Shepherd’s Chapel - Mat28 1 28 20 Jesus Risen

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word book of Matthew chapter 28 we're going to finish it today God's gift to us and truly it is what a book is has been to alleviate a lot of the anxieties that you might have about true teachings from father's word make you ladies out where anyone can understand and here we have back to the crucifixion Christ now has been placed in Joseph of Arimathea is tomb and a big stone was rolled of the mouth of it and the Kenites wanted two guards put there like two witnesses for Satan you're not saying to make sure that none of Christ's men would come and steal the body away in the night because Christ had made it pretty clear he was going to resurrect and that they didn't want that that would make it worse than ever so they had the two guards there so we march after 28 we go back to that time and we pick it up with verse 1 where the wisdom from our Father and it reads in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the supplicant here's this one that had seven demons and converted to following the Lord Jesus Christ his word she hung her whole life on that and Christ blessed her for that but they were there to see in prepare the remainder of the preparation service verse two and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back to stone from the door and set upon it now never let anyone tell you otherwise the angel of the Lord is God himself it's his angel it's his in his dimension brought here in person and because of their love for the Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten he they couldn't roll that stone away he moves it for them and sits on it now what is this going to do to the two witnesses that Satan has live on freak out okay verse three his countenance his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow two very presence of God verse four and for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men they passed out cold there was nothing they could do the very presence of God put him down and there was nothing they could say or do and God would see to it verse five and the angel answered and said unto the women fear not ye for I know that you seek Jesus which was crucified that's who you're looking for verse six he is not here for He is risen as he said come and see the place where the Lord lay so just just the rocks move now just in tech take a look see here we're seven and go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilee there shall you see him lope I I want to emphasize I have told you no wait a minute this is the angel of the Lord God Almighty when did the Lord God Almighty tell them he would precede them to Galilee well listen carefully and learn the little of the Trinity it happened back in verse 32 of chapter 26 then and I will start with verse 31 then said Jesus unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the Shepherd and the Sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad but after I I want to emphasize the eye again after I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee so you see who said I will go before you who said I have told you he didn't say Christ has told you here in this 28th chapter in verse 7 he said I have told you so who was speaking the father or the son or correct answer they are the same they are one and the same so you have to take a little deeper look after the resurrection that once the flesh was transfigured then we have only after all we have only one God I know this may throw some off but I want to tickle your your nervous system just a little bit to cause you to think because clues like this are only laid out for those that have wisdom to understand father's word then you can better understand John chapter 14 where Christ would say if you've seen me you've seen the father well if you've seen the son you've seen the father what does that mean the same different discipline say different dimensions of course but so it is don't let that throw you off or anything and if you don't quite understand it put it on the shelf and let it sit there because the angel of the Lord has told them you were told before he's risen and he's going into Galilee that shouldn't be any mystery to you verse 8 and they departed quickly from the supplicant fear with fear and great joy this reverence and great joy and did run to bring his disciples word some of them who believes that of him wouldn't we have many accounts of this and verse 9 and as they went to tell his disciples behold she Smet them saying all hail our good morning and they came and helped him by the feet and worshiped him he had risen there's another account where it would say that he told Mary Magdalena not to touch him which properly translated it means don't hold me up I have not yet ascended to the Father but here we have the Father ascended in the angel of the lord to him when he did and what what a blessing this would be for this one possessed of seven demons she lived to witness this with her own eyes her own soul that Christ would be so kind to her would be so patient with her but he did not tell her do not touch me he said don't hold me up I've got to go in another book many people think that was a little rude it wasn't it was properly translated it's very kind and and concerning verse 10 What did he say and then jesus said unto them be not afraid go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there shall they see me and again this was this was reported throughout the word throughout the gospel they should have immediately gone there but do you know something we know of one case and in one book where two of them would even go down to a place called Warm Springs being translated in warm baths they took beds when we're walking back to join the others