Can You Guess What This Does? Testing 10 Mystery Amazon Products!

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what's up everybody today on doper note we're gonna be playing what is this thing we are given a series of obscure products purchased from amazon and complete four rounds consisting of different challenges all requiring us to guess what the function of the product is we are starting with easy mode and we are ending on a hardcore round if you guess what the product does correctly you get a point and if you get the most points at the end of the what happens you win i love winning also if you want to guess these products too just like make a little sticky note and write it down and then when we reveal it give yourself a point so let's get started with the first round no questions okay so as you guys can see this is the first product here's the object and here are our faces not my face everybody hold their own face okay here are the possible options for what this product is and we're going to put our names by it what's a high heel gauge it says highest danger is between 35 and 40. yeah you might snap your ankle what's an avalanche gauge do i get extra points if i get it right first no you don't center this one's a shelf mounting gauge oh no i should have picked that i love the idea of a gauge for mounting a shop i'm tempted to just pick mats because he seems so confident oh i have no idea what this is i really think it's high heel gauge what's a high heel gauge are you kidding me if you have six inch heels you're telling me that's not risk no that's a big heel right six inch heel is huge least above average heel i'm gonna go with uh this sounds dude yeah i'm gonna commit with my boys no i already picked that one right right guys we did we all get it wrong you got it right this is like something a dude who's going hiking would have like not a girl who's going to the beach on your heels or or whatever there's no idea what heels are usually in fact i would have picked shelf mounting gauge if that was a real thing but that's like shelf mounting gauge is a real thing it is yeah gives you a guide oh yeah okay a leveling gauge is what i would call that another oh yeah no yeah all of a sudden it's a real thing yeah i would have picked that it was really it's real yeah so woods what it does is it just tells you like when you're at that slope that's when you're at the most likely to get hit with an avalanche that's all it's telling you not readable from both sides cousin died i'm just kidding it feels like you know what i'm a real climber if i have one of these you could just look up and be like it's probably not a good idea [Laughter] you can only read it when you're going downhill so you have to be riding the slope down you don't have to be you could just be standing he looks so disappointed with that idea he's like all right so that's the avalanche product that's a no it's a nope i guess let's take a look at the next one okay ready and look well this looks like something a bit seductive hey before you touch it maybe read all the options i just like touching things yeah well read the third one portable urinal is an option and they said they test drove these they had to make sure they worked we have extendable faucet which that sounds good in a spatula holder which who needs a spatula you a spatula is dirty you're gonna put it down your counter have to clean your counter like a troglodyte what is an extendable faucet yeah i'm with that too actually because yeah this is where the water goes and it can like yeah bend it also looks like can i can it's going to work wait we shouldn't actually still confident still could be a portable urinal yeah for sure is it is a portable urinal what's your begging me for for women dude i've never met a woman so i would never know that but this works on the faucet you're right that kind of does the same thing for both right that i would literally miss i would miss fifty percent of the fluid if i use it how it's supposed to be used you're not a woman you already have one of these biodegradable god gifted bites is this wasting away bro put it in water dissolve it's called tinkle bell oh goodness gracious you put this on your face bro i was giving tinkle bella kiss oh dude oh now it's weird i'm not gonna show you guys a video of it being used for both of ours i tried it in the sink and no no like i oh with the faucet that's disgusting bro here's some pixie dust this is absolutely disgusting all right i'm not a woman so i can't rate this i tend to speak for women so i'm gonna rate it a dope prolonged car ride where are you going whether you have a pee pee or not you still gotta go somewhere you put it in a gatorade bottle for sure wait so where else would you use this hiking camping bro it's like right there in concerts bro a dirty toilet in concerts what is the sink's broken you can't wash it out that's a problem you're carrying around a little bit tinklebell are you pointing at me i'm not using my tinkle belt i have my alpha tingle belt biodegradable it's a dope it's a dope eye concealer on behalf it's a dope they're all women just so you know all women behind the camera are