Getting BETTER At Hypixel Skyblock!

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hello gamers and welcome back to another high pixel skyblock video last time i was able to beat floor 7. you're kidding me right there's no way we get this after 22 deaths we finished the run but in reality i was a complete burden on my team and if i want to stop being a complete burden i need new armor since i completed floor 7 now i'm gonna be able to use necron armor which is one of the best armor sets in the game and i'm gonna need a new weapon as well i got like 20 comments suggesting the same weapon an axe of the shredded apparently if i want to be useful as a berserker and floor 7 i'm gonna need that thing and as you can see i have 26 millions right now because uh my baby yeti sold but with 26 million coins i'm only gonna be able to afford a single piece of knockout armor basically max necron boots are going for 19.5 million coins so obviously i'm gonna need more coins and the solution is very simple just sell my old armor it served me well so far but it's time for an upgrade now a necron chest light leggings and boots are going to be around 75 million coins and if i sell the shadow assassin armor i'm gonna get around 35. that's gonna put me around 60 million coins so i need some way to get 15 million coins first of all though let me just check the prices for this stuff and put it in the auction house all right just finished setting the auctions up and i'm selling the boots for 6.4 million the leggings for 7.4 million and the chestplate for 28.5 million and it already sold i went through the auction house and these are the prices that i found for five start items so yeah let me just claim this and while i'm here i actually need something from the auction house when i bought my zombie sword i actually thought that was the max you can get the max rarity is actually called florid i bought this one for like 1 million coins i'm pretty sure and the max version is 2.7 million i'm actually gonna get this one right here and set this one up for exactly what i bought it for but even if this stuff sells i'm not going to be able to afford a full set of knock on armor so what am i going to do well it's pretty simple i just visit an old friend i'm of course talking about my farming stash i haven't really been farming lately but this should cover me up nicely i also have a second chest it's been a while since i sold any crops actually the melons are going for 15.4 million that's all i need i'm gonna get it just for melons but i also mentioned the axe if they're shredded right yeah that thing alone is gonna cost the same amount as the armor so time to sell the rest pumpkins are gonna get me 3.7 million in other words is 2.8 million currents are going for 5 million sugarcane is 2.8 million now with these two i'm not gonna sell them to the bazaar because i can craft cookies into replenish books and potatoes into hot potato books which means more money in the time that it took me to craft that my armor actually sold same with the zombie sword which means i get 14.8 million coins now i just have to wait for this stuff to sell i can actually start claiming my bizarre orders right now oh the books are already selling okay all right there we go 77 million coins time to buy the knockout armor i'm gonna start with the cheapest which is the boots i already found one it's pretty decent for 19 million coins but i think i can find better like these 800k extra for wisdom 5. i don't know why but most players have wisdom on necron armor it also has sugar rush 3 which is a pretty decent enchant so i'm gonna buy these boots time for the leggings these are the cheapest five-star necron leggings and they're going for basically 24 million there's also this one it has wisdom five but for an extra million coins so i'm not doing that i'm just gonna get these time for the most expensive one yet which is the chest plate and i can't afford it um that's not enough what about bizarre did i sell anything here four million coins okay the cheapest five-star one is 42.5 million coins so i'm gonna need two million i completely forgot but netherworks and melons basically sell for the same price in npc shop as in bazaar i'm gonna sell two stacks of melons here and sell the rest in bazaar because uh you know i get slightly more coins if i do it this way anyways now i can get the last piece that i need there we go i already have necron head from last time so now i basically have the gear to take on floor seven hopefully now that i have the armor it's time to get the weapon i mentioned that it's as expensive as the armor i was slightly exaggerating to be honest it's 61 million coins sure it's not cheap but it's not nearly 18 million coins like the armor but the biggest problem that i have with this axe is it requires zombies layer eight and it's been forever since i've done slayers so i don't actually know my level oh i'm zombie slayer six i thought i was seven oh i'm seven in seven right i'm smart how much more do i need for level 17 17 yeah 20k okay that's not too bad actually just remember this is a thing i didn't even try it out it's been out for months at this point so i guess to be good