Matt Wolfe Ranks The Best AI Tools For Marketers In 2024

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on today's show we got a hot one we are doing an AI power ranking we're going to tell you the hottest and most important AI apps to use in your marketing today we're going to be breaking down all the use cases and we're going to be doing it with a very special guest kieran's out today but I am joined by the one and only Matt wolf stay tuned because we're going to tell you the best apps for translation we're going to tell you the best apps for text to video text to image so much coming this is a jam-packed episode you're going to want to stick around with the very end cuz Matt also has a special announcement let's get into today's [Music] episode all right on today's show we are talking with Matt wolf and we're doing a power ranking of AI tools that marketers need to be using today Matt welcome back to marketing instagra this is your second appearance and I think it officially makes you a friend of the Pod so thanks so much for joining us yeah happy to be here always love nerding out about tech and AI so it's going to be fun and as you may have heard in the intro you're also for sure going to want to check out Matt's new podcast called the next wave pod on YouTube you should definitely go check it out go hit that up on YouTube subscribe it's going to be awesome Matt you and I are having fun today Kieran is off as as a new dad and we're going to basically play on an episode Kieran and I did about a year ago we did a marketing channel power ranking we did a power ranking of the channels marketers needed to use in the moment and now we're doing AI tools that marketers need to use in the moment and I wanted to start Matt with some with honorable mentions anything that we're like oh it maybe it's not in the power ranking now but 6 months from now 12 months from now maybe it could be and and I'll give you mine first for for you to react to what's your take on is I'm pulling it up and showing like the brief demo video to everybody yeah so Hume is really interesting cuz Hume actually listens to like the inflections in your voice it listens to try to figure out if you're angry or happy or sad or depressed and it notices like micro inflections in your voice to add additional context to the discussion you're having with it which I think is going to be really powerful down the line but it is still very very early um I actually played around with Hume a little bit on one of my videos and I just talk to it Norm like the voice I'm talking to right now and it said I detect anger in your voice what's wrong today Matt and I'm like where did that come from so it's got a little ways to go but I think it's really really interesting yeah and I think why it makes my honorable mention list for marketers is because the the Hume demo that uh we just showed a few minutes of and and Darren will link up in the in the show notes I'll send that to you now Darren what's interesting about it is the demo is it's essentially like a realtime concierge on a website which you could imagine if you could talk to a website it can detect your emotion get the details of what you're trying to get through not just from the specific words you're using but from everything about your voice that being a very powerful way to guide a website make sure you're finding the answers you need as quickly as possible which is exactly what a marketer is trying to do it's not to a place where you can do that today but I wouldn't be surprised 6 to 12 months from now if we're talking about this as a use case of of wh or some other similar technology is having kind of these guided voice con for your website for marketers which I think is pretty freaking cool yeah it's it's interesting too because when I was using Hume I asked it can you tell me more about Hume what is it good for and it actually was jumping me around on the site to different sections of the site as I asked questions so that was really cool as well so I can definitely see it being used for like a customer support kind of thing hey I have a question about X it knows the question and it puts you to the right support dock but it's also understanding hey is he upset is he happy is he like it's also taking those Clues and I believe it's also going to watch your face and detect facial expressions down the line as well and use that as additional context so definitely really really interesting Tech that I'm going to that I'm keeping my eye on for sure before we get back to Today's Show here's a quick word from HubSpot if you're a marketer one thing I know for sure is you love data and boy we have data for you the 202 for state of marketing Port is chock full of data and insights around the current trends that are shaping the marketing industry today things like artificial intelligence you know I love AI tools personalization influencer marketing all of the topics that are key to getting a competitive Advantage this year it's going to make sure you're not stuck in Old strategies and old tactics so click that link in the description and go get your free copy of the 2024 state of marketing report today now let's get back to Today's Show all right any other anything else in that like hey I'm keeping my eye on it because it's it's not quite ready for prime time but the promise of it is very interesting and we should put it on our honorable mention list before we get into kind of the apps that are more ready for prime time today so one one