and Christ joins in with them as they walk they even knowing he was supposed to resurrect a Sinkin dead she's walking with them but when you think of all ye of little faith sometimes you wonder and you know of the fact that God blinded some of these whereby we could learn from it to know when strengthen our faith in knowing when he said something when he said I'm going to be in Galilee you can count on it it's just as he said in the book of Revelation all the things he would use for his elect he's going to do it he does do it it's his promise he always keeps that as those promises so it should strengthen your faith to know and to receive the Word of God and know he is God the Father the Son the Holy Spirit that spirit dwelling within us even giving us wisdom and knowledge that week comprehend and better understand what he teaches us for what he teaches us was a road map a road map to Eternity you want to stay on the right Road you don't want any detours and you want to listen to him he will never deceive you he will never miss guide you he will never leave you he will never forsake you that's his promise he always I do mean always keeps his word verse 11 to continue on now when they were going behold some of the watch came into the city and showed it to the chief priests all the things that were done we were out there and it came a great earthquake and I mean to tell you there was one showed up like lightning and rolled that stone away we freaked out we passed out give us something miraculous verse twelve there passed out they don't know a whole lot okay twelve and when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel they gave large money into the soldiers why would they why would they give these two then they passed out on not it's quiet money they don't want them to tell what happens they don't want them to tell about that earthquake that rolled the stone way they don't want to tell them they to tell them of the miraculous appearance they'd given a lot of money and what would you take to keep quiet you cannot be bought if you're a true Christian you're going to hold to the truth nothing but the truth verse thirteen this is what they would say saying say II his disciples came by night and stole him a right while we slept you want to sleep on the watch and they came in they should snuck him out right under your faces and there's 14 and if this tongue to the governor's ears if the governor hears about it the Romans we will persuade him and secure you will bail you out doesn't matter what it is or anything we will bail you out you'll be safe just be sure and tell this lie Liars come real cheap that would seem in lifetimes they whether it be in religion or people that would try to deceive and certainly it's been that way ever since Sodom and Gomorrah that people lie and lie and say fruits all right everything is fine just do what you want that's not God's Way and do you think it with blood money and blood to lie be money to lie do you think this protected their souls they're due to hell they sold their own souls what would you take for your soul there this is a time that Christians must take God's word very serious don't think he isn't watching he is this same angel of the Lord knows what's going on he watches very carefully and just as he you know söderling tomorrow that sort of perversion will bring him down he will thump gourds he will shake nations you can count on it but the beauty of being a Christian when you repel such things you're you have that you are inoculated with God's truth and wisdom whereby they have to it must go around you they cannot touch you why because you're one of God's elect so blood money won't cut it he did in this place for who the wicked let's go with another verse please verse 15 so they took the money and did as they were taught and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews unto this day now don't try to lay that trip on our brother Judah true Judah this is the Kenites they're the ones that brought this to pass and blamed it on our brother Judah but it they are as guilty of sin and certainly to continue though I there have even been books written on this subject one of one of the greatest for many years ago I don't even want to say the name of it because I don't want to call attention to it it's just flat-out lies from beginning to end about how the disciples stole the body away he was drugged and the same druggies can come up with a lot of weird things of the mind that deceive and harm people but so it is that they they brought this to pass and you know something there is a certain type of people that if a higher echelon says it it's got to be so I heard them say it well they'll lie to your friend your heavenly father won't God will not like to you and I promise you one thing it will always come to pass as it's written man will sell you a bunch of malarkey and it will never usually turn out if it if it's contrary to God's Word it's going to fail I promise you if it is contrary to God's Word if it pushes things other than God's words such as Solomon tomorrow dead I promise you it will fail it is it has failure marked over it coming out the gate so always stay with your father and be blessed for when you are blessed you're blessed indeed so always be prepared there's there are these were government people I didn't know the government would I oh you didn't well the government here did and I mean like big cut well how did I know what to believe it's real simple read God's Word he's still sitting on the throne he's still very much in control it's always I do mean always going to happen as it is reaching you can count on it verse 16 to continue then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee finally getting it together here into the mountain where Jesus