INDOMINUS REX GEN 2 FULL TOURNAMENT!!! || Jurassic World - The Game - Ep 454 HD

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oh no spinosaur called The Cove aide ah well you know what we're gonna have to fix them full of anybody's there ya go beautiful so hello and welcome back to this out of sequence Jurassic world same video know what debauchery is this beaver I trusted you and here you go wrecking me trust I'll never trust anybody again I hear you cry well that's not my fault come on you complain on me so today the reason being you probably seen a thumbnail you've seen the title you know my whole backstory you know where I was born Who I am as a person no but today we're playing the tournament because I saw some comments saying if I would do a full tournament video and today is a video day and I've all got another case oh well here we go i'm kyla Soares got it now mice were Katie's because we only need a couple more and then we'll unlock like the the flying hybrid the flying super hybrid and I had somebody else comment saying that parley that guy is like the one of the best flies in the game including above Pterodactylus so that's it so it must be like the second or third best in the game so heck yeah we're gonna get that cuz we need to unlock it and then once we've unlocked it it goes on its half-price so instead of costing two thousand I think it costs one thousand just the initial which is a bit of investment but it takes time and we get there eventually don't we do so that I still haven't got to the point while we do the video yet because I'm doing amazing are you ready to fails damn most expect that end on a high there oh well here we are so we are in here because they're indominus rex Gentoo if you remember um is in this game however you could only get it if you feel like you're also a lot oh just give me the DNA I don't care what a hunch anything is there anything else yes so indominus rex Gentoo has existed in the game for a while but you needed to max out in a Velociraptor Gentoo and a t-rex Gentoo the only problem with that is that gentoos could only be gone in events and now Lou do you have fixed that so that now you can get them anywhere you can just buy them now I think that some events came up and if you did those events you unlocked it whereas before you wouldn't unlock said dinosaurs now so if anybody had an intersection to is like they hacked the game basically I'm Lydia doing this crackdown I or at least I supposed to be doing it correctly I don't know if they are but they're saying if you do hack the game like you use some sort of Apple you know whatever you'll get banned and this is what five years overdue literally five years this game came out oh my god but they're finally cracking down I think I'm supposedly down they still I mean as far as I'm aware that the youtubers and stuff the halfback of the game for years have not been banned I still playing the game and I doubt that ludia will fix that which is bit hypocritical I think they should start with those example cases I've been a loyal promoted I've spent real money on the cake so do it [Laughter] those guys are still making content and I for I haven't seen any cases of any we've been being banned from it so I don't know I don't know but the main thing we are here is for shake the earth now I did them this is a follow me and it is who looks good so finally we can get a demonstration and Thomas trucks Gentoo I'm assuming if you maxed up velociraptor Gen 2 and tier X Gen 2 you could make a endo and indominus rex gen 2 anyway any rude now I did do a bunch of events yesterday so I have a lot of creatures used up but we might not need them too much now this event has just been life as of recording less than half an hour so we should be able to get to the highest ranked the highest probability of winning the pack and Oh God look at this resource I got it so it's supposed to be killed like straight off the Bob it can't be killed sorry good yawning yeah gonna make you yawn ha I win I win just just kill it Jesus I want it dead dead as a dodo is it too soon still prude oh those poor Dodos that's horrible what happened to those guys wait where were they were they originally from Dodos it must have been from like New Zealand or Madagascar or something right there must have been an isolated spot dodo island Sammy's gonna call it Beaver you don't know the toad versa from the dodo island yeah I might as well just go for two hits and go all out I think he used a little bit yeah we're not dying I mean worst case a nose Triceratops level 2 with the 50% bonus would probably have what 33 attack oh that let's have a check to see that they definitely will switch I gotta say 33 attack maybe they fall Oh 20 soros was named still killin that i mean am i is well block now hopefully once we win this battle we'll skip pass hatching League we'll skip past prey League and we'll be straight into a survivor I think still love the sound effect that's from the lost world for the PlayStation 1 game oh my god he went for 7 Wow his eyes are closed together only sign of the devil oh I wouldn't thats an actual saying or if that's just what my mom said my mommy says he's amazing like English Tim's like flibbertigibbet and it only ever occurred to me that these are weird when I started