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Do you think we can manage? I guess so Today we’re cooking the biggest bird We’ll grill it on charcoals! Bring the knives Alan, to dress this ostrich I’ll give you the most powerful knife I have ever had. But first, can you chop this leg off for me? I’ll marinate it and throw it into the oven. How is it going? Good I’ll fetch the glasses Here’s to our get-together We’ve got lots of wine Enough for several days. They say: the time you’ve spent with your friends is beyond your lifetime To us! To your health! We need to cut it off Alan, how’s the knife? Great! You don’t have bad knives. Can I have it for a sec The manufacturer of this knife gives a lifetime guarantee. And we’ll give it away on our Instagram page Follow us on Instagram and be a part of this giveaway We’ll give it to one of you! Look! So much meat here! This piece is for kebab Alan, this part is to make shoes for you Something didn’t go as planned These knives are really very sharp I cut my hand But it won’t stop us from cooking this ostrich mix salt and pepper Alan, where are the glasses? I’ll fill them Ostrich meat is very tender But we have a big chunk So we’ll keep it in for three hours I hope it’s enough Two hours have passed Let’s check our meat Looks wonderful! Alan, let’s string the meat on skewers What would I do without you?! Alan, let’s have a drink! Stay healthy, Georgiy! What can you do! Things happen. Wine is like a medicine My hand will heal fast It smells like lamb Juicy and well cooked Well, here’s to all the friends! You can’t have too many friends If you’re friends with everyone No one can call you a friend. And I want to raise this glass of wine to you, Alan and to all true friends like you! To you, my friend! I wouldn’t have managed this bird alone You can’t compare this meat to anything. Right
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Keywords: КАК, ПРИГОТОВИТЬ, ШАШЛЫК, ИЗ, МЯСО, МЯСА, ФИЛЕ, в, духовке, рецепты, на, сковороде, вкусная, бедро, грудка, голень, запеченная, блюда, мультиварке, сочная, фарш, что, печень, стейк, мягкая, с, овощами, приготовление, суп, тушеная, можно, сколько, варить, индейку, просто, калорийность, фольге, домашняя, котлеты, кортошкой, сливочном, соусе, сметане, рукаве, фарша, индюк, цыпленок, диетическая, видео, маринад, специи, приправы, для, ГЕОРГИЙ КАВКАЗ, GEORGY KAVKAZ, youtube, мангал, углях, казане, костре, ASMR, страус, страуса, страусиное, страусиного, яйцо, да
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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