had appointed them that's back to the 26:32 he told them you go there I'll be there he always keeps his word believe that accept it verse 17 and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted can you believe that some doubted well we know from other works who the doubter was his name old doubting Thomas the Christ even said here put your hand put your hand in my side to prove it's dream document and he did and then he believed in any worship but how you know doubting can get you in trouble it is good to be careful what you hear and what you perceive it is good to spiritually evaluate what you see and what you hear evaluate it according to the rule of God's law that is his word and you will pretty well always be blessed because God takes care of his own this is why that when you see people that are true to God's Word you're going to see people blessed blessed with knowledge blessed with wisdom where they know and understand what's happening they know the chronological order of events and they know how those events are going to fall even especially in this in generation which this very book of Matthew has has prepared us for that we'll say a few words on that in a moment let's go with the next verse they doubted that worship some of them 18 and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth now do not read over that all power think back when he said I have told you but it was the angel of the Lord but then it was the Lord Himself I have told you all power not not just here on earth but in heaven also is given unto him and therefore I I would if you really want to pick a bad party pick some party other than him because all power is is no one else has any Satan can take you right to a pit there's another tower out there but it's a loser it's a loser all the way it's filled with perversion things that go against God's Word things that mislead people you can pick that way it is you know you got three will it's your choice but all power every bit of it not only on earth but in heaven also rests in his hands so don't let anyone cover those outreach saving arm hands from you because that's where the power lies and that's why you can take it very very serious in Luke chapter 10 when he gives you power over all of your enemies so power rests in his hands and your one of his followers you're going too busy yet you have to do things and when he is in all power he can give you the ability to accomplish those things though it may be a troubled world and the world may be a shaky place if you're truly serving the Living God the powers in his hand he will give you the ability to do exactly what he wishes you to do and so it is so when you look to where the power lies that you're in xur he's it the whole universe which he created for his pleasure all power reverts to his hands until his enemy has made his footstool and God's elect here on earth will see that they go under his feet because they serve the Living God verse 19 what is his instruction go ye therefore and teach you what now teach what do you teach God's word of course you can and what is this all nations that's our that's all Nath ethanol's that doesn't mean just the house of Israel it means teach everyone that all power is in his hand look in heaven and earth baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit better translated now then what does that mean now what does that mean well right I was only baptized in Jesus name my trick only baptized is in Jesus name or what what does Jesus name me it's Yeshua and what does your sure I mean it means y'all have a savior which is the son and were those two are always the Holy Spirit they're the same okay now what about baptize what is this word stem from the other Molony of it comes from so that you understand it comes from the make up of let's say that you have a piece of white amen and you want to dye it red so you take the crimson dye and what do you do with the white cloth if you want it to become red you submerge it that's what baptism means to totally submerge otherwise if you wanted it solid red all you'd have is a bunch of dots if you just poured a little water on it okay you wouldn't you wouldn't be getting you wouldn't be fulfilling God's order teach and bad times that ISM Christ was baptized he cuts the wake to show us what he would have us do and certainly you are to follow that example and and certainly teaching is it as a honorable thing many men said I don't think I could ever be a teacher your life teaches well you live your life makes you a teacher if you live your life serving God and you're blessed you're a walking sign Lord for Almighty God that signboard written all over you as you're a child of God blessed of God that's why you're successful that's why and does that mean well no problems were going to come my way I didn't mean that at all God doesn't necessarily deal with hothouse lilies he's got people that can cut it that know how to handle the tough stuff they've done tough they know how to do tougher but they do it with his help and they're always successful in it and and so it is that you that that is a form of teaching is simply living the life others see and are drawn to that they want some of that they want that warm feeling that you have when the spirit is in you and blesses you love you guide you leads you and and that that is one of the greatest forms of teaching we're 22 complete this chapter teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you now what is that we teach them part of it not all things and whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world amen and so he is so he is many people are spiritually blind not physically by but many people are spiritually blind and when you teach and observe the things that God commands then God will see that