dating Whitney and it burned in me my parents and of course Whitney's kind of American oh there ya was stranger survivor and this was like what yeah CBG a bit this makes no sense who's me what's it I love the sayings I don't want him to go anywhere I just I think it's funny oh here we go so we're already in twos five league top 25% of players look at bat miss [ __ ] like this is the thing right you have Jurassic world the game should we yeah let's do it don't let it may as well but we'll put in I think at this point we could probably put in the same team and it would be close and we get a lot of cups however I don't want that to be the case oh look at that that's so oh it's so good level time all right series well post on Twitter or something about whiteford on saying you were gonna level us all up with you beavers remember you were gonna max me up I'm not maxing up up another hybrid conover you kidding me oh no waste not DNA shut up I still killing what it oh dear oh dear a DVD but I've got to admit I mean I've been playing this game for years and I've been playing Jurassic world alive for a lot short a period of time but I don't know whether it's to do with the quarantine and how ludia have obviously been handling updates and stuff obviously it's gonna be slower but I feel like Jurassic world alive is just like and I probably should say this and address it with a live video shouldn't I not to JA see what the game video and I probably will echo what I'm gonna say now but the battles are not fun at all the only battles that are fun are tournaments when everything's even where everything is double 26th there's no boosts that's where it's fun now where I've got rhythm come on man I just kill me already good lord now where it's fun is darting dinosaurs going out exploring taking incubators basically everything that is like a Pokemon whoo element to it is fun what and the thing is the battles were fought at one point but then they introduced boosts and I think the idea of boosts is good I think you know having this currency that you save up and you add to dinosaurs and you can mix and match and you boost make things stronger make things like it's like this game where you had Nino max level 40 and then hey all of a sudden Lydia put in dinosaurs that were above level 40 that you faced and it was like wow that's so cool I wonder if we'll be able to do that no we couldn't do that and we still can't boost a dinosaur's past level 40 I think if Lydia old looking for something to add to this game dresser will the game maybe boost increases past level 4 to be good first start when not facing off against real people so we're uh still alive when you face up against a max to boost third or speed an attack or whatever that's it immediately like oh for god sake oh that's annoying whereas if I like if I face up against a level 1000 t-rex in this game yeah that's fine like I've got the creatures to take it on oh my god that really tickles your belly no it killed me then I realized it only had 55 attack look at that bit of the mural there they've made that bit up is in the movie you don't see it wash you see that with the practice all that on the back on the left woo yes fried road on you win that should take us to the top of all that we got one extra trophy oh it does number eight here we go won't be gonna win what we're gonna do so yeah oh I thought we're gonna win a pack there I think we got lucky with the other pack so we're at the top we can do the same again every week I mean just another pride rode on we're good we're good chances are that we're gonna be against them I mean II fighter not easily easily wonder easily lemon squeezy oh god I gotta poop order guys those are is right ooh yes finally killed my two Jeong asuras been warned 8 good lord yes do it and I like I know that like obviously ludia don't want people to hate their games and with Jurassic world alive they they put in boosts and I think the intention was good but you know Alan Grant once eloquently put it some of the worst things imaginable have been done with best it with good intentions or the best intentions and like everybody could kind of get boosts a same kind of rate excuse me and that was fine but then they slowly started putting Bible boosts in the game more often to the point where it became everyday I mean obviously that was the plan like they want to make money from this game and the Lydia higher-ups are like look long term goal is people can buy boosts every day so if somebody wants to just you know spend thousands on our game and give us loads of money they can and unfortunately that's what this is this is a business and they want money I don't think that like necessarily it should be that way like imagine if there was a multiplayer game because that's what just all the life is you face it a PvP game you face up against real people like imagine I don't know a Call of Duty or a halo or you know some sort of trying to think like I don't know fortnight where if you if you put loads of money into the game you get better weapons so therefore people you can come up against instantly die imagine the uproar in that that's what's happening in Jurassic world alive and it's it's it's so frustrating and the fact is in order for like even if you don't agree with this and so you're