tool that comes to mind that I actually think is really really good already right it's it's kind of already there is sunno I don't know if you've had a chance to play with sunno yet no I haven't give me the rundown sunno is an app that creat songs so you give it a prom say I've seen the demo I I haven't used it yet oh it's so good there so you can say I want a song um in the style of a early 2000s pop punk Anthem all about why people should listen to marketing Against the Grain and it'll make a whole two-minute song about marketing Against the Grain in that style of music with lyrics with background music and the song is really really really good the only reason I would put it in the honorable mention section is I feel like it's more of kind of a novelty like a fun thing to play with yet but um you know unless you need like a jingle for your your business or brand there's not really a whole lot of use cases for a business yet but it is probably one of the most fun tools I've played with in the AI space so far well what's interesting is I imagine for a lot of people out there who are running high like if you're at a large organization you're running high volume audio or video ads you could have a lot of different Jingles that you create very quickly and test right like some type of persuasive song or you could create some type of Highly different video creative that is essentially like this AI song that kind of sets you out so like there are real use cases there they're just not going to be common and they're not going to be for everybody which is why it's not kind of at the top top of our list but uh I think that's a great way to call out I've heard a ton of people making being very impressed with what they've been able to make with sunno in the early days which is really cool yeah and could do full two-minute songs so they're you know full length Verse Chorus Verse Chorus kind of songs and yeah I mean as somebody who has a a YouTube channel it's great for making like an outro music You Know song for my video or something like that so there's there's use cases I'm playing with it but if if you're like a small medium business and you're like suo is fun to play with but you may not actually see a need for it in your business yet okay so couple honorable mentions now let's get into the real deal he we want to share a few AI apps today that we do think are ready for prime time and if you're the question I normally hear from people Matt is like where do I start like I know there's this AI stuff out there I'm a marketer and I'm just trying to get like my emails out I'm just trying to do the basic stuff I'm trying to do can you give me something that I can just like go and start and do and and what we're about to tell you these are going to be things in that category where you can go and actually get started and there's a real real use case and I think definitely one of my tops is hayen um and I I know it's it's one of your faves as well I've spent spent a few few sessions with Josh the the sea over and founder over at haen and one of the reasons I love haen is because they innovate quickly if you're if you're watching today today's show like a week ago week and a half ago probably when this airs hajen went completely viral CU they figured out a way to create a video Avatar that can walk and make real emotions and hand gestures and it's like it is incredible Matt it is really good yeah I mean the translation so you can translate your videos into any language that you want with it and it will actually still use your voice and it will actually make the lips look like you're saying the things you're saying in this new language um you can do bulk video creation so let's say you're uh emailing a list of potential clients and you want all of them to see the same video but you want to inject their name in and maybe their company name into every single video you can add scale create you know 20 30 videos that all say the same thing but then inject the person's name and company name into the video so it looks like it was personalized to them so you can do things like that that make it really cool and yeah the haen in motion I think is what they're calling it that's the newest feature that they rolled out where you could you know record a video of yourself walking down the street maybe just saying blah blah blah blah blah as you're walking down the street you don't have to really be saying anything and then go and dub it over with whatever you actually want coming out of the mouth of the person walking down the street yeah it it's really fits a lot of the like Tik Tok reals kind of Creator influencer use cases where you're out in like full motion and being able to create videos in that style which is super cool on that note on translations um what I would would share with you Matt is like we we did a test internally at HubSpot and we found that the haen translations in terms of Engagement view duration and everything on YouTube perform just as well as if you have if you did a full local with a local language speaker we did it in Spanish uh for our test but it's good it's not perfect but it is so good that it's above that threshold that people will watch that people will engage the fact that it's in your own voice and the lips are dubbed pretty close to perfect there is very very important and if you are if you're a multilingual business hey J should like you should pause this podcast and start going on and getting and doing some work with haen because