I Used Ai To Create A 60-Second Ad in 15 Minutes

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on today's show we are breaking down the latest in the AI video race our prediction that AI video is going to transform this year is coming true hey Jen has a brand new product that's going to blow your mind we had a viral AI video take over Twitter and I'm going to show you a quick attempt at a AI video ad that I built let's get into Today's Show Kieran we talk a lot about a lot of things but one of the things that was heating up our messaging ex exchange this week has been I video and really started with a tweet from our buddy lonus who was on the show and basically there's this whole video of I can I can play it for everybody crazier is that some of you are applying deodorant on top of that odor which is hon and this is an AI video let me tell you what I do it's that's an ad that promotes a product these that's like a cleaning rag they were originally formulated for firefighters to remove carcinogens off their skin which means these wipes don't play games like other wipes on the market they are antibacterial and actually lift and remove sweat dirt and you you know the actually one thing that's somewhat related to this but is uh a good thing for people to know which is these lowquality more personable videos are better for most platforms where you're using video for ads which is why they've got this as an ad you might cuz you might look at it and say why is it not it's it's pretty like lowkey that's the whole point uh it looks like filmed this this in their car they tend to perform better on pit ads when you're using video that's a side point but you can get into the actual incredible behind the scenes here of all first of all there was a big debate of whether this was AI generated or not and I'm like are you all dumb like I can tell with the dubbing and everything that it's obviously AI generated I think a lot of people thought that what people got wrong is they thought that she was AI this is actually a bunch of actors that give their like that actually recorded videos and now you can actually use them this is like the future right of Creator Creator land right because what you have is these actors the actors were hired to create videos and then you can actually use their likeness and imagery to actually start to create your own version of whatever ad you want inclusive of that actor so instead of actually having to hire the actor to come and speak your words and actually be in your ad you can take someone's likeness and aiy them which is actually what I think is going to happen for most cre creators and we've already seen that happen which is a Creator can license themselves to be created an AI fired for whatever a company wants to use that creator for and that AI can and that Creator can control the guard rails right don't put me in these kind of types of ads don't I'm not interested in being advertising these kind of products but anything else is a as a go well they found this woman she is an actor on Fiverr who does product reads and everything but she also was used to train an AI model and this brings up a whole this like a whole another show is the legality the permissioning how and when your likeness can be used in an AI video is going to be something that no one is ready for the other thing is and I spoke about this some time ago which is what is incredible to think about is what Fiverr is in an AI world is people who create things for agents and the agents are actually in the storefront so the people are not the storefront like the people offering the services are not the storefront the people are now training AI agents like she is being used to train this agent or to train this AI model that you can then sell as a service on something like Fiverr and say hey buy this service and then add your transcript and add whatever you want your background whatever you want to create your ad and she no longer has to read the script or do any of that stuff she just has to train the agent to be able to do that and that's why I I think people aren't aren't ready for the fact that these like marketplaces of tasks like a Fiverr they don't need they they can be human trained but AI agent delivered and that is like an unbelievable thing to think through it like we are moving in that direction quick quick aside because I want I want to talk get back to the video but does that mean you're long or short on Fiverr I'm not sure short because it's too easy to replicate that like why would you need a Marketplace when you can kind of just go create your own agents and sell them yourself I think that's the right take all right so that tweet I showed you from our our friend less friend of the Pod had three million views it became this huge story on Twitter because people were like whoa and and you know why Kieran it goes back to exactly what you said it's because she used a car as a backdrop that's it cuz we've seen other AI videos but the setting the angle how that video was done made it seem so much more close to what a real person would do and say about a product exactly and like that's not going to go viral on Tik Tok but man that's going to be a good Tik Tok ad or an Instagram real ad basically when this tweet starts going viral I see it the other night and I'm like all right well they're using hey Jen what's happening looks like there's rumors of what was actually used whether it was haen directly whether it was a company that I'm about to show that is a like built on top of the haen API but they they use some type of prompting text to video product before we get back to Today's Show here's a quick word from HubSpot if you're a marketer one thing I know for sure is you love data and boy we have data for you the 2024 state of marketing Port is chocked full of data and insights around the current trends that are shaping the marketing industry today things like artificial intelligence you know I love AI tools personalization influencer marketing all of the topics that are key to getting a competitive Advantage this year it's going to make sure you're not stuck in Old strategies and old tactics so click that link in the description and go get your free copy of the 2024 state of marketing report today now let's get back to Today's Show so I'm going to show you what I did Kieran I said this to you earlier in the week but none of nobody watching has seen it yet and I did is I found Arc ads. a and this is not a premium product you have to pay I paid 100100 EUR cuz I think it's a European company and to see what the fuss was all about and to say hey like what could I do I will show you in I'll walk you through the the app in a minute cuz it's pretty it's pretty interesting but what I did in about 15 minutes