at dungeons i need to be good at the game in general who would have thought i don't know how long the grind is going to take but i'm going to get a decent amount of combat xp which means i'm gonna get closer to combat 37. since i'm outside of dungeons i'm gonna be using the tarantula helmet i don't really know people grind slayers now that aiming is gone and the jerry gun is nerfed to the ground what about the flower of truth i guess this works oh you know what i just realized i need the money for slayers i'm sure this is gonna be enough for me to at least reach level seven so uh i'll see you then and that was the last boss zombie slayer seven what do you mean you haven't unlocked this recipe oh i have to collect it that makes sense i guess all right then time to see how i need four times the xp that i have 20k took me like 35 minutes by the way okay then the new boss is gonna help assuming i can kill it don't even get for uh zombie letter a wait i get 50 natural health regen oh and i can use the warden helmet that's like the best helmet in the game anyways um time to continue grinding i actually don't think i can afford that the flower of truth has been actually working pretty well so far apart from when it runs out of mana when that happens i just use the bow or i kill them manually okay this thing has a lot of hp oh by the way i removed the fancy overlay texture pack i actually kind of like the default necron look i also tried using beloved dagger but i killed them faster with they but i killed them faster with the reaper falchion anyways the tier 5 is going to spawn soon i really hope i can kill it because if i can't that means the grind is going to be very very tough i don't even know how much hp it has okay that tnt actually did a lot of damage and i'm about to die i need to bring my plasma flex out this is tough yeah oh i was using the wealth bet and i do that because it boosts your combat xp which means slayer quests take less time but this boss is actually super tough so i'm gonna probably use my griffon pet i don't think my baby yeti would help because i'm pretty sure it does true damage all right let's try this again i just have to avoid that clay apparently [Music] wait it's enraged i should really attack it when it's doing that because uh it's like a grace period okay i am super duper low it just did 2 000 damage per hit what is the xp even worth it oh yeah it is even if i manage to kill it it's gonna take me like two minutes but the tier four i can kill in like less than 10 seconds the problem is the tier 4 only gives 500 xp for like 50k coins well this one gives 1500 xp for like 100k coins so if i manage to kill the tier 5 i save a lot of money i'm gonna have to get three hundred thousand slayer xp from tier fours also i just did the math and it's gonna take me more than 28 million coins and like three days of non-stop grinding i hate this all right i just claimed everything i have from bizarre and from the auction house i got 6.8 million coins i'm just gonna grind until i run out of coins yeah i actually did it i just killed the tier five in this boss fight the biggest enemy is not the boss itself it's knockback because when you take kb there is a very high chance that a tnt might land on you and uh that just deletes your health instantly so to stop that from happening just get a pet that has the turtle shell net on it and for me that's my baby eddie preferably you want a damaged pet of course but i don't have a damaged pet with the turtle shellmet so the baby idiot is and as you can see i just have to dodge the tnt and left click the boss that's all i have to do also make sure that you fight it in an open space if it's like an awkward location then you're just gonna die oh it's enraged now there we go killing the tier 5 gives you 1500 zombie xp if you were to do this with d4s it's going to take 150k to get the same amount of xp and i don't really have the money to do that so tier 5s it is with my current armor it actually doesn't do that much damage apart from the tnt that's just that devastates me when it's enraged like this that means the tnt is gonna spawn a lot faster so you don't wanna stand still death oh and also by doing the tier fives i have a chance to drop one of these and those are like the only zombie slayer drops that are worth it [Music] after nearly dying multiple times and actually dying like twice i am now out of coins yeah you thought i was zombie level eight no i wish but no i need like another 200k or so until i am level eight after doing multiple tier fives i actually got pretty fast at it and i can do the boss in like a minute and 14 seconds so uh yeah it's actually faster than tier fours now anyways i'm pretty sure i still have stuff to claim in the bazaar and yes i do 9.2 million coins i don't think that's gonna be enough to get the 200k i need though so i need to get more money so it's time to climb my contests i only have four but i do have quite a lot of books in this chest i also got this stuff from uh doing the sliders i'm not gonna sell it yet i'm gonna wait until the very end and then sell everything i just finished putting everything on the auction house i'm not gonna sell these tickets