How This GPT-4 Prompt Is Breaking a $257 Billion Industry

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welcome to another episode of marketing against the great in this episode we're breaking down is there a secret version of GPT 5 out we're going to show you some of the tips and tricks of how to use AI in your marketing that and so much more let's get into Today's [Music] Show Kieran how we doing my friend how you living it's it's been a while since we've had a a just just the two of us no guests we've had some great guests recently so go back and check some of the recent shows but like how you living I am busily even as we speak busily trying to play around with the secret release that we uh has come from open AI uh we think it's kind of like gbt 4.5 is a rumor on Twitter I can why don't we just like get straight into it yeah well get straight into it tell people what happened Sam mman had a cryptic tweet I can pull I can pull that tweet up while you're explaining oh let me tell you the full story cuz you and I talked off air about I think one of the things is interesting for our listeners cuz it it tells our lesson a little bit about us is cuz it really resonated with me which is like AI is bringing out the best and worst of us what do we mean by that we had we had like a five minute therapy session on this I talked about this a little bit you won't get this because you don't watch three body problem but like in three body problem there's this kind of uh civilization and they have like the stable time the chaotic time right and the stable time is actually a time where you you can be happy and should be happy it's a good time in your life like stability enjoy it I'm never happy there yeah have some balance I I unfortunately am not happy there either and I like chaos right i' I've said that I don't know if I've said this on the show before or I said it to someone I was speaking to last week I forgot uh who I said this to but if I'm in a p of stability I create chaos like all around me in my life all around me and so I need to be in a chaotic time because it brings out the best to me but it also brings out the worst because I get obsessed and I'm going somewhere with a story I get singular focused I know you do this as well you're incredibly uh singular FOC focus and can learn things very quickly because of that so I'm in bed Kip hope gets up at half 5 in the morning I play with her a little bit and I look at my phone which is a something you should never do you should really ter terribly not do that especially when you're with a cute little baby right it's an awful habit so I'm like oh you know and then I look and like what new Secret gbt model half five this morning and so I go hunting I go hunting it down right and so Sam outman had a cryptic tweet he talked about the fact here I got the I have the Tweet up right here right he loves uh G pt2 I it says I do have a soft spot for gpt2 Sam Atman has really figured out the um social game hasn't he he lead X he's killing it he's killing it on X so if you want to if you want to let me share my screen I can show you what what's going on here so there's a place you can go it's pretty cool actually where you can play around with all of the models so llama you know Facebook's big release came out I think it was last week or the week before you can go here and play with that if you want wanted to I think think it's up here the other thing what what you know people noticed I think yesterday or today this morning was that there was this Secret model added gbt2 chatbot and people started playing around with it so you can go here I and prompt it and so you play with all of the different llms for people who are are listeners I'm showing a screen the screen has a drop down the drop down allows me to pick any llm model I want and then directly chat with that model so you can like be very first person to try any new model that comes out very very cool now I will put in a prompt and so what I actually did when you were teeing up the intro is you and I talked about an app that I was thinking would be a really cool app for marketers and I want to use this because it shows you how quickly things can move so I asked Claude while you were doing the intro to like build me a prompt uh for AI to build a project brief for that app and I'm going to try to put the prompt into the GPT 4.5 which is rumored to be GPT 4x5 on this um yeah so so this is rumored to be a new model but not GPT 5 like G G PT 4.5 a big Improvement on GPT 4 but not a full turn to GPT 5 is that right what I think yeah GPT well I think people are just speculating because so you know people did mats quiz there were some mats questions people tried with it there were some coding questions and they saw that the performance was better than GPT 4 so they the you know the kind of rumor online is that this is somewhere in between like they are started to put this out here to train it so it's a step towards GPT 5 but it's like somewhere in between now while I think will happen here for people following Along on YouTube who are looking at my screen is I will get rate limited because I was trying it earlier on everyone is trying this and there's just not enough bandwidth of course there's a lot of Buzz because you know Sam's good at Twitter so here we go it won't let me do it pretty anticlimactic but if for people who are following Along on YouTube or your or listeners this will probably be a couple of days later you can go to the URL we put it in the show notes it's chat. LMS probably uh we'll link it up in the description here before we get back to Today's Show here's a quick word from HubSpot if you're a marketer one thing I know for sure is you love data and boy we have data for you the 2024 state of marketing Port is chocked full of data and insights around the current trends that are shaping the marketing industry today things like artificial intelligence you know I love AI tools personalization influencer marketing all of the topics are key to getting a competitive Advantage this year it's going to make sure you're not stuck in Old strategies and old tactics so click that link in the description and go get your free copy of the 20124 state of marketing report today now let's get back to Today's show that is what I spent my