like okay I don't do the battles well tough Tata's because you have to do the battles you have to get incubators or else you're only gonna get DNA from darting and then you're not gonna help towards the Alliance missions you knock some of the daily missions you're not gonna get so you're not gonna get you're a hundred what you ma called you 100 epic DNA so it's intrinsically linked in the game for you to do PV battles for you to be annoyed against people who you're gonna come up against who have got loads of boosts and for you to want to spend your real money or books saying it's basically in-game currency on buying boosts to be better and it's oh it's just not good not good at all and last week I said in the video that I wasn't going to so I don't mean to go off and run like this I do apologize for people who are like playing dress the world the just world the game or like wait what about the other one play this one this game's good and it always has been good like though I'm trying to think the only times that this games being bad is when they've taken like mistakes out of it but the mistakes made it better but anyway it wasn't necessary that I put something it was you know money-hungry kind of as bad as it is and rasulullah life I've got nothing really bad to say against drastic world the game they they are constantly supporting it they are putting in new things all the time like new creatures new hybrids this VIP they made VIP back there they made it way better they added you know if you want no longer have it but you can get your add just your daily book rewards so there's a lot of stuff in this game that done right but just a world alive at the moment it's unlike a downward slope I feel and they really need to fix oh oh I'm gonna collect it all the end it's so satisfying to collect it all the end let's keep going we're in hunter league top well my 10% of players already Wow look at look alodia oh it's a beaver you're the best your top 10% and I can't say no to get into a game that strokes my owner you go let's keep going I think probably Toro and can do this I'm it's it's gonna be tougher it's gonna be tougher but yeah it's doable it's doable I can't the stickers didn't want it yes and we're gonna get loads of points for this loads of cups because I mean and if you compare the average of our teams I'm terrible and they need even God a legendary hybrid level 2 as well as a super rare hybrid analyst and regular legendary I'd say his team have is way better than me technically it's not but that's the great thing with averages and the algorithm that this game uses just like YouTube some people have got to play the system is one person put it so eloquently and you've got to do use it to your advantage if it's in a game or in YouTube itself and when when the system is how you make a living sometimes you've got to do it but it's even better when you you know you enjoy what you do there's gonna be so many people not not knowing what I'm referencing here but one or two people might this is what I like about something I just turn my brain off and be like I would I'm great and I also just want to say thank you to everyone who has cuz the channel is doing really well at the moment obviously it's me I'm doing great and I well hope you know I'm joking that I I think the channel does well when I'm enjoying what I'm making and I put time and effort into it and I just generally if I'm enjoying it you guys are enjoying it that's been the the the foundation of this channel is if I enjoy it then you guys I think will also enjoy we're gonna be in gold right oh we are 93 top 5% Wow in Dublin I was just gonna say how am i recording yes I am good good god don't do it I'd rather have the indominus rex pack that would be amazing but you know that's fine - that's fine I'll take it I think we can we'll probably have to get a little bit tougher creatures here you know up shall we try we've got 33 cups that to me feel like that's one half bottles and things that open if you oh god that's what that is top I've never seen a full team of tournament hybrids there's no sorry tournament legendary herbivores that's amazing that's a that's a pretty team they're all the same color they're all the same type oh that looks nice they're all glossy I like it they're all gonna be killed and 2/8 I think I do all of them are wide you remember when they had the WWF pack and that was a charity thing that was nice because I think look and then work well as foreign loads people did it but there was two companies in particular that donate to that charity and it was Lydia and it was F gone I think a hungry shark did a charity thing as well then they were different I don't think Moody is just about the games was for WWF and hungry shark was for Oceana however I think it was such a pain in the arse - like determine to get the money - the charities that they haven't done it since a shame but it was great I was like I'm helping out a charity and they get like an exclusive dinosaur this is amazing eventually down the line the dinosaur got released anyway but still I had it exclusive for a while and I you know what I'm fine with that I would have preferred if Luda had said look you're gonna get this dinosaur exclusive for like a year and then it'll be released I'm happy with that