actually because they're not really worth much anyways oh never mind okay that's a lot of coins i guess if i need two million coins i can always sell them but now that i fixed the money problem it's time to go back to grinding [Music] i think my last clip was at 200k xp or 300k i don't remember anyways i am one boss away from completely filling up my orange jesus meter so far i got a single rn jesus drop and it was the snake rune so i'm hoping that by filling this thing up i'm gonna get a better drop and there we go a full r jesus mirror this boss isn't really that terrifying once you know how to deal with it i mean if you get hit by like 3 tnt you're basically dead but if you can avoid that you'll be fine the biggest problem with the tnt is it damages you and heals him at the same time i can survive the first bedrock thing but i'm left at like 600 hp so i have to spam my zombies order i got i'm actually so glad i listened to you guys and bought that thing it saved my life multiple times in dungeons and outside of dungeons but there we go i got a beheaded horror i have no clue how much this is worth oh it's you're you're kidding me right i hate this game i really do the funniest part about this grind is that when i started grinding for the 20k i needed to get level seven i was enjoying it yeah i was actually looking forward to the grind but um that was a mistake but anyways i'm finally down to like three bosses until i get to eight and yeah tier five isn't really that scary anymore the second bedrock phase actually one shots me so i cannot survive that i uh i learned that the hard way no matter though because it is dead just two more and i will be done wait oh i need four i can't count listen i've been doing revs for two days straight non-stop it's a miracle i even know my name oh and i stopped butterfly clicking because after my hand started killing me i tried doing this with normal click and it took exactly as long so butterfly clicking is a complete waste of energy because i don't have the attack speed to take advantage of how fast i'm clicking so it's kind of the same as normal clicking and this guy's about to die and this is the last boss it's not all bad though because um i got a whole combat level not only that i'm also like halfway through the next one so i got a lot of combat xp from this i just have to finish this guy off and claim my reward and there it is zombie slayer level eight just out of curiosity i wanna see how much xp i need for a level nine it's one million i'm i'm not doing that never well i finally did it then zombie slayer level eight which means i can use an axe if they shred it one problem though i'm broke i used all of my coins on getting necron armor and then like 25 million to get the zombies lair level i needed to use the weapon so um yeah i'm completely broke and as i showed you this thing is not cheap axe of the x yeah i need like 70 million coins to get this at least so how am i gonna get it well last video i joked about selling one of my items worth exactly 70 million coins but uh yet i'm actually gonna sell it i'm of course talking about my beloved mita sword it's complete garbage but it means a lot to me but at the end of the day feelings are worthless and i can't afford eight acts of the shredded with those feelings so in you go i don't even have enough quiz to put it on the auction house i guess i'll have to take 400k from my bank i'm leaving 10 mil there for my co-op because i took like 50 ml last time all right there we go hopefully someone buys this and while i wait for that to sell there is one thing i can do to get slightly more damage that costs absolutely no coins in fact it's gonna get me more coins a small amount but more coins i'm of course talking about foraging i'm incredibly close to level 26 which is gonna give me an entire two strength this should be a nice break from the constant left clicking of slayers oh and by the way this is everything i got from this layer i dropped like three smite six books a ghoul pet a bunch of these um a beheaded horror which was the biggest disappointment of the entire thing i'm pretty sure these are worth like a decent amount of coins right 1.5 ml i'll take it and the fuel is 2.7 million so it's not entirely worthless oh and uh i use shaders when i do foraging it just looks satisfying okay i mean look at this it's beautiful i can do this for hours look at this water but my computer sounds like a jet engine so maybe not now i can sell this wood for 100k i mean hey money is money also basically everything has already sold in the bazaar and now i have over four million coins i have been grinding way too much for the last two days so i'm gonna take a break and hopefully when i'm back the midas is sold the mida sword actually sold let me just claim the 70 million coins actually 69.3 i'm so glad this thing sold because i came up with some backup ideas the first one is to obviously sell my plasmaflux that thing is crazy expensive right now i can sell mine buy an overflux and i would keep like 90 million coins and the second one is to sell my co-ops farming stuff he's actually the one who told me to sell it but i don't want to do that because i don't know