Billy Burke’s amazing testimony

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Now you heard your grandmother talking about this for days. Right. What do you remember as your impression as you're walking in there? Were you sensing anything or were you just watching the meeting? You hit it, you hit an atmosphere. It startled me. It's like getting on the plane in Alaska and landing in Florida. So you actually felt something. Oh immediately. Immediately. Immediately, there was an atmosphere. There was something you walk into. It's like: Wow! What's this? Every place has atmosphere. If you go to a rodeo, there's atmosphere. If you go to a football game, there's atmosphere. You know that atmosphere in a football game. What did you think? I just had never felt that. This was like foreign to me. What was this? Because I had never felt that in my church. So then I thought this is supposed to be church. What's this? But it was clearly a different climate because climate creates culture. And so I didn't know about climate and culture but climate creates culture and I didn't... Explain more on that, climate creates culture? What do you mean? Well if you look around the world, climates of Brazil and Argentina or England or anything, you know their climate it what creates who they are, the texture of their skin, their hair, their fiber, their diet. All of their language so climate creates all of that. I'm so excited today to have with me Pastor Billy Burke. Pastor Burke, thank you for joining with me today. Everybody on the Revival Radio TV team, we're excited. Now those of you who don't know about Pastor Billy Burke, we going to kind of delve a little bit into his history and I think you're going to really enjoy hearing his story, maybe some things that you haven't heard before. First off, Pastor Billy, you've got a ministry all over the world. You travel all over the world doing what you do with miracles, and healings and seeing people and really what we talk about here with revival is what you do so much of and you talk about. Recently you were here at Eagle Mountain Church and we talked about revival and you even talked about revival in your own messages and what we're doing. But before we get into that, I have some questions, I've got so much stuff I want to ask. I want to hear from you because so many people don't know your story. It goes back a few years to when you're age 9. Tell us what happened. 1962. There is my age. Diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Metastasized. I was in the hospital in Pittsburgh in Oakland and imagine the technology in 1962. Imagine the instruments. Imagine the way they did everything compared to today so it was archaic in nature. So the tumor was diagnosed in my head. My eyes had crossed into my head completely so my vision was either blind or double. My motor skills were gone and paralyzed on one side. The cancer was spreading into my lungs. My back had lumps all over it and you know I was raised in an evangelical church, but my grandmother was an avid listener to Kathryn Kuhlman on that radio broadcast. I didn't know Kathryn. My grandmother didn't know Kathryn but she was an avid listener to that radio broadcast. And so when the doctors reached the verdict that I had just days to live and that if they did cobalt radiation back then was the big breakthrough thing. And they said if they go the cobalt radiation we may be able to spare his life for a few months. My grandmother spoke up and said no we're having him discharged and they said you're crazy. Listen I'm taking him to a service a few blocks from here. That's when she was holding meetings at First Presbyterian Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh every other Friday morning and so long story short, I was discharged, had to sign all kinds of legal papers, to be discharged. Now before you get into the rest of the story let's go back to--you're nine years and you're old enough to remember, at nine years old what was going on, were you scared? Frightened as nine years old? Anyone is afraid whenever your vision goes. You know, and the pain was so bad. There was no medication that I could take that would help the pain. So were you like, you said your vision went, were you blurry or just couldn't see? Double vision everything was everything was doubled. They had to put a patch over one eye so I could see from the one eye because everything was double. The tumor had so compressed the brain, the brain stem, the bottom of the brain that I mean it was just bad... So the tumor was back... Front and back. When I was discharged that's when the ordeal began at home. The meeting was on Friday with Kathryn. I was discharged on a Monday so for four days my grandmother which just round-the-clock every time she got a chance, I had to drink from the straw, I couldn't see much. We had buckets of ice water by the sofa soaking tiles just to try to keep the pain but my grandmother would say when she touches you... when she touches you, I'd say when who touches me... When Miss Kathryn Kuhlman, she's going to touch you, you are going to be healed and I didn't know at that time, Gene but she was preparing me for a miracle. As I said today either in church revival, most people don't know how to prepare for that. So she was actually speaking words of faith to you. Well, that's the way of saying it but I look at it, she was preparing me for someone who couldn't prepare themselves. We prepare to go to church. We don't prepare for revival. We prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas and funerals and celebrations and picnics and vacation but most people, they don't wake up on Sunday morning and think I am going to get healed today. I'm going to have a deliverance today. They prepare for a service, for a sermon. They prepare to go home. They prepare to go home after church which is fine, nothing wrong with that but preparing for miracle is a whole different set of, some things take more preparation. Jesus had to lay back four days before he raised his dead cousin. Why? Because He hadn't raised anybody yet so it took a different kind of preparation so different things take different preparations and I didn't know how to prepare myself. I was dying. I couldn't stop myself. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know Kathryn, I didn't listen to the radio broadcast. I was dependent upon somebody carrying me and so she prepared me for four days. I got sick of hearing her because it was, it was against my flow. I wasn't used to someone coming into my space saying something. Here I am dying. She's trying to help me and I'm resisting because I didn't know. Most of us don't know what's on the other side of preparation. If we did we'd prepare ourselves more diligently so Friday came, Friday morning. We're driving to Pittsburgh. My mother and my dad, my grandmother, we are driving into Pittsburgh into the meeting and we are 45 minutes away, and my grandmother was saying oh, she's going to call you out and I'm thinking, I never seen, been in that kind of meeting. How many people were there at the meeting? Close to 2000. It was a big meeting... It was a big meeting Where were you at? I was in the balcony. When was got there, we couldn't get in. The people, there had to be 1000 people on the outside. Two thousand on the inside. and we were ready to turn around and go. And one of ushers on the side door saw how bad I was. Now could you walk at this time or they carried you? With help, with human crutches I could walk and he saw us from the side door, and said, come on like this so he snuck us into the side door of that church and up the stairway to the balcony so he goes over to the front row in the balcony. I put my chin on the railing and of course then began this meeting that I had never seen anything like that. I mean she came out and was, she was Kathryn Kuhlman. I had just never been in a meeting like that. I just got caught up immediately in what she was doing and you know just moving in the gifts, the worship but there was an atmosphere. There were something I was in that I had never been in before. Let me ask you about that: So you're there in the meeting. You get called in as a nine-year-old. Now, you've heard your grandmother talk to you about this for days. Right. What do you remember as your impression as you're walking in there? What were you--were you sensing anything or were you just watching the meeting? You hit it. You hit an atmosphere and it startled me. It's like getting on the plane in Alaska and landing in Florida. So you actually felt something. Oh immediately, immediately. There was an atmosphere. There were something you walk into, it's like wow...What's this? I mean every place has atmosphere. if you go to a rodeo, there is an atmosphere. If you go to a football game, there's atmosphere. You know that atmosphere at a football game. So what did you think? I just had never felt that. This was like foreign to me. What is this? Because I'd never felt that in my church so then I thought this is supposed to be church. What is this? But it was clearly a different climate. You know because climate creates culture and so I didn't know about climate and culture but climate creates culture. Explain more on that climate creates culture. What do you mean? Well if you look around the world at the climates of Brazil and Argentina or England or anything, you know that their climate is what creates who they are, the texture of their skin, their hair, their fiber, their diet. All of their language so climate creates all of that in the pigmentation of skin so who we are today, how big in body parts are, how big from our ears to our nose to our eyes, to our lips, to our diet, all of those things and that's why we that travel through different cultures enjoyed eating different ethnic foods. Because we didn't grow up with that so it's a different taste. That taste came from their culture and in the spirit, I mean there's cultures that I'm understanding it more today. I mean I didn't know anything then. All I knew then is I walked into something and it was what is this? It didn't take me long to figure it out and I was like, wow. I saw her move in the power and people getting slain and touched and healed. I was very much enjoying that. It was like entertainment then she turned and pointed to me. And she said you and she said: "you get down here. You're being healed of cancer" and I screamed real loud, "No". Really? Oh I did and then she said, "No. She said, "No, young men you get down here." A second time I said, "No"... And why did you say no? Probably because I was afraid Just scared of what was happening. And the third time she said, "Ushers, get him down here." So Norm, I now know him very well, Norm and Donnie who is not with us now but she sent Norm and Donnie into the balcony. They came over and they said to my grandmother: "Ms. Kuhlman wants us to take him down." And there was no questioning her in those meetings, the way she ran her meetings. It was very strict. And my grandma said, "Take him." So they picked me up and my family followed, walked down the aisle to meet Ms. Kuhlman and there she is standing waiting and got down to meet her. And she said: "Here you are. You wouldn't come out of that balcony." She says, what's your name, young boy? What's your name? I said, "Billy", and I said it with what language I could and she said, "I just want to know one thing from you. That's all I want from you is one thing". She stuck that right in my face. She said, "Do you believe? That's all I want to know". And I said, "Yea." She turned around to walk away. I remember I took a big sigh of relief thinking boy, that was easy and then she suddenly spun. I said, "Do you believe?" I was just like, I tried to say yes and no at the same time. I knew she caught me. I knew she sensed that and before I could even answer her, her hand was coming towards me. And as her hand was coming towards me, I could hear my grandmother's voice "when she touches you". When she touches you. I could hear her voice but Kathryn's hand and that's why I know about being prepared to see that prepared me for the hand that was about to touch me. That's, I was prepared. Didn't know it. Didn't know it so had I just had a hand coming to me, I don't know what would have happened but I had a hand and a voice. And when that hand hit me, I went and four rows went with me, four rows in a big church. People laying on top of people and... Now when you went down were you out, did you have any consciousness? I couldn't move I was conscious but I couldn't move. I could not