3DS Max - Rigging Biped FULL Tutorial

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hi everyone hi everyone sorry if it said twice actually I'm gonna this is the second time I do this tutorial so I'm gonna do this and hopefully do it right this time so this is a tutorial on how to create a biped for a bipedal mesh meaning two arms two legs my character has a little bit of extras on her so I'll be able to add extra bones if I want to for a little bit more detail and I'll teach you how to do that as well so let's get right into it and first thing I want to do is focus on the layers here so if we have normally you're in your hierarchy menu and it shows like your different meshes and whatnot but if we click here and go sort by layer you can see that we have I made a layer sorry for at least the comi killer which is the character I'm working on her mesh so it's just her mesh um we're gonna create a new layer with nothing selected we're going to call this one by double-clicking it we can call it comedy Killa rig now one a layer is blue like this one is that means that it is our current working layer so anything we create will be in that layer now now that we have our character set to her own layer so we can hide and unhide we're going to freeze that layer that appears all in grey and in our common killer rig that is blue our active layer and just a note that you can switch active layers just by clicking on the actual grey icon here we're going to create the actual biped now the skeleton structure to attach to our character so we go to our create menu we're normally in geometry we keep going to the right until we're in the menu systems now in systems there's different obviously ways that we can create different things but we want to create a biped right now so by clicking on biped we can see that it is now active and we have a whole bunch of different options to play around with how many necklace pine links legs tails don't worry about it too much right now because we can modify that in a second right now our creation method is dragged by height so if I left click and drag you're going to see that it creates a basic skeletal system for us now once that's created just right click so we get out of this menu and you'll notice that the first thing is that in our common killer rig you can see we have our entire rig folder here like all the skeletons are in here so that we can always hide and unhide the skeleton and hide unhide the mesh so in our well while we have this active and open I want you to left-click on any part of the biped and to modify the biped it's not the modify menu like you normally go into it's not the modify panel you keep going to the right you see hierarchy and then you can see a motion menu now the motion menu handles all the biped options if you I click off the biped - anything else that menu will change to something different normally if it's mesh it will change to a different mesh mode if it's anything else we can just change that so in our motion menu when we left click on biped you can see all these options now we're setting up what's called the figure we're setting up the basic law the basic pose of the character so we can just click on figure mode here we're telling character studio that we don't want to animate anything yet we actually just want to modify how this biped looks so this is very important figure mode means you're modifying how the bones the biped and the bones work and then when it's off that means you're pretty much going to pose it and animate so while this is on you can see that the options become limited down here the structure and copy and paste now that means that we're going to modify the basic structure of this character so I'm looking at my character and I see how many fingers we got we got for her we got four major fingers or toes in the head here with the extra helmet which your character might not have it doesn't matter how your character looks the same rating process goes on because what we need to do first is to determine how many bones this character has at least in this biped we can always attach more bones later so there's no pony tail he does have four fingers with three links if your character has five fingers just mark fingers is five for toes I'm not going to worry about dividual toes I'm just going to worry about one big toe so I'm looking right now I see one toe with three links well I don't want that I just want one toe that I can control there so at now that we have the character pretty much set up at least skeleton wise well actually I'm probably at a tail to my character to a tail and it's at sixty legs he'll get about six feel good alright so now that I have my character skeleton set up at least in this point I'm still going to modify I'm not going to turn off figure mode quite yet I'm going to make sure that the character fits inside the car the biped fits inside our character so I'm looking here and I'm having a little trouble cuz I'm like ah I can't now I can't even see how this set up the skeleton and stuff like that well that's not a problem what I want you to do is unfreeze your main mesh layer left click on it and then right click and then go select child nodes that's going to select all the children underneath your folder just in case you have 80 meshes or something right click go to object properties and go to see-through now you can see through the actual mesh and see your biped and we're going to freeze it right afterwards just by clicking the little snowflake and now we have a see-through and frozen object so that what we play around with this we can see what the biped looks like on the inside so how to