going matt said two points woods and i are still at one we have one more product left in the first easy well the only easy round but the first round all right next product all right ready wow this is funky looking it looks like a handle that slowly started getting pixelated it looks like the leaning tower of cheesa what you didn't like that joke temp stick okay beehive scraper i've never done that in a bun why would you core a bun don't tell him i don't think you would don't tell him a bun corer you opened a bun you know you just open it right it comes cord and then you put a hot dog right in it oh maybe like you're trying to make a hot dog but maybe you're trying to make like a like an enclosed hot dog like uh we do love an enclosed hot dog here what are those called not baby pigs pigs in a blanket no it's baby pigs like a pig in a duvet or something swine into duvet all right i'm gonna go with uh the ice scraper first it's great whoa the classic confusion button it's such a strange idea for a product that's why he's picking it which is why i might revoke my arm you can't you put it down once it's down it's down it's a bun cord i knew it was specifically a hot dog oh it is a hot dog it's a pig in a duvet swine in a duvet a piglet in a sleeping bag an oinker and a coinker in a pointer what is the name of these products bailey the hot dogger hot dog bun driller talk to me about the hot dogger how do you use it matt show the show the video will you stick it in a jar of pizza powder or that peanut butter why are you guys pointing at laughing because he's trying so hard not to laugh but i don't know why he acts like he's above this optimized for drilling sub rolls yeah that's submissive rolls oh no what in god's name is he doing to that croissant look at that thing dude look at new york just watch this sideways this is just sinful don't do it bro oh yeah that'll clean it up dude does this look familiar to anybody and then he cuts it just get a hot dog bun horrific no no no no no no no no please let's move along that's a nope i'm gonna say no i'm gonna say nope as well i am not dogging anything with that cool i feel good about this okay matt got all three right and you and i over here looking broke right here here's the reality too if i wasn't the first one to go on the first one you probably all would have gotten it wrong too here's the reality you're probably right yeah that is the end of the first round we're heading into the second round don't go anywhere three four one and one i wanted to cheat but i don't think i got away with it obey my orders i liked that round that round was fun for this round bailey's gonna be bringing out products that we don't know what the use are for them instead of it being a multiple choice like the last round now we have to fill in the blanks ourselves so it's going to be impossible for me to cheat off matt let's take a look at the first product see if we get it right if you get it right you get a point so what does this product do boys you got to write it down on the piece of paper that's not a piece of paper this is actually a white board that looks like the hot dogger but advanced oh gee willikers i know what goes in it but i don't know what it does you're kind of hogging the product yeah it's my product says who who says you're so nice and backwards let me see this piece that's how you keep your noodles from going in the sink what's the top part the top is how you let the steam get out what on earth could this be now anytime i see a tube this big i just think hot dog hot dog has to go in that right okay pens down pens down three two one pasta maker and cooker butter holder i hardly know her it slices little slits and hot dogs to cook it with the bun that is correct really that's such a dumb product just use a knife or a cord it's for the microwave it's for the microwave see i was almost put microwave but i'm like who would put a bun in a microwave because it's gonna get soggy well it's a hot dog cooker microwave rapid hot dog maker for home kitchen dishwasher safe that was not cooked in the microwave guaranteed for sure i would really like to see woods try to make pasta with that all right let's see let's look it up on youtube hot dogs hot dogs dude what video does click on here we go here we go this is big right here it goes on top all right tony get to it it's only a hot dog maker i do not think microwaving hot dogs is ever the move by the way well what if your stove's broken then you better put it on the concrete better chance of cooking with some searing there dude that hot dog looks like a really long toe i must say nope dope for tony though great job tony this is the next product hot dog oh hot dog bun this is the second product of this round should i be touching this don't ask questions to get clues that's cheating you're just angry you put a urinal on your face smells good look at this you can hang this by your backpack by your back [Laughter] this one's stumping me this has got to be a ball cleaner put this on your golf bag that's what i'm thinking i got real nervous oh my word i feel my heart beating a little bit i really want this i really need this win as a real genuine