Eating Bizarre French Food in Paris for 24 Hours!! Exotic Meats of Europe!!

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in this video I'm gonna eat bizarre French food for 24 hours oh you made a mistake [Music] so of course the menu today won't be bizarre to people from Paris or people from France but I'm looking for food that you won't find in my hometown for example frog legs snails today I'm gonna dig as deep as I can there's a lot more than frog legs and snails follow me let's take this ride together and find some weird food here in Paris [Music] we've come to our first restaurant our first destination for today let escargo I think that's how you say it you probably maybe you've heard about it in rap songs as cargo my cargo biggie anybody Biggie Smalls that's cargo it's French for snails either their address is 1832 or this place has been open for a real long time it's a very well known establishment that has a huge wide range of food from typical French Classics to foods like snails and even pancreas first wheel right here we have two dishes this is a tartar or in French roughly speaking this is a special gland from a cap I'm gonna talk about that in a moment but first this is a beautiful presentation for tartar I was told earlier that actually tartar in France used to be really popular to make with horse meat here they don't have horse you better believe when I found that out I asked hey do we have a horse option they said no this is beef french fries on the side can I tell you something here in France they don't even say the French part just fries take a look at this you can tell it's like hand chopped and not just ground meat oh I got a nice big bite some raw beef for breakfast let's go we we it's so good it's very light aromatic it's interesting because it's just it's like sticky cold heavy but the flavors couldn't be more light really gentle I love the feel I love the taste and especially when you put it on some bread oh chef's kiss very nice that is our first course right here is the sweet bread it's a mix of a few different things there's a bread here there's potato and then this is a sweet bread which is not a bread at all this is actually a gland what gland will let me tell you this is the thymus of a calf what where's the thymus it's like right here basically it's a small plant that's part of your lymphatic system that sounds delicious I've never had this your lymphatic system is part of your immune system there's one thing this immune system could not fight off and that's why it's here on my plate right now anybody would have the patience or thought to remove this part from the animal and cook it up and to make it look like a five-star Meal look at this it has a bold Smoky almost slightly bitter flavor it's super soft nothing like I've had before I would compare it mostly to something between the brain and a liver that's weird I mean I like it it's weird in the best way possible there's so much of it look how big this is they do not shortchange their guests on the thymus I mean if you come here you're hungry for this and you might have to split it with a friend there's so much the best part about this very strange food is they brought me a white wine that they said actually pairs with this sweet bread yeah last thing I want to say about this sweet bread I love the term sweet bread because it is so euphemistic the only way to get people to eat something like this is to be like uh it's bread it's basically bread what are you talking about that doesn't look like bread what kind of bread is it sweet bread just eat it so this is just our first course at this restaurant at this point they're gonna let me go into the kitchen and see how they make a few of their other very special unique Foods this is our Chef for today she's going to be preparing the frog legs step one the frog legs are put in some flour after the oil is heated up here in the skillet it just goes directly on there a little bit of salt giving them a little bit of a flip more oil yes how do you say butter in French butter in French yeah next is a combination right here of parsley and garlic the frog legs are going to come out of the hot pan and into a cast iron skillet and all that butter is going to go right on top oh yes finish that was our first food that we get to see in the kitchen the second one is snail so at this point the shells are completely empty step one is to put the snail meat back inside its shell all the meat has actually been cooked already in a broth and so it's actually not going back into its original home it's going into somebody else's shell now it's all about the flavor this is a butter she's putting inside it's a green butter infused with garlic and parsley these are fantastic next up we're gonna put that in the oven and come back in just a little bit say goodbye the moment has come the moment has not come [Music] and that is ready the butter is kind of oozing out of some of these I can smell the garlic right now it looks fantastic I cannot wait to try this out so we just came from the kitchen right here we have the frog legs and the snails the smells here are incredible [Music] right here we have the frog legs it's okay just to eat these with your hands just like