Matt Sorger's Testimony

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welcome to revival radio TV you hear a sharing a lot about historical people who experienced amazing revivals and today we're gonna do just the same thing again we're gonna look at someone you might know that is a little more current day mattes order matte serger has some experience and around the world with some amazing revivals especially in India and Africa so come along with me as we explore a modern-day revivalist and see what God's doing today in every generation there have been revivals massive moves of the Spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one their generation discover your call to be the one generation we're about to take you face to face with history listen you are gonna be excited because I want to introduce to you to someone that you're gonna need to know and be looking for you may have seen them already on the internet and online and in meetings around the country Matt sorter Matt thanks for joining me hey Matt Matt let's talk about God let's talk about what the Holy Spirit's doing yes but for people we get into too much of that and he's doing a lot yeah yes I want people to know your story cuz yeah I didn't know as much started reading up on yes yeah sure cool so yeah what happened yeah I mean for me I got saved when I was 14 years old and that was the result of a supernatural miracle healing that my mom received oh really yeah so I was 12 she became really sick bedridden by the end of two years on 24 bottles of medicine a day nothing she did spend thousands of dollars on medicine hospital bills nothing was working for her and one night she it was actually my grandmother so we were raised Catholic and my grandmother at her Catholic Church they were having a spirit-filled healing service Wow and my mom went to that healing service that night so when was this this was back in 1987 Wow 1987 okay yep and she went to the healing service that night and the day that morning when she woke up every symptom and pain in her body she had been diagnosed with MS a blood disorder tumors all sorts of stuff and just kept getting worse and worse and worse she was dying pretty much couldn't get out of the bed and she went to the service that night but that morning when she woke up every pain in her body magnified beyond anything she had experienced up to that point and you know I've learned now so many years later that usually before your greatest breakthroughs the greatest opposition and you have to press through that opposition to get to the place of breakthrough so my mom said I'm getting to that healing service she went to that healing service before the minister could even lay hands on her and pray for her the Holy Spirit / shout heard her in that service and she felt volts of electricity surging through every part of her body and by the time God was finished she was totally saved healed and set free in one person I never experienced anything no does she never knew about it she was Catholic she had no parameter for a god encounter like this of feeling God's presence like this or or having such a reality we there I was not there you were I was not I was at home yeah well when she and she came home that night and walked through the front door I was like who are you what happened to you because she was a totally different person and the moment she said to me Jesus Christ healed me tonight at 14 years old no one had to tell me I needed to repent of sin I had to get saved I just knew instantly inside I was aware of my sin nature it was by the Holy Spirit and that week I asked Jesus to forgive my sin and to come live into my life and come live in my life and that's when I got saved and then shortly after that filled with the Holy Spirit and it's been an amazing journey in the miraculous ever since so let's let's kind of pick back up with some of that so so now you're this teenager yeah you're like you seen your mom miraculously healed yeah and you become a believer and everything you're going to what was the next step for you see you really invested some time yeah well you know because we got saved in such a dramatic way of seeing this miracle right no one had to tell me that Jesus you know heals or doesn't heal already knew oh yeah just based on what happened I know God we did exactly exactly I knew God was or Jesus was our Savior and our healer up what happened to me then after I get saved as I get this crazy hunger for God and I just want to be in his presence and we joined a great Bible preaching church and we'd be in worship service and I'd feel God's presence and it was awesome but then I'd go home and ice and I would say to God God I want you here with me alone just like I have you in church and I began this journey of pursuing the presence of God and I would take maybe about an hour a day and I'd put worship music on and I would worship God just one on one in my room as a teenager and four months into this every day I'd worship and feel nothing but I was so hungry for God I didn't care if I felt nothing felt something or not I just kept worshiping him and spending time with him and I'll never forget it it was a day where I'm standing in my bedroom as a teenager lifted my hands up worshiping God and something broke open in the spirit realm and the glory of God filled my whole bedroom filled me and from that moment forward a breakthrough happened into the dimension of God's presence and in his glory that eventually