Meat Pies Recipe Demonstration -

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[Music] hi I'm Stephanie Jaworski of joy baking calm today we're going to make meat pies and this is what they look like they're individual meat pies on the outside you have this buttery crisp pastry shell and inside you can see it is a delicious meat filling we have ground meat we have lots of vegetables and spices and if you want what I've done here is I've sprinkled the top with some sesame seeds you could even use some grated cheese it's really good so this recipe makes six of those individual meat pies so they freeze really well so if you want you could just double the recipe and get 12 so there's two parts of course the pastry and the meat filling I'm going to start with the meat filling because once we make it we do have to chill it so you will need a saucepan or skillet or I call the frying pan large size and then I've done as you can see here I've done all the prep ahead of time a little bit of chopping so let's go over that you will need 1 cup which is 130 grams of finely chopped onions and a half a cup each of carrots and celery finely chopped and half a cup is about 60 grams of each of those so you can measure it out like a cup but I don't typically oh I'll tell you the truth I use an onion medium sized onion I use a large stock celery and a carrot that's so finely chopped that and then we'll heat this up over you want to both two tablespoons of oil over I'm gonna heat it up over medium high heat oil you can use you know vegetable corn canola olive oil whatever you whatever you have in the house and whatever you prefer to fry your vegetables in you also need have on hand finely chopped that's what 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic which is really one clothes so teeth that uh doesn't take very long on this induction burner you can always tell your oil is at the right heat if you haven't used a wooden spoon you put it in there and there's start to be like little bubbles right at the bottom there that's how you know your hand is hot or just whatever like that I like to saute my vegetables over medium-high heat okay go for it put your iron and if you wanted to change up your vegetables what you use you know like celery you can just leave it out increase the carrots or you could you know mushrooms broccoli I mean really this is just your basic vegetables but experiment have fun with it so I'm just going to saute this over like I said medium-high heat until the onions are like translucent and the carrots and the celery are tender so with maybe five minutes depending 5-10 minutes okay so I always check to make sure I always take a like a carrot or the celery and taste it to make sure it's all tender crisp which is how I like it if it wasn't if it was still quite hard saute a little more so now I'm going to add my garlic that's about one teaspoon one cold I don't it some people like to add their garlic right at the beginning I don't cuz I find sometimes it can burn so I just added after I've cooked my vegetables really smells good though okay so now we're going to add our meat I'm using 3/4 of a pound which is 340 grams of ground meat now you can use there's a variety of meats you can use I'm actually using a combination of ground pork and ground beef you could use saying you use ground turkey ground chicken you could ground lamb you know I'm thinking you could even use sausage here and what I'm going to do is just saute this till our meat is cooked through you know as I'm making this you may think if you've ever made a shepherd's pie you may go this seems kind of familiar it is I make my this is actually my shepherd's pie recipe although I use the ground look the ground lamb but it's almost the same because I like shepherd's pie so much so just saute this until it is cooked through so it's both cooked through now if you look I'm the pork and the beef I'm using is very lean so I don't have you can see here I don't have any fat if you shouldn't do that if you had some fat I would drain it off so now salt and pepper you know how much salt and pepper do you use it really is up to you in your taste buds I'm gonna give you I like pepper maybe a quarter to a half a teaspoon of both the salt and the pepper but taste it you know if when you make anything taste it and if it tastes a little flat like you not a lot of flavor it's probably you don't have enough salt so add a little more salt you have to taste as you're cooking I mean some people don't but how do you know what it's salted enough or whether you should add a little more of this or that's a little more spices you have to taste that's my little girl so now I'm adding one tablespoon of tomato puree like a little of that you can have a little more if you want more tomato flavor and one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce my favorite kind of a secret ingredient I like a lot of things so just stir that in and I will answer the question because I know there's going to be common people will say why are you cooking on this induction burner instead of your nice gas stove back there and the problem is it is back there and you will only see my back if I'm cooking the camera the angle is not very good so that is the only reason I am not using that I wish I could if it was here I would but so once you mix all that in then we're going to add 3/4 of a cup 180 milliliters 180 grams you could use I'm using a beef a stock or a broth okay homemade would be good but I it I'm using store-bought you could use chicken you could even use a vegetable broth stock I guess you could even use just water if you were in a real pinch so I'm gonna bring that up to a boil because we're going to add some potatoes I am going to taste like I tell you to taste so I guess I should taste that's nice yeah that's enough salt and then I like to also put I like a little bit of heat so I'm gonna add you know you can add maybe native a teaspoon a quarter of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper if you like a lot of heat of course add more and I'm going to add a quarter of a teaspoon of ground dried thought time I like that in there you know if you wanted me paws you could really change up the flavor