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hi everyone so today's all about chicken pies tasty yummy chicken pies and if you like to know how I make mine then please keep watching so for this recipe I will be using chicken legs I prefer chicken legs because the quite juicy but you can use any other chicken pasta you so desire or you can just stick with chicken mins I will be using both mins and the chicken legs and I will show you just how I do that so the first thing to do is to make incisions on the chicken just so the marinade can properly penetrate and for my seasonings I will be using some chicken seasoning thyme salt sports paprika garlic powder and also some chopped onions and now I'm just going to rock the seasonings into the chicken making sure the world coated and then I am going to live first to marinate for at least an hour if you can do overnight that would be great because the longer the better but I'm just going to do a couple of hours today and for my means I'm going to be using two equipment instead of chicken means I prefer tacky wins because they're juicier but feel free to use chicken if that's what you've got and I'm just going to throw them in my food processor and chop finely and this is what it looks like so after marination I'm just going to boil my chicken so I'm just going to add enough water to cover I don't want to add too much water because I wanted a bit concentrated I want the broth a bit concentrated because I'm going to be using it for the photo feeling so I'm just going to leave this to boil for about 20 minutes so it's been 20 minutes and my chicken is well done and I'm just going to set this aside and now I'm just going to shred the chicken and you can do this by hand or you can use a food processor or you can even use both so I'm just going to do it by hand first and then I will transfer into my food processor to make it a bit finer and this is what my chicken broth looks like and as you can see it's quite rich and I'm just going to save this for later so depending on the science I get chicken pie you can choose to do big chunks or you can do finally chunks and because my prize size would be a bit small I will just do like a medium sized kind of like this so just to save time I have already chopped my potatoes carrots spring onions and purple onions and from my potatoes I'm just going to add some lemon juice to it and that's because I don't want it to go Brown Wow you know while I'm doing other things cuz I won't be using it just yet [Music] so into a pan I will be adding some vegetable oil and when this heats up I'm going to add some chopped onions so I'm just going to fry this for about three to four minutes and then I will add Turkey mins and I'm just going to break up the means a bit and then I will add some brilliant cubes and garlic powder I will be adding salt yet because I'm going to be using the chicken broth so I'm just going to mix this thoroughly and then I will leave to fry for about five to six minutes or until the chicken mins Browns or loses its pinkness and now I'm just going to go ahead and add my chopped potatoes and my carrots and I'm just going to add some chicken broth as well to this if you haven't got chicken broth yam you can just use water so I'm just going to combine this with irony and then I'm going to lift this to cook until the vegetables are softened and while I'm waiting on that I'm just going to make my own flour slurry so I'm just going to add some water into a cup and then I'm going to add some corn flour mix thoroughly and then set aside and I should mention as well that if you haven't got corn flour you can use plain flour and now I'm just going to check on my filling and my potatoes and carrots are soft enough for me and I'm going to up the shredded chicken and I'm just going to combine and then I'm going to add some spring onions and I'm just going to combine this and as you can see it's already the key in the video me and at this point I'm going to add my corn flour slurry and I'm just going to continue to mix until I achieved the kind of consistency that I like which is creamy and then I'm going to cover and leave to simmer for two minutes and after two minutes my filling is ready can you see how yummy this looks so I'm just going to set this aside and we will prepare the dough and for my door I will be adding some plain flour into a sieve and also add a tablespoon of sugar not enough sugar to sweeten the door but you know just to give it a hint of sweetness this is optional and I'm just going to gradually sift this into the bowl so I'm not using salt and that's because I'm going to be using salted butter but if you're going to be using unsalted butter then please add half a teaspoon of salt and now I'm just going to add my butter and I'm just going to mix this thoroughly until I achieve a sort of crumbly texture and at this point I'm just going to add my milk and I'm just going to fold like a fold because I'm not needing I'm just going to combine until I achieve a non sticky dough [Music] and after that I'm just going to place this in a bowl and I'm just going to leave to rest for about 30 minutes in my fridge and now I'm just going to prepare my egg wash I'm just going to break one egg into a bowl and I'm just going to mix it thoroughly and then set aside for years later and after 30 minutes I'm just going to place the dough onto a wok top and then I'm just going to chop into smaller pieces so it's easier to work with so to cut my door I will be using this dough cutter this contraption here and also this one here just anything round to be honest and if you haven't got any of those you can just use a round Bowl or you can use the lead of a small pot and I'm just going to roll the dough and I'm just going to be careful not to overwork the dough so just don't roll it for too long and I'm just going to cut that into you small round shapes [Music] and now I'm just going to brush the edges of my door with egg wash and that's to help it seal and now I'm just going to top it with some of the feeling and I'm just going to be very careful so it doesn't spread onto the edges so we can still properly and then I'm going to cover with another piece and now I'm just going to cut it into shape with a small cutter and then I'm going to seal the edges using a fork and that's it done and because I'm choosing to believe Z I'm just going to use this cotton seal here so I'm just going to press that down and it will cut the dough into shape for me and then I'm going to press the top just press it down and that's going to seal it as well tah-dah see how easy this is this is a lifesaver I'm going to leave a link in the description box if you're interested in buying it and now I'm just going to brush my my pies with some egg wash and then I'm going to use a fork to create some steam vents and then I'm going to place this in my preheated oven is preheated to 180 degrees Celsius and I'm going to bake that for 30 minutes and after baking just look at that just look at that those pies are all that and so much more they are absolutely delicious absolutely amazing so if you do try this you know the deal please leave me a feedback and please like and subscribe please subscribe to my channel please see you in my next video bye
Channel: Sisi Jemimah's Recipes
Views: 229,081
Rating: 4.9084759 out of 5
Keywords: chicken pie, homemade chicken pie, how to make chicken pie at home, chicken pie recipe, nigerian chicken pie, how to make nigerian chicken pie, nigerian snacks, sisi jemimah
Id: gya4lQDYzeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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