respected product reviewer don't copy me dude you're getting ready to write bro i would never copy you i i'm confident i'm right about this one mine makes too much sense for it to not be mine three two one mine's a ball cleaner i went for golf ball cleaner mine protects you from spatulas that are really hot when you're cooking stem or stick holder i was thinking for like asparagus or like flowers or something you're you're gonna hold your asparagus well like you know how when you purchase asparagus it comes in singular pieces who buys their asparagus one at a time are you a butt right guys but but asparagus you don't store them individually you collect them and that's how they sell them dude he's cooking you right now but you're not giving him the respect he deserves well he's not listening i was not fine we're all wrong is it not a ball cleaner this is a garlic peeler dang it what interesting yeah like it takes the hard stuff off the the garlic like the the yeah yeah i would have never gotten that i guess you could probably use it for a couple different things but but but mainly the asparagus holder he literally goes i guess you could use it for its intended form allowing you to be right i guess it could be used for something other than what i said but mainly it's what i said i'm sure it has many names but if we want to go with that one all right so this is the xylis garlic peeler yeah you're squishy squishy here i like it the ball cleaner idea a lot better have you ever cleaned a ball before you're talking to me the ball cleaner guy so here's what you do you stick it in you just stick it out that's essentially the whole thing smash it in there too the real purpose here is is so your hands don't smell like garlic or like asparagus this gets stuck dude my question to you is how do you eat asparagus are you like picking it up and like smoking it is that a real question do you actually need that answer lra says i highly recommend i already gave it to many people i love the gifter that's like has a very niche thing that they kind that they're just way too passionate about in the end i realized i didn't even have it myself wait what that was the biggest plot twist of all time this might not be your intended purpose for it but what do you think you know for this purpose what would you rate it i think it's a good idea wood says it's a dope even though you prefer to use it on literally anything but garlic apparently and i'm gonna go on to the next one all right so this is the last product of this round all right fill in the blank boys what does this product do this one's hard i think i get it i i'm not gonna say but the top could be a cereal bowl with a hole we all agree what this is for right tenderizing yourself i don't need much tenderizing mama raised me sensitive right mommy for something the way he just adds on a little bit too far all the time right mommy i cannot get over that being cereal maybe oil goes in there i would say yeah probably before cereal dude i have no idea this is such a long one why do you need a funnel and a tenderizer bottle and a tenderizer oh stuffing meat dude you know what it is it's the thing that went on the tin man from dorothy hey no one's gonna steal your answer bro i know would you have 20 more seconds just write what's on your head right what hair yeah i don't have i'm not even close to it i put stuffing and tenderness sausage maker i have a grinder and funnel but i just was looking at it so this is a magical car ice scraper but the funnel is for putting oil in your car i was right it's like this windshield wiper is also a knife it's like yeah we don't need yeah yeah this gun's also a toothbrush yeah that's not even how you're supposed to use the windshield part but i just don't trust like with plastic glass is harder than plastic no way it's soft plastic too i don't get the handle aspect what's this stock blaster too but what a stupid thing like what is get it out get it out both products have nothing to do with each other look at that guy wearing he's pouring oil from a pitcher yeah what is this guy doing it's just sweet iced tea in his oil all right this is a nope this is a dumb product i'm just glad none of us got it that makes me feel a little bit better i didn't believe in this product and it turned out i was right he just flat out found a way to be right yeah exactly again there's another asparagus all over again so before we get into the next round the score is matt you have four i have one woods has one as well but there's a lot of room to catch up all right guys so this is the third round this is the hard round okay and this is the infomercial round i know what all these products are good for you these aren't them so we're each going to get one product and we're gonna have to pitch that product on this green screen as an infomercial we're gonna have to act like we know what it does by using these support props and this round is worth two points so if you get it right through using these support props and pitching it you get two points and some of these support props are red herrings so some of these are just meant to bait us what's the wrong oh i'm so good at explaining