set up and structure your biped is entirely up to the shape of your character the only important part that I always recommend a look at is to just keep rotating around your character and keep making sure that they bone structure is pretty much inside it can stretch a little bit outside your character but I would recommend that it stays on the inside what's important is these pivot points so first thing I always focus on is the pelvis making sure the pelvis is scaled enough to fit inside our character is very important so I'm going to look around and go to my different views and I notice that maybe the pelvis is too forward and so I'm going to you see like as a note you cannot move the pelvis backwards and forwards if you look into a biped the actual structure is all connected to what's called bit zero zero one or your main your main controller point and that's the little diamond that's located in the pelvis right there and by moving it you can move the entire character around like so all around here it's like that so first thing I want you to do is focus on is moving that diamond point the bit zero zero one into the middle of the pelvis and make sure that in all views we kind of get a good good look here so my pelvis is kind of here I'm going to scale down just a bit oh sorry you can't scale the a bit zero zero one I'm just going to move it around until the pelvis is in location I want and then I'm going to click the pelvis itself I'm going to scale it a bit it is inside inside so now like now that I'm rotating around my model I can kind of see that my pelvis is in a good location might be a little too big so I'm going to go to my scale tool scale it on the X and you see like okay a little bit of structure I need to move everything down and I'm just clicking f3 on my keyboard f3 goes in the wireframe mode f3 turns off wireframe mode makes it very easy to play around with and make sure that everything is kind of set up where it needs to be now you'll notice that the one thing that I really really want my character in right now is that these leg joints like you want the pivot to kind of be in the center of these legs because when it goes down the leg you kind of want it straight at least in my character so I'm gonna play around to scale to a lot and even though the pelvis looks like it's like way too much on the inside that's not the big issue I want that's not a big issue because it's simply just a skeleton bone we can assign all these little vertex points to it right afterwards without a problem I just want to make sure that the pivot points of these legs are pretty much right in the dead center of the leg so that it looks like it can go right down the leg so I'm going to squish my pelvis here that looking at the legs it's kind of yeah it's pretty much exactly what I want and I'm going to start focusing on the spine now you'll notice that I'm going to be playing around a lot in the scale tool the scale tool is very important because I can squish I can skew I can alter things and it kind of gives me the look that I want um I can see that the back or out don't forget you can move some of the bones not every bone but some of them so I'm moving my spine bone just a little bit closer to my talus bone and I'm gonna go maximize his feet board again and I'm gonna scale it if you feel confident you can just use it like for me I work a lot in the perspective viewport and I'm just moving this bone here centered wish this bone I'm gonna squish all the spine bones to be honest that's more like that there you go widen this one that good right there so a lot of rigging is pretty much just scaling these biped bones now when you're using regular bones I wouldn't recommend scaling too much you should just build the bones accurately as close as possible but with biped the reason why the system is pretty good is because there's a lot of functionality like that that we can actually get away with that makes it easier for us to rig our characters now I just want you to go along and just rig your character I'm going to do a very quick job here and I'm going to try and just get a lot of this done so the scaling eye scaling it for everything I think is pretty much exactly where I want to be so far I mean I can extend the scaling a little bit more and what I'm going to do since we've scaled all our objects in the middle and they all look good I'm going to start scaling the leg a little bit making sure my leg looks good in all my different viewports now because you can see from the side view it's not that accurate to knee to the knee so I'm gonna look at the knee I'm going to make sure the ball joint you'll see a little ball here between the joints I want to make sure that's pretty much exactly where my knee is because that's where the pivot is and that's where the knee is going to bend at so it's gonna be a little bit more for just a little bit then Bend a little bit back right there and then my shoe is going to be here I'm going to scale that up a lot now remember it just kind of has to fit inside it doesn't need to really do anything else other than that the toe here is one of my big focuses because I want the toe to be really wide so I can always pick it up anytime I want so you could see I'm widening the toe here making it just a little bit taller binding it out I'm just going to move it up a bit - now I have a good toe as well move it and adjust it a lot of rigging is just like slight adjustments you can make it as big as you want so that it looks easier to access you can see my foot is huge compared to my other foot don't worry about the other foot right now because we're going to do what's called a