morning doing because we've seen this huge progression in models right we've seen Claude come out with some really great models that's what I kind of use day in day out I have I started to use Gemini Advanced as someone put me onto that model it's pretty pretty great and actually gbt 4 has been relegated to like third place for me so I used claw then we'll use Gemini advance and then use chat TBD Pro chat 2B Pro appears to have gotten worse over time and there's a reason for that we can maybe do a whole episode It's called H Habsburg AI that I need to look into basically why data why llm models get worse over time and chat so chat TBT I think is behind Open the Eyes is a little bit behind the curve right now and so this would be this would be exactly what we expect them to do which is like come out with a model that blows every other model away and maybe we can talk a little bit about the fact that you know the we've talked about it before the economic upside for companies and models is going to come way down over time because Facebook really changed the entire game by releasing llama which was just as good a model as any of the paid and they open sourced it which is pretty huge deal the way I think about this Kieran is one it's interesting right the AI models are kind of penalized for being popular right because they're train they're trained on all the human interactions that the more popular potentially the more volatile your model could be and in some ways could get worse which is what you're saying is happening with gp4 and which is why you're using it less and using things like Claude a lot more right but we know the pace of innovation is going to be super high and that whether this is GPT 4.5 or GPT 5 that they're testing through this kind of like very small scale audience we know that we're going to be doing a show at some point about the release of 4.5 or five and walking through you all the things it's better at especially for kind of marketing and business use cases and that's just an inevitability because we are on this steady March of progress the thing to remember is that AI is going to get exponentially better and the cost of compute to to give everybody cheap access to the AI is going to get exponentially cheaper so it's going to get better and it's going to get more cost effective to access like that is just a like a fact and we are just marching down that progress and we're seeing that now with the release of this secret lease release of a new model from open Ai and we're going to see that just kind of happening from all the big llm players the thing you and I have talked about is if you were pretty wise in this time you would build for the model as it is in 18 months in 24 months time and you use a curent explain what you mean by that we you and I had a off air what's that about that I I thought this was brilliant break people break it down for people what you really mean like what should they actually be doing so I think what most people do is they take the model and then they look to see what use cases I can build around this model and so for the most part these models are not great at customer face in use cases because they're too unreliable that the actual output is pretty inconsistent and so you're not going to put it in your front and center go to market or places like that because you're worried about the actual results I think that's the wrong way to build for AI like for sure you should have some use cases that you can build with the current model in mind and you can put out live and use them the other thing I would do is I would build use cases for where the models are going to be in 12 18 24 months time because I would want to be the first person to actually turn on those use cases when the models catch up to what I want to do so the bet I would make is AI is going to be in exponentially better than it is today like exponentially better today and I will bet my entire career on that right that it's just a given you don't need to question that it's just a given and I would build a certain percentage of the use cases with that in mind and so I would say okay look across the entire go to market across my business where do I think AI is going to be most helpful in 12 18 24 months time and I would build that all of the infrastructure to bring that use case to life and plug in the current model as a minimal viable version and so I would look at the current model and I would put that into the use case and I would say cool it's like it's like good it's not anywhere near customer fac and or that I can use but it's pretty good and as soon as that new model comes online or a new model comes online I could just plug it in and see the results get much much better this is why start the startup ecosystem for AI uh sector is so much is so interesting right because never before that I can think of a whole bunch of startups get increment exponentially better better overnight overnight right when these models come out they get exponentially better now there's a whole other downside to that that if you are building some sort of wrapper around openi or you're building something that openi itself will do with these models you're just going to get smoked right but the way to keep ahead of that is like to build again for the future not build for today Sam mman himself has said these models are not very very good right if these are the not very good models you should you should be prepared for the very good models and that's the way I think about AI so when I'm practicing and learning and doing things I'm like I don't look at it that like a lot of people go and say that sucked I looked at and go that's pretty interesting I'll keep that one in the back pocket and as soon as the model catches up to what I want to do I'll just plug that back in again you know what Kieran I will I want to share for with everybody that you've you've really come a long way when I when I when I met Young here in Flanigan he was one hell of a pessimist oh yes and one hell of a skeptic and look at you now you were like Captain optimism over here you were basically like look this is going to get better like 10 years ago Kieran would have been like oh AI can't do what I needed to do it sucks I'm just going to ignore it and now you're like hey first