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I think the whole thing will fit Absolutely! If not, we’ll cook it twice Today we’re cooking camel meat We’ll use an ethnic knife from mansi-era to butcher the carcass This knife is worthy of a high level gift It cuts like a razor The best solution for serious tasks There, Alan. There’s a camel on the table To eat it four of us are able! Come, you guys! Have a drink Here, Sos, rest a little Here, Alan Here’s to our little party! So that we meet more often! Here’s to you too! And to your health! We need to have some cold cuts and cheese Cause the wine is young It can get us kinda crazy We can miss one glass Is the camel fatty? Wait, wait, Georg! Alan, these are the best steaks! Camel rib eye We had a bear rib eye Now the camel What not! The whole zoo already! King Arthur’s sword We’ll make a kebab of it! Alan, it feels like you have Bedouin blood in your veins Alan does it professionally, he is capable His grandma is Bedouin We need an axe Georgi, what about an axe? No, wait, we don’t need an axe here The knives are doing the job just fine The main thing is to know where to stick it Nice fat tail! Light bulbs For real men! They are called “Lady’s whim” Alan, give me a knife for a sec I forgot to say There is a link to these knives mansi-era in the description below click on it, make an order You can get a discount if you use promo code GeorgiKavkaz Alan, we have camel legs there Do you think we can make Khash tomorrow? Yep, we can Half of the carcass is done Let’s have a drink And we need to prepare some food already Yep Here’s to those who butchered To those who brought it To those who helps here And the most important thing to those who will eat it And also to those who had grown it! It’s time to fill it up Put the fat to the bottom of a cauldron Salt it Sprinkle pepper Who saw the tail of this camel? Where did you put it? Some more tomatoes maybe Pour wine into it Alan, throw some garlic in there We won’t add too much wine as usual Two liters will be enough It’s becoming white Denis, this also goes to the kebab Guys, some more wine? Well now you can salt it Where’s the foil It’s on the table Needs some more time inside Good I love steamed onions The tail is also ready Give me the skimmer The testicles usually go to the most honored guest There’re only two of them But the guests are three To the Almighty! We have three pies on our table So that the Almighty would help us Keep us safe Keep our homes and families! Cheers! Wings, legs! The main this is tail! Mmm! I have to say this time It’s much tastier than the ostrich! After all are we here to eat? Well, cheers! You know I wish you from all my heart I mean we’re filming here But the toast should be the toast! May everything in your life be as you want it May your loved ones be by your side!
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Keywords: КАК, ПРИГОТОВИТЬ, ШАШЛЫК, ИЗ, МЯСО, МЯСА, ФИЛЕ, в, духовке, рецепты, на, сковороде, вкусная, бедро, грудка, запеченная, блюда, мультиварке, сочная, фарш, что, печень, стейк, мягкая, с, овощами, приготовление, суп, тушеная, можно, сколько, варить, индейку, просто, калорийность, фольге, домашняя, котлеты, соусе, сметане, фарша, индюк, цыпленок, диетическая, маринад, специи, приправы, для, ГЕОРГИЙ КАВКАЗ, GEORGY KAVKAZ, youtube, мангал, углях, казане, костре, ASMR, страус, страуса, страусиного, яйцо, да, верблюд, верблюда, жарим, варим, готовить, приготовить
Id: WqFb6cm5knA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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