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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/minichewy92 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello yo how's it going guys welcome back to another video so today is a very great day because this idea is a great idea now don't questionnaire or anything but usually idea I look in chat and I try and find the new that's step one after I found the nude we give them owner rank now you're like oh drink that's the thing they're gonna have owner rank without any perms so it's basically just gonna confuse everyone cuz everyone's just gonna see that they have owner and everyone's gonna ask them to do stuff and give them keys and game mode and items and kits and ranks but in reality there's just a noob whose owner rank so they won't even know what they're doing I hope if this works out perfectly that's what I want to happen let's go MMH a step one find a noob this guy sort of looks like a noob awesome eight and five odd do you want to have owner rank buddy are you worthy well let's try let's set him to explode and see what happens did you notice oh no he's just kept running actually this guy might actually be a big new let's try that one more time it's gonna explode and he didn't even react okay now he's sort of reacted but he's like uh what was that who cares I'm gonna keep running why aren't just running doing nothing what's the point of this um replace near ten Kraske and T here's what we're gonna do and then undo did he he didn't even see it but try it again but with dirt and then undo did you see it there's no way you to see that really you did see that always typing chat does he type in chat up and said eppie okay never mind moving on I really just need to find a new for this so let's keep going and find the biggest noob on the server this guy now and I know they're in an event no not messing with people in events maybe like a Steve or an Alex skin would be the best ah someone the chat come on there has to be some new peppy PvP said Skippy troll so what's its tepee question mark or should I just wait for a new player I don't know how to do this okay there's a new player right there let's just teleport them here and maybe maybe you'd be a good person for this okay they're trying to mine this actually might go very well well some guys you send chat is the server lagging hello there welcome it might be lagging considering you are teleported he's like WTF this is actually very hard I can't figure out who I want let's do just said my mouse breaking and this guy said scampi is doodoo shut up your mouse is breaking ah I'm here to help fix your mouse what kind of mouse is it question mark I got from sock really what help you need kid no no let's just say what help you need this guy might be the one he might be the one can I have mouse you want mousey oh my god another big new this guy literally typed out kit pvp instead the command hello they're like yes hello suggest the name are you new but let's just straight-up ask them why they say sad face I was literally asking this guy's like a my new question mark what are you doing I'm asking if you're good or new okay I found the two biggest news this guy doesn't even know what's going on this guy's still like on the sign with a mouse they literally don't even know that they're both next to a player what is wrong with this guy he said I am good I think that means you're bad here's what we're gonna do where's the disguising suggest a name we're making this guy owner and we're making this guy owner they're they're both set to disguise as owner I think people realize is that CP meat back oh my god do we don't these two kids our owner put the actually aren't they have zero perms oh my god this kid just bought oh okay okay doesn't even know how to use the chat who was doing ah you're good owner come on now your owner your owner you're both over there come on run the server well oh my God he's killing the other owner that means this guy's gonna be the full-time owner right now Skippy oMG we're stepping oh they're like hi yo everyone the chat your application was good why can't I mute chat they said okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna op them for like one second right now to to them I can't suitor them no no no no if you have to yo get no work do you think he'd work from a command block mute chat I don't know oh console has silenced the chat what's it now I give them both purse to talk one hour bypass bypass bypass bypass now they can all talk and chat they're like they don't see me your band although your people are actually bouncing them I don't think the other guy know is taking use a chat but they both can it wasn't a like bounty me or on let's just pseudo the other new to say oh yes good my application got accepted for owner what is happening can someone buy me a mouse the same minded to for the application everyone hails was just the name hi white tee off you know if he know is that a wife to be owner I want him to be a noob mmm I think we should demote him yo everyone is crowding him I don't even know what's going on what is this trees who made this why everyone spam 14 in chat if I am better than Skippy unmute the chat console okay if that's what you want he's literally talking to the console all right if this is what you are why are you listening to media again media again console has silenced the chat wow everyone actually typed it I'm done okay I am better than stepping yeah all right whatever you say kid so other guys doesn't even know how to use the chat he barely talks where is he this newbie Alex did you just kids still tell you ever to spam 14 unmute the chat console you know what no I'm not listening to you alright I'm not gonna listen everyone pay me 1k or band this kid is going wrong I need to hire Marge to give me a map about a mouse if people can help by mouse you get mod I said 1k wait what it has gone up to 10 K 10 K or been if you're a good mom I will hire you not mod not mod mob who's best mom you chat boom