of all I think it's pretty awesome everybody's kind of you know on it but I think it's I think it's pretty great and second of all I think it's going to get way better so I'm going to build the infrastructure now to take advantage of it because my point is here people who are optimists and embracing this technology are going to end up way ahead of everybody else for the point you just made they're going to have a lot of the infrastructure done that as the models get better and better that they're just going to go live immediately while everybody else is playing catchup and it's going to create this really large divide between kind of the AI optimists and the AI Skeptics and the AI optimists are going to get get a really huge return on their optimism there's two two things that I have learned over the past number of years uh so one the thing that really helped me actually was in 221 I really wanted to get into Angel invest and I it was a thing I wanted to get better at if you remember that time and I and since then I've kind of done what I usually do which is like talk to people who are much better than me do trial and error like figure out what my Frameworks are do a bunch of like get into get into the arena as shath famously said and actually do a ton of deals and you know what it's really taught me is you really like when you meet all these incredible Founders you really want to stand behind your conviction and you want to be an optimist about the future right like you cannot actually be a very good investor if you're a pessimist because you are back in companies who have these large uh visions and I'm mostly investing in preced and C stage so you have to believe in their optimism that the future that they're trying to shape will come true and I think that's really helped me to say well if I have deep conviction about something you want to stand behind that and go all in and actually you want to be optimistic about the out come right and and also there was a really great tweet I don't know who it was from but it was from a incredible founder I remember putting into my swipe file which is like Optimist gets paid optimists have much better outcomes financially than pessimists and I am a coin operated person so I well no you do you know what the quote is uh a lot of people have said it I forget who attributed to but pessimists get to be right Optimist get to be rich there you go that is actually the quote that is the quote that is the quote so there you go Kieran I I want to stoke your optimism a little bit uh because everybody's out here kind of talking about AI being H it's fine right now it can do some things I want to show you a marketing use case that I was playing with last night that I think is actually pretty good and pretty close today um about a week or so ago I was talking to an awesome founder raising around if you're if if you want me to connect you uh her name's Chelsea she runs brand. a and she was talking to me about how some she's been working with some academics and some professors and they've been doing a lot of research around kind of brand tracking and brand tracking is traditionally done through these very expensive and slow surveying processes right where you go pay for a panel of respondents you feel a survey you get all the the the data back and you kind of analyze that data and from there the output is normally aided awareness uned awareness maybe you might do a net promoter score it might be kind of the key reasons people pick your products things like that right but it's it's pretty expensive like you you have to be kind of a capital B brand pretty big business to afford to do that and it takes a long time and most most companies do it do it quarterly the really big ones can like pull it off like monthly right but it's it's slow and arous but I was talking to her and she was like well you know what we found like some of the folks I've talked to have found that like llms are with like within a couple percentage points of that survey method for those for those for that data and I was like wow that's that's kind of interesting like that would save companies a whole lot of money make marketers way more agile if you could get real brand and product marketing insights for essentially free or close to free and basically in real time or you know you could do it every week versus every month or whatever right so she was working with a professor from UC Berkeley who did a big academic study comparing traditional brand tracking survey methods to llm Brand tracking reputation and found that they were like much closer than you would expect and so just qu in the llm yeah so I want to show you you're you I'm about I'm about to blow your mind I'm I'm so excited about this it's rare that I get to do something AI related that Kieran hasn't done yet so like I'm very excited so I was in I started in chat GPT cuz as we said I was like oh this this would probably be the worst result right like because of how the current models are performing but I find I like to iterate on prompts and chat GPT that's just me 100% so I so you'll see here I I've iterated on this prompt five different times to get it to a place where I like and by the way if you're watching the show we we're creating a prompt library of a lot of the prompts we've talked on the show and we're going to be releasing those soon so this this will be in there I did this for HubSpot because it's obviously the I know the most information about and and Kieran you having worked at HubSpot will kind of understand a lot of the Nuance here and you can tell me if I I got the prompt right right which is I was like hey I would like help your help in determining my brand awareness positioning you have access to a large amount of consumer sentiment and intelligence in your training data I would like you to help me determine some information for my company HubSpot and I go on to describe what HubSpot is who we sell to cuz I wanted to try to define the target market and then I tell I tell it who the decision makers for that product are okay then I I say I would like you to estimate what is our AED awareness but I want you to do it specifically for companies between 200 and 2,000 employees and I want I say please cons I I give it more context so please consider we're