Matt Sorger on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Future is Now!

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an angel visited my guest three nights in a row and showed him how you can pull your future into the now I mean no more waiting is there a supernatural dimension a world beyond the one we know is there life after death do angels exist can our dreams contain messages from heaven can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural our healing miracles real Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural join Sid for this edition of it's supernatural hello Sid Roth here welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural how does a young man have angels visit him give him supernatural revelation I have such a man here his name is Matt Sagar and I believe that if we can find out what he did and we do the same thing then maybe we won't have an angelic visitation but we'll be in that supernatural realm Matt when I think about you I think about your mom because it was your mom who was the catalyst to get you started your mother was suffering from the diagnosed MS medical doctors couldn't help her she tried the supernatural realm not of God it Buddhism and new-age and instead of getting better she got worse and so finally her mother your grandmother I guess invited her to a Catholic Charismatic service she gets there she wants to go forward to have hands laid on her to be healed but she doesn't even make it to have the hands laid on her what happened Matt well that night my mom was the worst she had been in two years I was 14 years old now at the time she went to the healing Mass when she went forward for prayer before the priest could even get his hands on her to pray for her she had just before going up looked up at the cross and said Jesus tonight I am giving everything to you I'm turning to you 100% that had to be key that was a key that was the key and and she realized because she had tried new-age remedies and she had tried you know psychic healing and crystals she just got worse and she got a revelation that these other things she said you know something is wrong here these other things must not be of God if I'm getting worse so that night she came back to faith in Christ when for word before the priest could even pray for her who was filled with the Holy Spirit by the way the power of God overshadowed her body the force of God's manifest power was so strong that it physically knocked her body back through the air about ten feet across the altar she landed on the ground and she describes it like she felt volts of electricity flowing through her body she thought she died and went to heaven and when she got off the floor all the sickness was completely gone from her life what effect did it have on you well she walked home that night well she came through the front door that night and she was bright and smiling and happy totally cold and healed and I said who are you what what happened to you and she said jesus healed me tonight that week I got saved my whole family got saved and not only did Jesus heal my mom but he saved our whole family at the same time what Matt then has a hunger for God but he does something that a young teenager is just not normal he goes to these services where there's hundreds of people praising God and he feels a real manifest presence of God so he goes home and he starts worshiping God like he did at the meetings and nothing but here's the thing that I think so amazing and I want you to catch Matt when you felt nothing a pragmatic person would say well I'll just wait till Sunday when I go to service you didn't do that no no I wanted God one-on-one I mean I loved experiencing his presence when I was in the service but I wanted to experience God by myself just that one-on-one relationship so I kept worshiping every day I've gone to my room I put my worship music on and I would sing the same songs we sang in church and I would feel nothing but you know what I didn't stop I kept pressing in for four months at least an hour a day at least an hour and I remember after the fourth month one day standing there singing the same song I had sung every day for four months and it was like heaven opened up over me God's manifest glory came in the room filled me filled the whole room and a breakthrough happened in my spirit and this this breakthrough that you had if you had been like most people they would have stopped once he has this breakthrough and in you call a kind of an overflow was that hell over exactly it doesn't continue or do you have to then go for your new next breakthrough the Bible says you know to be continually filled with the spirit but there is something about continually seeking God but what happened with me is once my spirit got that breakthrough I call reaching a saturation point once the Holy Spirit saturated my spirit overflowed into my soul my body began to fill every area of my life from that moment forward every time I would just whisper the name of Jesus I could be doing laundry and I would say Jesus I close my eyes and I just whisper his name excuse me you just said his name and I just fell and overflow and his presence yeah like his presence is here right now his presence would fill the room wherever I was and and I would try it out I'd say wow I wonder if God's presence is gonna be with me here you know when I'm in the classroom or here when I'm doing laundry in the laundry room and I was just closed my eyes in whispers name and his presence would come in so how long did you worship before you reach that overflow pit was it was about an hour a day I was just singing but for how many months four months well that sounds pretty good to me but what if it would have taken a year-and-a-half Matt what if you just keep worshiping see cuz it's not just about what we feel we worship God because he's worthy to be worshiped and you know whatever he chooses to give us as a gift of his presence we accept that so it's not always about how we feel but I encourage people no matter what you feel God is still there with you but if you keep persevering and you keep letting God fill you eventually your spirit man will reach the saturation point so you become a young pastor you go into your office and all of a sudden you recognize although you have