Belizean Meat Pies

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hey guys welcome back to my channel this is Ronnie today I'm going to show you how to make one of my very highly requested videos belizean meat pies the first thing I'm going to make is the dough so you're going to need some white out purpose flour baking powder and some salt use your fork to mix that around as always I'm going to have the exact measurements listed below for you next I'm going to add some shortening and I'm going to use a pastry cutter to cut the shortening hand but if you don't have a pastry cutter you can just use two knives to do that so if you're not familiar meat pies are considered a very popular breakfast in Belize I know it doesn't sound like something you will eat for breakfast but it is a lot of people eat meat pies for breakfast there's nothing quite like eating a hot meat pie for breakfast my sister used to make meat pies a lot when we were growing up that was one of her favorite things to make and eat it was never really mine back then until lately I came to my senses but I love meat pies now I just don't like to make them because they're not hard to make but they're time-consuming after you cut the shortening in then you're going to add a one beaten egg and mix that in and the last thing you're going to add is some water and you're just going to mix that until everything sticks together [Music] now I'm going to switch over to my hands and I'm just going to mix this until everything is thoroughly combine and then knead it a couple minutes if I had to describe this dough I would say it's a cross between a pie crust and a 38 dough it's not flaky enough to be pie crust but it's not elastic enough to be tortilla dough it's going to look sticky but it's not now I'm going to cover this with plastic wrap and put this in a refrigerator to chill while I work and a meat filling for the filling I'm only using a half a pound of ground beef and this is just going to make enough to fit the muffin pan that I have and that's only twelve meat pies this season the meat I'm going to add some salt some black pepper thyme some chopped onion and some chopped green bell pepper stir that and cook that over medium heat for about ten minutes or until the meat starts to get brown while that's cooking I want to go ahead and show you how I store my ricado or how its known here in the States as a short a piece so I usually bring back mine from Belize it comes in a big block and I just cut it into about half-inch pieces and store it in the refrigerator until I'm ready for it whenever you need it just go in there take out what you need and dissolve it in a little bit of water and you don't need a whole lot a little bit goes a long way oops I almost forgot my garlic so I'm putting that in now that the meat is nice and brown I'm going to add some water to it my Ricardo Worcestershire sauce and some ketchup stir that really well and bring it to a boil after it comes to a boil lower the heat to medium and let that cook for 10 minutes while that's cooking I'm getting the last thing ready for the meat so I'm just using equal amounts of cornstarch and water and I'm just mixing it to dissolve it and what this will do is it will help the gravy thicken up I know some people use flour in theirs but I prefer cornstarch it just works so much better to me after your meat is finished pour your corn starch slurry in and stir it until everything is mixed in and then turn off your stove now just go in there with your potato masher and mash the meat you want it to look fine you don't want it to look clumpy as you know how ground beef can look taste it to make sure everything is just how you like it when you cook you always want to taste your food if you're not sure just start with a little bit of seasoning you can always add more but you can't take it back while that's cooling off I'm going to spread out the dough what I like to do is cut off about a quarter of the dough and set that aside that's for the top part and the rest I just divide that in two and work on one piece at a time it's just easier for me to handle this way put the wrist back in the refrigerator until you're ready for it you're also going to need some extra flour to dust it so it doesn't stick if at any time you feel like your rolling pin is sticking to the dough just dust it with some flour like I said I'm working on half at a time I guess if I had a bigger counter I would probably do it all in one but I'm just working with what I have right now to make the pies you're going to need two different sizes of cookie cutters you're going to need a four inch for the bottom part and a three inch for the top part so usually when I roll out the dough I try to get five out of each dough but this time I changed my mind last minute and I'm so sorry I did but I couldn't take it back so I only got four out of this and it came out a little bit too thick for me so when you roll it out try to get at least five you don't have to grease your pan or flour it it won't stick because the dough has enough shortening in there so the way I like to do it is put a piece of the dough over the hole and use a glass to push it down you can use whatever you have you just need something to push it all the way down to get the air out and it's not going to look perfect right away so don't worry about that just go in there and adjust it afterwards this dough is very forgiving so use your fingers to adjust it and be sure to use your glass and go back in there and get the air out and you want this to come all the way up to the top of the pan because you don't want your filling to seep out as with anything the more practice you have the easier it will be I'm just going to roll this back up and try to get two more pieces out of it [Music] [Music] with the second round you'll notice a little bit of resistance the dough tends to want to shrink back down so you'll just have to work with it a little bit more now I'm going to repeat the process on the next side this time I made sure I roll it out thin enough so I could get five pieces if you remember the last time I got four and that came out a little bit too thick so since you all know what to do now I'm just going to take this opportunity to say thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you to all of you who have subscribed to my channel thank you for watching thank you for all your lovely comments I get the sweetest comments from the nicest people you all don't know how much this means to me thank you for your love thank you for your support thank you for everything it's because of you I am where I am right now so I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you how much I appreciate your kindness on your love and if you ever have any requests leave them below I'll be glad to make the videos and just keep your comments coming I love hearing from you I love replying to each and every one of you and thank you again all I have to do now is put the filling in the dough so you're going to need about two tablespoons of filling per dough the spoon I'm using measures two tablespoons so that's perfect for me you're going to have a little bit of leftover so just even it distributed in the dough now I'm going to work on the top part of the pie so just flour your surface again and roll out the dough and cut it out and put it on the pie before I put the tops on the pies I'm going to dip my finger in some water and run it along the edge of the dough and this will act as a glue for the dough when you put it in a pan make sure the edges of the door touching each other then use your fingers to press it to seal it now to properly seal it use the back of a fork to press the two pieces of dough together to seal it if it's not sealed properly your filling will seep out [Music] you're going to have a little piece of dough left over so I'm just rolling it up to make to 30 years to show you what they look like so don't throw your doorway don't waste anything [Music] bake this in a preheated 375 degrees Fahrenheit oven for 25 minutes let them cool down in a pan at least 5 minutes before you take them out because they're so hot just pop them out and put them on your wire rack to cool and you're good to go as you can see some of the filling seeped out from this one that's why you'll want to seal the dough properly I mean it's no big deal if some of the filling comes out but it just doesn't look so pretty [Music] well finally I get to taste it after so much work oh my gosh you guys I wish you could taste it it's so so good you have to give this recipe a try I know it's a lot of work but you're not going to regret it in the end if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you make this please let me know what you think and as always thank you so much for watching thank you for subscribing if you have not yet subscribed please don't forget to do that and I'll talk to you in my next one take care bye you
Channel: Cooking with Shirani
Views: 109,445
Rating: 4.9325738 out of 5
Keywords: cooking with shirani, shirani, belizean meat pies, meat pies belizean, meat pies shirani, shirani meat pies, how to make belizean meat pies, how to make meat pies, meat pies, belize meat pies, meat pies recipe, meat pies recipe ground beef, meat pies dough recipe, meat pies belize, how to make meat pies recipe, how to make beef meat pies, filling for meat pies, meat pie filling ingredients, belizean meat pie, belizean meat pies recipe, belize meat pies recipe, belizean food
Id: oBkna_kOCyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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