currently the number two player in the CRM market and have less AED awareness than the market leader please provide an estimated percentage of 0 to 100% and give me an estimate no wider than 10 points because it at my first prompt it was giving me like 30 40 Point ranges so I had to kind of call it down to like give me a kind of a a 10-point range then I asked it what are the key reasons businesses select HubSpot over competitors and then I was like well brand awareness that might be interesting but what about net promoter score could it give me a proxy for net promoter score and I said what would you estimate our net promoter score uh and I have a typo in here sorry guys of our customer base to be based on public sentiment please provide estimated numerical score for this request please make sure the range is no wider than 10 percentage points all right you following me is there anything you would have done different in in that prompt first of all I think this is a great example and the reason I'm looking across here is so I can see it on this screen but this is a great example of I think we put this in an episode I put it on LinkedIn which is people say chat Pro is not useful to me especially for strategy and I said it's because you're not very good at strategy so this is a good example of a prompt where you deeply understand the the the request like you deeply understand what you're trying to ask it to do and that's the reason your results are going to be much better than most the other part of it is the only thing I would probably add is is for it to summarize how it came to its conclusion right like tell me your sources should I add you want me to add that in there I think that's the thing I would add in is like please summarize please give me your summarize a summary of how you came to the the to the conclusions you did because I want to see if it references any particular sources how please Give me a summary of how you came to the conclusion for these questions yeah exactly okay I do love this because llm is just trained on the incident and if you actually ask it for uh aided ored awareness it's probably going to look at like how many times your brand appears in certain ways so obviously I know what these numbers are I'm not going to disclose these numbers right but I'm going to give us some directionality but because of that I could craft The Prompt a lot better right and so I I I don't know I think it would be harder if you're like hey I just don't know what my awareness aided awareness or net promoter score is but I think if you went and fielded that once or twice you could probably continue monitoring it with llms much cheaper CU let me show you what it gives me Karen it it's saying right here that among business buyers company it's estimated at 65 to 75% that is not correct but it's it's in the ballpark of correct right like it's it it is not accurate but it's not not wildly inaccurate and and it gave me a nice rationale saying you know guess is who the number one player in the market is and it tells us what we've that we've made significant improvements right why do people pick up spot user friendliness integrated Suites scalability strong customer support and cost Effectiveness does that sound right to you yeah I actually think it's I've done some testing on it picking why people pick certain products and I it actually pretty good it's pretty good and then estimated net promoter score based on public sentiment and typical feedback loops over observed online Hub spots M MPS is estimated between 30 and 40 it is not that far off from that range it's not is it just like looking at the average SAS company is in within certain ranges and put you in the average or but you have some historical data here this is pretty good yeah but I wonder is it just a coincidence that it's good you know what I mean does it look well you know NPS scores for SAS BRS you know what Kieran I had the same thing so you know what I thought would be a good good idea to do I was like why don't I just do this at a different llm right and you just told me Claude is the is the one you're using the most right so I was like cool well why don't I and this is the prompt before we just edited a second ago why don't I just take the same prompt put it into Claud and see what I got here comes back with a dated awareness number that's much closer to the current aided awareness this is within a few percentage points this range it is not like it's close-ish like it's it's a decent enough approximation and it it rationalizes kind of why we got there it picks the same it picks the right criteria very similar to gp4 easy to use integrated scalable Solutions good customer support almost the same set of attributes so one takeaway here is that like your product marketing attributes and the reasons customers choose your product or your compe product are pretty apparent in the market and lm's pretty good identifying that and it came back with the same net promoter score range which again is not that far off the current net promoter score range what I would say here is like this is very do it for do it for a brand you could do at one it one interest in the exercise is to do it for another brand where you think The NPS score would be significantly worse I don't know would I to say this you can edit this out darn just bide but obviously would have a far worse NPS sore because their product isn't very good but we can do another example like who would be another it would be interesting to do it as an another SAS brand and see if it regurgitate like see if it actually has the same sort of scores well you could do the opposite you could do a company like apple which I think historically has been reported to be in that kind of 75 to 90% range right right and so like let's just you know we can just go to a new chat GPT here I do love this like what we're basically saying and I guess the bet the brand do AI is making and I have to give some credit here to Wade cuz Wade uh when I was a zappier really questioned these kind of glossy brand we do the same same thing right like brand studies that showed AED and donated awareness and they were super helpful in some of the contexts but he's like why why do you need to to do these surveys why can't we just use a AI version to query