Hunting and Eating Zebra!! Inside a South African Game Reserve!!

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thank you in this video I'll be experiencing how big game hunting Works in Africa I've got eyes on one and I'll be tasting rare animal proteins if you have experienced before the mission in South Africa that if you shoot your first animal You Gotta Eat This of that animal raw I should have shot a guinea fowl but first let's back up [Music] thing in Africa is nothing short of controversial Conjuring images of well-to-do hobbyists taking an animal's life in exchange for a head mount some claim it's cruel that it's wasteful or that it reduces animal populations yet every year thousands of hunters fly to South Africa to partake in one of these hunts today I'm on a mission to learn how this industry works and I'm doing it from the inside we're looking for a male that's just traveling alone yes I thought I'd be shooting into a big pack and then just hoping for the best getting my hands dirty doing what some Hunters pay tens of thousands of dollars to experience [Music] all right foreign [Applause] some of the most uncommon game meets you can find here [Music] oh wow I've never smelled any food like this before good morning good morning breakfast what do we got here what does it look like it looks like sausage well this is actually the same as we're almost but this is the Smoke Box most boivores these days are made from beef but for hunters with access to game meat the sausage making possibilities are endless is it wild boy it's actually a crossbreed between a wild wolf and the Durock but we kind of put them together with a big black that sounds like three pigs we use salami spice inside this pork sausage and then we smoke it and it comes out like this in the skillet add sausage smoked pork belly and potatoes saute and dive in says pork belly looks stunning it's so crispy and I like how you cut it real thin [Music] mmm really good texture it's very dense but crunchy kind of sweet and that's your support belly this is a sausage here oh yeah it's interesting because a lot of the sausage I've had here so far has been either like sheep or beef it seems like there's several people who don't eat pork only really became more familiar the last few years because red meat being very expensive in South Africa so a lot of guys went and started eating pork but this is free range pork and that also makes a huge difference I'm gonna need a nap yeah I mean this is really heavy sitting next to me my high school buddy Greg he's obsessed with hunting deer turkey ducks pretty much anything so I've invited him to South Africa to witness hunting on a whole nother level I'm so curious how things work here my only experience being in places like this would be like in Tanzania in the Serengeti where I went on Safari and you get to look at the animals but you definitely cannot shoot them here this is a private game reserve that's right what does that mean and how is that different these brothers Phillip and Hendrick are the owners of Beijing game reserve they'll be guiding me through my journey here and providing Insight on the big business that is the game reserve hunting industry the difference is that the natural reserve is left as it is in its natural stone and Game Reserve is what we have here we kind of do commercially so it's three legs in the game reserve you have commercial hunting and then you have the ecotourism side you have people coming here staying over go out in the field see the game and then also then the meat processing is the third one where we take meat we put it through our slaughterhouse and we sell it so nothing of it gets wasted it goes into the community it goes into the economy of what we have and what's keeping this thriving I mean it's sustainable farming absolutely we call it conservation through utilization before we wrap up breakfast I must ask you I need you to explain to me why I'm not a terrible person for hunting the zebra commercial hunting put simply you own an animal I pay money to hunt it this is part of management you know Mother Nature is much cooler than any human I mean if it gets dry there's no food that animal dies so we have to look at the numbers we have and control those numbers in that sense the hunter is fulfilling the same role that a pride of lions would in nature so what we normally do is you'll shoot the older ones yeah the stallion that's been kicked out of the group of zebra and I won't ever accept him again back into the group good I like this metaphor hey if you're an outcast it's okay someone will come murder you yeah lonely not for long South African hunting regulations State all non-residents must be joined by a licensed pH or professional hunter that is Hendrick's role so we're on our way to a camp where we're gonna hunt the mountain zebra we call it is this whole game reserve fenced in it is I know a lot of people don't like fences but you know it's all about management at the end of the day some claim fences like these mean the animals have no ability to escape thus taking the sport out of the hunt but here this plot is a little more than three miles by five miles full of Hills rocks foliage and trees the person who owns this land do they own all the animals on the land yes we do yeah wow layers of fencing keep the animals inside and unwanted animals like jackals on the outside how do you know if you're shooting too many animals so what you do is say every five years and you do a head count on the animals and make sure you can get your numbers right for the next hunting season if not a lot of them populated on the property so it's an ongoing balance it is an ongoing balance today I'm hunting a zebra because of their large population here but also if I'm honest I've always been curious how zebra meat tastes and soon I'm gonna find out this is the mountain range of The Root River Valley on the west side of Eastern Cape a semi-arid grassland it's beautiful it's breathtaking and I don't see any zebras what do you think well they're not getting this open plane area so I think that I moved up we're gonna cut through that little Valley day and we're going to walk around with bail and see if we can spot them at the back there all right what's your hope meter at out of 10. that's pretty rough the higher the mine usually is hunting a zebra is a game of spotting and stalking area that's not flat at all so there could be zebras hiding anywhere amongst these bushes here if they're in open terrain I can see one the stop could be impossible as they have excellent eyesight and they're always watching their back for Predators our large Hunting Party is working against