10 of the Tiniest Products That Actually Work on Wish.com!

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get up there more so you guys keep going at it from the corner you can't go from the corner they trick you by saying oh it's a really small computer but you also need the equal size power brick you're five eight you have pretty big hands for five eight man what do you want to be when you want to grow up that's like the most demeaning thing accepted welcome to dope or no oh my god a show where your mom lets you watch it while she gets some relax time that's right everybody your mom's probably sick of you don't go in the other room that's not wine nope that's not going if you're one of those make sure you like this video and comment down below not my mom my mom doesn't sin yeah she's not a sinner right no mom mother's day is coming up or has already passed actually maybe depends do you have a mom yes oh that's right i was planning on getting her something or something yeah that's right she deserves it remember valentine's day your mom gave you something yeah that was really cool she got me an alarm clock showed up late to work that day we were supposed to shoot for 863 and so we go back to his house evidently he had told his mom or something like that and there's this like little happy valentine's day gift on his bed he opens it up it's an alarm clock and sam and i were like when even your mom cooks you on camera well hey you might find an alarm clock in this episode because today we're looking at 10 of the smallest products that actually work on only wish.com jpeg jpeg jpeg jfred small things all right let's get started let's look at that first product look at that tiny little glass of water oh why is it so tiny oh you can't put your own water in it what the heck is that twelve hundred dollars for fifty oh that's a fishing pole an extractable one yeah retractable retractable why is it normally twelve hundred dollars it's a bait you got baited bro i'm a little nervous because you're all furry i think i should get these we should like drink and eat out of them a little bit throw a tiny party yeah have a little tiny party yo would you guys come to my tiny party i'm not preparing the food though you are i'll just get in and out chop it up real tiny put it in it this one's called transparent they're mini little dishes that was mine you got dishes i said we'd have a little mini meal oh we have all these like beer glasses too i have a beer in the fridge give me a second these are the tiniest little things i feel like you might accidentally drink the actual glass choking hazard this is just a heart just the shape of a heart this is just an excuse for him to drink again on doper note so what if i forget to use the glass the only way you're allowed to drink on set from now on is that beer glass you understand uh sure yes sir honestly impressed did you add you barely discovered anything you didn't even get on a camera though 50 out of 10. this dude is lost right now you can't really see it but it's full of beer can you imagine the ratio of spilling that much beer to your glass you're not on camera again i'm sorry i can't forget far what are you doing do it to the other camera it looks so dumb it's literally just focused on your face i thought it was focused on the seat in the back this is embarrassing there you go oh look at the tiny glass it's a tiny little glass wow okay has problems now we got to finish the crawl woods stop rubbing my ankles i literally had had his foot in my head and i was just like that's odd didn't even notice i think it was like my method acting of being an alcoholic this is a punch bowl this is when you got problems oh this is what i imagine alice in wonderland would be like if it was with us and a worse story and no atlas it's just like a regular movie yeah i guess it's yeah did you hear three glasses of wine at night is heart healthy i don't trust anybody that talks like that did you hear never stop drinking it's healthy yeah water yeah you're right nailed it you really just said it next time i'll light that on fire was it a dope dope next product what happens if i just search tiny oh tiny playing cards i'm gonna play a little game of solitaire yeah that's gonna be so frustrating especially when you lose bye i'm really excited about that i'm gonna play a tiny little game of solitaire oh matt's going for two yeah i'm going for two because it's good to have extras just in case someone don't get it i couldn't figure out what part of the body that was for a second oh i could see what you mean by that that looks cool this looks cool dude this looks fun i'm excited for this this isn't even tiny i assume you have to like figure out how to get all the pieces on one side this is it's totally tiny what about it's time it's four tiny people kids okay this is a stretch oh let's have it okay well i already got a product anyways this is my secondary this is your reward product mini poker 2k mini poker don't say it okay because i've known her for a long time i'm done i'm so done with this dude why is it every time we get cards we get played are they oh you can pop them out oh cool you have to make them yourself and they have the little guys little things are so cute this is a little toy that i wanted oh the fidget toy yeah this goes yeah and you were like it's not the product you can't do that oh satisfaction this is what like an oompa loompa magician would use all this sucks i have a card trick just for you this sucks there we go let it be it's your card hearts of three and then you're like you punch in the face so the idea behind this product is that you have to get all of the guys in the right side but it's really hard because there's two sides and the balls kind of get stuck there we go see that guys comment down below if dopa nope has big scorpio energy well i solved it that took two seconds oh was it worth it no this is not good never a good sign if you solve something and you go it's not worth it what is this this looks like a hot dog i hate this i've been never