Going to the WORST REVIEWED Minecraft Server in HISTORY

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hello welcome alright okay so I went on Twitter and I saw a tweet and I got tweeted a tweet that tweeted me that said invaded Lando's it sounds like someone's trying to copy you so I was like what the heck I got the IP I went on the server I wanted to see who was copying me because people have impersonated as me before but no one has ever made a server copy of mine so I decided to join at first not even gonna lie I was kind of triggered I was kind of mad I was like why is this to copying my servers like no go make your own server but then I realized wait it was just a fan server he wasn't trying to copy it he was just trying to be a good fan and making a banned server of my server which was you know that's why I don't really mind that but um here's here's the thing this server like I don't want to be mean okay because there's a bad server and the guy was nice but it was possibly the worst server I have you'll see no okay I'm sorry I'm not being mean I swear but it was just so bad you'll see why the guy had I don't want to spoil anything but for the kid system you had to open a chest and take a kit okay I'm done just subscribe like notification do all that stuff that would be sick thank you so so much to do right now a bad luck forever thank you for watching and enjoy all right bye alright okay so I am just about to join it alright oh my god welcome to what I spun what is this oh wait this is the oh my god no no no no welcome to invaded Windows this guy literally knocked off my server oh my god a mad wait this is no coffee or or regnal steppy server it's my own no it's not your own cuz the name of it I'm so glad you took the time out of you our day to chew up a PvP go out of stone to play was stoic to play this is stone with us no please only take one kit at time because everyone has to play or I will punish and maybe mute I can't I can't open the chest I can't what type of server is this what type of server is this wha oh my god I what type of cult wait no I just read his name for the first time own ear Kulu eats kids night I tried to make yours yeah I can see that now at first I was mad but this is just really really bad is leaking what type of server is it though is it KITT I think it's community the same say kit pvp yes what do you like it and why did you talk to my server the sign says this is no copy but it's kind of copied but not copy because it's really bad I'm your biggest fan and want to be a server thank you so much wait I don't want to be mean the server is kind of I mean look at it I can't open the chest you know that right you know I can't open these right yeah no you're up so you can open it I can't all right I'm not stupid okay you have chest access on deny you must set it to allow for me to open it how what do you mean how how long did you even build all this stuff I'm assuming he got a builder there's no way cuz how would you know how to use worldedit to make this whole thing but he doesn't know how to set the chest access no I've been building this since I got home from school that's great dude but I can't open the chat whatever I'm just gonna go down I don't care okay at least she said it so I can't break blogs I honestly don't think he said it to that I think it was just like that wait what is he saying I am so glad you joined us would you get friends other youtubers to play here please please server I want more players so get your friends ok stop stop stop stop first of all there are so many things wrong with this server I am sorry I am being honest because I care yeah you are three musically wrong you are that you are youtuber friends and I get more players let's know how it works alright what is wrong with my server is that even a question dude do you think people would come on here how much I needed to start that over do you really think people would come online here to play I mean look I just joined and I can't do anything I literally can't can't you spawn oh I can actually do spawn you're here the wrong you're you're here yes I Lando's see people played what does that mean No okay the first thing you I can't my dog okay the first thing you should do is put chest access on so I can open it right so I can open this in play okay how op me and I'll do it no oh also he's smart enough to not me yet sorry Skippy I love you but I can't i watch you are vids and i see what you do no no it's a fan server I'm trying to help you why would I not want to help you I only do stupid grief when admin are stupid I will fix it and make it so much better am i stupid no that's no what I'm just trying to help this guy fine fine type this command all right I'm gonna tell them the real command we're gonna fix it together blag I think it'll be that chest access oh wow look at me I'm such a good server owner okay with you when he does it if it works I'm trying to help you Sulu eats kids 9 what are you thinking done alright okay hey am i smart my smaller my eyes so smart wait please only take one kit at time okay I'm gonna check out my dog because I don't know what's going on okay I check dog burb okay he's just said okay all right okay all right um Jesus Christ Oh do you realize I can just mess up this whole thing right please only take one kit at time because everyone has to play or I will punish