Celtic Church Revivals

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Genisys 2618 tells us isaac dug again the wells of Abraham in every generation there have been revivals massive moves of the spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one their generation discover your call to be the one generation we're about to take you face to face with history welcome today to a very special episode of revival radio TV I know that you've been seeing a lot happening out there you've seen a lot of prophecies a lot of supernatural more than ever before we're seeing people not just Christians but people outside the body want to know more about the supernatural wanting to understand God in a new way that's just part of the times that we're living in well today we have very special guests Rebecca Friedlander hi Rebecca thanks for joining today yeah yes so glad you're here I want to start at the beginning tell us there's a lot of people that watched it may not know who you are can you kind of give me a quick bio of what you've done sure I'm a film producer and I create my own projects so I've traveled around the world I'm also a speaker and I travel and speak with my potter's wheel lead worship and photographer so I really love taking the arts and using them to expound the love of God and in some cool ways yeah yeah and you do that very cool ways in fact one of the DVDs here on the table I actually saw for the first time like okay this is cool stuff it's beautiful very well done and we're going to be showing little clips of that during the program but I want to talk about you had a special pilgrimage and you started talking about the Celtic Christians and what happened back then so let's start let's dive into that story what happened well I am kind of a pilgrim of faith myself so I love following the Holy Spirit and seeing what he wants to say and then trying to capture that in a very relevant way on film and so I was kind of in between projects that was actually filming in Jerusalem and I ran into a couple of women from Northern Ireland and they begin to tell me about the Celtic States now I heard little things about this period of history 1,500 years ago and they would tell me little things like one of the stories that I heard was how the Saints would get into a boat with a sale and no rudder right they were so passionate about their relationship with the Holy Spirit that they just believed well God made all these elements of nature so obviously the Holy Spirit can just blow our boat where he wants us to go so they would launch into the stormy Irish Sea and just trust that the Lord would direct the winds and blow the boat where he wanted them to evangelize or to set up a little place of Prayer and I would hear stories like this about the passion of these early Celtic Saints and it made me hungry to know more and so I built relationship with these couple of women and they sent me notes from their Bible study that they were teaching in Ireland and after two years I started thinking okay God is there a message here that you want to say and I just stumbled onto this precious part of her viable history that yeah totally captured my heart yeah all right so I want you to dive in and let's talk about the Celtic so go ahead can lead us lead us down this path why should you know we have people let me just stop here and say we have people from all ages from kids to senior citizens that watch and they need to be introduced to this whole section of Christianity that maybe most believers don't really specially here in America don't really have an understanding of I mean we've just started to figure out oh there was something that happened in the Hebrides in the Isle of Lewis so kind of take us through what your discovery was absolutely well we're talking about a type of history that most people are familiar with because it really revolves around st. Patrick I was made a slave as a teenager at an age when I could hardly speak and before I knew what I should do and what I should avoid even today I blush and I'm very embarrassed by my lack of learning I am quite unable to express my story in the same way as those who are well trained in the art of precise writing as the Roman Empire and the West begins to crumble God begins to ignite something so special and he does it through a 16 year old boy who by his own admission is not interested in things of God although his father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest so you would have been familiar with the things of God but he just wasn't interested he is walking in the coastal regions of Britannia there's an Irish raiding party that's coming across dark pagan Celtic occult it what would you do in a situation like that we don't really understand the land then you're sold as a slave [Music] so he's the one who brought the gospel to Ireland he was the 16 year old teenager chemically on the coast of England or but definitely not in Ireland and he was right around the time where the Roman Empire had just collapsed and it was anarchy so there were terrorists everywhere if you will there were pirates from Ireland that would come across the channel and they would sabotage the villages and take people captives in the slaves and so that's that's what happened with Patrick they took him captive put him in a boat took him across the sea now you know Patrick would have been raised with the understanding of Christianity we know that his parents and his grandparents were part of the church but they were like many young people today where they had kind of a heritage of faith right but he wasn't passionate it didn't engage with his heart and till this moment where he was kidnapped and he was forced to work as a shepherd taking care of animals basically slavery yeah so here he is he's a slave and he goes to Ireland so what happens well this teenage boy now on the side of this mountain taking care of animals begins to cry out for God and God begins to meet him in some powerful ways than his own riding to st. Patrick so sometimes I would pray a hundred times during the day and even more at night and so we see this this boy you know this kid that's all of a sudden beginning to cry out to God and he says that God met him there he would have encounters with the Holy Spirit it says in his writings that sometimes he would hear the groaning of the Holy Spirit praying inside of him as he prayed and so for six years that was his life in solitude as far as we know in slavery and then he has a visitation from God and God gives them a vision and tells them to go and so he runs away I hold the story he gets back to his family with a boat it gets back to his homeland and then God just a miracle in itself for him actually to get all the way back absolutely and there were