but it's a bit like in Jurassic Park builder where they've released packs and because remember packs weren't a thing drastic pop builder before go r.i.p alright pj PBB because that game didn't have pot air packs in and this one did and it's amazing isn't it it's a mean what packs can do to a kid psyche it's like open something even if it's you know what's in it it's like oh we can open the mystery mystery of it that's why we have packs and everything I have mystery chests loot boxes and all this it's like Christmas and I realize this as well sorry I flipped off on topics all the time I do apologize if somebody's just tuning in for this life good god is he always like this yes is he ace um so we'll do a little bit better will to go for a spine into sutures so I realized because I'm just recently I say just before the pandemic started I got into war so I got ahead love it I love it so much and people have asked me to do videos on painting and stuff like that I I'm not there yeah I can't give tutorials if any I'm still learning when I've been put a ended buying a lot of stuff because you know this game is expensive for a start and if you want to play you're gonna need a lot of models so it's a lot of stuff you've got to buy oh yeah you could do it cheap but if you want to just like buy you know if you're just buying fresh models and it's expensive but I enjoy it and I've realized this every day I wake up or Al did for a while and it have mail I'd have a package to open so it got to the point where I was being conditioned so every morning I was waking up and being excited because I was expecting like a present and when on the days that I wouldn't get mailed I remember thinking myself oh there's no present today and I realized that's what Nina that I was having the same effect with the card packs are it's that like who we were gonna get but I was doing it to myself in real life I was like oh today I might get a present it's weird psychology it's fascinating fascinating subject oh we went for one okay so you guys who I mean if you watch my videos for a while you know what I'm doing I'm saving my creatures I'm I'm putting in Commons because I get like because so some people I've been looking at my team going wipin to Jean resources in where you could put way better dinosaurs in and beat them okay two points for a start if you put in low creatures and you defeat a high level team you get more cups so less battles faster time and two to genre Soros and well just that below if you put lower level creatures and you could follow them off and have a really good creature in second to just sweep and if you have to weak level creatures like I've just done now you can basically follow one in and lure the bots into going for an all-out attack kind of and making sure that you can you know you've got you can at least kill two creatures relatively easy the first one the first two Jonas horse dies and you get two attacks to kill whatever it is and then if you know you're in a hard situation you can swap in the other two Zhang s orison just go for loads of reserves and have your you know your sweeper your your may your VIP creature come in and kill them at least then you can guarantee two kills relatively easily so this is the best tactic for the game at the moment or is the tournament I found anyway and I'm pretty sure I wonder do you guys do the same cuz I I mean especially when we've got loads of events to do it just makes more sense because you use your best creatures they take ages to come back oh look at that that's four entries doing fantastic I've got half my money back so you put it I mean the reason why you have it at first is because as long as it's got a low enough health that they can kill it in one hit you just go for a reserve so you'll actually have three attacks of with whatever you put in for your attacker so now we're really close to the top 1% of people apparently it doesn't make much sense to circles every league is a hundred spots so how could you be in the top 1% when the top league is basically it's got a hundred spots on the bottom League has a hundred spots how does that make sense think about it that way it doesn't make sense whether like top 1% huh I mean if you're at the top you could technically say you're in the top like 10% or 20% or whatever it rounds to but you cannot say you're in the top 1% ok so we were up to level 10 Spiner to sutures wasn't it what was at level 20 whereas Spiner to sutures is not oh yes here oh wow ok um who should we go for concave anaida he has a little bit more health and a hundred extra attack let's do that let's do that we weren't in trouble I felt in that last battle so at this point ooh now we're in trouble down were in trouble this two herbivores but it's gonna be close man it's gonna be now good team lineup here he's got two herbivores and then a carnival so what's gonna happen is his ankle otakus is gonna kill my two younger source into it that's fine my concave inator now can kill his ankle adocus in two hits then he it's his turn he'd have to - well two things to use he'll use one of them to switch out into pride rode on and then prior on can only do 900 damage and if that's the case if he goes for an attack I will have fall and I can kill his pride rode on and then it's only down to son