from that secret place of Prayer as a teenager would overflow in public meetings when God called me into ministry and then we would start to see people healed on a corporate setting and people touched by the glory of God yeah so you're experiencing intimacy with God and as a very young man yeah and you're spending time and you've got a relationship going so how do we get from where that is yeah to where you feel now till now yeah well basically I went to college and I was planning on becoming a doctor so I went pre-med and then three years into that in my fourth year I went on a missions trip to Mexico and missed you yeah it messed me up it messed me up I knew I had a call from God even when I was going pre-med I just didn't know how to facilitate it or walk it out right but when I was on this mission trip I heard the voice of God speak to me and really call me into full-time ministry and then I transferred to a Bible School finished my education in a Bible school preparing for that and became a pastor for five years I was an associate pastor in New York and then worked with with a great prayer movement at the end of that time Lou Engel who four years ago did the call movement where for us and it was in New York City we saw 85,000 people gather together for prayer and fasting for our nation and it was right after that time that God launched me into travel ministry which I've been doing ever since now everybody you know a lot of people are I really think a lot people want to know how did you make that transition you were working in this and suddenly now you're traveling yeah period of time that was a huge step of faith yeah okay that was a huge step of faith the way circumstances worked out it was a pretty sudden transition that happened for me and it was totally by faith but I knew God had spoken to me and I knew he had confirmed his will so I had a trust in him that he that it was gonna be okay and I stepped out in faith and doors started to open I started to get invitations to preach and they were a few here and there but then momentum happened and the Holy Spirit started to move people were getting healed and then I guess word started to spread and I started to get more invitations to preach and then as that momentum built we started our international outreach started going to other countries now we've been to 35 nations and we have done all sorts of missions outreaches over the last 15 16 years from miracle Crusades all across India drilling water wells and Africa to do working with the underground Church in China and now we really have a real heart for traffic children and we have a ministry called rescue 1 where we have up to this point seen 250 children rescued out of trafficking and we are now launching it to Thailand so we're in India Philippines Mexico and now this year we're launching it to Thailand and we're just gonna keep rescuing every month more children get rescued so we have safe homes for them to live in so yeah yeah it's it just kind of unfolded over time as we follow God tell me about that first healing that you went whoa cool that first year okay I you know we were raised in in a great Bible preaching church but I was not necessarily groomed in healing ministry so I didn't fully know exactly what I was doing I just knew jesus healed because I saw my mom did heal yeah so now here I am on the road I'm doing one of my very first evangelistic traveled meetings and it was in a church where there were a lot they had a homeless outreach where they brought in a lot of homeless people and they brought in prostitutes and all sorts of folks to hear the gospel so we were doing this meeting and at one point in the service I lifted up my hands and I said Holy Spirit you all welcome in this room Jesus heal people and that's what I prayed and a lady in the back of the room screams out ah yeah edge comes running up to the front tear running down arrived he's thinking at that point I was thinking something's happening yeah I was taking something's happenin this is working yeah someone's getting healed right and she did she was in a car accident had severe neck damage back damaged shoulder damage and she felt the pain get pulled right out of her body and she stood up there in shock at what just had happened to her and I think I was probably more shocked than she was to be honest with you because I knew Jesus was healer but this was really the beginning of seeing it in our meetings and and then we just saw the power of God sweep over that altar and people were getting delivered from stuff because you know they were coming off the streets and just getting set free from all sorts of stuff so that was the very first time that we began to see miracles happen let's pick up on that underground Church in China oh yeah what that was all about yeah yeah you know over the years we've had different missions focus for me when I was called the nations were a big part of my calling and my heart and missions work so God opened up a great door for us into the underground Church in China it actually started years back probably 20 years ago maybe more than 20 years ago I did my first trip into China back then we were smuggling Bibles in right so we had our suitcases full we had suitcases full of Bibles and we were bringing Bibles to the underground Church then a few years later God opened up a door for me to minister to pastors in the underground Church so we would go into China and we would have pastor meetings where we