miracles along the way where he would pray in a storm he would pray when they were on the verge of starvation you know all these things that God was supernatural answer his prayers so go obviously had his hand on this I'm this young man by this time he was about twenty-two it gets backed with his family he's reunited but that's only the first chapter of his story and so then God begins to visit him and he has a vision or a dream and he hears the call of the Irish this certain place in Ireland where he saw people in the spirit and they were they were calling out to him and saying come back to us holy boy and come help us and so he he doesn't immediately go back to Ireland he spends about 20 years he gets training probably in in France and and then he goes back with some other missionaries [Music] Lord God this is your land it belongs to you I was brought here as a slave and now I return as a servant [Music] lord have your way the gods and goddesses of the pagan Celtic world the stuff nightmares the Druids did not look favorably upon Patrick they saw him as a competitor a usurper of their authority and I'm convinced that many people are convinced that the only reason that the Irish turned to the one true God is because of the undeniable demonstration of the power of the miraculous it raising from the dead healing signs and wonders accompanying the miracles we see from his writings is that there was this pattern of signs wonders and miracles the dead were raised supernatural favor all of these miraculous things that would happen that really when he was in a hostile place convinced people that wow there's something really going on here so so Patrick brought the gospel with signs and wonders to Ireland and then within a generation or two the whole of Ireland was swept up in in Christianity you know I think if there's ever a be the one story it's Patrick st. Patrick what did you discover when you went there well if we unpack the life of Patrick that was not easy for him you know he you had to win the heart of the king and you could actually be thrown in jail if you stepped out of that tribal area without the King actually accompanying you this is the next place because there wasn't just hey you won the heart of the king one time and you're in so explain what that was so Ireland was made up of different tribes and each tribe had a king and then they would have the High King over a region so the the whole Ireland island was divided up into several countries and you actually had part of the north of Ireland that was connected with the same kingdom as the west of Scotland that was all the Kingdom of Del Rio de and there was one High King and so if you had the favor of the High King that would give you all sorts of favor in the land but you still had to go in and make relationship with with those tribal Kings as well so it was not just the freedom to go and vandalize there was a lot of political red tape okay so so he goes at which is that's pretty amazing that he's able to win that he actually was able to win the hearts of all these people to get through I mean I know not all of them but I mean that that in itself is a miracle that he was able to get there all right so he goes now tell me about the druid you started talking about what was going on with the druids at this time so the thing about Irish culture is that they were very relational so yes you had to win people over relationally from from the royalty in order to have access to their people and you also had to dreck in with the religious and kind of legal system of the day so you had the druids and there were these pagan worshipers who worship or worship the elements they walked in a lot of demonic powers but they were also the lawyers and the thinkers of the day so yeah Patrick would have had to face all of that as well yeah well what an amazing story so so we did that when you went through there and you kind of walked tell us about your journey now the first month I think I had maybe two days to rest because it was so full of all of these divine encounters and experiences and people that I just ran across who had understanding of these things you know I had a little understanding of Patrick but what came after Patrick was just mesmerizing to me and to believe that God could do this and maybe do it again because when we see happen after Patrick was that there were communities that were raised up and this is really how the gospel spread over all of Ireland it was a monastic move and these weren't just monasteries that we think of monasteries with monks with funny haircuts and that just you know but these were groups of families that would come together and they were like universities there were these training centers and they began to show people how to live the Christian faith and that's how the gospel spread to all of Ireland and that's what made Ireland so amazing during the Dark Ages because it became just ablaze with these passionate believers who did community together they they practice some of them did 24/7 prayer and worship for hundreds of years they've sent out missionaries so they weren't just like in their own little space like they actually into people and sent them out with the gospel and the arts some of the arts are so amazing that we have some of those pieces of art that they created and today they're even called the work of angels because they're so amazing and so every one of those elements I am passionate about and I'm like whoa God you could do that again so it was kind of like unpacking this part of history that was just fascinating well that that God had done and I didn't even I wasn't even aware what should we learn from the Celtic so we're gonna dive in a little bit deeper but I want to take a pause right here and say what should I really take from this from this great segment of Christianity this history what should I take from that I think the first thing that I would say is that anybody who feels drawn to Ireland or Scotland there's a reason and if you have you know roots there it's part of your heritage but if you're a Christian there's a spiritual connection that you have with what God did in that movement in that time so if you feel compelled when you hear bagpipes or or love to sing be thou my vision you know or some of those things that come from that area of history I think there's a reason and I think God is calling people back to investigate what he did in these nations and what we're really carrying because I think he wants to do it again yeah amen and he wants to do it here amen so I'm agreeing with that all right let's talk about Columbo strong willed impetuous at times Columbus story as a statesman scholar poet a rebel and missionary stands alone born great-grandson of Irish King Niall of the Nine