you could have you know some cumin if you wanted to do a totally different taste that's what I like about this recipe you could really change it up you could use you know add some butternut squash some broccoli some piece and mushrooms now it's almost boil so I'm going to add a potato actually boat like this size medium sized potato 1 cup 160 grams I did peel it and dice it put that in there so it's kind of like you know the shepherd's pie thing this is kind of like my shepherd's pie but of course with that you put the mashed potatoes on top um it's time I'm putting because I want all that pastry so I'm putting the potatoes in so what we're gonna do is cook the potatoes on you know medium-high heat I do just partly cover it so it kind of steam stir it every once in a while just until the potatoes are tender when you put it you know fork or knife in them that will take you know five to 10 minutes and then we are done with our filling okay I think we're about done if while you're potatoes cooking your mixture gets too dry you could add a little more um broth so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try one of my potatoes sure but they're tender you want them still you don't want too mushy yeah tender but not mushy so I'm just gonna turn the heat off so now we're gonna let that cool down to room temperature then I'm gonna put it in a bowl cover it and put it into the refrigerator we want our filling chilled it that'll take quite a few hours so what I typically do is I make my filling one day which is what I'm gonna do and then I put it in the refrigerator let it chill overnight so I don't have to worry about time it's be it'll be chilled by tomorrow so and then tomorrow we will come back we'll make our pastry and bake off our meat pies so I did let my meat filling chill overnight so now we are ready to make our pastry I like to make an all butter pastry that is my favorite I love the flavor and I like the texture it makes it's nice and crisp so to make your pie pastry I'm using my food processor you could make it by hand as well the first thing you will need is two cups 260 grams of all-purpose flour plain flour and then I'm going to add 3/4 of a teaspoon 3 grams of salt I like to use kosher salt as you use like regular table salt and then I like to add just one teaspoon 5 grams of granulated white sugar I mean you could leave it out I like a little bit of sugar in my pastry it helps with browning as well and then with the flavor so I'm just going to process this just to mix everything together if you're doing it in a bowl just use a fork or a whisk to whisk everything together and then butter you will need 3/4 of a cup 170 grams of cold have your butter cold I'm using unsalted butter I like the flavor and I also like to be with unsalted I can control the salt in the recipe but if you have a salted butter and you like you can use that just I would leave out that 3 cutter 3/4 of a teaspoon of salt I add it you don't need that now for the butter I like to cut it into cubes like this what I like to do is you can do this the night before or even you know like a half hour before you start your pastry cut it take your butter out of the fridge cut it into the cubes put on the plate like I have cover it and put it back in the fridge and that way each little cube will get nice and cool if you kind of forget what you couldn't even do is just put this into the freezer for about 15 minutes and that'll get it really cold so believe that out it hit the floor it won't matter one little cube now if you were doing this by hand you could just cut in the butter because we're gonna process this until we have coarse crumbs if you were using it in a bowl you could use one of these pastry blenders and do it that way or you could just use your fingertips until you get your butter and coarse crumbs so I'm just gonna process this not for very long I don't even know maybe 10 seconds it's very short just pulse that looks good don't worry if the butter is different sizes so you still I don't like to have some you know there's coarse crumbs but there's also some chunks that's all right make it nice and crisp so now we're going to add some icy cold water so what I have is a glass here with some ice cubes to make it really nice and cold and you know flour can can absorb depending on how it was stored what type of flour it can absorb different amounts of water so it's hard for me to say use exactly this amount I'm gonna say four to five tablespoons which is about fifty to sixty grams I'm gonna start with about I'm gonna say four tablespoons and then we're gonna see how that works test it and maybe I have to add some more that's forward and again just pulse if you were doing this by hand you can just use the fork to kind of toss it so you don't want like a real solid ball you want it to start to come together and you can see it's kind of butter sticking on the side [Music] okay I'm gonna scrape and feel it and see if I need any more water when you feel it like it come together but it feels a little dry so I'm gonna add not very much maybe half a tablespoon of water I mean you need enough water so you're because one of the reasons if you find your pastries a little crumbly when you roll it out it could be because you didn't add enough water so kind of tricky it's one of those things practice makes perfect so and you know what you're the only one that's gonna know if it doesn't work perfectly so don't worry about it okay yeah that feels good so it kind of comes together it feels not dry yes that's the best way to describe it so now that's our pastry we are going to have to cover and chill it before we roll it out get that boy I don't I'm just going to dump it on my counter here and gather it into a ball there was a little flower there just make sure it's all moistened should come together fairly easily okay you don't want to handle it too much at this point so I'm gonna divide it in half I find it easier to roll out a smaller amount I mean I think this is about 490 grams you go if you want to measure it 245 for each one but it really doesn't matter because we're just gonna roll it out and cut out our rounds so I'm just gonna eyeball it not critical here and then I'm just going to