the you know an LM to query the internet and I think he's right like I think what you're saying is that entire industry is going to come under pressure because why do you survey a thousand people when you can just ask the internet that that is my my point is I think if you and I sat down for another hour together and we just crafted really refin The Prompt I've done six revs now right like let's say we did another six to 10 revs I think we could probably get within five points like of a 5% margin of error right on what the real data is versus what the llm is telling us and if you can get that close cuz what you actually care about in brand tracking is not is less about what the absolute number is and more the trend line of is it getting better or is it getting worse right right so if you can get a really good prompt where you have really clear like consistent ways to retrieve the the data then you just track it every week every month what Whatever frequency is right and understand how it's going I really want to show you this cuz it ties perfectly into the conversation we're having and it's pretty interesting because it's another example where Claude got this right because Claude agrees with us so one of hi Claud thanks for your help man one of the things I've got obsessed with because we have ran coming on the show and we put out this quote that Sam Alman it was attributed to him whether he said it or not it was a pretty great quote got a ton of like um got a ton of people talking which is potentially AI will automate 95% of a marketer's work and ran believes that it's actually the opposite like it will struggle to automate more than 5% of a marketer's work and I think that's going to be a great debate make sure you uh subscribe rand's coming on the show that point so I want to be prepped but I also got obsessed by that which is boy like all of these marke and roles are a series of tasks and if you break down the tasks what task will be automatable versus not automatable in the future and it's really interesting we we can stick with brand cuz it's really interesting what we're talking about right so I build a prompting Claud I asked it to break down individual marketing roles and here's how it breaks down brand marketing like the role of brand marketing and it breaks it into now this isn't as detailed as what I will eventually get into but this is a good overview right it it breaks into what is the subtasks right so it says hey Brand marketing is uh involves defining guidelines creating branded content mon monitoring brand sentiment and online discussions which is kind of what we're talking about personalizing brand experiences across channels identifying influencers and partners to amplify the brand analyzing performance data to optimiz and brand and efforts now the cool thing is and for people following the RSS I'll continue to call it out but if you're on the YouTube you can follow along and see the actual prompt that's uh in our on our screen that we're looking at on cloth now it breaks into automatable tasks and manual tasks right yes and this is this is really smart by the way I like this a lot right I want to actually you know I did the the kind of free course I want to do something more intensive next and so I really want to like figure out if I can automate marketing roles right if I can create AI agents that will automate a large part of individual marketing roles so the thing it thinks it I want to go through really quickly but I want to touch on the brand monitor one so it says what you can automate in the future is a bunch of the content creation right we kind of agree with this like BR that you've just shown me a company that are doing some of this which is the the visuals the video the written content but the brand guidelines and it will be able to have a system where you create those things and it will adjust them to make sure that they adhere to your brand guidelines that we can you know talk about how useful or useful how useful brand guidelines actually are but I think uh it believes you could do that it believes you can do audience segmentation but here's the one it gets this right right it says in automatical in the task that AI can do it puts brand monitoring right employe employing AI to scan social media reviews Brad mentioned sentiment analysis it basically didn't put the fact that it could then translate them in give you you know articulate them really well cuz basically what AI can do is aggregate all the data but then provide you an executive report of that data right which is the thing prompt is doing is there Kieran is there we are not very far I would say months from the point where we could have a really sick prompt for brand monitoring for us for a company and a set of competitors that an agent runs daily gives put a gooey on top of that put a simplistic gooey on top of that and have it like look really nice and have any brand the agent could even just send you an executive briefing every morning in your email doesn't matter there's a bunch of different ways to bring this is not that hard to build no like we could literally like you and I sadly could probably do this in like a couple of weeks and that displaces like billions of dollars of companies right just give free tool away have ai build you a brand aided and uned awareness report now I know we're going to give the people who use those reports AB but you talk to individuals you get the contexts you get all of that stuff sure but that's a thousand people versus everyone who's created but no I I think I think think what you would do here and again I think where anyone you me or anyone is going to run into trouble is if you are too binary in your thinking right like I think one of the ways you would in this brand monitoring space for example I think one of the things you would do is have the agent spot outlier data and have the agent prompt to when it might make sense to go run a survey and you should be able to upload your customer you should be upload your data like your sales calls your social media tracker you should be able to upload that data kieran's about to build a aias company right now actually so I had thought about um because this is a version of what I put I put out there that wouldn't you build like like I actually want to