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Nice carcass Today we’re cooking a bear What are we making of it? I’m making the meatballs And I’m gonna grill it We won’t need machete We’re butchering this bear with FINKA NKVD And we’ll give these knives away to our followers After posting this video Alan, which color do you prefer? White one Well, I’ll use the black one then Look, this is probably a kidney Yep Bring a container for the meat, Georg We haven’t started right, don’t you think? I guess so Much drinking brings harm But little drinking is boring To your health! Alan, what do you say if we stew these ribs in a cauldron? Good idea How many ribs? Three ribs a piece Good steaks Rib eye steak (Alan laughing) Isn’t it rib eye? I’m not good at steak names Yes, that’s exactly rib eye steak These knives would be good at butchering the lamb Yep, very sharp Look at these thick steaks Let’s grill these Marble bear meat Here It’s cold Very! And we’ve put on warm clothes Our insides are still cold Here’s to your health! I’ve been meaning to ask you Who have you voted for at the last elections? I haven’t voted, I was on a sick leave Me too Look at the bear’s lymph node Lambs have small ones And the bears have huge nodes Ryzhik, it’s for you, catch it! The bear has a bigger thigh than an ostrich Much bigger! Alan, let’s grill some steaks Let’s do it! Hold it! Is there a problem? Wait, stop laboring over it. It’s just a small bone Well! Now we’re talking! It doesn’t fit in here Now it’s better Alan, the sun is shining, let’s have some wine Our videos are rare but right on spot Don’t miss them! It’s not going to be medium Alan, put them in here Alan, the food is ready, bring the onions! Guys, if you want to take part in a giveaway of FINKA NKVD Go to our Instagram account And read the conditions in the last post But whoever wants to buy this wonderful knife I’ll leave the link to the FINKA NKVD web page below So order it. My promo code “Georgiy Kavkaz” will give you a discount Here, Alan! A traditional toast to a winner! Mmm! Good wine! What do you think? Well, it’s not beef But very delicious Add some salt in here More, more! Don’t be stingy! Needs some more salt Alan, what do you say about lula-kebab? No, better meat balls I have beaten the minced-meat really well Well, it’s ready! I guess 4 hours and 45 minutes would be enough It’s going to be ready right on time for dinner Sprinkle some pepper! Alan, what do you say about adding about 50 ml of wine here Add 250 ml I’ll leave it to stew Well, meat balls it is! Let’s go! The tandoor is ready We’ve spent the bear on the meat balls Alan, have you ever thought of becoming a vegan? No, I love meat Good for you! Mmm! Bear is power! I must say, it all looks so awesome! Have a meat ball I have the best tkemali (traditional Georgian sauce) My mom made it! Look at this tkemali! That’s just enough! Thank you, mama, for tkemali! Well, let’s have a drink Tell me Georgiy, to your health! To our homes! To our families! Cheers! See, it’s so well-cooked! I must say these meatballs are very tasty! All the meat! Tasty! The meatballs are delicious! It’s cooked wonderfully!
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Keywords: КАК, ПРИГОТОВИТЬ, ШАШЛЫК, ИЗ, МЯСО, МЯСА, ФИЛЕ, в, духовке, рецепты, на, сковороде, вкусная, бедро, грудка, голень, запеченная, блюда, мультиварке, сочная, фарш, что, печень, стейк, мягкая, с, овощами, приготовление, суп, тушеная, можно, сколько, варить, индейку, просто, калорийность, фольге, домашняя, котлеты, кортошкой, сливочном, соусе, сметане, рукаве, фарша, индюк, цыпленок, диетическая, видео, маринад, специи, приправы, для, ГЕОРГИЙ КАВКАЗ, GEORGY KAVKAZ, youtube, мангал, углях, казане, костре, ASMR, страус, медведя, медвежье, медвежонок, еда, и, алан
Id: xXYR7Lbrm2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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