was I used a template and I wrote a quick ad and I I kind of saw this as like an Instagram reals Tik Tok ad and I wanted to write an about HubSpot sales Hub which is great product we have it's taken off it's doing really well it's gotten really awesome at sales prospecting so I wrote this script and I did this all in like 10 to 15 minutes do you want me to show the ad and we can give a review of how what we think let's do it let's do it am I the only person who didn't know that you could actually automate your sales prospecting I was doing manual research sending emails out of Outlook which I hate using and I didn't have any tracking I was going back and forth between email and a ton of different browser tabs my co-workers started using HubSpot sales Hub and closed way more deals than me they used AI to write their sales emails they use tracking data to know when to follow up and call Prospect those damn hands the hands of the worst I now have what was I even doing before our entire team is now starting to use HubSpot I talked to other friends in sales and they have had similar success how did this take me so long weird head Twitches there yeah who's the person Kip HubSpot who's the actual guy that a is now my secret weapon and I don't want to tell anyone about it stop doing sales Outreach the old way and get started with HubSpot have so many com but but first of all what yeah who is the guy is this a is this a let let me let me walk you let me walk you through the app cuz I think that's going to be important say I want to create a new ad here so I have to I can pick an actor and so they have all these preset actors and our boy from my ad was one of the preset actors I was like I'm just going to keep it it's our boy David right here hey you welcome to are these actual actors or are they AI avatars because there's a word where you don't even need the actor I'm just wondering if they got there they calling them actors right now and every and people have done research to find that they are like actors on FIV so they are real humans not a avatars yet AI avatars yet yet so you go ahead and you pick your actor like we could we could pick pick Tony right and so uh this is this is what you get for try to to pick this on the fly live demos live demos are the worst so basically you can just write your script here to create this video or they've got templates for you so like I could pick the mystery template and it generates a V1 of the script for me ready to take your sales team to new heights introducing HubSpot sales Hub simplifying sales prospecting for your team all in one place when I got this account I I I did a little model training on what my business was what my product was and everything so now it can just iterate on it any time I'm looking to create a template so like I basically can go through and edit any of this add anything I want to do then I go through add an actor and then you literally just hit generate oh it's curly broken so can I can I talk about do you know that do you know the founder of this tool am I going to I don't I literally literally saw it on a tweet and I was just like hey I want to play around with something a new AI tool let's let's go oh I this is awesome I like this is all I enjoy doing this playing with AI tools but there's a there's a couple and actually you've given me an idea for Tool I'm I'm going to come back to you and tell you that I'm going to build for our our audience because I've nearly finished with a something an AI thing I'm building for our audience I'll quickly talk about that also everybody wants your CLA CLA 3 prompt too from the last episode connect.com but that is V1 wait till I get to like V2 or 3 it's going to be so much better the one thing I'll say about that tool and fair play to them like I think it's cool that they're building that but that is really it that tool is just like a combination of I I I suspect like gbd4 AP it's just a wrapper gp4 and hen wrapped it's not anything interesting what they've really done is just take in it and c and and basically templatized it for paid ads right so you so really you know haen can actually just do that themselves eventually but I think it's cool that they they're doing that because it has the actual exact same problems as hey Jen right I think you're going to show that they actually trying to solve those problems which is the same thing I don't anyone who watches this show on YouTube will realize one thing about me very very quickly actually I saw it so much in the solo episode cuz I'm on camera so much more CU which is like oh my God my hands like what like I cannot talk I'm a very visual person and so like most people who are visual have to speak with their hands like it's just like a visual thing you can't is that really a thing there's this like oh yeah it's a real there like there's this I'm not visual at all I talk with my hands all the time uh there's this great comedic sketch where like uh it's like these two guys they did they did Peep Show and they used to have their own sketch show and it's like he's like trying to they're filming the bbc1 documentary and he's trying to like film the guy and the guy come out he comes through a field and he's trying to talk about the birds right and the birds come out and he says L with your hands L with your hands and he can't stop he he can't stop doing it so they have to actually strap his hands up like and he's still like trying to move his head to talk that's that's me right I have to move my hand to talk and that's the that's the one place where these things go wrong but the reason I'm just calling that ey for that tool is because what I'm realizing is most of us can build that tool now with AI tools right because you can actually just a gooey it's a gooey plus rapper tell people what you mean by a gooey cuz there are some people out there who aren't nerds like you it's just like a user interface right so get these graic user interface on top of some apis is your point so if you're the marketer and you're like a that's a cool product I wish I had like a version of that but like I I really want a version of that but I I want to templatized for my Tik Tok I'm really big on T Tik Tok you can probably build that tool for your own purposes just using the GPT for API open API and hen API and then just go back and forth with Claud or chat gbd to like build user interface and that's the world we live in today so the the thing I'm I'm kind of just doing is a quick exercise and I'll cut back I know I'm going to un real tangent here but like an example of this is because I really want to play around with the video the haen stuff that you're going to show the new platform that they've launched and so I want to put out a quick email course because the thing