and mate on my card I understand now you set up these chests in a way so that everyone takes a kit all right that's what he that's what I use picturing I think take a kid you go down and you PvP what are you doing it I saw you our dog before he's a glue the ETF does that mean did you try to do it so everyone takes one kit and then goes to PvP is that what you were envisioning I think that's what he was picturing yes Wow I could only picture that because that's probably something twelve-year-old me would do how old are you if he says 12 my mind equals blown it's one number why is he taking so what where I'm not allowed to say oh that's just great dude that's just great fine fine you want players I'll get you players that's what you want right we're gonna see how badly this doz yes I am warning you now before I do this it will not go well why what do you mean why you're just anyone can take stop come PvP need one be one come ice out of all blocks he's chosen ice this isn't even centered whatever spawn is this my OCD is kicking in that's leaking it's not centered at all no thanks good fight fight one do you want oh it's gonna owe ya cuz you get that why do you get Diamond armor huh why do you get it and I get iron I am a winner I thought you were Oh near I'm surprised to even manage to set up the ranks I really am go await watch I'm still gonna beat him I'm still gonna beat him oh my god [Laughter] [Music] there's no way are you sure you're not really pretending like this is a bad server on purpose I sort of feel like that's what's going on right now are you saying my sir there's no way there you know I don't believe it I it's so hard for me to believe it no one in the right MA okay if you've ever join a server worse than this type of comment because I don't never join us over worse than this I really haven't typed such rg5 EVP allow if you don't know how did you even set up the ranks that makes zero sense done it doesn't even work you lied to me no I didn't lie to you what did you do dude it didn't think it's supposed to it was supposed to please don't hack on me please don't attack on me do you hear yourself when I talk yeah but I'm not I'm so you eat kids his name is eat kids nine and that's probably his name am i missing the joke am i missing the joke why is that funny how do you even say your name sit - Lou - Lou got it all right I'm smart yes what do you mean yes hello you said it okay okay where do you live I am from India oh okay so you can tell me that but not your age I get it but I live in my house oh my god you know what I don't care anymore I don't care anymore I don't I appreciate the fant - look at how much time this probably took him look at how much time and I can just go like that right okay now I'll put it back cuz I'm a good person fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine your wish will come true don't you worry I just tweeted at the server IP yay oh you're excited now you're excited now I'm gonna teach him why you should actually fix your server let me tell you the problems people will take the stuff out of the chests we can't even pivot pay no one will stay how to pvp you know if I ask that you just say left click so left click ha ha ha no work yeah I know it doesn't work so other than PvP my server is good guess well we have that look at the spawn this isn't even centered at all why are there two random glowstone blocks here what did he make own ears house do not go in if you were not the owner only I am this is some type of joke dude this is honestly some type of joke is he gonna get mad no this has to be some type of joke sorry I can't read well you're no owner he's in says you're in the right context once only me can you not read no sorry you are signs are you're not handwriting what did I just say made it so I can go in somehow I don't even know how he did that probably some command or plugin so you know how to do that but you don't know how to turn on PvP how did you do that how did he do that hello do what so I can't go in oh yes people are joining pretty spawn I don't know even you don't know you clearly no if you did it I can't even go it anymore how do i TP to this guy can't even do that no I can't what's up what's happening come to saw spawn is he you are youtuber friend yeah oh my god how many subs 14 Jesus dude I said 90 K yeah 9 TK well 14 my god my brain holy poop let's see what a normal person does come I'm here let's see what a normal person does when they when they read this and it says please pick one go on then go on then oh my god are they only taking one please okay good are they only taking one I'm gonna be so oh my god they only took one I'm so disappointed I'm actually so mad wife you don't taking all of them I thought people would be trolled and take all them welcome how many subs do you have this guy only cares about subs I like invaded lands v2 I don't way better than invent what is wrong with everyone it's no way better than it it's over so bad I'm tiling the server worst server something No this server is so bad I would beat you no 1v1 Oh too bad we can't 1v1 why you know what cuz the owner can't figure out how to turn it on too bad we can't even one do one cuz the owner doesn't know how to turn on PvP Jesus Christ I've hit a new low oh my god I just assumed everyone had subs the guy loves he's like I don't need you oh look we can't