i just feel bad anyways now that i got the money i should be able to afford an axe of the shredded mythic this one right here is really good it has few main books and it even has the art of war so it's basically max tower apart from a couple of tier six enchants that it needs but honestly i don't really care about those i don't really know about the suspicious reforge but i can easily reforge it myself and that's definitely going to be cheaper than buying the few mint potato books and the art of iv anyways 73.4 million don't mind if i do i can throw my axe doing 10 melee damage but if i throw another one i do two times the damage but it costs two times the mana so the first throw is 10 mana while the second one is 20 the third is 40 so on and so forth which is why this x has ultimate wise five as you can see it starts doing a lot of damage real quick now imagine spamming this on necron with all the crazy multipliers and blessings you get in dungeons this very epic gamer right here wants to give me some contraband but since i don't take it i am gonna be giving this stuff away on my discord discord gg slash interests very epic discord you should totally join i really need these coins too there will be three giveaways for this one is gonna be for the levitt dagger the second one is going to be for the armor and the third one is going to be for the aspect of the end the personal compactor and the voodoo doll and finally the fourth one which is going to be for the coins there will be three winners and each one will get 10 million coins but until the winners are picked i'm gonna be keeping the coins because i'm gonna be doing floor seven and if i want to do floor 7 i need at least 35 million you know in case i drop the handle to be realistic that will never happen but it's a better safe than sorry let me just put my necron head on get a dungeon potion just to be safe since last time i actually got burst 25 and cata 26. obviously those levels are not impressive but i think they're at least acceptable for floor 7 and also paul is currently the mayor so even if we die more than three times we're still gonna get s plus but i just wanna see the difference in damage between the axe of the shredded and my livid dagger all right with my livid dagger i did 1.9 million and with acts of the shredded i do 1.3 million to skeletons i want to test this on a zombie okay wait they're saying blood is blood oh um thank you hypixel all right let's try this again oh there's a frozen adventure here okay this is my chance to test the new armor okay nope nope yeah maybe not to be fair the dungeon just started and i have no blessings alright time for the boss fight i actually learned what happens during this phase by the way some of your party members are supposed to get those crystals up there and put them down there then you bring necron to that laser thing and you move on to the next phase oh and also i'm smart enough to use a bonzo head during this phase now so uh that's an improvement there we go now we can damage it death i should have probably switched to my necron head so that i did more damage but i would rather not die [Music] how did it not get crushed now it gets crushed what i don't know about you guys but uh that was pretty quick for me oh and also bad lion added solvers for this so yeah terminal is 20 times easier with uh solvers that is indeed a fact see i don't have to think anymore come on come on not only did they add solvers for the terminal by the way they also added profit calculator so yeah i'm not gonna miss on profits anymore oh i can do parkour and time for the last phase we might actually finish this in less than 20 minutes wait do i have oh my god i had my bonzo head on i mean it's good but i need damage right now i can just throw them at them i don't want to go there because it can just explode and kill all of us in one shot how was it still alive all right there we go s plus this is the profit calculator oh this chest is actually profit i guess i'll take it then because the other ones didn't really have anything well i guess the millions of coins and the countless hours i spent grinding slayers actually paid off i think i did pretty well that run i didn't die a single time i did a pretty decent amount of damage i didn't die a single time and most importantly we got an s plus it's true that paul kind of carried us but ignore that please anyways thank you so much for watching gamers and thanks to my channel members and i'll see you later peace
Channel: Intrests
Views: 376,676
Rating: 4.9361115 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hypixel, Intrests, funny, dungeons, hypixel skyblock dungeons, dungeons is hard, how to, gameplay, maxed, losing, winning, livid dagger, best armor, money, flower of truth, dungeons secrets, dungeons solver, plasmaflux, refraction, floor 7, Dungeons are HARD! - Hypixel Skyblock, hypixel dungeons, skyblock dungeons, necron, necron bossfight, how to beat floor 7, floor 7 hypixel, necron armor, aots hypixel, zombie slayers tier 5, getting good at hypixel skyblock, endgame, midgame
Id: kJKCin0NYMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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