German Tries South African Food

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I'm gonna try South Africa's most popular food to see if I like it and later on I'll cook some German food to see if people here like the taste of my home country and we're going to see which one tastes better number one is we're almost how do you pronounce this how do you pronounce this the proper ways [Music] that's good the German one's better though so you guys eat this one yeah family prize with chocolate on the side I like it with the drinks cream soda cream sauce actually used to be like one of my favorites [Music] it also looks poisonous I like it number three samusas what's the flavor of cake this one's nice I'm not gonna lie that's one of my favorites I love them number four we got KFC Zinger flavor I also haven't tasted this one so the Zinger wings at KFC very nice [Music] foreign I thought it would be spicier yeah it's kind of underwhelming given the thought of seeing the wings well it's not bad though my favorite one is the Doritos everyone loves the blue Doritos I was literally eating that egg right now snack number five it looks like it's like a mixture of Snickers and marks only one way to find out yeah let's see though see if you like it [Music] the peanuts the peanuts no this one's very nice also because it's not that it's expensive all I do is [Applause] not me enough I like church girls so we're gonna get some German stuff see how they compare I think it's gonna be nice hi [Music] uh it feels like home man foreign [Music] [Music] you want to try some German some German candy no no what you want together and then you can tell me what do you think katius [Music] it's called vice versa white sausage no is making us eat Joe sausage [Music] I think the ketchup kind of overrules the flavor of it which is good number two pretzel not bad this one everywhere in Germany like just a snack it's like a snack you know what this tastes like like as if someone had like leftovers and they just do all leftovers okay number three competitor drink non-alcoholic version [Music] I don't know how to feel about it oh yeah I want to say that top screen soda though I'm sort of for the win yes because this brand sucks there's a much better brand okay these ones these ones are my favorite chips [Music] it smells nice it smells oh it tastes like glaze damn okay I expected more it's not bad yeah it's not bad number five so these ones are representing the vegans come here we got vegan snacks for you extra for you because you're the vegan thanks it's really nice [Music] this one which one was the worst [Music] is
Channel: Noah Baier
Views: 426,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: south africa, cape town, uct, zulu, xhosa, african, food, try, snacks
Id: rUppqP4_FY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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