so yeah some of these are meant to beat us into doing the wrong things so we have to make sure we pick the right one or else we're going to look really silly okay so here's your product tanner all right guys so this is the product i'm going to take like a quick 20 seconds or so to get a vibe for it i was positive i was going to be a speaker [Laughter] all right and now go go welcome to tvc this is tanner visual connections and we're going to be connecting you visually to a bunch of products that you're going to love to see now if you take a look here i have what we call the spindle funnel this is a two-parter if you're looking here you're gonna see that this could be a nose it's not i'm just a jokester am i right everybody this product is meant for puppies to sing into to capture their barks right so i have bailey here she's being so kind look at her she usually doesn't speak out a turn right bailey that's right we're gonna connect the puppy mic with the bag of barks i can't wait to see this work right everybody bailey sit perfect beautiful oh speak speak speak speak you did good and then listen to her bark oh it's compressing just give it a second all right guys i hope you guys enjoyed uh this puppy product go ahead wait what is it this captures puppy barks i already communicate that you should be listening if you guys want to capture your own puppy barks and possibly sell them on ebay and on our website www dot bark for bailey the cost is 44.99 thank you so this is a portable clothing dryer i knew it dude i knew portable clothing how does that work so you put your wet clothes in that sack and it dries them but how wait has nothing to do with dogs nothing to do with dogs why are there paw prints on it i have no idea what a bee literal paw prints so that's where i went to dog first and i was like there's got to be something to do with the dog but like what scenario do you usually normally catch dog barks in that's the first thing i thought is a bag for dogs and it's not poop barks all right well tanner gets zero points shocker woodland you're up next yeah okay would you have 10 seconds and then one minute good luck okay whoa that's fun looking three oh i know what it is two one ready go hello and welcome to cvu tv stay here with me everybody stay here with me i've got a product for you it's something you're not going to want to miss i know you late nighters out here are obsessed with those diy projects it's wet it's wet why is it wet one thing led to another what am i talking about and why am i here it's this i'm here because of this what is this well let's break it down now keep in mind this is the fairest nicest wood on the market birch walnut it's a it's a hybrid of sorts but sorry ma'am with somebody sorry sir uh she got up here somehow if you're looking to redo your shower redo your bathroom tiles if you're looking to add a little more accents in those kitchen areas for when your guests come over it's not so beige but it pops really a great way to do that is through uh tile this one's a little different from mine back at home well you know that's just the darndest thing actually something i really enjoy doing with this product back home is if you have any little creatures around and you like setting up little places for them to have outlooks and a little purchase for them to perch and hang out on uh what you can do is if you have a cage for them you take this you put these little uh bolts right in between the holes of the cage and boom you've got yourself a beautiful little balcony for your pet hamster what's the product called product is called it's got many many many many product names but what we like to call it down here in the south is modular tile diy tile uh shelf anyways i'm out of time guys please call the number down below for your free services and uh it's 20 bucks free service you're really silly what i do have to say you used the correct support product the gerbil is the correct product this is a pet cooling pad so the reason why it was wet is because it was in the freezer this is supposed to cool down your gerbil hamster rabbit i need a cool gerbil so i'm going to give it to you because you did use the gerbil no and he also said you attach it to the cake boom congratulations congrats woods all right so matt you got 10 seconds starting now to take a look three two one [Music] welcome welcome all anyone who's watching at uh 2am i have something really unique really interesting for you today and really i just want to show it to you i just want you to soak up the beauty of what this is because this is one of my favorite products of all time that i ever had the pleasure to use so much i made my own business selling these and so here's what you can do you can buy these and then sell them yourself [Laughter] because because so here's the here's the deal guys i want to get you into my pyramids in my uh multi-level marketing first off right off the bat i'm gonna tell you what it's not by showing you what it's not so one of my friends back home when i first gave this to him here's what he thought he's like this is perfect to clean all my hot dogs right right my guy i did and i cleaned all of my hot