you are blessed you can count on it how rewarding this great book of Matthew with he giving you commands to do when when he sits at the right hand of God with all power of Earth and heaven no wonder we're blessed no wonder were successful in taking his word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and taking it around the world when he's with us he will never leave us he will never forsake us and how precious and how innocent is that it started out with that star and Bethlehem that led the shepherds and others to that birth of this one that would be when you would see him die even that babe you would have seen our heavenly father and how that he would tell us and the thirteenth chapter of this book hey this is important that you know what happened at the beginning of this earth age the good children were planted by our Heavenly Father but Satan came along and he planted some children also he's talking about Cain and his offspring the devil came and planted them to warn you about the Kenites which is a hebrew word that simply means the children of Cain and if you do not understand the parable of the tare you won't understand any of Christ's parables because it warns you of the enemy and where he resides and then we come on to that beautiful wonderful chapter 24 which gives you all seven things that are the seven Trump's seven seals and seven vials all in one chapter laid out of exactly what would happen to you in the end but number one you were not to let any man deceive you that would come claiming to be a Christian preacher and coming in Christ's name that you're going you're not going to fly away you're going to be delivered up before the synagogue of satan' and you're not to even plea meditate what you will say but God will speak through you the Holy Spirit will we're not only you but the whole world can hear the truth a testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ one of times is served when what a book that brought all these things forth and how that you are not to premeditate what you would say but leave it in God's hands he would do the talking you're told the equivalent chapter in Luke 21 they can't harm a hair on your head and as it was written there some of your parents will even deliver you up because they're going to think he is Jesus and they're going to ask him to forgive you and bless you and you know he's Satan himself as the false one and that's when you do God's work I mean shine like a child of God and bringing forth the and the word that's what this book of matthew has done for us and then we look and hope here here after that tribulation of Antichrist here comes the true Christ not two flies away but to join us for the Millennium to teach his word and every knee on that first day of the Malinin bound millennium ballon to the Lord Jesus Christ that wasn't that was Matthew 24 and then immediately in 25 he gives us the 10 virgins this is people that claim to be Christians right up to the twelfth hour when the wedding was well into the eleventh hour I mean they claim to be Christians there's just one problem they don't have any oil in their lamps which is the truth of God's Word to late charlie you either have the truth from God's Word to withstand the attacks of Satan or you're going to bow to him it's that simple but that's what that's what this great book prepares us for was to follow him what was his instructions teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you that was Matthew 13 that was Matthew 24 that was Matthew 25 that was the very word itself to bring you through when the wrath of God strikes the enemy it's he's not angry at you you shine like a flower of God that's what true teaching is is teaching the Word of God look I'm Matthew I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many we be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four or five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing a request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravit arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's had the 800 number please 1 863 / 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada it's a spirit intrusion you have a question share it once you do them but please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or some organization we will not judge people why well we got a judge he doesn't need our help but you do have the right for spiritual discernment that keeps you out of a lot of trouble both of you but this isn't by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our main address again it's always a pleasure got prayer request we do away with the number you don't need that you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking right now he sits at the right hand all power in both heaven and earth or in his hand swine why wouldn't you talk to them he can arrange things when you're sincere he can assist you when we talk to him talking to him is prayerful and certainly that's why he loves you so best to always start your prayer letting him know that you love him because that's what he wants more than anything is your love he created you for his pleasure make sure you give him pleasure father on the road we come we love you Father we ask the TV Guide Rick father touch in your shoes precious name thank you Father amen and question time looks like it's Patrick from Florida pastor is it biblical right only 144,000 get to heaven please give me Scripture well you're quoting from Revelation chapter 7 where it gives you the 144,000 but then when you read on in chapter 30 verses 13 and 14 who are all whose this multitude that have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb they're not you can't count them they were set free because they loved the Lord Jesus Christ and they're there now