a schedule like most pastors like this yeah you recognize God's there what happened I open the door of my office I was a brand new pastor just my first year pastoring I walk into the office right into the presence of God he was there waiting for me and I was taken back by it I said God your presence is in the office and I heard his voice speak to me an inner audible voice I shut the door I want to spend this whole day with you by the way you weren't the only one I just heard the voice of God and he just said there are people watching that have a pain in their neck and if you will move you'll see that the pain is gone and the anointing is going all the way down your back right now if you'll just bend over mat I think you're hearing the same thing hallelujah you look like wait what are you hearing people are getting healed right now there's an anointing that's flowing Holy Spirit is touching you right now where you are in your in your room wherever you're watching from it's amazing and now God spoke to you during that time and gave you a warning yeah tell me about it well you know as I sat in my chair the heavy heavy I mean it was so heavy of his presence there was one time I was so thankful for for this presence of God that I was feeling I went to say thank you God but as the words came out of my mouth I would feel his presence lifted off of me so I just grew quiet and then the Lord spoke to me he said this is not about you speak in any words right now this is me being with you and you just being with me just be in my presence and and then as a few hours went by I started my mind started to go you have to do this you have to do that you have to do this and I've actually felt guilty for praying and the Lord spoke to me something that changed my life forever hold that thought we'll be right back after this word we'll be right back to it's supernatural Sid Roth has found the key to world revival this is God's time to reach the Jewish people with his love Messiah Jesus has torn down the wall dividing Jew and Gentile the two together form one new man to reach the world God's method to reach the Jewish people is through signs and wonders this is why our website is jam-packed with tools to equip you to move in signs and wonders understand Israel and the Jewish roots of the church log on to today we now return to it's supernatural hello Sid Roth here with mat Sagar and I know no one went away because mat goes into his office he's a young pastor and the presence of God is there and he's got his laundry list of things he has to do and would you believe and spiritual as he is he tells God he's arguing and he said I got to do all these things I feel guilty that I haven't done all these things how could you do that man I mean God is there in your room I know it's a natural tendency of the human mind but as I was feeling these feelings of guilt for taking too much time at what I thought was too much time in prayer God spoke to me and he said Matt if you don't have this time with me now you won't be able to step into what I have for you in the future and at that time as a young pastor I had no idea God wanted to use me for healing that we'd be traveling to all these nations and seeing all these wonderful things happen by the anointing of God but I knew that day that my present moment with the Lord would determine my future ministry and call him God I know that had I not spent time in the spirit with the Lord in the early days you know what I believe Matt when I was praying in Supernatural languages yeah I was prophesying my future and I didn't even know it yeah that that's what I believe but then there's a second thing I want Matt to explain to you when he was in college the Lord came to him and spoke to him and gave him some very strong instructions what did he tell you this was before I had stepped into ministry I was just getting a sense of my call and there was the first prophetic word God ever spoke to me and he said to me the top of his list for me was the bottom of my list and the bottom of my list was the top of his list and he was going to invert it correctly and he said the top of his list for me was the refinement of my character and the bottom of his list was the fulfillment of my ministry and he said that he was going to cause my roots to go so deep in him that when the day came in the future and I would experience success in ministry that I would be solid and I would not be moved to the right or to the left because my roots had had time to go down in God with the refinement of my character and I will say from that word years in my life God put me through his fire refined me tested me tried me purified my life so that as that anointing began to overflow out of my life I would be able to sustain it and carry it this is so important no matter how old you are God is more concerned about your character then your gifting get that get that well because Matt now is seeing the most amazing miracles but before we get to even some of those miracles there was another key that happened in your life and that was you had an opportunity just before Oral Roberts went to heaven yes to be prayed for and you asked him to me a very important question what was that question I asked him it was a few months before he went home to be with the Lord I asked him what with what was the key to his miracle ministry to the miracles he saw in his tent meetings and I was I was surprised a little bit by his answer I shouldn't have been but it was a little surprising I would have thought well I got an anointing and it's miracles happen wherever I go that's what I expected him to say exactly or I I was expecting him to say something about faith right and he looked at us was a small group of us there and he said a lot of people would think it was my faith that was the main key fall the miracles we saw he said but everyone has faith the Bible says we all have faith he said I don't have to seek for faith God has given us the faith that's what the word says he said what when I'd go into my hotel room before a crusade I would begin to pray for God to give me his love for the people he said as God began to fill my heart with love the miracles exploded to a whole new level in the meetings so so out of curiosity since he told you that how do you pray before a meeting