dogs you you did well it's not for that it worked okay do you want to go to the game and bring this show your friends no this is a this is a private thing you do this is a really private thing you do you could put peanuts in here but i wouldn't you want to take your shoe and you want to clean the bottom of it you really want to clean the bottom of it no you don't want to do that you really don't want to do that because here's the real truth is it goes on your head after you close your shoe and you just brush your hair and whatever hair gets stuck in here say it for later oh god this product for 10 payments of 299 is called the tickler what is it best tickle tickler it it's just a real portable comb yeah it's a hair it's hair storage get it by calling this number who knows it is the tickler you're right it's the tickler i told you i'm right i was close just wrong species that is awesome the only person who gets points in this round is woodland so he gets two points so that leaves woods with three matt with four and tanner with one as a reminder in the next round it is worth three points so there's still an opportunity for woods to win container to tie and tanner your tie let's head on back over to the couch and let's get started with the hardcore final round okay guys so now we are at the final hardcore round you see us sitting at the table here how this round works is simple each of us gets to step up and get two minutes to go find the two supporting props that will make the product work step up dude step up then they come back the next person goes they come back the next person goes they come back you don't get to see what's in mine you don't get to see what's inside yeah i feel like i'm about to go easter egg hunting with you guys with you fellas then we have to pitch how our product works with its two support props if we're right we get a whopping three-point arenas so this is the product that we have to find our two centers now don't say anything tanner it's totally a juicer of sorts right stop talking if you say things that help you it helps them it's totally a mayonnaise maker right you don't know the first thing about making mayonnaise give me give me the first three steps to making madness it's all about supplies yeah and then you have to start your own business you need to get a license it's a scheme really all right now you've had enough hands-on time my turn to get some hands on time oh oh that's provocative is this a sundial that's provocative is this a sundial there's so many levers on this i know it is so complicated i really want to put something over that and make it make the like farting sound you know how it does that with some other products could you give me a sec for some minutes no don't let them think bro get up all close to him and get warm are you ready as ready as i'll ever be oh wait i think i know what this is a stapler it's a stapler all right bye matt i'm gonna try and fool them by walking far this thing over there what's what's that no it's gotta be that i have no idea what i'm doing it's gotta oh this is it i know it has to do with one thing yeah let's discuss it maybe we can team up on them i think it's a banana juicer it looks like a banana whoa bro you trust too easily you can't just throw all of your answers out no i'm down to collab but you have to clap back you already gave me one back do you want to be my video or not [Music] that's how you know you're right it obviously has something to do with bananas but you don't you do not juice a banana i think it makes chocolate bananas [Music] oh three seconds three seconds okay i think i got something good i think i got what i needed did you get a banana i don't think so i love trick-or-treating this is like my second favorite thing to do on halloween besides scare the kids and make them cry forever so here we go all right has anybody started the timer yeah oh my gosh watch out mark [Laughter] there's enough for everyone why are you telling me this because i don't want tanner to win oh why i hate him wait there's oh yes can i only take two things only take one of whatever you're grabbing can i hide them you've been very competitive this round of this video what are you playing to win for i want to be reviewed as a reviewer all right i don't know what to do with the rest of this what the heck could go with it it's got to be in the kitchen huh it's got to be in here there's so much of this i just hit the jackpot oh my gosh it's gotta be this right why do we have so much of this because i like it okay thank you i think i really hit that on the head i'm really confident in that woods we were right baby okay is it started i need a banana that's what i need so i saw some bananas in here bananas are gone that's great [Music] are we what are you all laughing at geez there's a banana this is like an actual easter egg hunt for 40 seconds you're kidding me you can do it what are you about to do to this banana i want to put chocolate sauce on it dude i put it in your bag yeah i'm good whoever put those bananas in the thing you owe the studio a new thing you broke it well we don't do keurig anymore i put all the bananas in the keurig things that