there's a real opportunity there yeah absolutely it struggles with beards a little bit if you've got a beard sometimes the you know the M the beard doesn't look like it moves with the mouse properly with the mouth properly but it's it's really really good couldn't recommend it enough I've I've spent a lot of time playing with it I've done videos on haen where I've had it translate to Spanish Japanese I did like three or four different languages German French and I actually asked my audience let me know in the comments does this translate well and for the most part everybody said yes that looks good maybe it's a little bit more formal language than we'd use in real life maybe there'd be a little more slang or a little bit more sloppy speaking and this is like trying to polish it up and be very formal but other than that it gets the the point across so number one on our power rankings for this show hen all right Matt now that we've moved on from haen what is another one that you would put up for like a marketer has to go and explore and and use this today this might be cliche I don't really no um but for me I use Claud every day it's bookmarked it's like open in one of my tabs constantly for me it's replace chat GPT I know probably every single person listening to this has probably at least heard of chat GPT or used chat GPT but now clot I think is even better than chat GPT and pretty much all of the Benchmark testing it's done better the context window is larger meaning the amount of data you can feed it and the amount of data that it can feed you back is much larger than any other publicly available model right now I use it for summarizing articles I use it for uh turning things into bullet points I use it for brainstorming ideas for videos I use it for brainstorming ideas for thumbnails for my YouTube channel I am in Claude constantly so I feel like if if everybody's worldview of AI is chat GPT maybe it's time to maybe test this new one and go play around with Claud a little bit well first of all it's it's a it's a sad think kieran's not here Matt because he and you would be battling for who is the number one fan of Claude 3 Kieran Flanigan loves Claude 3 he freaking loves it and he should because it's awesome I love it too but he is like an unabashed Claude 3 Fan so I think what what we're saying here is for that kind of marketing co-pilot that co-pilot that you're going to maybe ask to edit some work maybe help do some some research Maybe be say hey I'm working on this product positioning what are some ideas that I'm not considering what are some ideas for this for product naming that might be doing all of these types of use cases we think Claude 3 is the best suited for this right now and for my own use kieran's use it seems like from your your use of that is that's really the case as of right now doesn't mean that that won't change but right here and now Claud 3 is is the best yeah that's that's my opinion there's there's only two things that I feel like chat GPT actually does better right now u c gbt can actually search the web clad still doesn't search the web for you so that's sort of one of the downsides of clad and the other is that chat GPT has Dolly built into it so if you want to generate images directly inside of it you can do it inside of chat GPT saying that we have being image Creator which uses Dolly 3 does the exact same thing that chat G PT does with images and that's free for anybody to use so you're not really missing out on much right if you're just looking for some a text based co-pilot to go back and forth with your marketing where while chat GPT is also awesome Claude is going to be a little bit better we found the quality and the right thing with these co-pilot use cases it really does come down to what you said Matt that context window how much context can you give it to get the best response back and Claud 3 cont it's the context window is so huge now yeah and and you know to give more context 200,000 a 200,000 context windo is essentially 150,000 words so the rule of thumb is about 75 % of the context window is the amount of words input and output so 200,000 context window means that you can upload a book that has 150,000 words and it will actually be able to find information from within that book um that's that's like that's pretty awesome so hey Jen Claud 3 where are we going to go next Matt there there are a bunch of great tools that we're using one that we're using for this pod Opus Clips I would probably put Opus Clips on our list we've you know we've got a got a long list of stuff for using but Opus Clips is helps and cuts short form video clips at a long form videos it's exceptionally helpful because the way the internet works today you normally if you have a long form video you want some short form videos out there to go and kind of drive people back to it have you been using Opus Clips what's your take on Opus yeah I've been using Opus clip uh you know one thing Opus does is it uses its AI model to try to hunt down the spots that it thinks has potential to kind of go viral and then clip those out into like a minute segment it's Hit or Miss for me and my I actually really love what it does but it'll generate you know 10 clips from one video and out of those 10 Clips I typically will find one or two of them to actually you know be good enough that I'd actually want to share it around you know sometimes it might uh begin a conversation and then cut off the conversation before it's over so you don't you