I'm like I bet you it's really like how good is it I just creating courses and so I have this like 7-Day email course it's going to come with a G custom gbt for you for you to be able to do homework each after each email and it's going to like help you through your homework and then it's going to be hosted on hubs boox I can use AI I I basically want to release the entire course and I do not do anything right as in other than promp the AI That's that and I don't even want to edit it I'm only I'm editing it but I'm having it edit itself if that makes sense right I'm really not even trying to edit the copy and then I'm going to have a video for each lesson done through the new hm platform and I think that's the thing you really want to get that that that tool you showed me just reminds me like we should definitely be trying to like customize this stuff for ourselves because you learn so much by actually doing it 100% And and what's what's crazy about the course you're talking about building you got to find a way to to give it to subscribe subcribers for free or something I don't know what your plan is it's going to be free and I'm going to start I'm going to end with a it's going to be free only if you're subscribed you can't you can't if you're subscribed yeah only if you're subcribed we we got to figure that out you have to know three things that we've said on a show well ask questions and if you if you know those things you can get in but it's dope man I I used chat gbt I used gbt 4 to do the initial one I asked Claude then to edit it I asked Gemini to add in some additional facts and then I went back to gbd4 and said rewrite red this but like and I give it a tone on a voice and I like I'll go through it I'll do a whole episode on it we'll do a whole episode on it but like that that's going to be sweet but one of the things that you bring up it's not just about like the automation of it you're like oh I'm just not going to edit it it's the fact that you can also use all the data we know about that person that's in the HubSpot contact record to personalize the script and that it will feel like you are just taking a video an email marketing course just for yourself right which is a pretty special experience that nobody's really kind of nailed yet that's the other vers that's that's that was the other I went off to tent there the other thing I meant to say about that ad is that ad is really cool for when you have data around someone and you can basically the same way we were able to personalize email you could personalize the ad and ingest it and my question then to you was the thing I keep going back and forth on and I actually wrote I wrote about this I try to like relay my story of using AI in the hospital to the fact that people don't care if it's AI it feels personal and I'm still wrestling with that when when we see a video like you've shown and that video is so good that it speaks to the individual because you ingest the data you have about that person and I get that video and I'm like holy smokes like that the first time I get it I'm like wow like that person knows something about me the second time I get it I'll go like oh that's kind of cool it's consistent the third the fourth the fifth the sixth time is like 6 months later and I've gotten several of them from several companies and I know they're being done through AI what do we think happens there cuz we know there's an arc in marketing like there's an arc that has always existed which is the first mover do it and then everyone does it and the when by the time everyone does it it doesn't work that well and I'm still trying to wrestle do my current going to work better than what we do now but not as well as it will do for the first 6 to 12 months yeah for the first 6 to months that's I think that's I think that's what we'll see because one of the things is I was talking to Josh who started haen two weeks ago and what's cool about a lot of these AI video apps like haen is that they render the video on the edge right when you're going to watch it so you like you can basically aliz that video and the script for it in real time for that given user which is why like you're just going to see Mass personalization and speaking of that the most exciting video new AI video news of the week did come from our friends at Hy genen they launched Avatar in motion and I want to show this video and get your and get your take Kieran today we want to give you a peak into the future you can use haen to create ugc style content even while people are in motion or moving their hands this is really good you can even hear the background noise create a training the hands specific tones and gestures the hands the walking paste the light in the background the light on the camera lens now it's immediately in Spanish so good so he's trained he's obviously trained it on CU When I did haen videos I trained it on myself sting here but he's obviously trained it on himself walking around in this environment so I need to this is what I need to do with the we get some video footage of me walking around that's they well they have yeah you're going need to do that and then when they release it then you can use it to train cuz they've still not really released this for actual released so what they're do what they what they've done so far is you can tweet them scripts and they'll make videos but but they haven't released it to your custom avatar I was looking at it today actually because this is what I I I want to do that cuz I'm going to have to do the ones for the course I'm have to do I'm going to do it like this I've decided to do it like this with my arms fold it to just keep them in place this their initial post got like 320,000 views and they they tagged a bunch of folks and everything and then all the subsequent versions definitely went viral but our friend Paul rozer Kieran who longtime HubSpot partner now runs the AI Institute marketing AI Institute he's like consumers are just totally not ready for this that was his tweet he was like we are not ready for the pace at which AI video is moving yeah that was the prediction we made at the start of the Year this is the year of of AI video it is coming true one question for you on the hen is yeah if I how long does it take to so let's imagine that someone signs up for an ebook and then the first email you want to personalize it from sales rep yeah you have to delay that email by a certain amount of time for that video to be created if you're ingesting that data so do you know how how how quick it is to create that video they were creating them in minutes wow okay they were rendering those in minutes the other day on Twitter like it's it's fast right now and so I imagine it's proba you got to figure it's probably 5 minute