is your world correct and we're trying to keep the toilets here as of recent they've been using a portal to get to your world what well shoot I should have known they'd be here it's not safe we have to get back to my base your base huh it's over there at that facility let's go right here we are my base nice place you got here anyway let's get down to business right these toilets how are they getting into our world to explain that we're gonna have to go way back you see these toilets are evil entities trying to destroy the world no one knows where they came from or why they're doing this and we just have to accept that as of recent their technology has been improving so much they've nearly perfected multiversal travel your Universe being a test monkey of some sort wow lucky us that's why the toilet in your world leads to this world because that's where the portal is okay so uh what do we do about that well we've got to seal the portal yeah that doesn't sound that hard oh trust me it'd be super easy if we had the guy that could actually do it so you have a guy that can do it but if he's not here then where is he I'm afraid he's been taken by the toilets every single search party we've seen for him has gone missing well hey maybe we can get him back did you hear the part about the Mystic search parties yeah so maybe we can get him back I really don't understand you guys you just do anything huh hey man we're here to help simple as that and I suppose help is always appreciated listen the toilets base is up north from this facility oh yeah let's go find that guy hey wait for us Knox good luck soldiers [Music] wow uh he said to go this way right that's what I remember but I don't see a base anywhere um guys I don't see a base but I do see that looks like it's going somewhere hey maybe it's going to the base we should follow it good idea let's go where's this toilet taking us I don't know but I'm not seeing a guy who can close portals anywhere nearby oh yeah oh I like your friends back fella what do you do have a little happy reunion while I get the hog out of here oh goodness oh hey you guys see that over there yeah who is that guy maybe it's the guy the camera guy was talking about it looks like he's being cornered by toilets well if that's the case then let's flush him please oh oh my goodness what the hell are you geez man you ever seen a hedgehog no I haven't all I've been seeing our toilets for the past couple months oh makes sense ah why are there more of you oh listen camera guy sent us to save you because you can close the portal between our worlds camera guy sent you at the portal so you guys are from that other Universe yep but the toilets are starting to invade there so right we don't have much time we must make with great haste oh uh okay thanks for sharing my tushy back there no problem dude anyway camera guy said you could close the portal to our world off right oh I was trying to do that to the toilets caught me well now that you're free you can close our portal right correct we just gotta walk all the way over there oh have fun don't worry it can't be that bad um oh my gosh it's the giant red speaker Knuckles you know this guy yeah dude he's from the videos just like everyone else can we stop focusing on those stupid videos and focus on the giant speaker that's gonna kill us okay okay so really funny sorry right that guy is one of our allies one of your allies how he looks like he's trying to help the toilets oh hey that's all right but that's because they might throw to him you back up ah my bad okay so they mind control them can we get him back yes but it'll be a very difficult task he has a toilet on the back of his neck if you can break that off then he'll be freed sounds like an easy task for us Tails Knuckles yeah what do it why you guys so seriously me too and they're gone the knuckles right behind you Tails I got you Sonic there it is [Music] [Music] gotcha thanks tails no way you guys actually did it unflip it believable [Music] no way dude he's gonna give us a ride well let's hop on take us back to the portal death row crazy I know we're on the back of a freaking giant this won't get us to the portal way faster thanks for saving up guys that's something that's been bothering us for quite a while no problem man anyway how are you gonna close this portal ah well I started with a little bit what was that uh guys look behind us [Music] dude they get that big high you haven't even seen the worth of it then what are we supposed to do oh we can't do a damn thing we're caught between a battle of two giants then all we can do is Cheer the big speaker guy on go big speaker guy punch him geez it's hard to balance while on a giant fighting uh oh this is not looking good the toilet seems to have an advantage over him we have to help him but how well with both of these Giants locked fighting together that leaves the toilet wide open to be flushed by someone else us guys I've got it let's run across his arm and then we can flush the toilet have fun guys because I have a thing back here all right now's our chance let's go all right here we are let's flush this toilet yeah [Music] they really did it [Applause] thanks giant Speaker Guy hey would you look at that we landed right by the portal so what now well you guys jump in go back to your world and uh I closed it off behind you so this is goodbye then yep thanks for all your help guys no problem [Music] guys what hey camera guy oh glad I made it in time I just wanted to say thanks for everything all right guys let's go I'm gonna miss those guys but now it's time to get to work thank you hey we made it back dude that was awesome well I'm glad we could help those guys out and hopefully they got the portal sealed I'm never using this bathroom again [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 341,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox
Id: 0IUr3g-0k8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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