know you don't get the punchline essentially um but it's pretty dang good it's the best one out there that does what it does yeah completely you know if you're pressed for time you don't have an editor or you're you're doing something parttime you know video is not your full-time job like that that the time-saving tradeoff is going to be worth that that because you're still going to get one to three kind of clips that you can use yeah and I'm actually really impressed by how how well it edits those clips as well because if you're on camera speaking and maybe you're also sharing your screen it will actually jump back and forth to make making your face take up the frame and then jumping over to making the screen take up the frame and then it also adds the subtitles like you see in all the Tik toks and YouTube shorts as well so it actually edits pretty dang well to a point where you're like okay I can actually see this doing well on Tik Tok or or YouTube shorts or reels or whatever it it does a really really good job at that I think where they just need to hone it in a little bit is hone in that AI on finding the exact perfect clip because while it is is really good right now it is kind of Hit or Miss and like maybe 20% of the clips it grates for you will actually be usable yeah and it kind of Falls in this category that is is kind of getting defined as content remixing quick plug for HubSpot content Hub which just literally just got launched you I know you haven't even tried yet because it launched yesterday and there's a great AI app as part of it it's called content remix and takes all takes your one of your content assets maybe it's a blog post maybe it's um a long form video and it's going to you you know if it's a blog post maybe it's going to use 11 labs and help you cut it into a small audio file for a podcast or an internal update or it's going to take this video and do do video clips it's going to do that same principle which is regardless of what tool you use you're going to want to do some type of remixing to say I've got something that I spent a lot of time and effort on that I think is good how do I merchandise it and get more out of it which is really what we're talking about opus Clips content Hub there's going to be others that we'll I'm sure talk about on future episodes but like that category if you're a marketer is becoming way more important yeah and another tool that you just mentioned is 11 Labs I would put that in my Mount Rushmore of current let's just get into it it's definitely on the power rankings 11 Labs is like what what's interesting that all these apps launched within like four months of each other haen chat GPT 11 Labs Runway All these things launched literally within four months of each other we've talked a little bit about 11 Labs before on the show but please give everybody the rundown on 11 Labs what you think the killer use cases for 11 labs are yeah sure so 11 Labs is a text to speech generator it uses AI where you can enter any sort of text and it'll speak it out in a very realistic voice right we're uh we're way past the days of the old Apple Computers distinguish yeah you cannot tell it's not a real human speaking for the most part right it it could be a little monotone at times where you can get hints of it but for the most part it's pretty good and it can actually learn any voice I think with 30 seconds of sample size so I can upload uh a YouTube video of me speaking for a a minute and it can learn my voice and then generate audio in my voice they also have a voice Marketplace so if you don't want it to be your voice or maybe um you know you have a a strong accent or you just feel uncomfortable speaking on camera you can use one of the voices inside of their Marketplace as well and have a realistic humans sounding voice but I see all sorts of use cases for this you know as a content creator if you're doing podcasts or YouTube videos and you need to do a quick overdub in the quickest way possible you can have 11 Labs you know say a sentence for you dub it in and quickly edit that but I think the even bigger use case for more businesses is to create multimodality with your content right if you have a blog post if you have news articles on your website things like that plug them into 11 Labs get the MP3 and then put a little audio player at the top of the of the blog post so people can press to listen to the blog post instead of having to read it accessibility reasons you know some people have a hard time reading the audio is better for them if somebody's driving and they're like oh this is a really good article I want to listen to this article instead of read it well they can open up your web page press play on the button listen to it through their Bluetooth speakers in their car right so I think it's really really good for remixing your existing content into an audio version of the content yeah what we would say is if you ever need audio and you have the information there is no excuse to not have the audio anymore right like that's that's really what you're saying it's not cost prohibitive it's not quality prohibitive it is and it's not even time prohibitive because it's super quick yeah and they've got apis too so it's really easy if you if you know what you're doing with things like zpp or or one of those kinds of like integration tools you can build little workflows where you're not even logging into 11 Labs if you don't want to no it's just it's just automatically going to create it in the