Hostages Palumbo relinquished his right to the throne choosing rather to join the church the crown pastor Dermot who became Ireland's new High King Columbus sailed for Scotland to meet the high king of Don Reata and ascended to the royal 4th of Dennard to request land for a Christian community however the hiking delayed to respond retreating to the seed Columbus home for up to two years was an isolated damp cave there in the cave Columbus started his first church in Scotland eventually the king sent world and gave him a small island that housed the druid University it's name was Iona Columba promptly removed the druids and set up a christian community he also ventured through the highlands to share Christ with the Pitt tribes and thousands of pics turned to Christ [Music] seven years later his influence had grown to such a degree that he was brought to the king's court to choose and anoint the next king of dal Riata this began a partnership of Kings so st. Columba came shortly after Patrick and what we see happen is that by this time Christianity had really moved in that second phase where it wasn't just about one man Patrick being the missionary and having these amazing results but we're actually saying that now there's all of these little hubs there's all these sinners that are just ablaze with passion for Christ and Colombo comes out of that and he's kind of this this fiery this this fiery guy who doesn't always make the greatest decisions sometimes he just acts because he's he's passionate and he's angry or you know whatever he kind of gets into trouble sometimes but he's this amazing scholar and he's studied for decades under some of the leading men of that time around Ireland and then eventually he gets into a little bit of trouble and after founding a number of communities himself including a place called Kells which comes into play later he gets exiled and they're like okay you need to leave Ireland for a while just need to go learn some stuff you know so he goes out on this mission to convert like two to three thousand people and he goes to northern to the to the west of Scotland and and he waits there for a year and he lives in a little cave you can go see the cave today and he goes and he makes appeal to the man who's a king over that area because they're related somehow you know Columbus royalty and he's related to this guy and so after about a year the King says okay I'm going to give you some land and it gives them a little island that becomes foundational and pivotal in the Celtic Church and that's the island called Iona and Iona is even today it's thought of as kind of this mystical place because so many interesting things happen there and Iona becomes this Center that Columbus starts and he raises up this whole new breed of monks there they're scholars but they also have these encounters with angels and the spirit realm on this island and he raises up missionaries from this place it becomes this hub where all these apostles come and they all hang out and they get trained it also becomes a university because see the monks at that time were some of the only people who who kept reading and writing alive during the Dark Ages in the book of kells now explain what that is yes so we've seen in these centers of worship and prayer they were so devoted to the Lord but out of that devotion came these beautiful works of art and one of those things was the Book of Kells and so the Book of Kells today you can go see it's in Trinity College in Dublin and it's only it's about this big I would say and it's got just pages and pages of incredibly Illustrated our work where they took Scripture and they copied it but then they got creative and they made it beautiful and so there's all this intricate work on these detailed pages so in this book of kells that were showing pictures of right now this reproduction that we it really is interesting Rebecca how we see whenever there's all throughout history wherever there's a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a big way it comes out whether in with signs wonders and miracles but also comes out in the arts in music and arts and that's really what you're saying when you talk about the Book of Kells absolutely and we see that what they depicted was very much the classical form of art for their day so when God's Holy Spirit moves people like to capture that and and get creative and they also use methods that their culture is saying right you know and so we pick up the tools of our culture and we get to be elaborate and extravagant and create beauty because we're moved by the heart of God so what happened with Columba keep going down that path what is next well Columbus so he founded Iona and that's really you know what he's known for but he really became one of the fathers of within the Celtic movement and they looked up to him so much not only that but he would go from that island and take missionary journeys sometimes with other leaders of the Celtic faith and they would go for instance there's this one story where they went up to a fort and it was actually not a good time for them to go there had just been a battle and they were on the wrong side they were you know so there was there was it was not a politically correct time for them to go but they went and the king shut up the doors of his walled city it sat on top of a hill it's just this beautiful overlook but when he heard that they were coming he thought well maybe they're on a political mission or something so he closed up the doors locked up the city and yet Columba comes up and he made the side of the cross or he invoked the blessing of Christ and all of a sudden the doors opened up supernaturally Wow and so many people got saved in that moment and then later either that time or a bit later the king and also gave his heart to the Lord but because of those kind of things they had so much favor to go out and to speak to people and the people that they were speaking to these were not just nice little country people these would have been the picked tribes and they were the ones who used the blue paint on their faces and they were the ones well blue was it was a type of herb in that area and so it was war paint basically just like soldiers would do so they would put the blue paint on kind of the Braveheart kind of thing and they were just brutal people they were the ones who if a woman had a nursing baby and her husband wanted her to go to battle he could actually beat his wife and force her to go into battle as a soldier with her baby strapped to her side and so you had women fighting in these brutal battles I mean they were just it was it was a brutal time and yet those were the people that God used Columba to speak to and other Celtic Saints I'm pretty soon in many places in that area