Sonic.EXE: Round 3! - Sonic and Friends

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thank you where am I it's Pitch Black huh uh is somebody there I I guess not huh what are you doing here don't want to answer huh well then I miss but how why can't I move it was just a nightmare oh geez [Music] [Music] oh geez what was that all about whatever that nightmare sure has me seeing some things I better go get some fresh air much better huh oh hey Sonic you want to come play basketball with me yeah why not well I gotta warn you I've been training I doubt it pass me the ball I'll show you what I'm made of you won't even make your first shot we'll see about that looks pretty high up doesn't it Sonic you sure you're gonna make that shut up Knuckles it's the same height as it's always been whatever you say man I can't wait to see you miss all right here we go huh [Music] well geez I knew you'd Miss but not that bad I'm just having an off day yeah right you just can't admit that I'm better than you but Knuckles I'm not gonna do this right now anyway where's Tails oh him he's hanging out in the garage all right doesn't want to play anymore because he's too scared of course hey Tails what's up hey Sonic I'm fixing the breaker right now what's wrong with the breaker oh well you know how the lights have been flickering in every room right yeah it's been messing with all my inventions so hard to get anything done I know you guys can probably deal with it but on my side it's unbearable like I just can't take it anymore it's so annoying every time I think I finally have time to finish something Boom the lights go out again and again and again except for him Sonic hello Earth to Sonic are you there oh what were you listening to anything I just said oh yeah I was then what'd I say oh well uh listen I got stuff to do inside uh see you later man oh man what's going on I keep seeing exe everywhere it must just be my imagination but why oh well I guess I can just chill here for a bit and watch some TV [Music] I don't remember leaving Sonic 1 on [Music] huh huh what exe but how what's going on you're supposed to be dead foreign [Music] what's going on [Music] I I can't move [Music] what's he doing no geez man calm down what's your problem tails Knuckles Sonic what's wrong with you it's exe he's back uh dude Sonic EXE is dead yeah remember the other one killed him right in front of us huh foreign yeah I I guess you're right is something up Sonic because you've sure been acting weird today I I don't know something's wrong with me today I'm fine though well maybe it's that spooky October anxiety no Knuckles it's not spooky October anxiety oh well uh you know what I'm just gonna go grab the door all right let's see who's here uh jet storm what are you guys doing here what what you literally asked us to come over today to help with Halloween decorations yeah oh yeah I guess I did but sorry guys uh come on in oh we found a dick oh my God everybody hey you guys are finally here so did you bring the decorations whoa you guys went all out oh it's Halloween you know we had to this pumpkin even glows yeah hey claws well then what do you guys say we put up these decorations [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you oh man all that decorating sir has me thirsty I wonder what I'm gonna get the drink what the heck uh guys uh the lights are kind of like going out on the stairs and we know we've been having light issues recently oh okay that makes sense I was scared I thought maybe some weird Spirit was involved whew oh hey Sonic we did a good job on those decorations huh [Music] yeah but uh man uh I'm really thirsty after all that uh what do you guys have to drink in there um okay I guess I'll just see for myself uh if if you could uh excuse me so Sonic [Music] no no oh oh did you guys hear that what just happened are the lights acting up ah great now I have to fix them again it's not just the lights though did anyone else hear jet scream oh he always does that don't worry about it golly I don't know I heard it too sounded kind of serious well maybe we should just fix the lights and then check on him ah man I guess I'll go mess with the breaker Wiggly what do you want storm I'm trying to fix the lights if Jess screamed for real then something is seriously wrong and we can't dare to go down there something's wrong huh well what if it's Sonic EXE Sonic how many times do we have to tell you exe is dead I I don't know I just can't shake the thought I've seen him too many times today Sonic those are probably all just hallucinations you're probably just like dehydrated or something I mean come on the last time we saw him he was literally impaled by the other guy what look whoa what is it I don't know but it's a sign well which one of us is gonna investigate I'm not doing it the last time I tried I almost got killed hey that goes for all of us man anyway I'm not going either yeah screw that goalie you guys are a bunch of babies fine I'll go foreign Sonic Sonic you good man what's going on oh my golly ready for round three what how you're dead you really thought you could kill me but what about Sonic e y x he's the one that really killed you e-y-x are you meaning to tell me that fool is an illusion version of me to make himself look stronger wait so that was just an illusion and how do you know him it doesn't matter anymore that weakling is nothing to me dollies this guy's taking my soul twice now what are we supposed to do I don't know how about we play a game no we're not playing any more of your games yeah screw your games where's Jet Kim he's the first player in my brand new game first player what did you do to him nothing it's just a participant perhaps you should join him if you value his life you fine we'll play your stupid game I thought you'd say that now let's begin we're gonna get jet back just you're waiting for [Music] where am I wow wait hey you guys are here so where exactly are we ah this place looks like some kind of massive field so does anyone know where exe went right here huh oh so now you appear why the heck did you bring me here man you are all here to play our first game of the day Red Light Green Light Red Light Green Light I think I've seen this game before the rules are simple I will stand all the way over there marking the Finish Line you guys will have to make it to me in order to win but you can only move when I say green light if you make any movement when I say red white you will be eliminated oh that's light works