Apple Custard Tart Recipe Demonstration -

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[Music] hi i'm stephanie jaworski of today we're going to make an apple custard tart and this is what it looks like there's three components to this tart on the bottom we have a sweet pastry crust which has this kind of crisp almost cookie like taste and texture and then we're going to fill the tart with lots of slices of apples and a creamy smooth custard and as you can see after it's baked what i like to do is brown the tips of the apples i think it makes looks really pretty so we're going to start with our sweet pastry crust i'm actually going to make it in my food processor you could do this by hand or you could even use an electric mixer the first thing you will need is one and three-quarter cups which is 225 grams of all-purpose flour plain flour that in there along with just a quarter of a teaspoon one gram i'm using a fine kosher salt you could just use a table salt and then i'm also adding seven tablespoons which is 100 grams of room temperature butter i'm using unsalted if you wanted to use salt you could just leave out the salt i just put in there and i did cut it into just cubes like this just so it mixes faster so now what i'm going to do is just process this until we have coarse crumbs it's all mixed together and it's starting to come together whoops this way [Applause] doesn't take very long i'm just going to move this out of the way so so really what we're doing is just moistening all the flour with the butter as you see that was easy so if you wanted to use just by hand you just mix it with your fingers work the butter into the flour or you can just use your um if you have a stand mixer with the paddle attachment same thing so now what i'm going to do is add a quarter of a cup which is 50 grams of granulated white sugar sweeten that up that's what gives it more like that cookie like taste and i'm just gonna mix that in like so and then our last thing is i have one large egg have it at room temperature a large egg go to the shells about 50 grams i'm gonna add one tablespoon just of water and just beat this up i'm using a wire whisk you could just use a fork let's kind of break it up a little okay and i need my spatula just add that right in there and then we're just going to process it till you know the all the dry ingredients are moistened and it starts to come together [Laughter] okay pretty easy so let me get all that out of the way because now we are going to roll it out right away i mean if you don't you don't have to your paste if your pastry was really soft or you kind of go i don't feel like doing that right now you could just um wrap it up and put it into the refrigerator you know for a day or two even now i'm not going to use all of this pastry so what we need is a not about a nine inch a tart pan you want one two pieces like this nine inches 23 centimeters and what i like to do just in case you want to remove the bottom plate like some people when the tart's done they want to actually they don't want to serve it on the bottom plate so what i like to do is just very lightly i'm just using a little butter you could just spray it or oil it that bottom plate and that'll help it release because sometimes i've forgotten to do that and then it sticks a little and i don't like that so let's put that back in there so now like i said i'm not using all this pastry you want about three quarters of it if you have a scale you will need about 300 grams now so you will have a little left over don't throw it out what you could do is i mean there's lots of different things you could make about three three inch tarts at seven and a half centimeters and you could bake them off like we're gonna do this crust bake them off blind and then you could fill them with like a lemon curd or pastry cream and fruit or you could make like you know if you go to the uh our youtube channel or our website i have like jam tarts you could make that with this the leftover so don't throw it out or little you know you can make little um i also have minced tarts if it's cursed around christmas you're making this okay so you can see it's a really nice soft dough so like i said 300 grams all right let's put that let's put that right in there for now so now we are going to roll out so you will need a rolling pin whatever type you like and we need to flour our surface whenever you're rolling out dough keep moving it around because if you just put it down and roll it out and don't lift it up it'll stick to your counter so always roll lift it up turn it okay and a little flour on top and we'll start rolling so what i do is i use my base as a guide of how big you wanted a few inches past the size of this so you know five centimeters past so that's the best way i use because you know if you're maybe using a little larger or a little smaller tart pan than i have here i mean you could use like an eight inch or even a 10 which is 20 centimeters or 25 centimeters are those using metric see so i'm just moving it around that way if i i find i can get it in a better round shape because sometimes i end up with a not quite round and then you know you can stop if it's getting out of that round shape just you know stop and fix it up okay so i've rolled it out you know make sure it's the same thickness and the way i do that is just run my hand over you can kind of tell if there's places that are a little thicker just you know roll that out especially you know typically in the center it's thicker so now i learned this trick actually i learned it from the great british baking show if you ever watched that mary berry showed this i think it's a fantastic trick take your plate because this pastry tends to be um it'll if you roll it around your rolling pin and try to put it in the pan it tends to tear and crack and drives me nuts so what she did is she takes the ear thing and you just now make sure what i'm going to do is just make sure it's loosened up and then just take your and slip it under like this and try to get it into the center of your