background and give you that file every time you publish a new blog article or new new Newsroom article whatever it may be right absolutely and they have translation features where it will actually translate whatever you put in into whatever language you want and it'll still sound like your your voice so it's like what haen does for video it does this specifically for audio so I can plug in a whole blog post tell it to translate it to Spanish and then I can if I wanted have a second version of that blog post in audio form in Spanish they also just released a new feature for sound effects so you can go in there and say I need a sound of a a siren or a dog barking or you know somebody dropping a a a box of soda cans or something right and it will go and generate those sound effects for you too probably a little bit less useful for like small businesses but if you're a content creator it's actually pretty dang useful one of the themes of today's show is that one of the early use cases if you're a marketer is that translation multilingual use case because both haen and 11 Labs make it so easy for you to get really good translation very quickly and very cheaply which is if you're especially if you're a small mediumsized business that has been a real impossibility up until really like the last 6 to 12 months right and that that is a game Cher it's and so sometimes remixing your content does just mean a different language right it's not it's not anything more sophisticated than like hey I did this in English it'd be great to have it in Spanish and French and German right like we can we can do that that is like within our control to make happen yeah in every modality video audio text it's pretty easy no matter what sort of form of on the text side what do you think is best on that text translation side right now since we're so I like a tool called Deep l yeah so it's it's it's a translation tool that uses AI to do the translation you know there is Google translate which is really easy to access you can you know copy and paste right into it it'll it'll do it pretty well but deep L I believe has like a a more of the AI neural network built into it so it it actually works a little bit better um but yeah there's there's a lot of stuff coming out that can do that I'm I don't know if descript does translation yet but if they don't I'm sure that's coming very very soon in tools like descript um but right now for for text translation deep L is the one that I go to all right so deep L for text 11 labs for audio hey Jen for video you got your Mount Rushmore of translation for any of your marketing content right there which is pretty incredible and something that is also none of those are super expensive or cost prohibitive to really most of them even have free trials free plans to play with when you upgrade 11 Labs 11 Labs is five bucks a month to upgrade and like like it's it's crazy to me how inexpensive it is to be able to use 11 labs and tools like that next we're going to start with use case then we're going to give an app or two because I think one of the best marketing use cases right now is text to image and the reason for that is if you're a marketer you've hated using stock photography you've got that perfect ad copy but you don't have the right image to go with it you've written that perfect article but the image doesn't quite go like it's one of the most frust ating things in the world is to find the right image with the story you're trying to tell and text to image does an incredible job of solving that and I think we should give folks the top three text to image we think right now to help people kind of go and get started like like for example we used mid Journey which is a a a great text image product just for ad images for like Facebook ads and we saw a massive Improvement cuz you could have the perfect ad image to go with your ad copy right and like that's like it seems so simple but that like that's just an easy win you can go and do yeah for sure and and pretty much every single thumbnail that I use on my YouTube channel now is an image I generated with one of these AI image generators but it's it's funny you said three because there's three that I sort of rotate between depending on what I need them for um Mid Journey being one of them I love love like the color palettes and the contrast of mid Journey they just there's something really pleasing to the eye about the images that mid Journey generates there's like a really like artistic style where you can see the image and you can kind of go I can tell that's mid-journey it's got that mid Journey look to it and it's it's really really nice looking but mid Journey also has some issues with prompt adherence where you could if you give it a sort of complex prompt of I want somebody on a hoverboard with a lake behind them at night with the moon shining behind them in a cityscape some of those elements are going to get missed right if you want something that's really really detailed and you want to put a lot of things into that prompt and you want it to make sure that that image has all of those little elements that you put into your prompt there's nothing better than Dolly 3 which you can use through chat GPT you can use it through Bing image Creator in fact I think if you just go to like Bing chat or I guess it's called co-pilot now if you just use Microsoft's co-pilot you could generate images directly with dolly3 right now and they're super prompted here and really really good like I did a