let the game begin green light green light guys come on let's go oh shoot let's go the faster we get to him the faster we end this game right let's do this oh man we got this problem we can go let's go Sonic EXE doesn't know who he's messing with he's so far away why don't you just run ahead I can't do that I don't want to accidentally leave any of you behind oh that was close why do you have your arms up it's from experience oh geez how long is the spread light gonna go on for no idea green light oh there we go all right nice let's go we're like halfway there man we got this in a bag let's go man yeah we got this we're gonna win let's go look up their tails whoa we're so close we got this man yeah man that's not a long green light man yeah it's like it's never gonna end yeah we got this man we're gonna make it to the end already [Music] did I move I think you did so much this can't be happening no Scott storm he's got storm no we've got it in this fast green light I'm gonna kill you [Music] Tails just getting tearless I have to stop him before it's too late right I know you're mad but we can't get careless but we need to get storm back we can right we'll get him back just calm down don't be so sure I'm already feeding on your friend's Soul it should last me a couple hours what do you mean by that green light where'd he go I don't know but we've passed we made it yeah looks like everyone over there made it too except for storm yeah good job I'm surprised only one of you was eliminated your skills have improved you'll never win exe we'll see about that in our next game whoa inside huh hey we're back home then what's the next game I don't know but it can't be anything good right stay on your guard guys our next game is hide and seek huh you all have 60 seconds to hide I will have three minutes to find you after the time is up those who are found within the time limit lose their souls oh crap I'm not gonna hide and seek 60 seconds that's nothing come on guys there's no time to waste we have to hide but we're at any of our usual spots will get found immediately well crap 60 seconds isn't nearly enough for all of us to find our own hiding spots well I how about we all hide together real quick and then we can devise a strategy good idea let's go behind the couch let's go we don't have much time left but we have to stop Sonic EXE but how we can't just kill him it didn't work the last time the only way to defeat a spirit like this is to seal it away but your last seal wasn't strong enough yeah we need a seal that could neutralize his power neutralize power that's it a Chaos Emerald good idea give me one of those things no way we're using a real emerald to seal him though yeah we have no idea what could happen if we use one while he's inside of it that's it I'll create a fake Chaos Emerald specifically to seal him you're gonna need time to do that though and we're almost out of it I've got an idea what if I go out there distract exe and you guys can create the fake Emerald but but what if you get caught that won't happen even if it did I trust you guys would finish the job for me all right just don't get yourself killed out there I would never are we sure Sonic's gonna be okay out there I think he's got it covered we've just got to focus on making this Emerald if you say so ready or not here I come it's you I'm not done modeling the emerald yet I've got a bad feeling I'm going out there duh you idiot you're gonna get yourself killed it doesn't matter Sonic's gonna get killed if I don't step in now finish that Emerald oh shoot come on come on come on I'm so close [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I'll make this right I promise [Music] no I've toyed with you for long enough [Music] now it's time to teach that cheer lesson [Music] okay I just gotta run as far as I can I can't let exe catch up to me you try to escape my game what you really think I'd stay and play with someone like you that's not a choice you get to make you can only run for so long before I end you okay the model's done now I just need to charge it with the other Emerald I can sense Sonic's energy it's getting further from us he must be running from exe I hope this charge is fast enough I'm not sure how much longer I can run it's over no I can't give up I have to keep going yeah that Tails how much longer is this gonna take I'm not sure it's only at 15 15. We're not gonna be able to get it to Sonic in time at that right can we just bring it with us and we can follow him uh I guess it should be portable all right then let's do it let's go help Sonic hahaha huh he stopped but why I can sense it his friends have followed us Sonic guys you're here does that mean the Emerald's ready no we were just concerned about you so we brought everything with us the emerald is still charging okay well exe disappeared but no more games meet me in the forest only you huh what is it Sonic it's exe he wants to meet me in the forest and only me so what do we do I say we give him what he wants I'll distract him you guys can sit on the outskirts and prepare the emerald and when it's time we can seal him right all right guys it all ends here all right thank you all right exe I'm here now let's finish this all right let's set up a camp here yeah and there so how long is it gonna take to charge the emerald I'm not sure but that's why we have Sonic out there holding off exe right come on exe show yourself I'm glad you can make it it's about time now what do you want what I want is a battle a battle huh that's right no more games I just want to see you fall you can try well then let's end this now [Music] foreign all right [Music] Knuckles maybe you should go out there and help Sonic I want to but I can't if exe finds out we're here it's over right don't worry Sonic's got this you're right the Emerald's charging slowly but surely foreign why can't I fight back it doesn't matter everyone's lives depends on me winning this battle jeez is that thing done yet it's only halfway I don't think we have the time to wait for that thing I could try putting it on max power but if we do that we risk breaking the battery device it doesn't matter we don't have a lot of time we have to do it okay maximum power now how how are you so much stronger than last time because I hate you more than ever no more hate I feel the more powerful I get why do you hate me so much I never did anything to you I don't just hate you I hate everything that just hurts you hurts you and everyone around you you could