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It’s the sad one btw.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spencer_Computers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
yo how's it going guys all right so straight up I have no idea what I'm doing but it's gonna work probably not but let's go this is my second attempt at recording this I was on yesterday I got absolutely no content so here I am again cuz I don't quit I think alright so first things first we have to find someone with teleports then we've to mess with them so this guy afk pretend that didn't happen please so this guy oh they're all right we have someone mining that's great oh my god he's just mine wait just mine wait so he stood here and decided to mine all the way straight down wait is he x-ray he has to be no one would just mine all the way down and sir are you serious dude I had no contact I knew it you would've doing Wow okay that changed fast um okay well let me say this guy's name so I know to ban him later is there anything else going on we why this guy's AFK in space this guy's mining wood so let's just replace near 10 grass and boom oh god oh god haha how could fuse are you right now so you do do it again they said don't you do that see ya boobs boobs alright a sketchy geo sketchy tof just eating right worthy doesn't see it all behind him behind it behind him oh oh that's a rip they said I'm so confused Oh more fun more fun more oh I feel bad now I feel bad they're actually so confused I'm gonna feel so bad for doing this I know you're hacking lull bye oh you wanna read my sign so I can feel really bad they said who you want to read my sign come on come on it's right there oh here we go here we go here we go I feel so bad is that ha any last words alright okay how am i acting yeah you're not I feel bad now take free diamond armor and joy and joy alright bye I wonder what's going through their brain right now alright let's go back to the x-ray right now alright and back to the x-ray this guy's still x-raying he has to be right no a hundred percent look you just turned right and got diamonds I think I'm just gonna call him out like no you don't get the x-ray and get away with it bye no no no okay he's really come back to see it dude are you serious okay all he pretended he pretended like he didn't wait wait if you get Simons again this has actually stupid dude it's pretending like you didn't see the side he's acting like he's properly fighting now do you think I'm stupid do you think I'm stupid he's looking up that know the signs right there oh oh okay aren't you see it 100% you read it a hundred percent oh just act like there was no sign heart is that how we're gonna do this three two one ban by pretty sure you can't avoid seeing that he said no yes I like how you try to play it off so our body about dude you're annoying replace here ten stone bedrock alright there we go get trapped kid I like how you tried to play it off that was funny are you sad now are you sad cuz you got caught x-raying oh you're sad cuz you got caught my son is shaking his head that wasn't what it was rhetorical bye I'm sorry please don't bend me that's exactly what I do dude everyone hacked you oh yeah sure it's not just me so everyone on the server is hacking according to him dude I could give you at least one person who's happy right now I swear okay who he's lying dude he's lying he's trying everything in his power not to get banned oh this is funny I'll tell you if you promise to not ban me and I'll stop hacking oh this is a joke dude this has to be a joke he's showing everything not to get banned should I just a career show I don't know because I don't want to agree obviously who's hacking let's just say that maybe he'll cough it up come on answer me come on oh my god give me the name wait this is the guy yes this is a guy wait okay let me type words to this guy what the heck did he walk off what just happened weh-weh what just happened they aren't even online wall they are so how come if I teleports of them right now wait what they were just it a mine wait what do you want to go now what is happening no no no no okay so he's definitely hacking wait how did that guy know this giant hacking this makes no sense at all wait what is happening whose name how did you know he was hacking I have played with him before also his discord told me what version he had on okay now don't ban me no wait no I didn't agree to that you were hacking you were hacking oh my god he's giving me diamonds like I want diamonds like I want that he's trying to say oh I will x-ray anymore all right well let's get rid of these I yes sorry please don't ban me wait all right let's go to the other guy this guy's still mining all right let's see what type of packs this guy's using then I saw him fly he's probably using x-ray he's probably mining to like a base or something this is so dumb how would he have known there's no way I don't believe anything he's talking about all right let's say to this guy now stop x-ray dude I know you saw that stop stop dude I know you see it my size just dropped oh my god am I doing this again we're placed near 10 stone bedrock yeah yeah yeah right that those diamonds kid get those diamonds stop x-ray turnarounds go on do it there you go he's just gonna continue why he like doesn't happen or what he said this is a joke what I'm Betty both of these guys what the heck let's go to the first guy you're right he was hacking way he