a test where I said I wanted a three-headed dragon sitting on a couch wearing a fedora eating nachos and watching MTV or something like that and it got all of the elements in that image it got it didn't miss a single one I don't think that the images Dolly generates are as aesthetically pleasing as what mid Journey generates but it's really good at getting all of those elements into the image and then the third one is stable diffusion it's it's an open- Source model that's completely uncensored you can make anything you want with it literally nothing is off limits to what you can create with stable diffusion but stable diffusion is very very complicated you need to uh install it on your computer you need to use a like a user interface called automatic 1111 and you got to you know be comfortable working with your terminal on your computer it really only works well if you have like an Nvidia GPU in your computer it really only works well if you're on a PC and not as well on a Mac you know there's a lot of downsides to using stable diffusion because of the complexities which is why I like a tool called Leonardo AI which is stable diffusion under the hood but Leonardo is sort of that front-end user interface that's in the cloud that can do everything stable diffusion does but you know from a web interface and they also have like a a credit system where every day you get like 150 free credits a day so most people can just use the free plan and just generate whatever images they want and again totally uncensored you can um you can do what's called control Nets inside of it where you upload a specific image and then you tell it to generate an image that matches the like pose of that image so if you have a person who's you know going like this and doing like some sort of shocked face or something you could you could find an image of somebody online doing that face pull it into Leonardo and say I want this same pose but make it a different character and it'll generate an image that follows that pose using the control net and give you that image that looks exactly like what you want so the most flexibility customizability Leonardo a the most prompt adherent if you want all of these elements in your image Dolly 3 if you want that sort of mid Journey beautiful aesthetic also realism mid journey is probably the best right now at getting something like really realistic that those are the three tools that I use and what I use them for I'll give a bonus out there have you used recraft yet I have not used recraft all right check out recraft a I think very similar quality output to Mid Journey but they give you a vector so if you are a more advanced user you're a marketer who's used to using Photoshop working with Vector images as part of a design a bigger graphic design work you're doing recraft that is going to be your your friend because they're not just giving you a plain image format like a JPEG or a bit map or whatever they're going to give you a vector image which is really really different great for Logos too right if you need to generate a logo uh you want it in a vector image because you want to be able to infinitely scale it up you want to be able to pull it into illustrator and maybe put your own text over it um another one that I've played around with a little bit is idiogram idiogram is probably the best in the market for adding text to your image so if you want to do a a prompt of like a wolf holding up a sign saying subscribe or something like that it will actually generate that image and the text will be legible it'll actually be the right word um so idiogram is kind of leading the charge with image generation with actual legible text in it well we said three we gave you five sorry but this this look text text to image is I think probably the most important marketing use case of AI today because it's just kind of universal to so many aspects of marketing whether you're a solo marketer or you're marketer at a big company you're going to use text image and you're going to use it pretty regularly and so I think it was really worth kind of diving in and doing that and kind of making sure we were we recovered there this has been a pretty thorough rundown of our current marketing Power Rankings terms of these are the AI apps you should really care about do you think we left anything out Matt is there anything out there that if you're a marketer it's like no you got to got to go check that out too uh I think the only thing we didn't really touch on is the text to video right I mean there's haen but haen is kind of using your avatar your face and then you're adding you know you're putting words into the mouth of that Avatar right um but there's the other side of the text to video where you give it a prompt and it just just like the AI image generators it's generating a video of what you prompted right yeah so so for the marketers out there like you would call that a roll versus b-roll producer Darren's happy look at producer daren's like whoa look at him talking about some video terms and hey Jen is a great a-roll tool right a person looking at a camera being able to describe something where text to video most of the other ones are more b-roll tool tools like we've seen Sora gain a lot of popularity as a text video tool even though it hasn't been released open AI keeps teasing the quality of videos that have been made and they've been releasing some many kind of mini movies and stuff MH so then that begs the question Matt what is your favorite