move. That was frightening because there was just no movement, just nothing, my whole body was just like froze on the floor. But I could feel this wonderful radiation through me just up and down just radiating... Maybe thirty, forty-five seconds, she let that happen, maybe a minute I don't know. It just seemed like forever but she said, bring him up. She said, "Oh my, oh my." I said, "Uh," I didn't realize it but my paralysis was gone. There was no pain. But I didn't realize it. I said "what's, what's, what is this?" I was able to talk. She said you need one more, you need one more. Then she touched me and of course I went down. This time she said, I remember laying there I could hear everything. I could see everything but I couldn't move again. And she says if there is anybody in this auditorium with blood cancer, leukemia...she went on, she said, you must come down and stand around the boy at this point, there is a radiating faith and she said a few other things. Then I remember people standing on pews and looking at me and kids looking at me and I was helpless, I just couldn't move. Maybe she left me there maybe five minutes so when I got up after that she said, "Well look at you". I said, "This is pretty amazing. I don't have any pain." She said, "Take the patch off your eye." I said, "No, I don't want to do that. I said because I have double vision. She said, "No, you had double vision. She said everything else is working. Take the patch off, I said I'd rather not. She's, you take the patch off or I'm going to take the patch off. Where's your grandmother during this time? Right there crying. All that. They all there helpless not even helping me. And I thought who was this lady? What church does she belong to that they do that at church? Instead of taking the patch off, it flipped up the patch like that. and to my amazement my eyes had straightened out and I was seeing normal and I just I lost it. I thought wow, what is this? She went on "Holy Spirit", did a bit of prophesying, stuff like that and I just went, I was amazed! I just was so spellbound. Of course I walked out of the church. I was carried in practically and walked out, came in one way and walked out another way. The very surgeon, the very surgeon who sends me to death, it must been about two weeks later, he had heard about what had happened and he didn't believe it so he came, he drove all the way to my home, knocked on our front door and said that I need to see Billy, expecting me to be in bad shape. So my grandma took him through the house. She said see the kid in the red hat playing ball over there. That's him and he said, "it's amazing". He said there is no way. He said, "I don't know what happened or understand how this all happened, I guess miracles do happen" but he said, "you have one very lucky, a lucky boy". She's said no, this isn't luck. She said this and she began to talk about the Holy Spirit and Jesus and all that. Right. But that was my experience to the healing Jesus. That was my experience. So when you got home that night...Now here you're nine years old and your... your grandma told you, I can just imagine, you are going home with a realization, one--grandma was right and with this really happened. The experience never goes away with something like that. It's with you, it's like an internal tattoo. It's just with you forever and you relive it, relive it and relive it and but I mean what you realize, you don't realize the scope of it or the ripple effect of it or the purpose of it. The purpose never something, it is always in our mind at the moment why I was spared when my brother was killed by a drunk driver at sixteen. Why him and not me? He was a better boy. Let's speak of that. So, you are a healed nine-year-old boy. I assume, at that point, life just went on as normal. Never normal, never normal, because you know my friends all thought something was strange about me...They thought now we got to be careful around you, you might die. You might...It was that kind of the thing. That age was very hard for me ten, eleven, twelve. It was very hard but I did ascertain normalcy in the sense I did go to school but it was difficult to be. I continued to be involved in everything, I was in sports but there was always that stigma that would circulate through the grapevine you know he had something wrong with his head and all that. You know so you had to live that, through that. My parents divorced when I was 13 so my mother and my brother and myself, my younger brother David, we moved in with my grandparents and that's where we lived. At that stage is whenever I backslid, you know I was at that time I was still going sharing my testimony. From 9 to 13, I go to church camps, churches, vacation Bibles Schools, anywhere I could to share my testimony but none of the churches ever wanted me to mention her name. Really?...Did they say why? Just don't say ? They didn't like her. The people around the surrounding areas were not... As history tells us, that so many revivals started were started by para ministries not the church itself so God had to light a fire somewhere else... And so often they fight each other which is sad but that's just the way it is and so at thirteen that's when I began to just, you know so Kathryn reached out to me at thirteen I didn't want anything to do with, no I am fine now. So you say she reached out to you, she wrote you a letter, is that what she did or called you? She called. She called. That's interesting so this is several years later she calls to see how you are doing? Yeah. Just to see how I'm doing because she heard... We live in a small town 45 minutes from Pittsburgh but I mean, one of our family members, my grandmother was very close to one of her main bus captains at that time so looking back at it, I don't how that news got back to her. I don't know I honestly don't know but she had an interest you know and so what happened was with that divorce I was just went 13, 14 ,15,16 , all those years 17, 18, 19. I was 19 and I was planning on going to another business. I had people step up who were offering to pay college for me to go to ORU. I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to go into the ministry, I didn't want to preach. I was just really against it. Why, let me ask you that if it's okay, at the risk