those are the only ones that God uses to teach and google the word Susan from I doe I have to evicted family I tried to evict them once the they know how to play the game and they won't even answer the door it hurts my heart to do this but there is nothing I have not tried to help but they are taking advantage of me why should i what should I do biblically they won't pay the rent and it is starting to cost me well it is your livelihood you know this is why we have God's law and this is why we read in Romans chapter 13 that we obey that also the law can't will back us up so what you need to do is you need to go down to the Sheriff's Department and let them know what your grief is what your problem is they were there to serve you not to harm you not to do anything negative against you but to serve you and therefore what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong and it it would seem Susan that you need some help compassion is a beautiful thing but you can't lose your property over it and if people are taking advantage of you that's not right they're not good people they would not take advantage of you if some people fall on hard times but they need to work it out with you if they won't even open the door you can't work with them so it's time for you to take the next step talk to your local sheriff John John from Arizona please explain one you don't believe in the rapture because it doesn't exist God doesn't believe in the rapture is been affected Ezekiel 13 verse 20 says I'm the gates does that teach my children to fly to save their souls they cover every knuckle of my outreach saving arms so the word rapture is not in the Word of God what it says in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 who most people Misun you have to always pick up the subject and the object God doesn't stick tricky things in yet you can fight if you understand literature you read it and let it flow God's Word is simple and all it says in that chapter is if you believe Christ rose from the dead well I hope you do it you're not a Christian do you better believe all those that are asleep or dead in him they've risen also they're not out here in the hole in the ground they're already gone they're not they're not record as you would say they have simply as Christ resurrected they have risen they're with him and then he says at the last Trump that's the seventh one the end of Christ comes at the sixth one what you want to be worried about is what are you going to do at the sixth Trump because the two true Christ doesn't return until the seventh the child can count from one to seven understanding the chronological order of events so because Satan's main message will be I've come to fly you away that's the reason I do not believe the rapture because it is a picture placed by man and in the year of our Lord 1832 a false teaching that has spread because it's easy you don't have to study God's Word you're going to be gone that's a lie you're not God expects his troopers to stand and keep the Word of God present ok Brenda from New York my husband has severe nerve damage ok and his legs were paralyzed our problem is he is committed to God and he takes every word from him as you read it completely to heart and he is questioning whether God would approve of this mechanical device inside his body he has started to not use it well Brad Luke was a physical was a foot surgeon Luke was a medical doctor God gives our doctors intelligence especially Christian doctors and gives us minds that were able to alleviate pain and he expects us to use that to our advantage he doesn't want us to suffer so yeah I think thank you for studying God's Word and listening but God does not want his children to suffer and when you have this devices music if it alleviates that pain and because these Christian doctors and there are a lot of Christian doctors don't ever kid yourself I know that for a fact because of who studies with us and so forth and and even people I just know there's a lot of Christian doctors out there I'm not going to drop any names Lisa from Michigan do you lead that we are or about at the fifth truck we're in the fifth truck the fifth Trump is a time of learning learning what learning who the Antichrist is we're given his name in both the Greek and the Hebrew so that you can't miss and his name is Satan the destroyer we learned that in Revelation chapter 9 and also best of chapters were God shortens the three-and-a-half years to a five-month period whereby we know we can cut it there were children of God will come through just by going in from Georgia why why do mothers betray their daughters to the Antichrist and you're thinking about Mathew 24 and Mark 13 where it stated there that when the Antichrist comes murders will betray daughters and the father of the son because they think he's Jesus and their good Christian people are claimed to be and they truly believe they believe the rapture story and they think it is Christ come to fly us out of here and naturally loving the daughter they want him to save her because she's a good girl the mama knows that it's just that the girl has read God's Word and knows the false Christ comes first and she's not buying it but might want to save her little girl will tell the Antichrist that she's a good person forgive her and he's going to say bring her on in and let's talk to her and of course that's our destiny that's our time that's the hour of temptation only we don't find him tempting but a lot of people will that's when God will speak through that daughter and Holy Spirit those word will go out it's written in Luke 21 that even the gainsayers will be convinced by what God's children say when they're delivered up that way it's a destiny and a purpose so the mother ultimately be very proud of