copy and paste afterwards I'm just going to scale my leg get my leg back and forward now we got a really good-looking leg here so uh a way to make rigging a little bit quicker on yourself is to grab the bones that you just scaled them just it's you're like I'm really happy with the greenside not so happy with the blue side obviously I want to do the same exact changes here that I that I did here and move it over there well instead of rescaling you can just go to the copy and paste tool over here now normally you'll have to create a new collection so that's going to collect all our poses and everything we need into one new sort of collection well new folder and you can see that we have a collection zero one now and we can copy now our first pose so what we're doing is basically copying the posture or the pose of that leg the scale the width the the transformations of it and we're going to paste it to the opposite side so you can copy it and paste it so if this like was altered in any way you can just replace that pose on top of it or you can paste posh posture opposite now pasting posture opposite will paste it to the other leg like so boom easy peasy lemon squeezy so we got our legs done got a pelvis done got some spine links done so now we want to move to the shoulder now the shoulder is a very tricky part when it comes to reading because the clavicle is kind of locate the location of it and how it's altered it varies a lot depending on all the characters I'm going to urge you to try and just practice a few times on a few different meshes if you can but if you want to get just right down into it that's also fine as well because what I'm going to do is I'm going to move my camera up and I already noticed that my clavicle is kind of off if I go on my top of you I can see that my clavicle is not lined up with my arm and the side view same thing so I'm just going to move it like this till it's pretty much lined up yeah that looks all right now I have to move it slightly so my character has her arm going down a bit so I'm going to do a little bit of rotation to it actually a little bit of rotation like that and just scale it wide I'm going to scale it back in so that's now my shoulder like my clavicle let's just think about it as like that your your your your shoulder going into your arm so that's kind of what that is so now that we have that set up we can just scale and rotate the rest of the arm and like I said before you kind of want to make sure the pivot point or the ball point is exactly where your arm is going to bend so mine's a little closer to here and you kind of want like I said make sure it's centered because that's going to be a really important part when things Bend always take a look about how things are going to bend so if my arms like this I know that wouldn't Bend like that always do a test just by rotating the arm and seeing how your arm will rotate if it looks off because then your pivot point probably needs to be adjusted before you even start rigging my character is probably going to be limited to like this kind of arm movement so I'm not too concerned about the pivot point right now I think it's going to be pretty good yeah I think it's fairly well but if you still have concerns just play around the clavicle bits scale it adjust it rotate it and I can see that if it's here I might get a far better arm movement going on so that looks pretty good so I'm going to do a little bit of rotation again and it's going right down the arm I think yep looks pretty good up from this view you can see that we need to do some minor alterations that that the arm is straight out perfect I'm going to grab two bones at the same time and I'm going to scale them and I'm going to scale them inwards right afterwards like this making sure that the pivot point the ball point for my elbow is where my elbow should be oh there and I'm going to adjust the arm um keep fast for new video if this is too slow for you here your rapid speed but remember that okay remember that your character is going to be probably far different than mine setup wise pretty much everything wise I suppose but the same principle still followed you still have to do the hands you so you can end sorry it still have two hands fingers arms normally I'm gonna try and rotate this and using the rotation and scale tools is very key to getting a good rig down at least with the biped and remember that you can always copy and paste from one side to another so I'm looking at this green side here I just highlighted the entire arm fingers everything click copy posture and paste posture opposite oh I forgot to grab the shoulder in there copy foster case posture awesome there you go so just keep working on that and keep getting character done and set up all the bones until they're exactly the way you want them to be remember that some bones can't be moved some can't be rotated but for instance the neck here can be moved rotated and scaled just perfectly fine so I'm going to do that rotate scale and it's very big yeah there you go now I have to adjust angers uh here I'm going to do that it's really quick just really quick just grabbed all those bones and I just scaled them really quick as an example don't forget to save your scenes constantly I saved it as 0 1 now 0 to save it to 0 3 0 4 etc etc that way if something happens to your scene you know you don't lose everything so I'm just setting up this finger really quick because I want to get on with it just to show you guys how to do some more adjustments so I'm going to scale these down a little bit I'm going to even grab multiple bones and scale them very important this actually not