you're eating a piece of chicken this frog is incredibly flexible it must have been a gymnast you can see I love how they cook it at such a hot temperature and so much oil that it just crisps up the skin on the outside that is so delicious there's nothing not to like about that it tastes buttering you taste the parsley the garlic until you actually try it it does sound a little bit strange people in France eat frog legs but I think 90 of the people watching right now they saw this in front of them would not hesitate to try it just the smells alone lure you in it smells so good I wish you could replace wing night in the US with frog leg night because I could totally go for this Five Frogs but only in front legs if you go to Cambodia in Thailand Vietnam they're gonna have all the meat actually they eat the skin too I love what they're doing here but I think uh I want the rest of the Frog you know I'm paying for Five Frogs five Souls where'd the rest of the Frog go this brings us to our final course here at this restaurant the escargot the snails fresh out of the oven what's amazing is they have snail drawers inside you can see that they have many different flavors of butter so the butter has been infused with other ingredients other flavors this one though I think it's a great choice now the thing is when you eat snails here it's very different than in Vietnam because they have a whole tool made just for picking up this nail oh there you go that snail ain't going anywhere with the snail secure we take our little fork and we dig for that piece of meat so somewhere deep inside there butter parsley garlic and then a big dark brown gooey slimy snail let's try it out hopefully but slightly soft too they paired this with bread now the toasted bread is cut thin because it's meant to be stuck inside of the snail [Music] I gotta say I thought the snail holder was Overkill it is very effective the funniest part to me is that they just boil random snails and put them in random shells I'm a big snail fan ever since moving to Vietnam I've had dozens of different types of snails with different preparations I love that and I love this too well I gotta say here in France snails are much more expensive than a Vietnam this is lunch soon we're gonna head to dinner at our next location this damn good so we've had lunch already I've been walking around all day I built up an appetite and now we are here for dinner a restaurant obviously called probably this restaurant is 70 years old here you're gonna find a lot of classic French food and not just little bites either they have some seriously big heavy food here I'm gonna step into the kitchen immediately to see how they whip up one of their most unique dishes let's go right now I'm in the kitchen with Kristoff Lemire here we have calf liver it looks gorgeous it looks slippery I've never had calf liver I'm not sure the reason for it maybe it's more tender maybe it's more innocent tasting we're gonna see how they prepare it here in just a moment let's do this he takes a liver he's going to dredge that in a little bit of flour the butter goes into a hot Skillet dredge the liver once more beat off some of that flour and then boom nice and easy right into that butter the sound is incredible he starts basting it he's putting the butter over the top cooking it from both sides the smells in here are incredible it's Rich it's buttery next some garlic and a bay leaf go inside he gives it a little bit of a flip and my gosh that is looking incredible I've never seen a liver cooked this way where it has almost a crust on the outside here it's coming out of veal demi-glaze look at that thick beautiful glaze gently moves the liver over to the plate first he puts on Lemon Capers parsley and croutons Chef Messi it looks incredible my first time having calf liver let's go [Music] well bonjour Welcome to our first course right here we've got the calf liver come take a look at this the final preparation I gotta say with the French you got to give it up to him when it comes to the presentation it is so soft and bouncy you can tell it's definitely not cooked all the way through this is not well done that is certainly intentional let's cut it and see how red it is inside oh wow you can really feel like the tissues break apart as you cut it it is not like a piece of wagyu or something like that so it's not like it necessarily looks you know super pink inside I'm gonna scoop up some of that glaze let's try it out all right first taste what do you call this in French my first taste here in France let's go that is a very Bold Flavor the glaze around it is sticky it's wonderful it has a salty Savory beef flavor to it but the liver itself is so intense it's almost like a little bit gamey too very strong taste and the texture too almost like it's spongy when you're biting through it not dry at all it's funny because I said I would like a white wine to go with it and they said um that's not going to be strong enough how about this Bold Flavor to go with other bold flavors that's intense this is one cup of potatoes let's try that [Music] oh that's nice much better than KFC sorry that was my white trash comparison of the day there are a couple other things on this menu that I