that daughter because that daughter doing the Millennium will be in a position that you can help that mother get her act together bill from Oklahoma what are the two bible scriptures that confuse people most about the rapture well I think I just used them I think I just it's first Thessalonians chapter 4 it really confuses people any moment doctrine all they would have to do is read on into second Thessalonians chapter 2 and Paul's of hey don't let my first letter mess you up I want to talk to you about our gathering back to Christ it will not happen until after the son of perdition that Satan stands in the holy place claiming to be God all they would have to do is read the word and Paul makes it very clear the other place is anytime like even and they'll use Matthew 24 and Mark 13 whereby you escape the hour of temptation they think that means you're going to fly away where you won't be here when the tempting happens that's a lie the way you escape the temptation is you have the seal of God in your forehead you know it's Satan and you do not find him tempting you find him to be a perversion and an abomination and you will stand against him there's nothing tempting about him therefore we xscape the hour of temptation because he's a crud and we know it just a skewer of perversion all over the world to pull people's mind away from the real Word of God dan from Georgia in the first Earth Age when Satan was kicked out of heaven with one-third of the angels and the earth was destroyed how did Satan and the angels try to survive they weren't kicked out God rather than destroying them destroyed the age that's Earth age he destroyed it why because he wanted to send a savior and you find where a third followed him in Revelation chapter 12 but then God destroyed that first earth day just as 2nd Peter chapter 3 so stipulates and brought in this earth age the age of salvation hoping with each one being born innocent of woman rather than following Satan they'll follow Jesus Christ by giving them free will then if they choose to love God they overcome if they don't then they're bound somewhere I sure don't want to go Marian from Texas SEALs vials and Trump's I know that the Antichrist comes on the sixth Trump and that the true Christ comes on the seventh and that I will begin my spiritual body because I will not be deceived by the Antichrist now you'll be in your flesh buddy when the Antichrist is here okay it's when the true Christ is here that we're in the spiritual body I learned this morning that the seals or the seals of God that they are in your forehead it's the truth of God's Word in your mind what does that do for you you find Satan to not be tempting but in abomination and you know God has told you what's going to happen so you're not going to be deceived and God will know this and know that I belong to him and so it is God knows that I'll anyway okay that you love him and his knowledge is precious it prevents deception you know it is a beautiful thing that in the book of Matthew and in the book of Mark and Luke 21 the means that the first thing warns you about is don't let somebody come in my name and deceive you in other don't let somebody claim to be a Christian preacher or teacher and deceive you he brings I mean he's right up front with it letting you know where satan satan Ruster work from a puppet when receiving people and bringing perversion into the world assuring it'll be alright well it's not alright if it we are supposed to teach the things that Christ commanded us to teach end of story do you know something perversion certainly wasn't one of those things it considered it to be an abomination and will have nothing to do with anyone that participates ok this would be for Susan from from Oklahoma is there anything wrong with me being cremated I don't want a funeral I want my ashes scattered over the ocean and to be cremated as I remembered as I was in life where God be against this no he would not and there's there's nothing when we're through with these flesh bodies were through with them and you have a beautiful spiritual body as it's written in Ecclesiastes 12 verse 6 and 7 instantly you go into that spiritual body you know it doesn't get old with that's an age it doesn't get sick it's your real body quite frankly and when we're through with these flesh ones we're through with them but we are to remain in them as long as God needs us here to fulfill his word from this would be this would be mz4 a Minnesota I've been studying with you in James it tells of works I am just a I'm a disabled man from a forklift accident when I was working me and my family study God's letter my question is for someone like me what are what what are doing works or out I do works it really bothers me thinking I am lazy or worthless what can I do to plant seeds and do you know a handicapped person that believes in Christ is a fantastic witness perfect and when Antichrist comes that's your destiny is to stand against him you do that simply by spirit that's always required and when you're studying and bringing your family into it you're taking care of your family it is a man that will not be causes family to study that will not support them that is worse than an infidel you are handicapped and God's children of Israel always to take care of the handicapped and that's why we have laws that do exactly that it certainly does not mean you're lazy and are any part of it you have a strong witness because it impresses people able-body when they see the paid someone to this handicap you think tough you're doing real good I'm proud of you God's proud of you wonder from Virginia my question is why do I have to be 73 years old to learn the truth seems like a great race to me well thank God you have it though now that's great I love the Lord