too bad copy and paste the other side once you've done multi alterations and final step is just to me doing my tail here so I'm just going to do that really quick which is beta Spacely for the tail it's just rotation rotate probably should have got more links in there but that's ok this scale it this that and scale there you go now I got a good tail and everything so now next step because I know you all you guys want to do this I'm gonna save it again it's now I'm happy with that step see how often it is save registers I save it constantly save it constantly so that we have that step done the next step is if we want to add more bones to our mesh source or to our biped now because like I have a lot of of these spiky bits I kind of want to have them animated just a little bit especially the one on the back here so what I going to do is I'm going to go to my create menu I'm going to go down to my systems menu again where we click on biped and I'm going to click on bones and I'm going to create a new bone now you just left-click where you want to create a bone left click again where you want to stop the bone then right click and it will seal off the bone with a cap this little cap here rename your bones right away so that you don't forget so my character is like her skeleton is called bit zero zero one so I'm just gonna call this bit zero zero zero one back spike and I'm going to copy that name because there's number this tip is here so I'm going to call it bit zero zero one back spike hip or node or anything like that it's kind of good to keep these tips around because they can control the bone really easily so I kind of like to keep them there so next step after that is linking so I'm just going to create this one bone in this example and you can create as many bones as you want but when you create a bone like this it's going to move on its own and it will never follow anything else the skeletal it biped will move on its own the bone will move on its own what we need to do is left-click on our bone go select in link right here select the link left-click and drag from the child to the parent so the child will always follow the parent just remember that the child always follows the parent but the child can run off on its own that's the way I try and remember the system so left-click and drag from the child it will follow the parent but the child can always run off on its own meaning that I can move this bone on its own but if I move this spine link so spine too and rotate it you can see now that that bone now follows this so when I'm rigging I will also give I will also tell my skin to have the back spike so that I can grab these spikes simple as that so if as many bones as you want keep making bones I'm going to make I'll just make one more bone as an example so left click on bones here when left click here to start my bone drag left click again right click to seal it and I'm going to call this BIP zero zero one ed spike I'm going to copy that name and I'm going to click on the bone tip here I'm gonna click call it bit zero zero one head spike hip I'm going to click select and link from the child to the parent so this bone the head and now it will always follow the head wherever it goes perfect so we have a basic rig setup now and the next step we wanted to is unfreeze after we're happy with the model unfreeze it I'm going to turn off see-through here just for a second so to turn off see-through right-click on your meshes object properties see-through on and off I should get for you in a good spot so I'm just looking around my character I'm kind of happy with it okay if you want you can rig one object at a time so I'm just going to rig the armor bits here I'm going to make it a little bit simple here just just show you guys so what you want to do is click on your mesh I'm going to try and minimize it a bit just to have it as an editable poly or editable mesh only like this because once you get to the rigging phase you kind of want this to be just small as possible because you don't need all those extra little features and such so that it's going to be the edit measure edit poly I'm going to left click on the modifier list and I'm going to type in skin or I can scroll down to skin click on it and now when you're in the skin menu it's going to ask you uh for bones if you look down here you can see there's edit envelopes well right now we have no envelopes but if we scroll down a bit we could see a menu called bones and add so this is where we start adding all our bones if you look we're at either if you're in hierarchy mode you can sort of see this but you want to be sort by layer mode and you can see because we have two different layers we have our mesh layer here we have our rig layer here we can see all the rigging parts of our mesh now a normal error that people make is they start reading with bit zero zero one to not use your diamond shape thing do not use your bits there's or one just grab everything else except the tips to sorry I should say that grab everything except the bone tips because what you want to berate is the bones not the bone tips if you're if you always have them in the list here what I would suggest doing is to we're going to cancel out for a second if they ain't knowing you and you want to be like they're so annoying I just want to have them in a different layer what I like to do is I like to create a new layer and call it tips or rig tips sorry I'm going to put that mesh back there and then I grab any tips I look down my list and I see these two tips here and I put them in the tips folder you can call it rig tips you can call it anything you want I just like