PvP yay what a good server owner TP fast emergency your server defeats the whole purpose of being a kit pvp server can't PDP irate server 1 out of 10 you're the one who lied to me on the command oh my god I was trying to help you I think it's better because I'm safe this is stupid I fixed it yes see I bet he's lying I bet watch it's not gonna work oh what a surprise I am Berra ordering than you are you dog Wow such a good owner am I getting mad I should be laughing at how bad this is I don't know why why am I getting mad what's wrong with me oh no no no no no I need oh my gosh you did it oh my god he actually did it wait why does it work for a second and then not what is wrong with a server this is so the server makes zero sense EVP is on and spawn no it's not though what the server so bad I don't care the server so bad what is going on I can't even thank space no sad dinner Oh am I even doing any damage I'm not doing any damage hello your server some like you oh so now it's working right so now it's what dude the lava thank you it's spawn PvP oh my god this is a joke this is a joke this is a joke this is actually a joke what I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh no no this is the worst server who said L don't know this is the worst server I've ever - oh my god this server so bad breaking it no no no wait the spawn go over here go over here oh my god no oh no you don't oh no you don't oh my god oh my god oh my how far how far apart half are no so bad please don't be VP in spot away I'm gonna break these I'm gonna break these I'm gonna press keys inside no one can ever get these break that Oh still beat at break fine I'm gonna take everything I don't care I don't care I don't care he's saying I'll bang you what happened to this guy walk in the lava oh my god go away go away go away no no no no you just sorta need a sword need a sword need a sword yeah the server sucks I hate it I hate it if you apply hacks you can just owner if I have fly oh my god owner if I have fly hacks I can just fly can't even do a roof sucks my dog tend to love a kid dead in the lava I win you you know I want a sword give it to me goodbye no team team team team team team he said I can do a root note die I'm taking all the swords I'm taking all the swords I'm taking no no no no see oh my yeah a leaf roof wow so good sir is a freaking mess that's what it is oh my god yet palm boat you're dead you're dead subscribe hey I don't know oh my god oh shut up the roof is gonna decay and he has no idea owner your roof decay oh my god it's going slowly but surely he's not gonna have a roof anymore no don't place it back but that's not gonna work are you dumb are you dumb are you dumb this guy's dumb yo there's one right here and there's one right here over here oh my god my brain I can't take this anymore yeah just kill me hello Gabi I approach that in Minecraft I need ostentatious or a Devi aquas yeah maybe if the owner would give me off I would have opted all of you he's still I I'm losing so many brain cells see it's fine now oh yeah I'm sure it's fine oh my god I got it no wait my sapling forever no go away go away it's mine bro bro bro it's my sapling did it wait no no no no please please please please please please please please please please team dude team team yes psych oh my god I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking joking joking joking and I have the sword please oh she gave it to me should I kill him oh my god here's another all my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm gonna spawn I spawn how do I even deal owner you can't heal on this server bad server screw it no one gets this halfling no one gets the sapling oh my god what are you doing what was that everyone say bad server please I am begging please please someone anyone I prefer v2 there maybe now we'll influence his decision to not have a server run like this see owner see no no I wanted it my apple mine give it to me give it to me give it to me it's all mine it's all mine I just wanted to eat this I'm a pro owner TPI hacked-up here while she's actually gonna believe it hahahaha wait did he just no no dude you suck he said ahahahahahaha you're not even funny you know what get off oh my god yeah nice dude nice Wow such a good owner nice oh yeah we replace it with ice right cuz that looks right I don't care I don't care I'm done I'm done I wish copyright striking servers a thing I can't even go in there I'm done I'm done I am done goodbye everyone the server actually sucks I don't even know why I got mad it's funny I how bad it is look at it look at his roof oh yeah it's fine everything's fine I'm eating apples that fell from the roof meaning I don't know what I'm eating and I could have gotten food poisoning from that but who cares I don't really care right can't do anything gonna get killed I'm dead goodbye have fun I'm done with this video this is actually stupid i teleported hello i know this is a video here's a golden hell oh god I knew it I knew dude I / oh my god you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 3,608,975
Rating: 4.7742925 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, worst reviewed, minecraft worst reviewed, best reviewed, minecraft best reviewed, going to reviewed
Id: mIdOWjKSel4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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