of being too personal. You had such a huge miracle and obviously and I want everyone to understand that all of this there's an ebb and flow that we've talked about before but to hear you're nine years old, you have this huge miracle, you're speaking in church camps and everything else yet you didn't want anything to do with it at this point. Well because it was an oddity at the time. At that time, I was more into fitting in than in standing out. The pressure of being alone especially with that kind of the story may me alone even among my peers. So if I'm in church I'm still alone, you know because a church even the church kids thought you think you're better than us now. So everywhere that I went I had nowhere to be. There was no landing spot so I found the greater social acceptance with friends outside the church who didn't know anything about it. As I grew older, the more it lessened and I never talked about it. I knew. My grandmother knew. My mother knew but I never took that to high school. I never took that into my backsliden life although the Holy Spirit never left me. That's the amazing thing, never left me. I still can't figure that out other than like Brother Kenneth said, last night g-r-a-c-e, grace. I mean that was so, there were periods there where you feel your living a secret life and that I would rarely go to church--rarely, maybe Christmas, New Year's. So I didn't hear from Kathryn for all those years until I hit like I said 18, 19 after my brother was killed, he was hit by a drunk driver and... So where were you at the time when you learned that your brother was killed? I was home alone. Everybody, my grandma, grandpa were away from home and the state police called and said you know, is this the home of David Burke? You need to come identify the body all that. I just fell apart because we were a very close, close family and so no one in the family knew but me. They were all away so when they came home, I had to tell them and that began as many watching this show of yours knows when cancer or death or anything serious hits a family, it effects the whole family. So I went to a couple different pastors, I was really seeking answers you know about eternity and about heaven, hell all that stuff. Sovereign election. I went through about three pastors and none of them really was able to help me. I felt very and maybe they did and maybe I wasn't open to help. Looking back at it so I don't want to say anything like that but I didn't get any peace with anything that they said and I knew I had to come to terms with, wow, why was he taken and me left. I had cancer all through me. He was healthy. I get healed. He gets hit by a drunk driver. You know totally the drivers fault you know, why does he die younger than me when I was right there with months to go? That whole thing really bothered me and that's when Maggie Hartner who is Kathryn's main lady called . And she said Kathryn said she wants to meet you. She said now this is your time. So you went and saw her. Let me take a pause right here. Those of you that were maybe your old enough you could have known Kathryn Kuhlman or maybe you're young enough you missed her, you can still when you go to YouTube and you can watch videos and you can still see-- I remember as a boy watching, I was never in a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting but I remember playing and running through the house and stopping because my parents had the TV on in the middle of the day which is unheard of and it was Kathryn Kuhlman. I just was almost locked in like what is going on? What is she doing? And to this day, if I see something, I will be locked in and focused because I'm like there was such a power and it's that apprehension --what is going to happen next? It's like always, like right, what is she going to do? Here it is all these years later. What is she going to do? Yes, she was unique. We're all, everybody is unique in their way. You learn that too, later. But being a young person and never seeing anything like that. I mean, today you have so many different personalities so she would blend in more today, I think. I really do. But then, in a small town outside of Pittsburgh, a blue-collar town, where everything was in a hard-working labor steel mill plain-vanilla chocolate, strawberry, here comes this lady in a white gown. Have you been waiting? I've been waiting for you. Have you been waiting for me, it's just like wow, it was just so way over the top for me. So I began to take my friends down to meet her. I would take my friends down because they couldn't believe it. Understanding revivals is a big task. and it's one when I started diving into learning thing led to the next and led to the next and it's almost a daunting task to be able to understand all about what happened in our history when it comes to what God did throughout history with the revivals. What have we done? We've taken our time and we developped a website right here behind me Now this is--of course it's on a big monitor but you can use this on your computer. It will work on your phone and your iPad or whatever tablet you've got. You can go to all of this and all that what I'm talking about will work on it. But let me show you one feature Now here is in 1837, talking about the armenian revival--if I just scroll down here... Look, here we are. Here is William Seymour, Azusa Street, 1870. So when you see this, you say, "Well I want to know more about William Seymour." Well I click on "more" Now look at this. I have... I have a history of him. There is 138 stories right here that I can click on and learn more about William Seymour and the revival. Now there is another way to do this. Let's go back here. Let's say you don't like the way this... Look I can click here and I can go to a 3D version and on this version, I can go through time like this. So you see I can go through all. There is Voronae. It's talking about history, facility in Russia. You can just go through history and understand what happened with the revivals. Go to the website, sign up and join us. ♪♪[MusicÑ♪
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 20,358
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: QEvrvoVDgYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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