us time to change strategies have you ever used a drone to like Drive the animals somewhere no they try the old-fashioned way first Avril an experienced koisan tracker will move up the hill to get a better look while all of us head to the valley if he spots a group of zero Avril will try to push them our way thank you he's falling for zebra we're trying to track him down right now they're too far away to shoot this is the cape Mountain zebra the smallest of all existing zebra species they have a tape only in certain mountainous regions of South Africa's Western and Eastern Cape provinces they definitely are aware of us and he said they're very skinnish and they're moving around constantly wind direction is critical if the wind is pushing your scent toward the animal they'll get spooked if they sense any sign of danger I see Antelope even from other game species they'll run moving with the crowd always so far enough you may have the chance to close the gap Avril the tracker checks in he spotted a small group that's about to come our way shot placement for a zebra is easy to recognize follow their front leg up to where you see an inverted V that's the spot a clean shot there will rip through the animal's vitals putting it down almost immediately with as little pain as possible that is the goal thank you this is a very far shot for me sorry I feel like I'm squeezing and it's just like not going okay it's moving now it's so tiny in my scalp I can hardly freaking see it and now I'm like shaking trying to shoot it trying to breathe I'm trying to squeeze a trigger like the trigger's not squeezing and I'm getting more and more shaky it's still there right it's still day let me find a very unpredictable should I go for it thank you look right on the shoulder from about 250 yards I take aim I breathe in I breathe out slowly and I squeeze the trigger looks like a good shot that looks like a very good shot he's behind that tree and let's just move yeah okay the exhilaration of a hit is undeniable but my my shot was off missing the vitals and breaking the animal's front leg a sense of guilt and Duty creep over me as I aim to finish the job that's beta he's gonna go down yeah man [Music] he's on his back kicking his feet he's down he's down good job man that was crazy you just chase down to Zuber in Africa oh my God that's pretty nice that was like really like exhilarating is the only word I can think of because every single moment just like trying to track it hide behind bushes and then finally we got it a little jittery a little shaky but um my first feeling hitting it it's like equal parts feeling accomplished and then feeling guilty because I just want to finish it you know so the poor guy is probably almost dead now holy cow man fully dead beautiful shot man it looks like the first shot just broke its leg Yeah it was a little bit too low second shots almost on the V yeah all you know what I mean oh my God yeah a little nervous on the first one and then a little more solid on the second one wow well congratulations uh it's a beautiful animal oh my gosh yes thank you zebra for your life uh this is incredible and you will not go to waste you know [Music] part of the zebra will be utilized its skin is carefully removed it'll be used to make a rug or other upholstery the meat and organs are suctioned up front quarters hindquarters ribs tenderloins some will hang and some will grind overnight today we're taking a break from hunting and enjoying the treasures this animal offers Phillip and his wife Adriana will prepare zebra meat in four very different ways first up a combination of the Wild and the West a zebra burger with patties made of minced zebra meat seasoned with salt pepper and local Six Gun seasoning we'll on a skillet until the edges are brown and the juices start to accumulate now for the burger build spread butter on both buns then tomatoes pickles and a zebra Patty topped with a slice of cheese little love I love this touch right here what is this porcupine cool that's keeping it together it's very unique looking well hold on is that a bun or a pancake what's going on the outside it's like a bundt pancake this is a fat Patty right here pickles tomato cheese I think we should try it out yeah let's go for it [Music] um [Music] tasty oh wow it's really a neutral flavor it's slightly beefy it's a dark meat dark red well seasoned I like it because it's a burger but I can taste the meat still I also like little Pancakes on the outside that's unique for me but I enjoy it very much oh man not gamey at all but still really juicy succulent cooked maybe about medium awesome what about this little guy these guys looking desperate right now he's like there's no way they don't drop some of that yeah this is our first course we have a lot we're going to be trying today we have this right here that's Mountain zebra tenderloin it's really thick the tenderloin was brined overnight in salt water then rubbed down with Phillips seasoning made of brown sugar salt black pepper and coriander add Thyme and place on a Hot Grill Let the Fire do the work then serve with tequila sauce the first bite though I just want the pure zebra no sauce because I just really want to get a sense for the zebra meat oh this looks insanely juicy let's go for it ourselves oh wow it doesn't taste like the softest meat ever but the way you prepared it has made it tender and soft and juicy on the inside but is zebra known for being a little on the tougher side or softer side I think it's just the way you prepare it there's a certain wild flavor it's not gaming but it's so flavorful maybe it just tastes like the plants it eats all day like I had the guru lamb it's eating the guru plant it made it some of the most sweet meat I've ever had and this meat has a certain type of wild hard to describe flavor it's like zebra tastes like zebra I can't quite put my finger on it but it's very delicious how much was the zebra it was a thousand dollars you know I'm curious how does the pricing work for people who come out here to hunt animals [Music] baboon even giraffe are on the hunting menu here five costing a total of ten thousand dollars so it's all about demand and Supply it works on that basis if it's an abundance you'll get it obviously a low price but everybody's kind of have the same kind of prices it's made over time most hunters flying into a game reserve likely spend 20 to 30 thousand dollars and opt for a package of up to five animals but that price that just gets you the hunt not the animal meat itself so if the guy comes he takes his trophy the skin or the shoulder Mount whatever it takes with but the meat normally stays the property of the