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My lungs want more and more oxygen Why do I have such small lungs? You need to shoot this! Look how beautiful it is! Just look! Right there! That peak. Climb it, spread your hands and shout Hey-hey-hey! That would be cool! We need to put our Accra here For the background, it’s more beautiful Hey guys, we’re in the mountains again And we are shooting a nice video Let’s cook Alan, wait. Let’s have a drink It’s been six months since we last met It’s when we were cooking a bison I want to raise this glass to us! So that we meet more often And cook more often to make our viewers happy And anyway, we’ve always had a great time! To our meeting! And to you, my dear friends! It’s good! What are we making today? Meat with vegetables in a cauldron I like meat I am still a predator Alan, how much oil do we need? One liter will do Almost a liter We’ll put some butter here Fry some onions And in goes potato Oh, excellent! Here’s to the beauty of the Caucasus! Can’t get enough of the air! Can’t get enough of the view! Yes, it’s very beautiful here! The potatoes are fried perfectly! Let’s not break our traditions And as always we have presents for you Ethnic knives of the northern people From mansi-era This time we’re going to have three winners To be a part of a giveaway you need to go to our Instagram account (there is a link below this video) And complete the conditions Which are listed in the last post Click the link and be a part of it If you like these knives There’s a link below this video Click it and order it Fry eggplant a little Add a tablespoon of paprika And some homemade adjika sauce And put in all the rest Alan, I think it’s going to be something awesome! I don’t have any doubt We’ll leave it to braise That’s why I’m taking out some charcoals It’s going to be tasty grilled meat here It’s heavenly! That’s it. Our dish is ready! I want to raise this glass of homemade dry wine to good sense so that we have a sound mind and in every situation in life we would have wisdom and foresight To you, my friends! My wounded hand! Have a seat, Alan. Let’s try it I must tell the meat is very juicy Mmm! It’s very delicious Guys, take note Cook this great dish and make your loved ones happy Is this pepper spicy? Nope Mmm! The weather in the mountains changes very fast It’s starting to rain
Views: 10,345,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: приготовить, мясо, с, овощами, в, духовке, по, французки, свинины, рецепт, мяса, вкусное, какое, тушеное, рецепты, из, ели, картошка, картошки, блюда, без, запеченое, салат, казане, на, костре, домашних, услоаиях, суп, быстрый, какие, овощи, запекать, шашлык, мангале, есть, георгий кавказ, еда, вино, вкусно, завтрак, обед, ужин, что, правильная, полезная, традиционые, чугунный, плов, мангал, ASMR, GEORGY KAVKAZ, говядина, как, кулинария, мясо в казане, быстро, соус, сколько, казан, вкусные, можно, простой, приготовление, блюдо, просто, и, вкусная, хашлама
Id: LhF63IaXyA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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