to shove them there because they can be annoying especially when you have like 80 tip bones so that means we're never going to grab those tips again so we have the spikes we have the tail everything here now a note while rigging so if I had a full body mesh I would grab every single bone possible but right now I'm looking at my mesh and I'm looking at where things are and there's nothing on the upper arms so I don't need to click on upper arms so just click on all the bones you need really I'm going to shift click here and grab all the bones and I'm looking through the list and I'm like well maybe I don't need the upper arms because there's nothing at least in this mesh the other mesh yes not this mesh there's nothing on the upper arms so I'm going to hold ctrl and click on upper arm to get rid of that one and click on upper arm to get rid of that one and now it's going to rig with every bone except the upper arms and then I hit select when I'm happy with my bone selection and if you'll notice by just clicking off here and not touching it it's already rigged just like that we can already play around with our skeleton structure now it's not going to be perfect especially if you look at that the closer things are together the more bones are going to take from each other so my suggestion and how I normally do this is I will normally go to skin go to the envelopes I will go to vertices and now while you're in vertice mode you can actually left-click and drag on your character and select vertices and I will automatically assign vertices myself because it is much easier to manipulate everything if I assign them manually so for instance this arm is probably pretty good because it's very far away from everything else but these legs these legs oh boy they need help because they're very close to each other they kind of grab from each other so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to grab all the vertices from this leg and you'll find like god this is taking forever right like I can't do this my mesh has a billion parts or something like that that's fine I'm going to show you something right now so that was a little bit of a pain in the butt to do because I need to rig this and grab vertices from this leg but I can't because too close and there's a tail behind it and are and these different views I can't because the tail and like this different view I can't because there's two legs and this is why I go grab the whole body I can't do that well I'm going to go to my edit poly edit mesh let go to element and I'm just going to click on different elements like such and I'm going to hide them so maybe I'll just hide that so that I can rig be left leg so I'm going to hide those so now that these elements are highlighted I'm going to go through my list and I'm going to look I see an option called hide selected I'd selected that's going to hide everything I just highlight it and then we're going to go back to my skin mode now make sure that that box isn't showing right there your skin mode so now if I look at my different views oh boy now I can just manipulate this one I'm going to go to s skin envelope mode and we still have vertices clicked on like a still click on vertices now if you could if you click and highlight these vertices nothing happens yet you're like well I don't know what's going on why it's kind of I don't know what's going on here that's fine because what you should do in this process is click on this bone as well you'll see these gray lines those indicate bones those indicate the actual rig that's happening if I click on it you're going to see what that bone is manipulating now is if it's red that means it's grabbing a lot of it if it's blue that means it's grabbing barely any of it if it's yellow it's kind of in-between if it's orange it's closer to being really strong like it's grabbing it well my ankle here my shin should be grabbing pretty much everything like it should be dark red up here but it's not it's being grabbed a lot by the upper leg and I'm sure some of the bone over here is grabbing it in fact if I click on this bone over here that grey line you see I know it's very uh very small see that gray line here click on that you'll see that there's a little bit of blue and a little bit of yellow here so that means this bone is actually manipulating this leg a little bit we definitely don't want that that boat this leg should be grabbing anything from this like this bone shouldn't be grabbing anything from this leg so I'm going to go through my menu I'm going to scroll down a bit and I'm going to see a under weight properties I'm going to see this little wrench here called the weight tool I click on that you're going to see what the majority of this bone or any bone we selected is grabbing so if I click on this bone here bone here you know you don't see any options but if you start clicking vertices highlighting them you'll see how strongly those vertices are being are grabbing the actual structure now this is the way I start off and you may start off a different way than I do but because I hate the fact that sometimes these bones grab from each other if it happens I normally set something to one one is the highest power value and zero is obviously the lowest you can use set weight to adjust with the plus and minus signs how strong something is being grabbed or you can scale the weight which slowly adjust it but what I like to do if is especially if it's something like this which is pretty much a solid object I like to assign it full power because that means nothing else in the scene will ever manipulate that object full red look at that so that means that this