have to try out before leaving Paris [Music] course number two this is a pork Trotter if you can see where the the hook splits and then the skin right here it's not crispy it's a little bit more soft when you touch it it's not like a Filipino crispy Pata it's more like you know a French it's more like a French pore Charter where do you even begin with a masterpiece like this you can see it reveals the bones inside my guess is that they probably Grill it and then they put it in the oven to finish it off and that is what's making this skin right here so gummy let's try it out [Music] there's like a pork flavored gummy bear unbelievably rich but super sticky just sticking to the inside of your mouth as you eat it it's a really clean but heavy flavor and then on the side how do you say that yeah how do you say sauce I want to try giving this a little bit of a dip in the bangier sauce and see what that does the best bites so far that sauce is everything the sauce has a beautiful slightly sour element it just makes everything taste a little bit lighter this is like Garfunkel but this is Simon you need Simon actually Simon's fine on his own too turns out he didn't really need Garfunkel but together still they make beautiful music are the young people still paying attention do you know who I'm talking about [Applause] boom final course here this is kind of similar to what we had already can you look at that and distinguish what that is give you a hint it's part of a pig the you know this part it's the snout I'm gonna try to use my Fork this time wow that is just like pure fad this is one of the most rich dishes I've ever had in my life it's so soft it's been cooked so long the meat and the fat just peeled right off considering this is almost like eating pure butter there we go that is pork butter what I've learned from the last dish is that this is so much better with biane's sauce how was that he's going yeah that's great a delicious snout like skin and just pure fat but when you mix it with that sauce it's very lovely so there's a patron saint of butchers I bet you didn't know that his name is Saint Antoine and this dish is called the temptation of Saint Antoine and it's all the stuff that will make him be tempted take a look at that that is a big old chunk of pig ear but it's mostly just cartilage and skin let's give it a little bit of a dip oh yes it's like Doritos but better oh delicious the ear itself is already beautifully seasoned the skin around the outside is a bit gummy chewing and then you have that nice Snappy crunchy cartilage on the inside it's been boiled the perfect amount of time you wouldn't want it any harder or any softer that is awesome that is probably one of the best pig ears I've ever had in my life for most people that wouldn't be that many ears but for me that's like uh 10 years probably our final mystery need to end our day of bizarre eating here in Paris this is the tail what they've done is they've taken off some of the skin but they've left this right here towards the end there's some muscle here I don't even want to dip this this looks incredible on its own oh good it's like they have this delicious seasoned flour some crumbs on the outside it's savoring it's bold the similar flavors to the other body parts but just a different texture and that's what's fun about eating something like this is a lot of it's going to taste similar but each body part is going to have a little bit different texture so we're gonna be chewing some are just going to be completely gooey and fatty and some like the ear are kind of Snappy so this wraps up our dinner portion of the day we've had lunch we've had dinner we've been eating these bizarre French foods for 24 hours it's time to conclude the day guys that is the end of our video for me the most uh intimidating food was the the liver of the calf so bold how can you be so young but so bold before we go I want to say a huge thank you to secret Food Tours for making this video possible they went around and did a lot of the research for us so we could make this video happen secret Food Tours at they do Food Tours here in Paris if you come to Paris feel limited time or if you just want to make the most out of your time I highly suggest doing a food tour and seeing the best of what Paris has to offer guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time all right I think there's still there's got to be more unique stuff maybe an endangered bird or a pigeon I keep seeing so many pigeons I could eat a pigeon no I think I'll just uh get drunk instead welcome to the best ever merch store where you can check out our brand new designs best ever bandanas in black white and red the please send nudes hoodie pillow soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and our street food around the world graphic tea we're now shipping everywhere around the world just visit or click the link in the description below to get your new merch today a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,782,927
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Id: te60IvK_vzQ
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Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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