pastry and feel it is that not cool and then all i have to do is take my and just take the ends i forgot to do that and just kind of go like this lift it up and put it in like that all right so cool and then you just and if it does crack a little on the sides big deal you can just fix it i think it's just brilliant so you can pick up tips baking tips all over and then just kind of press down a little to make sure it's into your tart pan really well if it tears you know just put it back together you'll never know i mean even if you want to do it the other way and roll it around the rolling pin it cracks it doesn't matter you can just with this pastry it's very forgiving so once you've kind of take your finger and just kind of make sure it's in the corners all the way around because we we're going to actually bake this off just as it is so we don't want it shrinking and one way to prevent that is not to over handle it but also to make sure it's in the corners and then just kind of take it over the sides like so and then you could take your rolling pin and roll it to get rid of the it or you just even with your sometimes i just do with my to palm my hand and take off any excess again and fuss sure it's nice and then just take a fork and then we're just going to lightly prick the bottoms that'll help prevent it from puffing up as we bake it off so now what i'm going to do is put this into the refrigerator to chill for you know about 15 minutes if you want to leave it longer of course you can do that i'm going to leave it in there about 15 minutes while i preheat my oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit which is 180 degrees celsius and when we come back we will bake it off so now we have preheated our oven our pastry has chilled now we are ready to bake it off so what you want to do is have a i like to have a larger baking sheet it's easier to move than a tart pan in and out of the oven and then we're going to fill our chilled pastry shell with some well i'm going to use just beans some dried beans you can actually buy pie weights but i never have so i just use bean you could use rice as well and you also want to first put down some parchment paper so what i like to do because sometimes your when you put your pace your parchment paper in your shell it can kind of stick to the pastry we don't want that so i'm just going to lightly spray it with one of those non-stick sprays you could oil it or even butter it i just want a very light coating so a little trick i learned after you know a few times of the paper sticking so then what we're going to do is i'll just put and don't forget if you forgot before don't forget to prick the bottom of your pastry because we don't want it we want to prevent it from puffing up or shrinking so that's why we chill it so now just put fit it in there [Applause] now if you're using beans like i am you cannot use these to eat once you open and use it for this then what i do is after i'll let them cool down and then i put them in a container and the next time i want to do this i use them again but unfortunately you can't eat them so just you want to put in enough beans pie weights or rice just to weigh that down make sure it's all the way around like so i don't think i need quite okay that looks good so now we want to bake this off just until it's starting to turn like a light golden just tinged so what i do and you know everybody's oven is a little different i'm going to bake it you want to bake it first about 20 minutes i'm going to say around 20. you know you check it around 18 minutes or so and then just kind of peek and make sure it's your pastry is dry and then take out the your paper just lift off the paper and the beans and contain put it back in the oven for about five minutes or so until it you will start to see it a little tinge of brown so 20 minutes initially take out the beans and paper and then another about five [Music] okay so our pastry crust is done so just put your pan on a wire rack so you can see it's dry it's just starting to get tinged with brown around the outside so now what we're going to do is let this cool down to room temperature and then when we come back i will show you how to seal the pastry so now our tart shell has cooled down it's just a touch warm so what we're going to do is seal it with some apricot preserves now we do that so that one it does add a little bit of flavor but mainly what we're doing is sealing the crust so that when we put in that custard it doesn't seep into the crust and make it kind of soft because we want to keep it nice and crisp so some people just beat an egg white and then brush it use that but i like to use the apricot preserves like because it does add a nice flavor so what you will need is a quarter of a cup or that's 80 grams of apricot preserves now you want to heat them up until almost to boiling you could i just did in the microwave but you could just do it on the stove in a small saucepan and then what we want to do i just put it into a strainer because you know apricot preserves have some lumps of fruit we want to get that out we want a nice smooth glaze and we're also going to use the apricot preserves to brush the top of our tart once it's baked again for it as a little bit of flavor but two it'll prevent the apples from drying out so i'm gonna use it twice here that looks good most of it and then it's a little thick so what i'm going to do is thin it out now you could thin it out with just a half a tablespoon just of water but if you want you could add a little alcohol if you had some apple brandy that would be perfect i'm using i don't have that in the house so i'm using a half a tablespoon of grand marnier you could use some rum or like i said just water it's fine and then just got a pastry brush i smell i can smell that grand marnier and we're just gonna just a thin coating and even do the sides and then what we're going to do is let this you want to let your glaze completely dry now this type of tart is a little labor intensive as you can see this took a little bit so what i