delay once you take the data about that person run it through GPT 4 to create the script inject that script into haen to render the video it's probably five minutes 5 to 10 which it's not days that's crazy yeah that's your entire like you can build a pretty great bdr like a sales Prospect in funing function there that is like very automatable through video and the other thing that you can do that you were not able to do from the start if you have a very tiny sales team you can actually go multi language much quicker because the video can be in multil language the response can be in any language and you can have an AI translate back to you so if you send it to an inbox and you can probably just zap that to another AI agent have the AI agent translated and send it to a collect all inbox right that translated back into English so that's the other thing that I think is pretty amazing and that we're able to go multilanguage so much faster and so it makes your ability to scale so much better now I think most most companies still might not do that because it's it creates a lack of focus but if you're like a plg company where you're just a you know free to Touchless business then going multil language from the outset is probably not a bad thing because you can automate a lot of the things you need to provide like a an okay experience in different languages the future is more more smaller companies but also more Global by default companies right especially if you have a low dependency of humans in like the buying of your product right that is a pretty wild development the I video it is moving exceptionally fast you can easily see that our prediction of this being the year of AI video is already true probably and we're in March my question for you is like where are we going to be by the end of this year I think by the end of this year you will have tools that you can create a let's so let's categorize video as like zero to five and just like five is you know best geny in the world creative and zero is like terrible can't start I I think that we will be able to go from natural language prompt to video at about a two or a three right so you and I will be able to create videos at two or a three level creative which is unbelievable right don't get that wrong just because I'm saying two or three but K it also those types of videos work in a bunch of use cases they're great for landing pages they're great for Tik Tok ads we live to create all the our pay so we have a as Za here we have have a ton of money that we spend on videos for paid ads I think we can replace all of that with tools uh this year by the end of this year the other prediction I would have is that we will be able to use video we will throughout our kind of go to market basically the sales rep the customer support rep like all of these face-to-face interactions through these go to market teams we will have solved the problems where you know you have this weird hands you have all these Twitches you have the audio does not always line up with the you know movement of the body we'll solve that and we'll start to see a lot of all of our marketing automation sales automation customer service automation incorporate these personalized Dynamic videos and I think that those two things if they happen it is a Monumental shift to how we work today Monumental the the big Point here is that the accessibility of video for a task is going to go 10x by the end of this year like before when you wouldn't have had the time or money to use a video in a particular part of your marketing you will do it now like that ad that I did in 10 minutes on something like Jank AI app it's not that far off like you know it's like it's like 80% of the way there it's not like 20% of the way there it's like 70 80% of the way there yeah and then they they'll that a tool like that will be able to give you a bunch of different backgrounds maybe some imagery effects and then you can create great paid ads for free whereas today like there's a there's a bunch of AD formats that work really well like on for to to advertise col C platforms there's definitely going to be tools that ingest the best ad formats and can just spit you back those templates yeah what you're going to have now is like you have algorithms recommending what are your best performing ads and you're going to have algorithms to just create your ads and optimize them and everything for you on the best performing now the wacky thing is like it basically means that the best performing Things become best performing for such a shorter period of time you're going to Temp this is the right consequence that your iteration of creative is going to have to increase 10 to 100 x marketers are going to be on the have never before going to be on the fastest hamster wheel of all time because by the time you have figured out something it's going to be easy for me to templae your work there's going to be nothing sacred anymore copying we've said this before it's going to be easier than ever to copy which means things will commoditize really quick right and so you're going to have to constantly think of new angles new messaging new things so basically everything is going to be 90% of everything is going to be so 90% of everything is going to be identical and it's really what you do with the 10% right or like let's say it's 80% 20% right because that's parador's law it's pretty much the same for all things but so we're all going to be pretty much similar for like 80% and you can like what's the secret sauce for the 20% and that's a differ initiation this is wild times my friend we uh appreciate everybody watching Today's Show we're we're both like kind of under the weather things have been things have been wild but we love you all we are committed to doing this whether it kills us or not and so we appreciate everybody tuning in love to hear in the comments ments are you using AI video yet what is your big thing you're most excited about and most scared of when it comes to AI video hit that subscribe button and we very much appreciate you and we'll see you next time markting against the crank this data is wrong every freaking time have you heard of HubSpot HubSpot is a CRM platform where everything is fully integrated wa I can see the client's whole history calls support tickets emails and here's a task from 3 days ago I totally missed h spot grow better
Channel: Marketing Against the Grain
Views: 1,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create ads with ai, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt, ai tools, marketing against the grain, matg podcast, kipp and kieran, hubspot, hubspot podcast
Id: StybOeyjfPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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