oh my god not a mod mob I'm the best mob alright mute again all right I'm gonna pseudo suggest names to say hey of their owner pick a mob to be hired I will promote them let's just do that yeah oh no oh no someone suited me but okay oh no oh no nyan joined no joined me on tan out this is serious business like okay he left I love how a new player joins always said who can buy me a mouse I really believe it I will I'll be there I'm get up no no oh my this is so Dom Chet said he can buy a mouse does this mean I have to make them my boom boom boom boom dawn we're just promoting everyone oh they said me there Maude now what am i doing what am I actually doing my life so many new players I can provide a mouse okay uh hi I had a little situation my internet decided to be poop and it went out and then I logged off with to fake owners online I had to tell my staff to remove it ASAP cuz I was just bad and now we're here and we're back several hours later so I had a very good idea a way to perfectly execute the ending or the middle I don't know to this video what I will do is grab five contestants five people in the server fake owner all of them they'll realize they'll know however all of them will compete for one of them to walk away with actual owner on the server so the first thing I have to do here is mute the chat boom and broadcast I need five new owners immediately this is a new player okay ASD whatever will be the first owner he doesn't even know what's going on four more to go let's just put ASD here ah there you go you're probably confused going to a good stay in there I need four more prove yourself right now underneath the chat just like so many people trying step 'yes grandpa step 'yes grandpa that's the name hold on hold on hold on hold on step is grandpa why should you be owner tell us all let's give him the perms he needs in order to talk tell us you see Oh God Oh what why yes I don't have a wife anymore Oh God is this gonna get depressing oh my god rip ASD I have big AIDS oh my god you have three seconds for us to make a choice and I'm very lana Lee and I love you you're not really sketchy strand PAH are you and um I need friends uh-huh I see I might be I'll leave you able to use the chat maybe in the future if there's no one better okay moving on five new owners please I can't type I'm too old for this yeah all right whatever you say first one to talk surely we'll have to be the first own okay underneath this boom boom boom the first one to talk was ventric spin tricks are you worthy BRP I just pooped myself what's wrong with this cake hello ventric answer us hi okay magenta all peace huh you know what both of you get out to say goodbye no please shut up fat they're disrespecting me okay now I really know the truth bendrix is out I'm very good owner please no I don't need five more I mean I will be if you give me owner all right you know what the latest new players join was big boy toxic all right big boy toxic get in your hole yup big boy toxic are you worthy and it's our us um a lot of pressure here stiffies grandpa oh I want to make such a bad joke how old are you oh my god didn't Jesus Christ k thanks big boy toxic have you ever staffed anywhere before why am i trapped in gold or have you ever staffed anywhere before no ok good enough is this step e oh my god ok I say he's right - owner some guys trying to kill him no no no no no no no no no no no no it's not Stephie oh my god this kids touch you I command blocks get off get off you idiot dude get out get out dude I need for owners desperately no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Stephie your God aw dude this kid definitely staying is over we need four more we need four more I like this guy already okay what's just 94 people first four people to answer my question oh my god I just talked in chat instead of Rahway testing I hate myself I don't care I'm going with it anyway we'll be owner who the next four I said tepe I'm am worthy what you can trust me in the nearest thousand how much money do I have an answer is 14 this is to the global chat not you all right I'm you I'm um um um um um um um um you oh god okay well we got a few people who said 14 this guy said point 14 I don't know if it counts I guess we'll count it all right we're putting them in a box here you said 14 you said 14 you said 14 kill anyone in this box you're no longer owner bro hello hello who's this one guy big boy talk sing okay these are the four stop what are they doing oh my god okay xoxo you're out I saw that by nine okay I need two more owners quick me please but what is wrong with everyone are you guys okay in the head I just said stop till and you kill by now I need four owners wait three died you know what fine step 'yes grandpa fine you can have one chance to owners first to answer one plus one okay that's it that's all you're there Oh God why are you killing why are you killing why are you killing stop or pan I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done with everyone I'll stop it's too late now I know the truth you're not worthy GP me back yeah I am if I see one hit you gone you know this is the true test one hit and they're gone now the first people to say to was this guy and this guy great five total owners one single hit and you're gone forever so I'm gonna like face this way to see if anyone hits anyone because I'm watching but I really have an f5 so if they hit someone I'm actually technically watching but they think I'm not BRB one sec good and events going on it looks like I'm afk do it do it stickies grandpa hit him hit him Wow I don't think anyone actually hit anyone all right I just gave all these people talk power and fake owner and going through it I just realized this guy's IGN what's wrong with you I poop mics alright I'm dawn okay so listen you five I want to make my name stand out I don't like this listen close follow me anyone hit anyone you're gone alright we're going out of the box - following me come on in this block only orderly fashion on this block only make