typically do is i divide the making of this tart up into two days the first day i do rate to this point and then i let my uh the apricot preserves that dry and then i cover my tart shell and i usually put it in the fridge or you could have it at room temperature if your kitchen's not too hot and then tomorrow we'll come back and then we'll finish off the tart that way it's not because it is quite a bit of work so if you divide it up between two days a lot better so this that's what we're gonna do next up we will make our custard so now for our custard you will need a medium-sized bowl and in there i'm going to put a third of a cup 65 grams of granulated white sugar and then i'm going to use a bit of a thickener so 2 tablespoons 20 grams i'm using all-purpose flour plain flour if you wanted to you could use cornstarch instead of the flour i've tried it both ways but same and then i'm just adding just a pinch of salt and whisk that together to that i'm going to add two large eggs two large eggs out of the shell is 100 grams have your eggs at room temperature and i'm just going to whisk that in i mean if you wanted to use a hand mixer for this you could do that but it's not very hard you don't have a wire whisk you just use a fork okay so now in a small saucepan i'm going to put three quarters of a cup which is 180 milliliters 180 grams i'm using half and half cream you could also use like a light cream and while i'm doing it on the stove you could do it in the microwave i'm going to put this just on medium high heat watch it carefully you'll see the bubbles around the outside you want to get it as soon as you after it bubbles around the outside it'll start to foam up so don't let it overflow so watch it carefully starting to get bubbles around the outside a little more oh just as soon as it starts to foam up grab it so now we're putting a hot liquid into eggs so what you want to do is whisk the whole time and just add a little it's called tempering it so that they'll both be at the same temperature and once you do that then just keep whisking whisking and we'll add all of our cream and that is well we just have the flavoring to add that's our custard pretty easy so what i'm gonna add is a half a teaspoon two grams of pure vanilla extract other you know you could add a little bit of apple brandy if you had some or again grand marnier would be also very nice but we'll just use vanilla so that's our custard i'm just going to put that aside to cool down a little i'm going to clean up and we'll come back to our apples assemble our tart and bake it off so for our apples you will need about a pound of apples 450 grams but actually i like to have more than that because you never know when you peel your apples whether it be any bruising or anything like that so i would say you're probably going to need about three to four apples so i would even have five just to make because you don't want to run out so peel core and then slice some pretty thin [Applause] i just somewhere between you know an eighth and a quarter of an inch like so let me see that it's about what you want so now we have our remember we pre-baked our sweet pastry crust we covered with the apricot glaze that's nice and dry like i said i actually did this is the second day i did chill this overnight and then um bring it back up to room temperature before you fill it or it'll take longer to bake so when i put my apples i mean you could just kind of throw them all in there but we'll get fancy today so what i like to do is first just take one i kind of have a border after much fussing with this this is kind of how i find it works best for me if i want to do this the concentric circles and i have to cut a little piece so you put that like so that looks good and then what we're going to do is just overlap our apple slices so just keep overlapping moving around i go in one direction find that the easiest and it doesn't have to be perfect this is when you're not you know it's not a bakery's heart so don't worry if it doesn't all the slices aren't perfect because once we put that custard in and bake it off you're really not going to notice okay so i fussed a little at the outside you know pretty good i'm okay with that so now we need to do the inside but first i didn't tell you what kind of apples you should use so i any firm textured apple that will keep it shaped you know when it's baked you don't want it turning all mushy if you want to i tend to use a sweet tart uh type of apple like honey crisp gala gala um braeburn you use john thin john of gold if you want to use granny smith you could use that as well but that keep in mind that's a little more tart tasting i've used small i like them all you could actually use a couple different types you use a granny smith with like a gala so now what we're going to do is fill the center i'm going to use some of my again you might for this you might have to do a little cutting if they don't fit that looks pretty good i'm just going to this is why you know you might want to have a few extra apples just in case so that looks good to me i'm going to leave it at that so now we are going to cook this again at 350 degrees fahrenheit 180 degrees celsius so you know have your oven preheated and now we're just going to pour in the custard again put your tart pan on a baking sheet makes it much easier to get in and know the oven and now i'm just going to pour our custard hopefully we can use it all you know you want to fill it but leave a little space at the top i mean you don't want it overflowing it will be okay that's about right so this is a 9 inch 23 centimeter tart i used the whole thing if you wanted a little bit of cinnamon flavor you could put sprinkle with a little cinnamon sugar over the top but i'm just going to leave it like that so now baking somewhere i'm going to say 30 to 40 minutes i'm giving you a little range because you know everyone's oven is a little different as i always say so really essentially what you do because the tart shell is baked off what we're doing is baking the custard until set so if you