press it into a round wrap it in the plastic and then I'm going to just put it into the refrigerator we want it 1 to let that gluten in the flour kind of relax to make it easier to roll out and we want it cold so it usually takes I'm gonna say an hour to chill this down I mean could do it longer but probably at least an hour and then when we come back we will roll out our pastry and cut it into our rounds so our pastry is chilled it's ready to roll out but first you will need I'm using a what is called a jumbo muffin pan that means that these measure 3 and 3/4 in diameter by 2 inches deep so that's nine and a half by five centimeters I like that because this size because that gives you a nice pastry to the meat filling ratio I have made them using a regular muffin pan and you can of course you'll get more but of course you're gonna have more pastry and less filling so which is fine too because I'm a big pastry lover but that's up to you but I like the Jumbo and I do like to just even if you are using a nonstick pan I do you like to just lightly spray or you could oil and if you get the spray on the top of your pan I like to just wipe it off for the paper towel because I find when you put it in the oven if you have this the stuff on the top it kind of makes a Messier pan so I just want a really light spring so there that is our pan so now we are going to roll out our pastry because I mean it depends on the size of your muffin cups I'm going to cut out five and a half inch rounds which is 14 centimeters that will give me a nice size if you're using a different size muffin cup you may have to adjust that and like I said you can double this recipe you can double the filling you can double the pastry so you can make 12 free summer so now let's put some flour down over the top see if I can roll there my pastry is still a little cold so I'm just gonna bang it you can let it sit on the counter to warm up a little or you can just take your rolling pin put some of that frustration note if you have any and then we'll start rolling you want a pretty thin because for this about an eighth of an inch almost when you roll it out you can kind of almost see through it not quite but that's how thin mine's cracking a bit cuz so when you're rolling keep moving it around so it's not sticking and also if you move it around you get you want to roll it pretty evenly of course don't roll read off the edges because then what happens as the edges are really thin compared to the rest just go right to the edge you know put down more flour if you need to flour your rolling pin if you need to if you found it was sticking a lot maybe it's not your pastry isn't cold enough so put it back in the fridge and just look chill a little longer or conversely like if you're finding just cracking too much just let it sit on the counter a couple of minutes have a cup of coffee okay so that looks good now you may wonder why I'm using this I don't have a cookie cutter that's five and a half so I'm just using a bowl and so I'm gonna put that down right to the edge and I'm just taking a sharp knife because you may have the same problem at home where you don't have that large of a cookie cutter have to improvise I'll just show you one and then so just pick up your pastry and just try to get it even around and then and gently and kind of fluted around place it in now if it's not perfect you can kind of fix it up no one's gonna once it's baked off and you have the filling and there no one's gonna notice so it's your first time don't worry if it's not perfect it will be so that's what you want to do cut out the rest if you have to re-roll or remember we had two pieces of pastry and get the other one out of the fridge and roll that and fill the six up hey so this last one feels a little thick just roll it a little more and then yeah you know if yours breaks as you're trying to put it in just patch it up like I said we bake them off you won't be able to tell so that's our bottoms the shelves we are going to cover and chill that butt so I have the rest of this pastry we need our pastry tops so I'm using a I actually have a cookie cutter 4 inch which is 10 10 centimeters sorry little blank there as you can see just put on top that's how you know the size and cut them out and then I just have a baking sheet lined with I've got parchment but you could just plastic wrap so there's a round it's put on there there's a couple I'll do a couple so I'm going to show you both ways so I like to either put a slit in the center of our pastry so you can just take your knife and you know maybe a what a 1 inch or so two and a half three centimeters or my favorite way is to take I've just got an end of a round plain pastry tip you could is whatever you can find in your house and then I just put in the center a little hole either way I kind of like the round circle so then once you so I got to do six rounds of that and then I have this so I'm going to cover both and every time you work with pastry it's better after you've done it to let it put it back in the fridge because you're stretching the gluten in the flour we just want to let that relax so I'm going to put the he's back in the fridge to chill until they're nice and cold so you know maybe fifteen to thirty minutes and then when we come back we will fill our pastry cups with the meat filling so we are now ready to assemble our meat pies the filling is cold the pastry is cold we're ready just a little side note I'm going to bake them all off today if you didn't you can freeze the unbaked meat pies and then you can just whip and put them in the freezer and then when you want to have me pie take them out and bake them off to do that I don't want to leave them in the pan so what I do is well they just come right out like that and then I put them let's just say on my baking sheet I filled them I get them all ready then what I do is I just take this put it the assembled meat pies put them in the freezer until they're frozen and then I'll put them in a covered container freeze them for about a month and you can bake them off frozen they'll just take maybe five minutes ten minutes longer than normal so that's what and then when you want to bake them off put your little cups back