a line or you're all gone ten nine eight seven six okay good good good smart people they did it now follow all right so we're walking or what oh my god who's this kid now listen till the noob now all of you oh oh oh get him I'll kill the noob they're all working together to get him teamwork good yes I'll help I'll help boys one hit he's one hit he's one hit and he's gone good lying again now follow all right so we're going here we go in here we're going here we go in here go up here make the parkour properly don't avoid or you're out all you have to do is go like that go like that jump over like that one by one go if you fall you're out all my god you're out Oh got it guy all right fine um um um go on go on all right these three survived I don't know who this guy is get the no one gets enough bye okay you three survive we're gonna have to take away their talk kill them now they're like no all right you know what you know what leave them to be peaceful leave them leave them leave them all right we'll put a glass it can stay there for old times sake now meet me at spawn all of you three okay go to the left good what the heck who are you what the heck get off do people are taking over my stuff get out get out Oh oh my god okay we got step peas grandpa we got this person who did I miss right right but yeah this guy now listen oh my god everyone in the chats votes who will be best owner out of these three they will get real perms oh my god I'm blocking this off I'm blocking this off I will give out ranks okay so not you wait he's making them he's making them one vote for him I know what he's doing vote for me bow in three two vote for me okay fine you know what it's time for the speeches if anyone else talks during anyone elses turn you will get out step ease grandpa you first give your speech you have 60 seconds okay I'm really interested as to what Skippy's grandpa's gonna say everyone comments can be bad loss this girl's gonna be good a minute ago I have very bad tight typing but by 30 seconds Pepe's grandpa sober up getting rid of this guy's talk gone gone gone vote for me if you want to see Skippy getting whooped okay that's it I'm hold I can't type I don't know how you kids can use this things thank you very nice berserk your turn sixty seconds go so I'd like to start this by thinking the bisector for this wonderful opportunity okay okay good start go on so I think being an owner is a pretty big job and my brain cells have been preparing for this moment for a while now 20 seconds on the clock in conclusion I'd like to be an owner of this non poop server oh yeah an F thank you for your time and lastly me Jesus Christ his name auntie always still talking I I didn't say go what why did you start on behalf of communist Russia I stand here today to present my argument you know what just go 60 seconds go now as I am Russian you don't actually get to vote but 30 seconds mr. Russian if you were to vote for me you get money ranks and a lot of pot bro so choose me uh-huh see all right well is that the end Putin out all right now we just need the team colors all three of you pick a color that means most to you Stephanie's grandpa said yellow because I pee a lot right okay we've got the team colors it's just like so alright everyone stand on the color you vote for we got red right here just for red we've got blue four blue and yellow for the P Jesus Christ stand go okay Red's got one vote yellows got another vote blue has zero votes so far all red has two votes all right blocking off colors in one minute vote at spawn stained on color of your choice oh blues getting some boats you know red for communism and blue is for blue to yellow yellow sort of looking like they're not gonna make it thirty Seconds to vote at spawn stand on the color closing voting in ten seconds okay do I even need to count red wins Jesus Christ GG right oh my god right really really red this idiot wins this is such a stupid idea I I'm giving him up your opt abuse equal lose everything go now talk to your followers aust if he's grandpas congratulating him well I hope any new I would win ow cuz votes didn't count I'm Russian okay everyone why is there still fake owners darn fixed okay so if you want a Russian rank spearmint six six what that what a Russian rank how is that a thing you don't even know how to make rakes probably I think everyone wants a Russian rank there isn't one make one you're the owner idiot and you are not nope I'm mod I listen to your command I should probably watch him in case they do anything I'm kind of scared not gonna lie set yourself to mod then I'm mod just shut up I think you were lying to me I'm Maude just what a fine fine user disguise Steffie Maude done I'm actually very worried because they have all the perms you were lied to me I'm not it says I'm on just shut up it says I can't ban you wait why did you try to ban me wait what because I am Russian okay and only one can be king here they came just continue see the ten call me King King okay King right what am i chat no no don't know no surely not know not case you just disrespected you all my clothes are placing long forever okay you're done nyan take away his stuff please immediately nyan nyan nyan is know how it's off just do I'll just do it I'll just get it done oh my time all my time oh my god remove all perms now please user disguise them Turner Turner off off off off off welcome to Russian nah dude all your perms gone by oh oh I'm dumb I hate myself okay no no no no quick game quick game quick game oh it's all fake all fixed idiot that's what happens when you try to abuse any last words Russia never lose heart to is amin new to your house okay bye I've done I've actually done twit game if you only do this to get by a longer version right yet more debates a more professional like comment subscribe our 20k likes okay bye you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,251,842
Rating: 4.9497318 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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