and then Cindy okay thank you I am concerned about church folks today keep up the great work we're going to and they're going to be fine it doesn't it is sad that moral God's Word is not taught in churches today because we're in that generation of the fig tree when certainly of all times it's needed that people should be in the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse the real saddest part is this that when membership begins to fade and people seem to lose interest do you understand what's wrong they're not God's Word if you teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse you cannot take care of the of the congregation it grows and grows that's why we have our Father he takes care of it that's why we call this church shepherd's chapel because the Shepherd Jesus Christ he's over this church he's the only one that can handle it because it goes around the world and it is a fantastic thing that he does in bringing people to the truth and we thank him for that is not man that does it not this man or any other man it's our heavenly father he is so good to us we can love him and appreciate that Warren from Montana question were the Lord's creations during the first Earth Age created with free will yes everything with him is pretty well because why he wants them to love him and it to be true love others they create somebody that has no feeling or emotion then that's not real love and he won't have anything to do with that he wants the real thing question kindly explain what is the difference between being begotten and being created well begotten means you're born the woman of the water and to be created is to be created by God and the creations took place in the first Earth age other than the beginning of the flesh they were created formed mr. waters came a man and a wife baptized each other and what is the words you say before you dump them under the water before you submerge them aren't you you read it today in the next of the last verse of the of the great book of Matthew go forth and baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and if you are a student of mine if you want to go the next step further baptize in the name of Yahweh our Heavenly Father you are the son and the holy rock that Holy Spirit you can baptize each or any Christian can baptize another Christian now I warn you not all churches will accept that as a legitimate baptism but God will okay that's that's what's important Christ will accept it so best to you you can again you read the last two verses in the great book of Matthew Billy from Oklahoma thank you for watching some someday I think I - thank you in the staff someday I would like to attend one of your services and find it but I find it hard to get around with a wheelchair or your facilities made wheelchair acceptable accessible our main church like on the weekend services is accessible and the broadcast station we can make arrangements but our church building itself is handicap proof I mean it's it's very accessible and and you would be welcome but we want to be sure and call make sure there was the times of the service Linda from Ohio and Linda I'm gonna have to hold this till tomorrow because I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word that most of all God loves you for it hey it's the letter he is sent to you so that you are in someone or his intentions and what he requests of you when you study that letter it reeks his day and when we make God's day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it he loves you for that we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us - coming to you what you do that you bless God he will always bless you most important all listen to me and you listen you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even the trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's capital family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding the Shepherd's chapel post office pot for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77236 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six rabbit Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you of Eli and Samuel the last two judges of Israel sinned against the Lord greatly the people of Israel witnessed the corruption of the priests and judges and rejected God as their ruler the people wanted a man to be king and to reign over them instead of God first and second Samuel records the history of Israel evolving from a theocracy to a monarchy God warned Israel that a man king would take their sons to serve in his army their daughters to serve as cooks and bakers the best of their fields and vineyards would also be taken and given to the king's servants Israel refused to heed God's warning and said we will have a king over us that we also may be like all nations and that our King may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles so first Saul and then David were anointed king of Israel would God's prophecy or Israel's expectations of a man King come to pass you'll enjoy many hours of in-depth Bible study with pastor Emery as you study first and second Samuel [Music] thank you sir [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray all right good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey we're ready to get back into our father's word God's promises and again just as a reminder and as much as we've had one lecture on the subject God promises and you can count on it that's exactly the way it will be but most of his promises are conditional meaning there's something you must do
Channel: NCPTV
Views: 15,677
Rating: 4.8767505 out of 5
Keywords:, Nashville TN, Lebanon TN, Wilson County TN
Id: TqIunjOfi70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2017
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