were training them in the ministry and training them to move in the supernatural so now when you were doing that you weren't like you didn't have a banner outside and a behind there's all undercover you know it was secret in fact we had the we had the the police the secret police break up our meetings a few times and we had a run yeah one service we were right in the middle of it and they were like okay we got to go because the police are coming and we're all scattered there was like a hundred plus of us we all scattered in different directions and convened two hours later at a zoo yeah in China and we met in a back corner of the zoo at 100 pastors with me in the back corner of the zoo and I was praying for them and ministering to them and you know we would did you say hey meet me at the zoo in a couple hour everyone was on their cell phones oh and they have this networking and they're like meteor meteor meet here and we all they knew how to network it Wow and then we would go at like 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning what's the hotel's The Hunger like when you were in there what was the hunger lucky that you saw in China yeah the hunger is amazing but I will say this there's there's a large segment of the church in my experience going there there's a large segment of the church based on the missionary roots of where they first learned about the gospel that are not exposed to the Holy Spirit the moving of the Spirit the gifts of the Spirit or anything like that so the group that I was dealing with had never really been exposed to the power of God they were saved and they understood salvation and the salvation message but kind of stopped there so the Lord was using me to help kind of bring them into more of a fullness of the Holy Spirit and then for their ministries to be equipped that way so so how long did you do that several years yeah so really that's got to be a great memory for you oh yeah yeah and my dad was with me on those trips my dad was my full-time travel partner for 14 years before I got married Wow yeah that's cool yeah what's your tell me what is that if there's one scripture you had to say this is my scripture that everything that God's called me to do or Mike what's your favorite scripture yeah I think one of my favorite scriptures is that where Jesus said I've come to give you life and life more abundantly until it overflows and and I feel like that scripture on the abundant life of God the overflowing life of God right is the dimension God wants us to live in where we experience abundance in our spirit soul body and mind where we're filled with his presence our minds are healed our emotions are whole and our physical bodies are strong in him and then out of that overflow so I look at it like this the presence of God the Word of God ministers to us gives us healing gives us breakthrough but God doesn't want it to stop there he wants that breakthrough to then overflow that abundant life to overflow to other people around us so everyone watching today me you we are vessels of overflow for the power of God now we get filled up but then what's in us overflows out of us to everyone around us whether we are in a pulpit in a church whether we're on a mission trip whether we work a secular job and we're interacting with people in the supermarket out our workplace wherever we are wherever we go in life God wants his abundant life to overflow from us to other people around us and not only know if you even know this but you know brother coconut a prophecy it didn't at the end of the year last year about 2019 being the year of abundant harvest oh and everything you just described is not what came out that day about Wow the abundance yeah I believe that I believe we're in a season of great harvest and God wants to release that through the church you know when the first things I saw from you was really some prophetic words that you had yeah when did that really kind of start happening well I would say the the prophetic started to flow in my life when I was in college yeah and I was also I also kind of stumbled into that as well like I did the healing ministry I was in my college dorm room not my dorm room but one of the other students and we're having a prayer meeting I was in my second year of college I was maybe 18 19 years old and were standing around in this dorm room praying and this was my first encounter with an external anointing that came on me like a clothing Anand ooman of power on me for this type of ministry and I remember feeling as my eyes were closed I'll just tell you exactly how it felt for me felt like a blanket was put on me and I could feel this clothing over me and I thought someone just threw a blanket over my head and I opened up my eyes but there was no blanket but yet I could feel the sensation of an anointing on my body and as I opened my eyes and looked around the room suddenly from one second to the next I started to know things about people in the room and it was the beginning of a prophetic anointing and I just remember that day being so young not even knowing what to do I just said what I saw people started to cry and I get touched by God as God was speaking to them so that was my very beginning in the project yeah so what it prophetically you mean I think I saw something on your website last night I was looking through about 2019 and yeah what was the word that you were yeah fire on the altar so there was a few different aspects of the word one from