kind of take the pan it'll know it won't jiggle anymore and if you took a really sharp knife at the the end tip and put it into the apples it'll be nice the apples will be nice and tender so i'm going to say 30 to 40 minutes carefully into the oven you don't want to spill your custard so our apple custard tart is ready so put your pan on a wire rack does not look gorgeous our custard is set you kind of just shake the pan it shouldn't wobble at all and our apples are nice and tender so i'm just going to let this cool for a few minutes and then when we come back we're going to brown the top of our tart so now we're going to brown the top of our tart you don't actually have to do that you can just leave serve it like this but it looks kind of more professional if we brown the top if you have a handheld butane torch you could use that for this job i don't have one so i'm going to use the oven so you want to use the broiler which is the top element in your oven turn that on hot now people ask the only time you use or almost the only time you use the top element in your oven is for broiling when you're baking the cake do not have it on just have the bottom element or when cakes cookies all that but for broiling browning the top it's ideal so what i like to do is first sift a little bit of confectioners sugar powdered sugar over the top and then i'm going to put this and use this if you have parchment paper if you did have parchment paper on your baking sheet get rid of it because i have done that and it it can brown and i'm going to be moving the pan around to get an even browner as even as i can so do not walk away so i have my rack a little distance so i can put my sheet turn my so i'm going to let it sit for a bit and then i'm going to turn it okay turn that off so if you saw i kept turning it takes a while to start and then once it goes you have to keep turning it i like mine you may say that's too dark for me i like mine not burnt but i like that is quite dark if you don't you know you can take it out at any point that you want but that's kind of how i like it so now what i like to do remember those apricot preserves that we didn't use all of so what we're going to do now you probably if you have them sitting note on the counter which i did you might have to just heat it up either in your microwave or just on the stove just to get it fluid again and then with our pastry brush i'm going to brush the i mean it gives it a nice shine apples a nice shine plus like i said it prevents them from drying out and it adds more flavor now i just don't do the apple slices i actually do the whole tart because i i like the look of it plus it keeps the custard from drying out okay that looks good i even did the crust here give it a little shine okay and one final thing it's optional but i have some pearl sugar here another thing sometimes i like to use is sliced or shaved almonds and what i do is put it around the outside it kind of i don't it makes the whole thing kind of pop it's these little touches you know if you go into a fancy bakery you notice the finishing is what takes it from like uh you know a home baked good to the professional so we can borrow some of those things at home and especially especially on special occasions when you want to have something special so there we have it i just a work of art so now what i'm going to do is let this cool down and then we'll take off the sides and we will try a piece so i let the apple custard tart cool down to room temperature now we'll remove the sides the pan i just take a cup there turned upside down put that on there slides away now i liked i typically if i'm at home i just leave that bottom plate on there that way i can pick it up and move it around if you wanted to remove it then just take your spatula and then you can see you can just run underneath and then actually if you have one of these real big ones just put it under there and move it to your serving plate but like i said i'm going to leave it there because it's kind of good to cut so then we'll take our knife you know it's so pretty i hate to cut into it but i will sharp knife and there we go like i said if you we finished it off really fancy you don't have to do that but i actually recommend it because i think it's worth you know browning the apple slices under the broiler and then putting a little apricot glaze i mean it just makes it all pop so you can just serve it plain that's usually what i do although i hey i'm not against a little scoop of vanilla ice cream a little dollop of whipped cream cream fresh whatever you like you know i know it's a little bit of work to make this tart but it's worth it it's so good you have that the the sweet pastry crust is crisp and cookie like a little bit of sweetness to it you have the apples they're so flavorful and then that custard is just wonderful and i really like that edition of the apricot glaze you know it's on on the base of our tart it's on the top and it really adds you know a nice flavor to our tart so it's really good the day it's made i do because it's a custard i do recommend if you want to store it you cover it and store it in the refrigerator i think it's best because of that custard for you know three or four days and then i eat a cold or you could just you know pop it in the microwave and just reheat it or bring it to room temperature so really for those special occasions or say on a weekend you want a special project make this and until next time i'm stephanie jaworski of [Music] you
Channel: Joy of Baking
Views: 337,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dessert, baking, cooking, recipe, food, kitchen, homemade, howto, diy, joyofbaking, Joy of Baking, Stephanie Jaworski, Rick Jaworski, apple custard tart, how to make apple custard tart, apple custard tart recipe, apple tart, how to make apple tart, apple tart recipe, french apple tart, how to make french apple tart, french apple tart recipe, apple recipes
Id: P1AG5J7e6do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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