SMILING CRITTERS, but they're SONIC?! Poppy Playtime 3 Animation

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after so many years the world will be mine this happening when people go crazy yes they feel the power nothing will be able to stop my play to dominate all this got transform like say so straight up I'm only just getting started H game over kidy just feel the flame of Destruction Unlimited Edition oh ah you're still alive fle B I still have five Liv left back off you psycho therapy is the only therapy I need is to see your body plasted on the wall just feel the fury of I destroy your how did it come this I got no way out too late you wait I have an idea this is my true power please please work yes back to you you that wait what no my diamonds my entire Fortune curse you catnap is it over nearly make it stop let me go my body St the I'm s hey incredible huh this is ah you cat Thief give me back the power of the gems you're not worthy of the blue gem oh no oh dear there's so many things I can never do what is this experiment you were talking about it looks slower From Below now the others are faster okay now I'm tired of you you're not dead yet you m cats can't kitties go catch me if you care whis where did he go he dodged them all nothing is working don't run face it like a man what a shame because have a cat a fast one give the gem back I'll use all of my bullets can't see the gem chose me ha as you can see you're not going to dominate anything if you're so slow whiskers n like to just fat no fat so I'm strong so I'm changing my strategy the other diamonds are not far just one alone is nothing without the others dog day's diary is funny take that just feel my strong muscle say hello to my fist yeah I'm ready to fight training makes me powerful huh oh oh enough I need water aren't you training too much again what you making fun of my muscles of Steel which muscles the ones you'd have if you were such a duster whatever all I'm saying is what my beak my body's burning what what's going on I have a tail huh I can fly I can really fly a dream come true yeah I can fly through the sky Fly High down first now up I'm a superhero I love this what's going on fire all around oh my no guess who's cool now wao the gym did have an effect let's see who's tired now feel all my Force H it's like hit and CAU this is great dog why my Peak oh I got want to see stars you look like a doormat back off back off now my hero shut up wow you can really fly high it would be fun to drop you out of the way bom Mo Glide dog they Glide curse gravity wao oh I can't look what a who believed it huh who did me take this byebye no are you okay meanness is always punished are you okay well two new guys I wonder how keep still it won't hurt you for now as I thought they have my two jaems this will be easy my sa get them bust them the bit May the show begin no we're too cool to die this will hurt you more than me what's going on what's this huh whiskers I hate stupid costumes H hey you're looking the wrong way TR end this you clown the down is by now no no you lovely porcupine I'm going to smash that fat it's not B it's alant feel the wind power for my p no my evil expensive machine I haven't finished paying it yet you're going to need a new stomach who can feel a hole in his stomach now guess who has the limited power now I still have an ace off my sleep you idiots game over kitty hurt come to me lovely Jam now a final touch say goodbye to the gems in your Liv no they hurts power yes of course in a few seconds you'll be D this is the end you must celebrate too fast as you said one gem is done without the time to feel the power of the we'll see I can destroy them too you can't be just a little him not possible no oh no this isn't happening my perfect CL you're be you will come on hurry up done it's ready this will be perfect for you full power where the my oh it's beautiful ready M on St yes I love it here I go wo bra That's my boy stable the guys must see me you go find the guys hurry because I want them pretty and chrome pled to make them into scrap for what I have my destructed for by for for I a genius I look great that's a superheroin oh well I always have another the same color here it is what was that where' my drawing go Catch Me If You Can hey I'm not fast is it I need a superhero nobody can stop me my drawing it's intact do you crack your windshield catap I'll need some maintenance catnap this is great oh I'd like to be a motorbike like you what are you waiting for get out i' give anything to be the fastest yum this looks so delicious I'll eat it in seconds get out I don't even know where to begin to eat I don't want to die help me destroy this pie this is so so funny clean that pie come with that of course I also want to ride on shiny Wheels this iron is not going to solder itself who's there I brought my friends we want you to make us in the cars too quickly please pretty perfect not another one I think I prefer not what am I becoming my head is turning oh God how disagreeable but I like it look I'm an ice cream TR make way for the speediest of all dog cars all these Apple just for me yes pretty and Crown blad hey old man why don't you play with us yes of course have to yes you won't be able to handle us enough I don't want going to do this leave me alone you brats I've lost my wait a minute I can't believe this was all a wicked wicked plan of course not fo us tell us what you're planning well I'm planning to crush you with my destructive hor time to play my neres are melted at last I'll smash you to pul we're done for I'll start with the that one look at her run the lles are heavy oh darn I feel very cold piggy oh no this is all my fault faster faster well at least it's over now yes oh no he's coming for me you can't escape little one prepare to die cat now I can't do anything I don't want to die enough talking let's get it over with nothing they can save me now I can't help him what but I oiled them this morning apples watch where you're driving old how is this possible looks like someone's going to need maintenance right we can fix it some I'll do it you can't do this to me I'm indestructible I'm Queen him thanks guys that's what friends are for to kick ass together wo I love this music get back get back not another step don't be scared I just want your heart leave my heart alone don't hurt me hurt you we couldn't you're too adorable I'll just look at you so spongy and huggable spongy and huggable time for me to go I want to keep my head I you want to hug you first so strange enough for me today