I began to pray for God's love and I don't pray it even just before meeting I make it a part of my daily prayer life Lord constantly fill my heart with your love overflow my heart with your compassion and you know when you started the word you see it Jesus the Bible says Jesus was moved with compassion and He healed the sick Galatians 5 says that faith works through love in the amplified it explains it this way faith is motivated by love energized by love set into motion by love and love is actually the key that ignites faith okay how would you like to go to India with Matt to a leper colony and love these people these are people that are the lowest level of society no one they probably have never been touched since they started with their leprosy what did you and your team do yeah the Lord sent us there and we had fed the lepers we sat with them we had women on our team sit in the dirt with our arms around other women that were that had leprosy you know their hands were falling off parts of their face I mean open sores it was it was a bad sight but this love of God overwhelmed our hearts and we laid hands on them hug them prayed for them and after wait a sec you hugged a leper don't you Matt didn't your mother tell you it's contagious it is good day I mean do you know what you saw what happens to someone loves her they get all this no comes I mean that you really embrace them yes we did but you know what and and and that's where my faith is that because I know as a believer in in Jesus we're covered with the blood of Jesus my faith says before sickness can touch my body it has to go through the blood of Jesus first and it will die before it gets to me that was by faith but when we got home from that trip the pastor from India called us weeping on the other other end of the phone mat we went back to the leper colony and the lepers told us when when that white man came he put his hand on us we felt something in our bodies and the leprosy has stopped and the pastor was weeping because he had never seen this happen before where the lepers were getting healed not only healed they were getting loved and they were receiving healing on the inside and on the outside just as Matt shared that the love of God just erupted and I pray in your shoe is name that Matt will operate in that compassion when we come back don't go away we'll be right back to it's supernatural it's time for your season two change it's time for you to step out from where you've been into the glorious life that God has destined for you call now and get Matt's orders book power for life and his four-part audio CD teaching how to pull your future into your now both yours for a donation of $40 shipping and handling is included as for offer number nine one one six as you read my book powerful life god is gonna teach you how to plug into his supernatural power and then God is going to propel you to release his anointing presence and power through you to transform not just your own life but the world around you you'll also receive his four part audio CD teaching how to pull your future in to your now and as you listen to these CDs you're gonna learn how to access God's promise for you whether it's healing deliverance breakthrough your destiny the manifestation of your call and God it's time for your season to change get ready to be propelled into your destiny don't miss out on getting Matt's orders book power for life and his four-part audio CD teaching how to pull your future into your now both yours for a donation of $40 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number nine one one six call or you can write to sid roth it's supernatural post office box 1918 Brunswick Georgia three one five two one please specify offer number nine one one six four log on to call or write today we now return to it's supernatural well I said Roth here with Matt Sagar and Matt you've had so many different encounters but the one in particular for three nights in a row I believe an angel of Revelation and came to you to give you revelations from the scriptures tell me one major revelation you got and tells just a little lie yeah you know it was interesting as I was sitting there I could feel this angelic presence behind me in his hand on my shoulder and the presence of God was just filling the whole room where I was and you know as that revelation was flowing one of the things that God has shown me is that a lot of times people they they relegate things into the hands of God in a sense of his sovereignty and his timing and and we think you know in the timing of God we just have to wait for something to happen everything is in the future have you noticed right but always I understand it was really settled 2,000 years ago a lot of things that we're hoping for exactly when it comes to healing when it comes to breakthrough provision protection even fulfillment of vision and ministry the Lord showed me that we have by faith the capability to reach into the future and pull our future into our now moment even if it accelerates the timing of God but you know what if you didn't spend time on character that could be dangerous that is very true that is very true because sometimes things need to wait until you're able to handle it but now is there a scriptural basis you can tell me for this revelation God gave you of pulling I mean how would you like to pull your future into the now now I've been wearing the now generates it yeah I think of the scripture in John chapter 2 with Mary and Jesus and the disciples at the at the wedding of Cana they show up at the wedding and they say there's no more wine and Jesus married Jesus his mother turns to Jesus and says Jesus there's no more wine and he looks at her and says and I think only Jesus could get away with this he said woman that's his mommy's talking to her woman what does this have to do with me you know in other words he was saying my time has not yet come for a miracle this is not God said appointed time for me to launch my miracle ministry why are you saying this to me and she totally ignores him and says just do whatever he tells you to do and there was something in the Heart of Mary she had vision and perception to see the divine potential in Jesus because she had vision she could reach with her faith her spirit of faith and pull something