Matthew I believe it's Matthew 6:6 where it talks about the secret place and it says go and pray in secret shut your door and pray in secret or in private and your father who hears you secretly will reward you openly and I'm sensing the Holy Spirit inviting people into the secret place just say just come and be with me just come and spend time with me and what's going to happen as people respond I say it like this there's gonna be a reap reparation for the next season so it's like sowing and reaping not just with finances but in our prayer lives and it's like the time we had with God let's say when I was younger and as a young pastor whatever and I had this extended time with God that was sowing in the presence of God and I reaped that anointing for years in my life I feel now God is saying come back to the secret place again and I'm gonna reap repair you for the next season ahead of you right because I feel for many God is positioning people he's repositioning people he's putting in the right place at the right time for the next season of their life and and I feel the secret place is part of that preparation yeah yeah fire in the secret place again fire on the altar really for me speaks of this new baptism of fire that's coming to the church but part of this is a call to consecration and a call to the secret place because there's something amazing coming ahead of us and God wants us prepared for it and ready for do you see that what do you see that being she's gonna rebirth that vision on the inside of you and the Lord says yes it's a big vision there's a wave of its glory or realm that were stepping into tonight a fresh wind of the Spirit is moving his glory is illuminating the darkness it's a new season for the church God is touching and preparing his people he's healing us transforming us and drawing us closer to himself he's declaring that his body will be one will be whole and will be ready I feel like the Holy Spirit is like the wind mm-hmm and one of the aspects I see is the harvest is the harvest coming in but I feel like we need to stay flexible wineskins and I feel like some of the things that God will do may look new and may look different than even what we've known up into this point so I'm careful not to say this is exactly what I feel it's gonna look like I feel like we're in a place of flexibility saying okay Holy Spirit we're yielding to you we're surrendering our lives to you in a fresh way prepare us for what's coming and it's like as moves of the Holy Spirit have happened throughout history they've looked different yeah you know and when Evan Roberts was in his meetings he would stand up and start to preach and people would weep and there be conviction of conviction or sin and it was a very certain type of move of the Spirit and throughout history we've seen different moves of the Spirit so while I'm preparing for it I can't say that I know all the details of exactly what it will look like sure but I think as we tune into the heart of God will recognize it and I like what you said because you brought up something and and it's something we we have a ten especially on the program here as we we look back yeah a lot yeah at what happened in the past cuz I there's gold there yeah we need to we need to understand what happened but we can't go out and dress like a me simple Macpherson them and decide that that's we're gonna have that ministry exactly you know so yeah being able to move out and yeah so there's there's a lot of people that are watch us very regularly yep from all over the world and we've got everything from homeschooling groups to high schools do you know ministry training centers that use our stuff and there's a lot of people that are at that place and they're listening to you they're going pin that's okay that's what I want but I just I don't I'm here I'm a believer and I want that but what do I do next right right right what do they do next CreateSpace so it's like this our lives only have so much space in them so much room in them and sometimes when God wants to transition us or bring us into a new thing or a new season or a new place sometimes there'll be some pruning yeah which means that what God is doing is he's creating space in our life to bring in something new so when people are in preparation for their future or for what God has for them part of that will be understanding the transitions of God and understanding the seasons of God and the grace of God on a certain season and when that grace shifts and changes many times people hold on to something when the grace of God is on them for something and then the gray starts to lift they still hold on to it because it's what's familiar it's what they know I've learned over my course of life in ministry that if the grace lifts off of something I need to release my hands and say okay God if I need to let this go let it go but then what has happened as something goes space is created in my life in my spirit in my time in my energy for God to bring something new in and and I just encourage people that are watching to really just let God be Lord of everything even their activity their time their attention their energy and create space or let God create the space and and part of the call into this place of prayer is creating space for that you know because if our lives are so compacted with so much and we don't carve out any time to refuel and I think that's really important is to refuel because if you don't refuel eventually you start