I have it oh my ribs they hurt oh you sell a vanilla your arm is mine I want the other are you going to pull my arms off what the heck is why are you wearing this you almost killed me huh I heard screams and I came to save you thanks cat let's go where are you what happened girls it with catnap no napping wa up I can follow a s we lost them what did you do this time dog dad I didn't do nothing I almost H hurry give me your out stop following me don't move you're so handsome look at the camera which one you're going to make him crazy I'll help your dog day get your hands off help these humans don't understand at all let's go dog day it doesn't want to see you nobody can take our dog day away from now on we don't love catnap he's taking away what we love most dog day don't want to see you I hate you I hate you take that I'm going to come after you I think it'll be enough what the heck there's cat go for him him this is why you got to help us some crazy humans are after us and want to kill us and we don't know why what are you talking about please I can hear them already can smell them here come help us or they'll kill us before they did this way girls quickly they're here look for the those traitors hi girls looking for something something yes have you seen dog day and catnap oh I don't know them we both know you know that don't threaten me or do you want to see my angry face your angry face you don't even have a face who do you think you are nobody my face cowards have they left yet have they gone thank you Mr L I don't understand what's going on what do they want from me chill dog day we'll find out together who's behind all this I knew you were hiding nothing stops them I just want to hug come here seemed it wasn't enough you two run yeah down see if you can get past me past you I'm going leave my friend alone do you think we've done it stop have you come for a hug dog day you just said dog day give me an autograph don't kill me wait an autograph of course you're famous on TV didn't you know look H I'm the real dog day now you could be my friend if you buy my merchandise furry toys t-shirts and caps I look incredible see what you're missing smells like vanilla did you see what I saw it was player's fault he's making my life impossible we're going to fix this you leaving what about My Autograph Huggy what are you doing here you should be inside the TV okay I'm going back now I just wanted an autograph come and get your merchandise today I have something exclusive look these are autographed pictures signed by day standing I need it push there's enough for everybody we love it I also love it look there's the crook let's squash his face wait what all his fans are there we can't do it so how do we get closer leave that to the expert HH a call what's happening it's me ah Ollie that's right Ollie you're good Ally why do you sound so strange are you okay I need your help in the room next door okay I'll see you there that was close he's coming I love money look who showed up catnap I can explain not so fast friend do you think you can get away with it huh let me go I have nothing to do with you what you do with me player did you think I was so dumbb and wouldn't discover you wa look leave me and I'll pay you did he say p we can fix this even I would pay for this I have more merchandise oh I'm pathetic wait mom don't wait me we talked about this you stay here don't be with us anymore you'll be much better here I hope don't look at him dear let's just go there was another way goodbye my baby I'll be good I'll be sa oh no I'll freeze this should work I'm still cold what the heck are you doing in our house get this thing out of here I don't have anywhere to go get out of here for tonight thanks for protecting P me pop this will teach you lesson how boring cruel hey what's this how lucky I love how cat's cry have some Shel well if you need shelter stop running you fle bag what have I done to you just leave not running anymore take this stop what a stupid pathetic creature you're not worth it can anybody help me oh hey ridiculous fish you can't R who have we here a incident it's ours come with us I don't know you let it go wait till the procedure is overs wonderfully what did you do to me I look horrible do it deep everything is going according to our plan make yourself at home at least be respectful this wouldn't be happening if my P love me I hope you're having as bad as the time as I am who's there what's he doing here my baby huh huh what have they done to you my kitty what do you care you abandon me not true my kitty we didn't want this to happen to you you're our treasure we'll always love you how happy are little one is made he's a good boy and you're going to give him to me give me that little one and we're even otherwise you two must with there's no other way it'll be difficult but he'll have to live without his parents we'll never let them experiment on him is that's what you want but it was so sudden we didn't have anywhere to take you our little angel Mom Dad where are you going you can't leave me it's goold we didn't do it to be cruel it was terrible why are you leaving me and they caught you anyway they deceived us I had no I did but we together that okay flea bags family time is over time for the experiment don't resist away from me soon you won't do it again oh someone seems to want to break the deal one6 do you want to teach him a lesson it's my man son okay I can't let you stop you can't it's your fault now just let it happen try not to get scared although I love to hear you Screech enough we're not going to let you do this have you stopped sobbing there's work to do you crazy Co how dare you shut up you're the ones who don't comply your parents signed the contract I'll sign your face with my claws come here you CR you're really annoying why don't you just die you my turn I made a mistake the Juno class is hel here you're basing your no tomorrow for you get away away from my wife stay there or it'll be worse for you you can avoid what's inevitable time to end this the three of you will make a great run just let me catch you go away it'll only take one second leave my baby my M don't touch my family again just a piece of tar last we can together close my now I'm old enough to pay R baby I love you
Channel: Cartoon Games
Views: 1,284,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornstromp, hornstromp games, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: E-cdcRg5D6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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