bone has no chance of manipulating that leg this foot has no chance maybe nothing manipulates this leg except for the calf right now and then I can start going in and assigning things like okay from here on this should be the foot and then I look in this list here and I see right foot right now it's not assigned to anything but I'm going to give it full power there so if I click on calf and foot you can see how strongly they're grabbing from each other and then if I go in between them so I'm like okay well this is being grabbed only by the calf but I want the foot to grab a little bit of it just click set wait the plus sign or minus sign the plus sign here I'm going to assign the foot more power now you're seeing that it's blending it a bit and you can see these numbers mean that it's blending you can see see right there so 75 percent of the power belongs to the calf 25 percent belongs to the foot and we can keep manipulating it till they're a little in between there's a half and a half mark right there and then we have our toe we shouldn't forget our toe so I'm going to grab the front part here I think it's pretty good yeah not bad and I'm going to assign that to my toe like that and now I could see my foot my toe my calf all there if the bones never appear here simply click on them here yeah I can grab the toe the thigh the hand anything I want here once you're done structuring like setting up sorry one part of the rig and because I've hit so much other stuff you'll have to unhide the rest but for now just keep playing around with what you can since these are all separate objects a little bit easier for me to just assign it something like clearly this is like just the thigh so I'm just going to be like boom right thigh not enough power click well it's 100 percent power boom red done kind of thing the same thing applies to every other part of the body I grab vertices I see their power I adjust the power by clicking on them and changing the number value with set weight or using these numbers right here and you can shrink grow ring and loop the vertices that you have selected as well if a bone doesn't appear here that should be appearing just click on it in this menu here and then click on one of these numbers and you will begin to assign it power so for instance obviously this finger doesn't use the tail bone but if I want to I can give these vertices here tail power by just clicking on tail here and then clicking a number here and you can see now the tail is manipulating a part of this bone and if you look you can see that the tail has this much power over the bone so if you just keep doing that over and over and over again you'll end up in a good position I'm just going to unhide everything right now I'm going to click on that mesh where I hit stuff I'm going to go to edit poly and go to polygon mode and unhide all now it's all back so now if we see if I rotate my leg this leg looks good the leg still needs fixing right so next note is what we should do is fix the other side of the body and I'll show you how to what's called mirror weights so let's say that one side of the body like this like here obviously looks a lot better than the other like I rotate that bone I'm going holy crap field legs big mess well if everything is symmetrical and that's very important if everything is symmetrical we can do what's called a mirror weight and I'm going to click on any part of the biped on the pelvis here go back to my motion menu and well sorry actually for mere weights you can just check out my other tutorial actually it makes a lot more sense that we do that not sure if we should do that oh well we'll do it here okay sorry so premiering ways what you can do sorry about that is you can go to the skin mode okay skin here and because this is how you assign the weights to something if we go to skin we go to edit envelopes we can see that the envelopes we edited here if I click on this bone especially they're correct right we fix this this is what we fixed well let's say this is all fixed the other ones clearly not you can see that is still like doing a whole bunch of weird stuff we can do what's called a mirror weights if we go to mirror mode we can adjust the orange box here that's appearing by clicking mirror offset and mirror threshold and for me right now as soon as as soon as it's in a working position everything will line up green and blue if it's red that means it's not going to mirror correctly if it's green in blue it means it will mirror correctly the reason why everything is red down the middle is because the spines and the head don't have a mirroring point you don't mirror that because they're dead center but you do mirror the arms and legs so now that mirror mode is on our mirror offset is set correctly it's set to X which is correct because it's mirroring one side of the body to the other I'm looking at it alright looks good I can click on mirror green to blue bones and mirror green to blue verts so it should have happened I hope it did is now that if I move this leg yes it copied the same thing we did to this leg to this leg so if I move this there you go so that's the basic tutorial I made very basic but mirroring is pretty simple as long as you remember to just add that everything is symmetrical if it's not symmetrical unfortunately you're going to probably have to do a little bit of work yourself you can change the mirror threshold a little bit so if you go to sorry wrong one you go to skin and you go to envelope you go to mirror mode and you know you notice that it's still red I'll move my threshold a bit like that you can change you can start it that's the offset you