boy am i right my guy like i hate it it's like light pink with like knobs on it keep going it's like a hairy hot dog hairy hot dog who says that i didn't hear it that's not even trying to be discreet i had hot dogs for dinner last night guys we're struggling with the monetization issues currently i'm doing a 52 card pick out and i hate it it's the worst card game ever dude woods has just been eating them only the spades is what acid usually looks like right oh that would be a great way to sell acid but he's a little cautious right i think the marketing behind acid is addiction it's not really something you get addicted to i don't know i've never done it you've never had acid no i'm christian well i've seen a documentary where they say jesus took acid i don't think that's true jesus was high on the holy spirit yeah that was a strain [Laughter] this is a little deck of cards get rid of that i just spent like 10 minutes putting all those they're actually still in there i got to be honest filling up this like little packet with these cards what kind of satisfaction in the back you'd be terrible in a casino hey woods can you describe this it looks like an uncooked hot dog you're right this has big taurus energy i don't understand you read an astrology book or something what do you say like that that was real big gemini energy out of your thing i don't even know what i am i think i'm a september you're a virgo dude i'm a vertigo virgo whoa next product wow that was a great product man thanks for that what's his turn oh hey what's up it's my turn yo look at that finger right there that finger oh get that wood you know that's you dude no it's not i know you bro dude imagine having to scratch something on like in on like your inner leg or something like that yeah dude if that's a live goldfish get it oh i think i've used that before no it's not no maybe i've looked that up smart ring why are we stuck on rings so much i don't know these look smart fashion new smart nfc phone tag ring one pc smart ring wear magic finger nfc one c one d card for amazon d let's see oh is that the chip no it's not they sent a fake thing there's a fake rhinestone in it it's not fake it's a real rhinestone oh it's a fake rhinestone it's just like a diamond it's a fake rhinestone it's just worth 10 million dollars look at that fake rhinestone i hate this thing it's too expensive isn't that the ring that you can put up to your phone yeah it's the nfc ring let's see so the way we do this guys is by going to the shortcuts app and then we do scan for nfc tag closer harder closer harder maybe this isn't the ring because it was clear it was a clear ring all i did was scratch my phone they sent you the wrong thing can i see no the uh ring no i'm telling you right now it's worthless you'll never get that back it's just over there did you even flip the on switch plug it in yeah plug that ring you don't even plug in the micro usb cable nfc doesn't need power bro it holds data inside it then how does thanos use his is that the power stone on the nfc ring is that what the rhinestone is comment down below if you're thanos he's just like can't finger's too big i vote no it's not a smart ring it's just a black ring with a fake rhinestone suck it how much did we pay for that ring put up right here tom if it was anything less than five dollars i want you to make it explode with effects and if it's flip that it's less it puts bling around it that was a big nope next product i'm just going to type in mini functional working mini working uh what about mini laptop yeah mini laptop what's up with that i have a mini laptop no you don't you never seen it i'm gonna show it to anyone i've seen his minis when i'm not using it it folds away mini projector it's 59 bucks you can protect your phone what's some good mini tech like what would be a good mini mini drone phone mini phones they have those mini phones yeah we've gotten one on dope enough a couple years ago but you weren't there so it's new for you what about them don't worry about them as long as woods is happy they're happy look at that little phone the orange one that's kind of sick i'm gonna be honest 419 for the hat what's so special about it it's mini low radiation card phone cell phone low radius in other words bad signal look at that one mini phone let's get it dude 18 it looks like a bass single camera has three cameras wait look at the reviews i bet there's picks one of my kids will love it not sure which one yet oh tammy only gets one when you have two kids [Laughter] that is sick it's your business spare phone this is where you can do all your deals and deeds guys this one says it's a monitor monitor oh for your car card phone card phone oh yeah this is woods new phone you can ditch his iphone probably work better it's actually got three cameras for some strange reason that's where the sim card goes right there how do i turn this thing on you always hold end i think there's two ends shouldn't one be start the phone call it might be dead hold it for 30 seconds 30 seconds yes dude i can't even hold my bladder for 30 seconds i don't think this works woods no you have to hold it for a minute and a half now are we gonna come back when it's charged right now put on camera camera camera coming on i'm gonna unlock it press red key to um is that what it says red key i think that's this one keep that unlocked yeah not red multimedia camera cameras open can you take a picture of me and woods i'm gonna put it on my instagram oh i have to be this far back to just get both of you in this all right this is going on the gram it's not taking there we go oh wow shut his eyes i keep it actually kind of prefer that wait do a different uh setting like okay options there's only one option that's to delete back options please tanner's hand is getting warmer and warmer it's weird wow there's three different image sizes and it was on the smallest one you'll love to see that which is 160x120 the biggest one which is 320 by 240. give me the 320x240 image quality normal there's low normal and good they're