made it wait a second kind of funny how's this British guy he never moves at the same time with they're always one of them wait he said I told you now don't ban me please okay I won't ban you thanks for telling me dude thanks for telling me he it was hacking I will only Bend him this guy doesn't move at the same time does this guy think of dog it was short I'll play me this is alt I can't believe it I can't believe it no problem this is account Kenna for you right now yeah sure dude yeah totally we're hacking right I'm banning the other guy now okay okay I'll take the note band come on respond to this sign that I'm banning the other guy for spa dude respond thank you okay wait a min what are you doing kid oh listen to you another town hold on hold on hold on what are you doing this account why are you not moving I know it's you and both accounts I'm not an idiot you can't play me What did he say wait a minute what's he doing what's he do what the heck how did he just transfer this stuff I saw his inventory he had diamond armor on this account he would really just put it on on this account he said okay you're okay go ahead you get better now stupid watch this watch this watch this okay I'm gonna i peep in him just in case you know what he's gonna say why would you disagree if there's literally nothing you can say no - don't waste I pee pants it's not worth it hah stupid o date oh do you now gotta go bye thanks for telling me no pointed IP okay normal Ben no I think too bad for his sister dude don't be me she only has one I bet a million dollars what i teleported this other guy he stood still Timmy million dollars right now give me a million give me a million why you go afk sad face is it okay if I always Ruby it's okay if I bend only your account and only this one you said not to IP ban you right here's where we try camp use where we show them here's where we trick him sorry a person obviously but is this story like all figured out come on response to this sign response to this side I bet you're a obtain your other account now oh I was right sorry I don't know what you need oh wow didn't fall for it you just said two knots IP pin right okay fine I'll I P ban you bye wait Toodee figure out at first on his main account that I was gonna pay in him so he brought it all to count on for this story no sorry my sister is sick no I keep in she will cry it she loves it can you get your sister on line right now oh they said yes they said yes okay tell them to come I am about to bamboozle this guy so hard he has no idea they're taking forever wait they said something okay but she's very sick and so all ever a minute any day now this is the most stupid thing I've ever had happen to me ever I've never had anything like this ever happened while making a trolling video come on get your sister I'm still waiting they take so long I know it's you I know you're gonna open an alt account well it's gonna be you as your sister it's not all my dog oh my god hello sorry I was low I'm very sick oh my god someone said welcome i teleported them no they got that girl's getting everything down do they just do this oh wow they can't move at the same time I wonder why here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go up here we gotta go right here we're gonna go right here you set that out of stone we set this out of stone we make a little box just like that you know TP the guy cuz you know that's what we have to do TP his very sick sister why are they both not moving what's that other guy's name the British guy oh look he's not moving - so you just stood here with the same sign doing nothing that's great what just happened I went away for one second no TP here this guy no what the heck how is he wait [Music] generally normal behavior right here you see this you guys should totally 1v1 I [Laughter] would my crab he walks while he writes the sighs you think I can't see this is nothing but didn't he write it from all the way over there you know she has feelings she will cry would be--would or bad let's just say that oh yeah she's hiding this is the most stupid thing hello sick lady wake up hello he says sick lady wake up oh wow hahaha I said hello let's just say what disease do you have I love how this guy's just stood in the corner like you can't move on this person types a lot wait what I said what disease do you have wait who said okay I'll fight I didn't see that okay 1v1 go they said if I tell you ill what what does that mean what well you ready you ready you ready now yes no next years my god oh my god oh my god I'd love to see this one of you like this is gonna be the baby p32 would go yo yo this is so dumb this is so stupid what was that you got me sick yeh I can't do this my brain hurts wait no let's tell for it this guy let's teleport this guy the guy in the bedrock oh yeah who's that who's that Wow and intruders oh they're not moving mister got bad yeah he's what oh cool sister wait what Oh what happened buddy I thought your sister doesn't act oh wow they don't move at the same time this is cute oh my god get out you idiot get out you idiots I'm done goodbye what just happened
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 5,000,002
Rating: 4.8830323 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, minecraft hack, minecraft hacker, minecraft skit, minecraft roleplay, minecraft funniest
Id: 0CP7HjTjBfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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