could change the mirror threshold what the mirror threshold does is it grabs more vertices in a further distance so you see that everything is still green and blue now the more I raised the mirror threshold that's because it's still going to try and grab as many vertices as close to what the one side of vertices is to the other and just paste it anyways so if you had like a gauntlet like a bigger gauntlet here and I just increased the mirror threshold I could probably copy all the vertices though sorry the weighted vertices here choose the weighted vertices of this arm even if it looked different so just try that out a couple times try and mirror your weights just like that you'll be fine so that's a little bit of weight mirroring weighting your character setting up the skeleton structure adding bones the last thing that you should do is animate your character now to animate your character like I said before you go to the motion menu which controls everything click on a part of the pipet and you should have this menu we're on Figure mode right button right now which is pretty much setting up our character I'm going to hide the other other part of my character because we're not using it right now and there and we're on Figure mode so we got to turn off figure mode while we're trying to animate our character because right now we're telling it we're telling 3d studio max yes I am rigging right now do not animate this character if I try to move the character with keys on do not add a keyframe but if we turn that off now we can animate so you can turn on AutoKey or set key you can see that our menu options we have a lot more menu options now to play around with that's because it's expecting you to animate I would always suggest that if you're animating I leave the motion then you open it and open up the key info box and at frame 0 keyframe everything now not your mesh you can hide the mesh but keyframe everything in the biped now you'll notice if I selected everything that the biped menu disappears that's because I have bones to the biped menu won't appear if you highlight bones once if I take off the bones the menu comes back that's fine I have my key info I want to open up and I'm going to set all my keys at frame 0 by clicking key info by clicking key info and set key I am able to create a keyframe here if I right-click on it you should see controller properties all these properties right there and then take your bones turn on set key mode and set key those bones - that means frame 0 is going to be my default frame now I'm going to switch to auto key mode and skip one frame ahead and then I can start posing out my character how I want I'm just setting up a random pose just by rotating the bones all I'm doing is rotating bones frame 1 so frame 0 frame 1 I'm just grabbing bones and rotating and bones rotate name 15 with Auto key on so it's automatically creating keyframes for me rotate I'll rotate everything what I'm animating but it's something there you go and now I'm going to unhide my mesh and you've already started animating so it goes from rigging to animation really easily and I'm sure you'll get this slowly watch the video go over it pause the video every time you may you're doing a step just so that you can keep up I know I did it really fast you should never rake something only 45 minutes but hey sometimes crunch time comes around and you have to but try and take your time remember to set up the scale to make sure your mesh is okay for rigging look up reference images try and set up enough polygons in the joints especially the shoulders better yeah especially the shoulders here push the shoulders and especially the elbows and the knees and the pelvis are very important when it comes to rigging they are the most difficult parts make sure that's set up correctly set up your bone structure according to the video or according to how your mesh looks because that's the most important put it inside your mesh don't forget that it can protrude a little bit that does not matter your rig will never be rendered we're gonna yeah it'll turn that off and then yeah just start using the skin tool using ah alright skin tool here using evelope clicking vertices on and then being able to select the vertices you'll have full control over how you rig and then if you click on the weight tool the little wrench here you can see what's being manipulated and how individual by individual vertex too so I'll just play around with that try and rig something up accurately as possible and you'll be absolutely fine I guarantee it just have fun with it the more you have fun with it the better will be and don't forget that the end result is a cool looking character that will be fully animated and that's why you're doing this keep that up absolutely fine thanks for watching I know it was a long tutorial but hey we got a character from start to finish reading with some extra bones and everything and so you know that's pretty wicked oh yeah and here's the bone well check it out I know it's not rigged accurately because we didn't really I agree but you can see that it is manipulating that um the fin because we attached it so yeah they work that well just spent take your time rig it properly and you'll be fine thanks for watching guys I know it's I know it's long video but hopefully it helped take care
Channel: BitHalo
Views: 144,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds, max, 3d, studio, rigging, rig, tutorial, biped, learn, how to, how, to, bipedal, human, character, animation
Id: xuWmf3MaG6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2016
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