was really hard to get at you so you did pick a banana okay hot shot you're so confident use it oh you go first no yep you go first all right i don't want to go first so random number generator if we wanted to like bailey picking between 1 and 10 in your head yeah say it wait no what seven i'm gonna go three one okay i was five i'm closest wait we're tied but then woods is farthest so he would have to go you gotta go all right woodland am i timed on this or anything like that no yeah 10 seconds all right so i've grabbed well that kind of counts oh that was such a good idea you literally told me it was this and he actually found it what i'm going for is you know those like choco bananas you get at disney no do you ever have a frozen banana covered in chocolate no i eat a real popsicle like a true american what is a real if not a frozen thing on a stick corn dog is a popsicle until it's cooked that was a meat popsicle so well said all right so what you're going to do is you're going to want to de-glove your banana so something you there's a couple i'm not selling this i'm not going to try to he was about to go into infomercial gee whiz guys this must be a new model he is going to marshall captain banana all right so you're gonna want to go ahead and it took him so long to do your banana peel the banana i couldn't tell if he was peeled or not you are calling yourself you're going to put the banana there you go in here you're going to take this and you pretty much want to waffle stomp this thing [Laughter] buddy what on god's name he just keeps literally turning it around and doing the same thing hoping that one part of it just goes me right here i think you got to call it bro so what you want to do is you're going to want to take this you're going to want to straighten it out there it is and so now now you've got a straight banana so you're gonna want to go ahead and i think we have to call it i don't know about that because uh it takes a couple minutes and then you slide it out and that is how you display holy cow tune in later that was fantastically done i'm changed so is the banana oh this goes here yeah so what i picked shocker banana yeah it's shaped like a banana that one's obvious i also got a bunch of yogurt with bananas on it gotcha huh buddy okay do it i think what woods kind of didn't think about is this no no so something goes here i'm gonna do a little test with it definitely not bro yeah this is right okay so now here's how it actually works so we're gonna take the yogurt oh no i can't believe you finally figured it out i got it so here's what you do you're super close you're gonna mix you just drop a couple of pieces of in a little yogurt no oh you're not lying with you i kind of want some of this after all right then turn it around and squirt it in your mouth wait no don't say wait just let it happen how to shock in a banana [Laughter] so yeah i'd say it's beta phase but you can go straight to the nub if you wanted forgot to put the cap on this dude yeah this goes back on dude all right guys so it is matt's turn yeah i should have done that wait you have to show your products oh true oh shocker nutella nutella don't do it i'm opening the nutella for you unless i don't know it's not open that's a good sign i think woods had an idea here you can kind of see the banana stretching wait you're actually doing what woods did you're straightening you thought i was dumb dude oh he's coring it oh he's so right yeah he's filling it i knew it was a banana filler oh it's so perfect matt boston at the seams bro i'll take a well i don't want bite hold it i want you to feed me it's like a airplane that's so good dude did i get it right yes well yeah basically thank you so the only thing that you're supposed to do is you keep it in its little peel and you cut the tip off of it so that way you can like peel it so it's less messy you picked the right products too yes all around win for me dude dude this is what you're supposed to be doing with your life products like this is the best thing you've ever made no stop making videos just make these take these now matt congrats he is confirmed the silliest fellow matt you had a total of seven points seven points how many did you get uh one did you just spit on me would you have three oh great day today i'm gonna bring that home and my wife's gonna be proud of me guys make sure to comment down below what your score was if you won well you're a winner and you should go check out that video right there that is the last time we played this game also if you lost now you have to you're in youtube jail bail out if you watch a video we'll see you guys next time thank you guys for watching i hope you guys had as much fun as we did yeah i rate this dope thanks we'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 976,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dope or nope, dope, matthias, hi5 studios, funny, funny videos, comedy, jokes, amazon, amazon prime, unboxing, review, rating, react, reacting to, reacting, product, products, guessing, challenge
Id: zuiZqgcaXSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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