in your muffin pan so they will keep their shape well they bake otherwise I did try to just put leave them on the baking sheet and bake them without putting in the muffin pan but what happens is as they cook that pastry will open up it won't stay it'll open up and then you'll have like a flat piece of pastry and filling in center it's still tasted good just didn't look so great so now for our filling I'm gonna add you don't need to but I'm gonna add at this point a quarter of a cup 15 grams of chopped parsley I like the flavor parsley plus I think the green looks really nice in the filling and then what we're going to do is take this filling and just fill these muffin cups almost to the top if you were it takes with these ones takes about a half a cup I mean I'm just going to this is enough for this amount so bought a half a cup which is about a hundred grams but you can just use spoons I'm just using this scoop and put it in and then pack it down okay all right you see fill them well kind of right to the top so now we're gonna put our pastry tops on but we need an egg wash kinda acts like a glue so I have in a small bowl here just one large egg yolk would spawn 18 grams and then about a half a tablespoon of cream milk whatever you have and this your egg wash also helps with browning so and it acts as a glue and browning so two things so what I do is take your pastry round and your pastry brush little egg wash just around the outside edge like so and then just flip it over and put it there on top kind of press stay round around the edges and then you want to I'll just do one and then just brush the top with the egg wash just lightly and then I mean just leave it like that or what I like to do is I have some sesame seeds I like to just I think one I like the flavor and I think it kind of looks nice you could put some grated Parmesan I think that cheese would be nice over there too so that's what you do I'm gonna finish the rest so now we are going to again we work the pastry a bit we're going to put it back into the refrigerator to chill while we preheat our oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit which is 200 degrees Celsius and then we will bake them off so we are now ready to bake off our meat pies so how long we want to bake them at 400 degrees Fahrenheit 200 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes then after that reduce your oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit which is 180 degrees Celsius and then you're going to bake them for I would say between 10 and 20 minutes more a few factors why there's such a discrepancy there in time is one everyone's oven is a little different to the type of pan you used like for example I'm using a dark colored pan so mine will probably be done a little in a little less time than if you used a light color pan and the material that your pan is made out of will affect the baking time but what you're looking for is for your pastry too it will turn brown and you want to make sure it is baked through that's the important thing you want it big through you don't want soggy pastry so 15 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit 200 Celsius and then reduce your oven temperature to 350 Fahrenheit 180 Celsius for another 10 to 20 minutes or until golden brown and it's cooked all the way through Hey so our meat pies are done put your muffin pan on a wire rack don't they look wonderful beautiful golden brown for reference I did 2025 minutes altogether and did 15 and then 10 so just for reference I again I said I use a dark color pan so the baking time tends to be a little shorter than a light-colored pan and also if you were baking them off frozen you're going to have to bake them longer too because obviously they're frozen so just keep that in mind so what I'm gonna do now is just let them cool down maybe 10 15 minutes and then when we come back we will try one so don't our meat pies look wonderful I know you can make like one large meat pie but I love making the individual I think they look so tempting there's so beautiful plus you could like pack them in lunches or take them on a picnic they're just so convenient so let's try one still warm oh look at that wonderful you know these are really good warm room temperature or you know what if I have leftovers an ice storm in the fridge I'll eat them cold right from the fridge now very nice with a salad and you know you could serve your meat pies with a chutney although I will tell you my favorite maybe no one else agrees with me I like ketchup I don't know meat pies with ketchup but today I won't I'll just and sometimes you know when they're hot I have to put on a plate I'll just you can just pick them up in your hand if you let them if they're cold or a room temperature get lots of filling here really nice I think the balance of the amount of pastry to the Mount of filling is is about right for me that's why I like like I said the jumbo muffin pinned the pastry you know you can use if you have another type of favorite pastry you you like to make you can use that but I liked with the butter because not only the flavor is buttery but it's kind of it makes your pastry nice and crisp which I like and then you have the filling you know like again I said when we were making it I used the ground pork in the ground beef but really you could use ground lamb chicken turkey even I think some sausage would be very good and you know I like the mixture of the carrots celery garlic and potatoes but again you know you could trade those out for other things that you want experiment you know a really nice you can make these ahead of time like I said and freeze them so it's a great do ahead they're just really good you must try them and until next time I'm Stephanie Jaworski enjoy baking calm [Music]
Channel: Joy of Baking
Views: 235,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dessert, baking, cooking, recipe, food, kitchen, homemade, howto, diy, joyofbaking, Joy of Baking, Stephanie Jaworski, Rick Jaworski, meat pies, savory pies, how to make meat pies, meat pies recipe, how to make savory pies, savory recipes
Id: wFiL6NU7Kws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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