never understand and that's what makes you unbearable come on come on come on come on please whoa no no this can't be happening work work something please no I'll get this happen no there has to be a way please [Music] tails I have one last idea huh [Music] what are you doing it Knuckles okay Tails we're gonna use all the dormant chaos energy in my body to finish charging this Emerald that's too dangerous if if you lose all your energy if you could die I'd rather I die than all of my friends no hey once this Emerald is done charging you have to throw it right to Sonic I can't just let you die this exe isn't stopped now all of our friends might as well be dead [Music] potatoes listen to me I have a few things to say make sure Sonic guards the Master Emerald in my place don't need that thing getting stolen while I'm not around besides he's the only one who's worthy uh what I want you to make sure he stays on task when I'm goofing off would we [Music] a new Tales I know for a fact you'll do things in the future that surpass anything me and Sonic could ever hope to achieve so keep your chin up man [Music] got this man [Music] foreign [Music] thank you knuckles that blue light it can only mean the Emerald's finally done charging what was that light are you planning something maybe but you won't be here long enough to find out tails [Applause] [Music] [Music] let him go I will come any closer unless you wish to see your friend's head come off you where's Knuckles judging by what your friend here said I'd say he's lying Dead behind a tree after he created a blast of energy [Music] dead don't tell me no no how about a little deal perhaps I can let your little friend here live in exchange [Music] said stop have the emerald just please let him go now then allow me [Music] I wonder what did you plan to use this Emerald for for this nice try but I'm afraid your plan here cannot succeed you will never get rid of me you should know I am [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] sorry for worrying you [Music] Knuckles that's me oh I I thought I thought you were don't worry about it anymore man I'm here but how how did you come back well I had a little unexpected help from a certain Emerald guess it's energy resonated with me at just the right time [Music] scare me like that again dude my bad [Music] [Music] oh boy it's not possible so the emerald got it right here thanks to you and Tails so then are you guys ready yeah let's finish this [Music] [Music] [Music] remember why Sonic why do you always remind me of what I can't be when I'm lost everything everything I've done as soon it's time exe no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's not over not until I kill every last one of you the lives you've stolen it's time to take them back this is our last chance Let's Make It Count let's do it [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] and in this reign of exe everything we've been through up until now it's all led to this one final blow and we can seal exe let's go come on [Music] [Applause] where am I foreign [Music] hello so you have done it what you have accomplished your goal uh what are you talking about your goal of sealing the being that tormented you and your comrades [Music] with that I have observed your actions against these beings plenty now what the every single time you triumphantly win the battle Yeah do you really think I'd let those things hurt my friends who are you anyway and how do you know so much you wish to know who I am then allow me to explain I am what you would call the progenitor the origin the source of your Terror the emotions you so desire to keep hidden from the world those are what make me complete uh a name would have been nice a name perhaps you will figure that out when you join the rest of us [Music] are you saying you're connected to Sonic EXE and eyx that I am I am the sole reason for their existence an in turn you're suffering you why can't I move tell me what will the next ACT entail what will the production reach its long-awaited conclusion or will the show go on only time will tell what are you even saying perhaps next time finally break [Music] what was that Sonic Sonic Sonic are you okay huh what happened you passed out for a bit after sealing exe huh guess I'm just exhausted but we did it huh sure did so uh what's the plan for this thing not sure I just say we keep it somewhere safe right well then uh why don't you guard it Sonic get a taste of how it feels to guard the Master Emerald really wouldn't you be the better choice at that point you're not getting out of this one man don't put all the work on me I've done enough already true fine I guess I can take care of the thing so if we sealed Sonic EXE then does that mean good to know they're safe and sound now let's just hope they don't try to summon any of these guys ever again after what happened this time uh I think they've learned their lesson oh definitely golly in fact I've learned a very important lesson when my father told me years ago we have very limited time on this planet we never know when our lives can get taken from us this experience opened my eyes and I mean we take each other for granted every day instead we need to live every moment cherishing what we have because just like that our lives could be gone wow storm that was beautiful oh oh thank you golly I'm glad you noticed my new eyeliner I [Music] wave about all this oh yeah we totally should let's go thank you those idiots huh maybe it's time for us to head home too sounds good to me race you there hey wait maybe we ought to just walk there right come on Sonic let's go [Music] thanks for everything guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] Give Me Your Best Shot tails you asked for a sonic boom sonic thanks for the encouragement knuckles whoa whoa too easy oh crap where's the ball at I got it tails what do I do go home okay I'm going home Knuckles where are you going home not that home Knuckles home base oh crap there it is hmm you're too late Knuckles that's 10 home runs in a row 10. sorry guys I'm just a natural at baseball yeah you're also the fastest thing alive fair point so Tales now that we've been totally outmatched in baseball do you guys wanna what the huh what was that noise I don't know sound like it came from above huh [Music] oh my head what the [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 2,666,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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