that was even destined by God for a future moment into that now moment actually her faith launched Jesus's healing ministry shifted a season and there are people watching they're stuck in one season and God wants to bring them into a new season and they've settled in this place where God has something greater for them but if they could shift their focus see the divine potential of God they can reach out and lay hold of it and pull it into their now moment now wait till you hear what happened to him in England when a fiery angel came into the meeting briefly tell me about that we were in the service and the Lord as I was worshiping in the front row the spot right next to me on the left side the air became really hot and I began to notice this heat coming from my left side and I first thought there's a pillar of fire standing next to me in the service what is this and I put my hand in and it became burning hot pulled my hand out it was cold and I kept doing this and there was like a flame of fire next to me and the Lord spoke to me and he said I sent a Seraphim angel into the meeting well that night that was a morning service that night we came back again and as I stood up to the pulpit to preach the Lord struck me mute as I tried to speak and open my mouth and no words came out I had no voice for two hours I stood there looking at a whole room full of people and I could not speak one word and as I stood there I suddenly saw people taking scarves off their jackets off extra layers of clothing off the room got so burning hot they opened up all the windows all the doors and that fiery burning angel came into that room that night the fire of God was released on mass and for ours we received a visitation of the fire of God people were set free from sin bondages were broken their lives were purged by the fire you're seeing so many people physically healed just yes just tell me just briefly three or four or five people of what they've been healed of we've seen fibromyalgia ms tumors cancer we've seen paralytics walk we've seen tons of miracles he he has a revelation on the power of blessing what happens if you get a prophetic word someone is stealing from you then you realize when you're speaking at certain churches you're not getting the full offering what did you do to Mandor your money from the pastor's did at first when I got that word I said no that's not true I wouldn't have it and then I found out it was happening and then another instance awhile later it happened and when I first found out about it I can be honest to say that in my own self I was a little bit upset and agitated about it but I had to take a step back and I started to pray I said god what do I do about this and I just really felt in my heart you need to bless that leader you need to bless that leader so you know the Bible is very clear when you bless somebody if they're undeserving of that blessing it comes back on your own head so praise God you know so it's called win-win we're running at a time yes when you bless that pastor yes well the Bible says in Proverbs when a thief is discovered he must restore Sevenfold so as I release this blessing and then the Lord brought me to the Sevenfold return I declared and decreed over the finances of our ministry a Sevenfold return that very week the money that was taken from the offering seven fold even more seven times more than what was taken came into our ministry from all unexpected sources so you learned it's nice to yes yes what would have happened if you had cursed that pastor well I don't believe I would have been blessed I believe if I didn't have a good attitude or the right spirit it would have shut down God's blessing in my own life it's time for me to bless you in numbers the 6th chapter verse 22 to 27 the New Living Translation it's kind of my new covenant approach to it then the Lord said to Moses tell Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel with a special blessing whenever Aaron is as Sons bless the people of Israel in my name I myself will bless them Wow the Lord this Manuka van approach the Lord has blessed you the Lord has protected you the Lord has smiled on you the Lord has extended his grace to you the Lord has shown you his favor and has given you his peace his completeness in the name of the SAR Shalom the Prince of Peace Yeshua HaMashiach tsukino Jesus the Messiah it's time for your season to change it's time for you to step out from where you've been into the glorious life that God has destined for you call now and get Matt's orders book power for life and his four-part audio CD teaching how to pull your future into your now both yours for a donation of $40 shipping and handling is included as for offer number nine one one six as you read my book powerful life God is gonna teach you how to plug into his supernatural power and then God is going to propel you to release his anointing presence and power through you to transform not just your own life but the world around you you'll also receive his four-part audio CD teaching how to pull your future into your now and as you listen to these CDs you're gonna learn how to access promise for you whether it's healing deliverance breakthrough your destiny the manifestation of your call and God it's time for your season to change get ready to be propelled into your destiny don't miss out on getting Matt's orders book power for life and his four-part audio CD teaching how to pull your future into your now both yours for a donation of $40 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number nine one one six call or you can write to sid roth it's supernatural post office box 1918 Brunswick Georgia three one five two one please specify offer number nine one one six score log on to call or write today next week on it's supernatural finally every one of us can have a dream every week and hear from God no more meaningless pizza trips my guest guarantees you're finally going to understand the symbolism
Channel: Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!
Views: 103,140
Rating: 4.8130479 out of 5
Keywords: matt, supernatural, sid, #itssupernatural, its, Video, miracles, angel, healing, roth, sorger, halo
Id: lRniyiY24ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2011
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