build this is one of my first so I like people know I'm coming back to Hub but um one of the things that I really am interested in doing is some sort of like grammarly type tools for customer language it's pretty easy to build like all you actually need to do is have your customer language sources and upload them you can have um ATB you can have chat gbd Pro basically aggregate that data create PDFs based upon themes within that file and language and tone and voice guidelines with it based upon that that that data and then upload it to gbt in credit custom gbt so when you upload a blog post or whatever else it can check it against a language file which is based upon all of your gone calls based upon all of your website data based upon whatever it social media mentions and instead of like correcting your grammar and spelling it corrects your language to match how your customers actually speak there's just so many things you can build there's there's so many things you can build and and and by the way everybody in case you just missed kieran's really quick announcement you are coming back to HubSpot uh you and I are work together again we're going to aifi the world of marketing and kick some serious ass and so uh leave leave Kier a little congratulations comment I'm super psyched uh you just you you you didn't want to spend much time on it but I think it's important for our regular listeners regular viewers to understand what was going on right as someone said in my comment on the comment of the LinkedIn post where I mentioned it I'm not surprised all you guys do is obsess about AI [Laughter] [Music] you know what I like being on the right side of history and I'm very much looking forward to being on the right side of history with you because we are going to do this and we're going to do it much better and much faster than anybody else and uh I feel pretty optimistic about the results that are going to come from that so uh it's pretty exciting I love this I'm I'm really pumped for this episode coming up with Rand Kieran but like I like the automatable and non automatable I think you should edit this prompt though to to for AI to give you a conf like a confidence score of of the stuff you can automate like how well is it going to automate and like what's the time frame that it thinks to automate it really really well like oh like we you know there's going to be gaps in X Y and Z today but you know once models get better it will you know will be will work better score the other thing I'm going to do is focus on one role I might take bran because we talked about it so much I can come back to the listeners and show it but basically under each automatable automatable task have it create a project brief of how would automate that and then plug that into Gemini advaned because Gemini Advance is actually really good for kind of coding projects just plug the brief into Advan and look to see how far it gets some like code in a singular workflow and I might I'll start with the brand monitron because I think that is like a an easy place to start it's close right like that is a task that like you saw what I did it's not that far off like if we keep iterating on it we could get something that would be provide you very helpful data anytime you ran it ran it right the thing you would need to do is you would you would need to add a confidence score for the AI to say there's a certain amount of data that has to exist online for me to be able to do this so you can imagine we created this and and released it to everyone which we should do that you can come and just add your email address and brand and it would send you your sentiment score your Ed un awareness through the through the llm but it would need to say hey like you your your brand just doesn't have enough data online for me be able to you have have a a version of The Prompt that's like I want you to have a greater than x% confidence that that this result is accurate based on this brand being big enough right if you are not big enough for this tool you shouldn't be working on brand anyway like you're probably well exactly it it would literally be like cool if you don't return in this don't worry about brand go out and build a bigger business exactly demand gen the hell out of things yeah 100% all right anything else my friend no we went AI this is fun ai ai ai ai ai AO like it's it's like you're going to start singing your daughter like little AI theme it's be this is like a a working session so people got to see us actually just like actually just do a real B you catch and up session which I think yeah this is this is like literally how how our lives work so it's it's pretty awesome but we're going to have a new open AI model soon and even with all the sometimes I think criticism of AI it's really good it's still really good and it's going to get way better the brand tracking use case that is months off that's not years off right and so I think the most important thing for everybody to take away today is was kieran's point of like if you're building for AI now you're kind of future proofing because you can take the infrastructure you built swap out a new model in the future and the results are going to be instantly better right exactly which is which is a pretty amazing outcome of your of your investment and your optimism uh and so this is a little Pro AI optimism show today I hope you learned a few things I I hope you give that brand tracking prompt a try leave us a comment if you do and you see if it's really good or really bad for data about your company we'll see you real soon on another episode of marking Against the Grain this data is wrong every freaking time have you heard of HubSpot HubSpot is a CRM platform where everything is fully integrated W I can see the client's whole history calls support tickets emails and here's a test from 3 days ago I totally missed HP spot grow better
Channel: Marketing Against the Grain
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt 5 model, gpt prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt engineering, prompt engineering, marketing against the grain, matg podcast, kipp and kieran, hubspot, hubspot podcast
Id: VaSQqF98-n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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