farm then what will you do with the meat most of the time we either cook the meat work process the meat or give it away to some of the communities do you ever sell the meat yes we sell it to the restaurants also it's a kind of forms part of the economy of the whole area this is round one we still have a couple more zebra dishes to try so let's get to it our next course zebra organ stool liver heart and kidney all get shot in a pot add oil onions and the organs season salt and pepper add white wine and simmer it for about three hours in the meantime Philip is checking in on his final course did you build the smoker yes it was actually a covert project okay yeah you had a little extra free time that's right what's inside inside here we have the smoked Mountain zebra leg that it's brine before you put it in the smoke if you just put in the smoker beforehand you lose all that moist the tension is killing me let's see it it's already marinated in red wine overnight before placing it in the smoker for about five hours I like the pattern of this because usually it might be like grill marks or something like that but here we have like a beehive texture on the outside the color has already changed it's getting a nice bark on the outside and it looks juicy it looks delicious it looks like you removed Arnold playing with somebody else is more relevant it looks like you removed a bodybuilder's quadricep and just laid it down there that is a fit piece of meat right there how many more hours for this this is about ready already yes sir foreign you ever eaten the organs of a zebra before to be honest to you not really let's try it out oh wow you know what's funny is it smells like zebra hair what do you think of the smell it's delicious man I'm gonna dig into it now let's try it out [Music] wow it's quite nice the meat is super soft I cannot get over this taste I like it though it tastes exactly how a horse smells I would say the sirloin that we had super neutral really delicious succulent not horsey if anything it was you know kind of along the lines of beef this is something completely different but I like it because it has so much personality it's just so different from any other food I've tried before oh my God it's like I was making out with a horse we have one more course here this is what we just saw outside this is the smoked leg of the zebra now I don't know if I've seen anyone smoke a leg before and usually I see people smoke stuff that has a lot more fat in it like ribs or brisket what's important about the process is that with the brine you secure the moist inside a big beautiful pink smoke ring on the outside it almost smells like ham [Music] hmm I'm impressed it's a tough cut right because very little fat still very juicy full of flavor I just feel like we've had four vastly different experiences with the same animal yeah depending on which body part you chose and then how you cooked it too nobody would ever guess this was worse I'm sorry zebra mountain horse stripy horse you know coming here because these cameras are it's like a whole new education it's a whole new industry I knew nothing about and that's why I wanted to come here and not just observe but to involve myself in what you do here to understand better but for you guys especially you Hendrick what are the misconceptions that people have about game hunting like this from my side as a professional Anthem my job is to take people out there and make it happen ethically I think people's got a message of animal on a wall but if I feel if you do it respectfully towards the animal I mean that's my job and I make sure I do it right so [Music] Mountain zebra one of the species in South Africa that was almost extinct the one that I hunted yes the last 10 years things changed around because of our Mountain zebra Park areas private owners the numbers were up Suddenly over 2000 to an extent where it's now listed the societies too so meaning it's actually saved from Extinction so what happened is the parks can now sell them to private owners who can buy them up and then present them in the field to for ecotourism or for hunting oh wow and this is exactly what's happening now you shot the zebra you had to meet and take the skin with and it's a whole new economy that we can now go buy new Mountain zebra in from the money we get from you basically and it's sustainable it is sustainable I think what you're doing here is an argument for the privatization of animal conservation where oftentimes I don't know even in my country those things which have been privatized seem to function a lot better than those that fall under a government program and here you two have a lot of incentive to make sure the animals procreate repopulate and live good strong healthy lives gentlemen thank you so much I really appreciate this thanks Sunny best ever you show is a small team of Indian creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in exclusive benefits a piece all right gentlemen and I have come back successful it was a victorious Mission did you think I could do it this morning first I had my doubts but then you proved me wrong thank you so much oh you sound like my parents except for the last part what I have heard is that underneath here there is a surprise from the zebra and I'm going to reveal it in a moment and whatever is under here I'm supposed to eat that's right Greg I will eat whatever is under there oh um they're still they're still the same size they didn't cook that much did they if I was expecting deep fried yeah I'm sorry we share the big one it's your show all right three two one cheers wow that's real talk bro [Music] I just realized a semen oh okay yeah it's too hard that's why I said you're still chewing you're doing it I don't wanna here you go that's all yours I couldn't do it you can't do it I mean it was twice the size of yours I don't guys that is it for this video I hope that you have an open mind as you watched and learned about a new industry something completely different from what I've ever experienced that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time I thought about hunting a giraffe but that would make that is just too much it would be too sad I like giraffes or maybe a tortoise
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,165,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, south africa, africa, african, white south african, african food, hunting zebra, Reserve, game reserve, Eating Zebra, zebra meat, SAUSAGE SKILLET, GRILLED ZEBRA SIRLOIN, zebra burger, ZEBRA ORGAN STEW, smoke zebra leg
Id: O6zBjd90EV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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