really selling themselves short here good hey decent for being honest you already bought the phone so they don't have to lie to you anymore yes oh my gosh it's going on the ground you guys want to see you have to go to the ground i don't have access to the other cameras on this device i don't think they're real they're legit fake this isn't half bad if you want to like be without your phone for a little bit it even has like a tiny little camera so you get tiny little memories it's a good kid phone yeah it's a good kid phone torchlight on it's not bad calendar alarm calculator and services let's go with what the calendar looks like i don't even think you'll be able to see that it's the tiniest little calendar oh my eyes rejected that this is odd i think it's pretty neat next product your turn woods you can buy many bushes and mini trees for your mini town you can live your mini life that you've always wanted guys woods actually built a tiny town like two years ago and then i think it got hit by a tsunami or the hose whichever one look at that wait look at that dude that is so cool why do i get so much joy out of that it's just so cool it just looks so peaceful i just want to shrink down and just forget about everything in my life right now what if we made a mini town on wish would you guys like to see us make a mini town bushes buildings yes type in world's smallest okay i'm about to blow your drawers off bro dude with the mini flip phone for the finger is it really that small by this it is so tiny we have a lot of this what it looks like right now what's a lark box bro one of the smallest 4k mini pcs in the world it's 262. worth it though this video has cost us literally free i think buy it dude quiet heat radiation woods buy there's one left we gotta hurry okay bye box the mini computer why do we have this it's the tiniest computer the lark box oh it's got the intel celeron celeron that is the worst intel processor ever made is this it that's it that's i mean that's pretty impressive to fit that in there it's got usbc what do you do with that what do you mean plug it in do you like mine like the bitcoin or something no this isn't strong enough that's not the spirit dude people be minding bitcoin with like 20 gpus yeah but look we got a thousand of them dude the charging cube is as big as that this is the charging cube not even a charging cube this is just the power they trick you by saying oh it's a really small computer but you also need the equal size power brick let's try it i guess can you play grand theft auto on it because it's not i don't want it that's what the scary kids in school say i'm glad we got the tiny monitor we're updating your computer right now hold tight this may take 10 days i think you guys aren't getting a lot of visual perspective so i'm going to show you right here that's just how big my hand is um i wear a size small glove he does have small hands though little hands but a big heart yeah he's got big hands yeah you got some biggies well you're five eight you have pretty big hands for five eight men what do you want to be when you want to grow up that's like the most demeaning thing to have accepted accepted by my boss windows this is old windows bro it's a celery computer why doesn't mac make one of those things no one wants it that's why i guess it's an iphone but more so like a chip rather you could plug into your uh computer i'm sorry do you want them to sell a computer that they plug into their computer no i'm sorry guys oh how sick would it be though if they made something like this but it was in the shape of like an apple that would be tight guys would you use this how would you use it uh solitaire you were some of you insulted i'm excited oh you have to sign in signing to play solitaire these cards are complicated i hate it it made me want to smash it but i didn't it's like hey you've opened up windows for the first time would you love 10 million pop-ups look how fast it lives oh my gosh this is torture i'm done with it it's really really cute it's the smallest pc i've ever seen that's a nope that's a dope it's a tough start how much was it it was like 400 bucks though it actually might be a no well out next product wait the mini car phone isn't that sick that is kind of sick it's a ferrari but they spelt it wrong a ferrari honestly i'm just gonna get this one three i want three because it's great not because i know anything about the symbol okay that's a sick looking that's a spinny boy spinner oh it looks 3d printed actually no no it doesn't it's just biases we're going to find out oh it's a fidget spinner this is a nice fidget spinner never letting anyone touch this can i please see it whistles this is one of the best made spinners i've seen [Music] that's what a ufo sounds like where's the tank run it over here all right i turned it off don't go in the water it's too deep wait we should have got two tanks because supposedly i think they can fight is there a shoot button no no but you can just make the sound with your mouth shoot shoot i don't get fidget spinners george george let me hold it [Music] i feel it though it feels so good it's so light kind of makes me uncomfy i want it like heavy very lost i like love it and hate it it's kind of like pb j sandwiches but with strawberry jelly i like it but i don't love it i don't understand it looks like there's a lot of complicated pieces on it if it just goes forward and backwards that's cool trash you look so silly that thing whips you want to try to make it go over my phone i just rolled in a bunch of beer oh it can kind of oh this is probably how fast our tanks look to giant space aliens they're probably like look at them whip around i'll give you a dollar woods if you can stop it on my phone oh too bad i think this is kind of artistic you know the tank going after technology you're forfeiting the dollar yeah my turn [Music] let me try get up there so you guys keep going at it from the corner you can't go from the corner go back and get some speed you went from the corner again let's find some