to run on empty yeah and that's when people fall into into you know burnout or trouble or whatever it is that they fall into so it's staying refueled and I think part of the preparation for even folks that are watching today is saying okay god I'm gonna create space and whenever you create space God will fill that space and that could look like I'm gonna create this time each day to have some prayer time with God to worship Him to commit my life to Him my ministry to him my family to him and then just let a refreshing let fresh anointing come upon you in that place of prayer which will then affect what happens publicly yeah okay so Matt how do you how do you just talked about creating space mm-hmm well put you on the spot tell me sometime that you had to do that how did you have to do that and create space yeah well you know you get married you have a baby and you have multiple children you're traveling full-time in ministry you're overseeing staff it's very easy for for your time to be consumed with a lot of stuff and I think the way I create space for prayer specifically as I make a decision I set boundaries in my life and I make a decision and I say okay this time while I could fill it with something else I'm gonna pray and I just make that freewill decision so that's how I create space for prayer God has created space in my life for ministry activities when there's been changes of seasons in my life I've had times where I was doing something and it was amazing was anointed was powerful lives were being impacted and then the gray started to lift off of it yeah and I'm like well at first I was like what's happening did I do something wrong that I miss God somewhere and as I learned to process that I realize no this is a change of season and God's gonna do something new so I've had to in the course of my own ministry let go of some ministry activity but shortly after letting go of some things space was created for example then we were able to launch out into rescue 1 right to rescue children where before my space was so full I didn't have time for that but God said okay I'm gonna weed some things out you're gonna let it go you're gonna partner with me in this you're gonna surrender your will to my will and then these other opportunities came to us and so a lot of times that's happens yeah that's good I mean that the practical part of just making a decision yeah exactly it's really awesome yeah we have a free will and sometimes we just have to make it yeah because if you don't yeah decision will be made for you right right right I want you to pray for the folks watching this camera right here yes praying what the Lord lead yeah sure father I just thank you for every person that is watching this show today and Lord I know you have something fresh for them God that you are preparing them for their next season and lord I just pray over them today such a grace on them for the secret place Lord I pray that they would find your presence in a new way Lord I pray that everything that that needs to happen in their lives would happen that you would position them in the right place at the right time direct their steps order their steps Lord so that your purpose and plan unfolds for them let them have an ear that hears the voice of the Holy Spirit that they would be led step by step by step by you father that just as Jesus said what he heard the father saying and did what he saw the father doing I pray that for each one today that they would hear what the father is saying and they would see what the father is doing and their lives would align to that in the name of Jesus I pray amen amen amen amen amen thank you Matt listen we're gonna keep things all the time we got for today's program right here but we're gonna keep the conversation going I won't you join us over on the revival radio TV YouTube page and we'll keep this conversation happening we'll see you there until then see you next time I know you were touched today by Matt sorters testimony I know I was what I loved especially about his testimony was he's just a person like you and me who stepped up to be the one you knew I was gonna say that didn't you Matt would go on to travel the world with his dad and he would see what God was going to do in fact he even met his future wife on the mission field and together they share in this awesome ministry outreach that God put on their hearts so what we do for the Lord can have so many faces and outreaches what we're needed is to step up and see what God has for us in Matt's ministry they felt led to help feed the poor and that's exactly what they did they helped orphans and villages get healthy water they created a way get kids out of sex trafficking and into a healthy lifestyle God has great ideas so my question for you today is this what is it what is it that God's putting on your heart and in your mind that you dream about and you feel like God's called you to do we want to know about it right it's right contact us on the website revival radio it's right there on the screen and we want to keep your ventures in prayer we want to know what God's doing and we want to hear how you are being the one thanks for coming I'll see you again tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 5,404
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Gene Bailey, Matt Sorger, Faith, Revival Radio TV, History
Id: QdRckNpgadI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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