were also converted to Christianity and some of them was because it was this clash between supernatural powers of light and darkness and so they would have experienced miraculous signs and wonders in order to communicate God's majesty you went to Iona yes yeah so tell me about that experience when you went there well I don't know I got to do some filming there and I think what my takeaway was the people you know it's just a really beautiful time also I discovered that on Iona it was not just the Book of Kells but they were also creators of like I believe iron and different metal workers there was this whole community of artists who would have lived there and so it was not only this place of a university and learning that Kings respected you know but it was also the place of Arts and not only that but these Saints were so looked up to that that they were actually called to help put into position some of the kings of the land so if there was a new king coming up they would have the right to choose the next king and to actually crown him and you can go to places in Scotland where you can see the coronation places where Columba would have come and anointed and chosen the next king so it was really it was a place where they had so much favor to be able to preach the gospel and send out missionaries as well all right let's move on Aidan Lindisfarne what tell me about how those fit in the picture so Aidan is a fascinating story so it starts with with Iona because you have this hub this epicenter of Christianity and that's in Scotland so now to the north of England there was this particular King and he was at a time of war so he sent his wife and his sons all the way up to north of Scotland and he wanted his children to be educated at Iona and so these kids were hearing the gospel and and for some of them one in particular the gospel grabbed their heart and he was the heir to the throne and so back in England wars over they all go back home and this young man ends up taking the throne so he sends to Iona he says will you send us a missionary because we want to have the gospel from the Celtic this Celtic way and so they send him this particular man and this man doesn't have much success comes back to Iona and says the English are just stubborn they are hard-headed we don't we can never give them the gospel they're just not interested not gonna work and this particular young man named Aidan stands up and he says you know what I think if we were to approach them with compassion and grace that we'd have a better success so they all lay hands on Aidan and they send him and he becomes friends with the king and the K acts his interpreter so they go across the country and they begin to preach the gospel and the King becomes one of his best friends Aden in the king and together they transform Northumbria and there's a huge Celtic community that's established in that place I went there too yes yeah what stood out to you there oh well the island of Lindisfarne evidently Aidan chose it because it reminded him of the island of Iona and so he goes there and he built this community right and the cool thing is when the Celts would start a community you know he would bring in twelve of his monks with him and they would fast and pray on the ground for 40 days before building anything and then they build their prayer Hut's and then they'd build a place to worship and then they'd build a place to live and so you have this island that's been saturated in prayer and fasting Wow and they've created a space to welcome people into and and it's still a very special place today people come there from all over the world because they sense it's a very it's a fitting place it's a very special place you know I want us to keep going with this but we're out of time I want let's dive into our next program let's dive into what a thin place is all right so people are watching right now and we won't go any further because we're gonna pick this up next week but I want you to explain again all of these are they're watching and they're going wow I never knew that I didn't know what that was what do I do with that is a believer so I want you to look at the camera and pray for them do whatever you need to do the Holy Spirit leads you know how to minister to them about what they've learned today sure I would love to well what I thank you that what you've done once you can do again Lord you can raise it people who have such a passion to follow you anywhere who are out-of-the-box and creative yes I know worshippers and passionate about prayer in your word and so God we just thank you and anyone who is carrying that Irish Scottish DNA father god I ask you to quicken it inside of them right now Lord and give them the courage and the bravery to go out and to just spread that fire to whoever you would call them to do that to father God to share the and that father you would again raise it mighty men and women and heroes of the faith father who will passionately do what you called them to do in Jesus name Amen man Thank You Rebecca and you want to know more about Rebecca we're going to give you there's the website that's right there on the screen you can go there find out I mean she's got a lot of products videos they're great you look really enjoying so I want to what give you information about that but thanks thank you for being here my pleasure listen Rebecca so much great stuff that we've just barely touched the surface of you know you've got so much product on your website I know these are the films that you've just seen clips on the programs here thin places and the Celtic pilgrim and just true stories from the Dark Ages I mean this is good stuff you want to go to the website what else can they find it in your website oh I'm super excited about helping people tap into their potential of connecting with God and also being artistic you know if you've got a vision I did all this without a big budget you know there are ways that you can get your stuff out there and so I did the book called launch your vision and that helps people to craft their own strategy for getting out there and doing what God has called them to do I've also got some other books that help you with personal transformation like spiritual warfare and you've got your music there to do yeah so let's go to our website find out more about who Rebecca Friedlander is look at her products I know you're enjoying it because we enjoy it so you better enjoy it go
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 5,126
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Revival, History, Miracles, Rebecca Friedlander, Revival Radio TV, Gene Bailey, Irish, Ireland
Id: rh4OteRz4b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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