dirt i won the dollar first though all right pay yourself guys this product is actually a dope i think i think that's a dope for sure i think both are dope next product look at this guys what i found how cool is this guys it's pretty sick it's a cool ring that's a really cool ring avoid bath avoid sweat avoid collision or scratch don't wear it don't use it don't look at it it doesn't quite look like what the image is not really at all actually it doesn't look like it works at all and now i'm triggered maybe hit the claim button and then let's also look up another gear ring yeah see if there's like a better gearing whoa so good as pictured and has a nice way we can get both and compare them i don't think we can afford it oh my god but oh more that looks pretty dope just up the odds here it's only 86 cents yeah honestly oh the products popped up one for each of us smells like wish you ever noticed like sometimes when they send you things from like chinese shipyards it smells like fish yeah what is this these are the rings we ordered we got a gear ring this is a weird ring oh yeah it doesn't work this doesn't even look even remotely like what has the one we wanted look how crappy this is it actually looks pretty good on camera it does not look good on camera it looks like it's made of metal didn't even draw the gears right on it here look at mine this one's okay you're wearing this bro and you're looking at it you're like what is that a bunch of squishy metal that's the kind of like music genre i want to listen to squishy metal it's like metal but only major keys somebody make it right now somebody make it now yeah this is ugly i can't believe we bought these with our own money yeah we didn't show them this one this is the one that's actually like pretty cool is the one we wanted to get originally and we just kind of found these other ones to compare all of these things are nopes yeah big big nope you can't even spell nope enough no no you're right next product oh what is that it's just a big ring is that a thimble it looks like it closes off stainless steel high polish clash and ring band clashing you just mixed up the word classic in fashion what can i say flashing i went to ftla get the mini axe very nice quality and craftsmanship excellent says nathan thanks nathan we're gonna add this to cart big city in a little world i can't believe that i met that girl she was blonde now she's burning today that's why i cried all day odd story great way to start though that sounded like a classic nostalgic 2000 song by the way we have a mini axe big city whoa this is actually sharp do you think if i was accurate oh you'll take your eye out timmy whoa right in half huh that's like a video game actually you hit it like it ripples a straight line through here you do the eyelid the ad-lib yeah i never miss i got a better idea let's do a madlib big city and a little noun whale oh moby dick the movie what kind of mini trees are you cutting i want to cut some mini wood twigs hey let me see your mini woods okay guys yeah this is useless this axe isn't though was the viewers like that shot but i don't next product you keep just scrolling through the same page like you're gonna find something new search something else i wanna get mini basketball too finger basketball wait what's with that look at this this is like my dream here dude this is my dream got him it's not gonna work great dude i'm already the king of shooting threes now i can shoot threes forever you get it but lower your expectations i'm shook because it has no net i'm buying it i don't care if it's a net or not desktop basketball now i can finally do something when i'm working we're gonna add this to cart don't talk to me or my gears ever again you don't know about the gear wars your fingers [Laughter] hey that's the best joke you've ever made that's good i like that yeah keep that one did you hear what i said yeah it looked like you i heard it like late okay woods you're getting kind of funny oh yeah yeah it's coming wow well this is yours trainer yes i've been waiting for this one what let's just take 10 free throws whoever gets the most wins matt had three this thing sucks oh think you can the string is too taut it's like wrapping up here we just do first make one i guess dude this is giving me diarrhea 17. that was satisfying that was i was trying to use 17 tries the 17th try okay here we go next week [Music] too nice third try is the charm it's gonna be third try wood wood because of the singular you guys are so good dude ball is live oh dude there that's what you did i see yeah it's not really a trick oh i see what you did you just watched aimed and then shot i wish there was a little net on there part of me is a little frustrated that the ball's on a string do you want to go get it when you miss i just want a lot you want more string more balls more string no more string words i love this guy i love a wood anytime wood says something silly i'm going to call him wood yeah i like that and even when he doesn't i might just call him wood oh this is dope hey guys take your finger shove it right up into that subscribe button and bell icon alright because that's how you're gonna get the notification button to pop on so you can press that as well make sure you guys click on one of these two videos why because i freaking told you to and if you don't listen to your elders and or you what are you doing with your life true you must not be very open yeah i'm gonna guilt you into the clicking those buttons every time you click one of those videos a kitty saves its life it's oh my god yeah it looks like it we'll see you later goodbye
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 1,129,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, dope, matthias, hi5 studios, funny, funny videos, comedy, jokes, amazon, amazon prime, tiny, mini, worlds smallest, tiny products, wish, gdagets, gadgets, small gadgets, tiny tech, rare
Id: tsLIeBoUoWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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