talk to cap elta who already who only has 300 attack so yeah cocaine it with his red sheep eyes I wonder who decided to give him that so here we go now does it go for an attack he does okay so this is where it gets interesting so I'm talking to capella can kill me in three hits so we wanna kill him in two hits we want to go for one block so we're only gonna hit with two and we don't even I mean if we really wanted to we could switch into two zhong Saurus go for for reserves one block hopefully to zhang source dies either way we've won no matter what if you want to play it more more safely you could put as younger source in but there you go there you go that was he he went all-out attack if a honda blocked he would have killed me that and that's how you can still use common dinosaurs to get to the top 1% technically I mean of the tournament you know I mean you're kind of you they are useful they've they are just as important as your you know your big hitter and there you go using two jean resources in every battle we're going to dominating if you watched you know complete talk or what I want it but I'm not gonna go but this has the highest percentage chance of getting you know the prizes are better we're gonna high percentage chance of getting the pack I don't know what they should say what the percentage chances are that would be amazing cuz look so what are we winning this pack anyway so we get a guaranteed in Dover sucks Gentoo we get food 500 bucks and two thousand five words I I like that if give me guaranteed books instead of like you know I could get three poles of car oh sorry Eric coins which would be a complete waste so there we go now we can all we can claim our prize look at it oh wait what prelude can't a league dominate League it's not it and then we got to finish in the dominate League huh okay so it's 20 40 50 55 DNA from 100 officers and velociraptor so we have enough for another monastery tops and we just made it level four that's crazy so we also have lead Zack these yes yesterday lijek these was out and you can you can unlock it meaning that now you can get the aquatic hybrid now I'm not gonna do that just yet because for one it's like what a thousand books each and I've got to do seven them so it's seven thousand books and that's you know factoring in you know the the books to speed up and of course the DNA to buy them it's when DNA is gonna be you know you can you got to spend a DNA but the books not so much um so let's do should we do fiber fusion Oh God look at that we win a micro SD and a pack right so you get a lot of stuff but it's three battles of this it's ridiculous claim your turkey what's that like oh my god and this is why you need to use such younger soros in your buzz okay so this is the first time we got dominate league we may as well let's keep the tradition let's keep the junk source in that and now if we were to use something like excuse me spine this is hooches look like a banana we're probably gonna die we need something height here I'm talking like your best creatures I mean sometimes you can face something that's relatively easy sometimes it's quite tough so something like an endo wrapped a level-10 with 2600 attack I mean we're talking like endgame stuff you even a level 10 interactive you oh man like can you get like a interrupter at level 20 can you imagine having a 20 t-rex and then a level-10 interrupted they'll be insane but I suppose you need to have indominus rex don't you Oh endo Jen - oh okay okay so already we can kill that Kong sorry Connor after in one hit with our interrupt I think we've never got like 2000 to 2009 please be 2300 I think it's 2600 even yes it is okay so he's dead and then we got a Salman Odin which I don't think can do 2000 attack and what in one hit so we're gonna go for one and then two reserves oh I can't wait to see Indo gen - I think I've seen it before but ah look awesome oh god it does a lot of attack though this is a recent hybrid as well come on come on what you gonna do what you gonna do go for - a day a day if that's the case we could probably go for two hits and then loads of reserves I'm sorry loads of blocks oh ok so if I lose interruptive I'm done she's your resource can't do anything so this is where we use our second common doesn't matter what it is I used to john resource because it's the weakest and it's the first thing to click on when I click lowest height so here we go he's definitely gonna go for five because fire or like with full block and five attack he can do one hit and kill me so he's probably gonna do five fingers crossed he does okay and that's the way you can bait the bots or PC of the algorithm whatever wanna call it the evil book it into using all of its attacks or least the most on a weak creature so now we can go for two hits we could probably kill endo we can double check it's only got 1000 attack so in comparison to everything else is really weak wrinkle in one hit so if you wanted to go for the lulz you could go for four block meaning the indo indo sr indominus rex gen 2 can literally do nothing Oh out of the shadows beautiful right so you can do nothing to us even if it went for four attack it couldn't kill me I look so cool though ah man that looks awesome I want it I want it okay well you know what let's kill it movie