Homemade Egg McMuffin

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okay Egg McMuffins at home these are mason jar uh tops put a little grease in it in a greased pan and you just crack your egg right in there so like we said grease your pan first let it warm up grease your mason jar top and then crack your egg in and we'll show you the final trick so the final trick is going to be a little bit of water and we'll put a top on and create Steam and we're going to steam cook it so we'll come back in a second and show you the finished product okay so they've been cooking probably a couple minutes or so and you can see how they are starting to form now I just pop these off pop those off and you can see the shape that your egg takes I like to come underneath it flip it over cook the other side you don't have to do that you can just steam cook it all the way and so that's going to be we'll let that cook a minute and then we'll be done okay here is the finished product egg for Egg McMuffin at home make lots of extras so that you can have a a egg and egg McMuffin on the go at home no need to drive through
Channel: Craig Keaton
Views: 168,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: tsScS6Uder8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 37sec (97 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 02 2014
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