kind of b-roll text to video app that people can go and use today so there's there's three that I'll I'll mention real quick um Pika labs and Runway those are two that kind of do similar things you give it a prompt it will generate a video based on that prompt the videos are usually 3 to 4 seconds and then they have a button to extend it and I think you can extend it up to like 16 seconds or so so you're not going to get super long uh videos from it but like you mentioned b-roll Boll you typically only use a four or five second clip anyway for boll correct so it's it's you know it it's fine for that use case um they also have like in painting where you can generate a video and then sort of Select an area of the video and go all right I want to change just this section of the video which is really cool that's kind of one of the newer features we're starting to see in some of these AI video generators the new one that's that's starting to roll out is one called LTX studio uh from a company called L Trix and LTX studio is one where you can give it a prompt and it will make a whole long video for you you know a minute to 2-minute video for you but it it uses similar technology to Runway and Pika where it's generating 3 4 second Clips but it's stringing a whole bunch of them along to get you a long video based on your prompt and then you can actually get in there see the storyboard of the whole video and say all right the shot that it used in you know the fifth shot in this video isn't quite right and then you can go in and reprompt each little clip individually if you need to so it's kind of like doing what Runway and PE could do but a more like bulk level where it will generate the entire if you're doing maybe a long form or you needed some abnormally long b-roll like that's going to be really compelling where if you're doing a video with a lot of cuts and you need like the very specific short bursts of b-roll maybe something like Runway or Pika is going to be a little bit better in those use cases yeah yeah and I mean there I'm sure there's some some decent use cases for video ads on Facebook and places like that I don't do a lot of paid media these days but like you know I feel like it'd be really fun to play around with some of those kinds of tools for for video ads and places like that uh I I completely agree I cannot believe how much we crammed into Today's show this is like you know I was thinking before we recorded today Matt I was like who does Matt remind me of and you you know what you remind me of you remind me of Mr Wizard but for AI oh yeah do you remember Mr Wizard I love Mr Wizard so much he was like a Nickelodeon uh science it was a show on Nickelodeon where he taught everybody science and okay yeah yeah he would he would like he would do the experiment where like you stand on your head like against a refrigerator and swallow an apple upside down to show that you can swallow upside down like the vinegar volcano all those things where it's like take this thing that people don't really understand and explain it in a really good and simple and usable way and that's what I felt like you did today and I really really appreciated your help in doing that because I think we just gave all the marketers listening some things that they can go do today to start using AI that's going to help their marketing that's not going to be overwhelming it's not going to cost a fortune all of those things uh are going to be really important but before we go Matt you are doing a new show on The Hub swap podcast Network it's called the next wave it is all AI if folks love Today's show they're going to love the new pod tell us all about it yeah so this podcast has been a blast we're working with producer Darren over here to to put it out and it has been such a cool experience working with HubSpot to build this show but the concept of the show is that me and my co-host Nathan Lans who is you know very deep in the AI space as well we have conversations every week our goal is to be your business's Chief AI officer keep you in the loop with the latest news in the AI World keep you up to date with the latest tools very similar stuff to what we talked about today we're bringing on Amazing fascinating guests that are building things in the AI world so a lot a lot of amazing conversations that are going to keep your finger on the pulse of what's going on in Ai and uh we're launching really really soon so check it out wherever you listen to podcasts on Apple podcast Spotify everywhere else we're also doing video versions over on YouTube so you can find it over at the next wave pod over on YouTube but super excited to get this out into the world uh well I know I'm going to be subscriber to next wave pod I hope everybody listening to Today's Show is Matt thank you so much for joining us can't wait for you to have to have you back on again in the future thanks so much for having me it's been a blast this data is wrong every freaking time have you heard of HubSpot HubSpot is a CRM platform where everything is fully integrated W I can see the client's whole history calls support tickets emails and here's a task from 3 days ago I totally missed HubSpot grow better oh
Channel: Marketing Against the Grain
Views: 12,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marketing against the grain, matg podcast, kipp and kieran, hubspot, hubspot podcast
Id: DeeVKUuEv6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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