funny Endora indominus rex gen 2 is in the new drastic world movie we just never got away from hybrids no matter what oh dear I feel like interrupter had to be the last hybrid book I don't know I don't know we might see a return so when it comes to tournament a protip beaver bald road beaver oleg all those packs oh you know what another now if that had happened in happened during a live owl I would have lost it I would have been kicked out so that was lucky actually the happy man a third thirty bucks I think we've been reimbursed for everything and we just got more resources yeah oh that's awesome so we'll do one more hopefully we'll hit the five percent and be kicked out five percent battery warning I can't remember oh I'm so sorry you guys um oh yeah yeah I feel like interrupter was the last one like had to be right interrupt I had to be the last hybrid but I don't know I feel like we're probably gonna see another one um be funny if they just couldn't get away from it no matter what I'd love to see the chaos effect in it was something ridiculous but at the same time I'd hate to see I'd be like that's cool but completely fanservice right yes there it is there it is so this is interesting because we can't kill it in one hit even lift or sorry unnerved without that affecting us we probably couldn't kill him on it so let's have a look you could live for what I can't kill me in two hits and that's all he's gonna have so we can go for one reserve and be safe we definitely survived now metric and the source the other one has the loads of attack but no health so we can basically kill it and want it guaranteed but look at this guy this hybrid is lovely like liveable eyes and I don't know why concave here has he's like lifeless soulless eyes of a heap or a good but this guy's got like the white lilz Pecola oh it's beautiful okay so we are going to switch out because metric and the source even though it's kind of weak in the past in the cliff fornix and there you go we paid it what as long as he's got more more attacks to use than we have reserves or blocks he's gonna go for it he's gonna go for four but of course taking its time pretending like it's a real person I love that Luda have programmed in their BOTS to never be VIP well who you face they haven't bought VIP you're the silly one you're the idiot who's throw money of this game so he went for it all out we can go for two hits we can go for the lols and go for four block one reserve because one it can't kill it so no matter what it those who are taking no damage and it's a guaranteed kill so there you go play it like a pro that's why you come here isn't it I just love what I do with this game just about the game it's the the videos always do well and I've got thank you so much from the bottom of my my scaly heart dinosaur moving heart to have that security and to go okay I'm gonna make this video I know it's you know people are gonna love it and I mean I don't know I like it's good to have security it's good to know that I can play game have fun and playing the game and know that you know the supports there because I know a lot of people on YouTube don't have that and it must be horrible to be like oh my god what can i play today it's me you know maybe those games that they play Oh super sleigh is that look so awesome I love that pie looks great and but like oh my god we're gonna do we're gonna play that one gonna know that people are gonna like ah I mean that eats people of it's like just you know you get impostor syndrome comments like I'll date after you or they'd have to gain my god um but I'm lucky that whatever I seem to play you guys love so I'll keep on doing it I'll be doing a few yeah yes let me doing it you guys that's gonna rub this video we're not gonna get a top one because otherwise I don't even know if we have that battery to do we need to double our points 429 to get to the top and we were at the moment on to is 79 so yeah it's like 200 not it's not if we got 30 cups each 3 6 9 it's still like 7 or 8 bottles we don't need to I will this it's only it's a three-day tournament so it's quite short so every day I'm gonna need to be on this game and continuously playing it because if I leave it to because you're probably gonna need about a thousand 1400 cups I would say I think it's one doubt it's one it's definitely over a thousand cups in order to stay in dominate a league so definitely do that play it every day even spend books as long as as long as you're I mean you're probably gonna get the books on the return for the spin wheel you might get the books you might even get you might win the pack and get 500 bucks guaranteed and then if you stay in that league it's another 500 so think about it as you're investing it those favorite books invest that as long as you have those books invest it in the tournament you'll get it back as well as unlocking and Damas for x-gen 2 which is a really tough creature to get took five years for them to make another indirect say join this video leave a like and until next time I'll see you later oh boy you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 709,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The
Id: bITFhx5QErk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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