Ellson and Callie Bennett

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so to everybody else out there yacht yeah and especially to my Navajo people Jesus is the way Jesus is the answer and Jesus is Lord and we're going to say Navajo for you Jesus in every generation there have been revivals massive moves of the spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one their generation discover your call to be the one generation we're about to take you face to face with history welcome to revival radio TV I'm gene Bailey so glad you guys join me today we're going to learn some things today that you may not have heard about with me special guest Elson and Callie Bennett glad you're here glad you're here thank you you know Elson you've been a friend of brother Copeland's for quite a while in fact we got this picture that we had hanging on the wall back here tell us what this is well that picture that was back in 1972 right yet brother Copeland and Jerry Savelle came out to one of our first faith conventions and so it was with brother Kenneth Peggy she and it out in white post Arizona and then my father was associate pastor at the time and so they were working together and so they had prayed about doing a faith convention right and so that was the first one that was done there at white posts and brother Copeland came out there and when he came out there I was spraying oh five years old four years old just running around but there was something different about this preacher that came because we had many preachers and missionaries go through there but this one was a little different and there was just strong to him and at the time and so I would sit in his service and even after the service I would follow them back to the and they didn't know about this I would follow them back to their trailer where they were staying at right and just to steady them and there was something unique about them and at the time I didn't as a kid I didn't know what God was doing God was connecting us there was something God it was doing inside me at that time as a little child and so every service I was there that they ministered and I began to see them giving even their clothes to the natives there and I got that's just weird this is the first time that a preacher is giving something to the people the people usually give to the preacher right and so and that's what in truth intrigued me even more and so I began to follow and steady and and then before he left before they left white posts I went up to them and said brother Copeland and go one of these days I want to be like you because as a kid I knew as a child I was going to be ministering the gospel and so I go one of these days I will be like you and one of these days I will minister with you and so from that point on and he laid his hands he laid hands on me and he prayed and there was the years later that we reconnected again so that's how the connection with the Copeland started so well tell me about your ministry I mean in all that you're doing how did that start but your own walk it was just one step at a time the Lord led me to Scripture and Lord lead me to to read in the Bible and I began to read a Bible I began to see that the Bible is a tribal book and it wasn't just an American book it was a Christian where it was a tribal book where I saw I saw ceremonies in here I saw God I saw the clans I saw tribe by the tribal life that I'm used to I saw it in the sky and it became it just became real to me in em as I came across the scripture said Jesus kept his custom then I just began to look into that what do you mean Jesus began I thought Jesus became Christian and you know he done away with that custom part but I began to look into that say if Jesus can keep his custom then I can and you know I written and later I realized that culture and all of that those ways that God has given us is a gift from God and so all of us have cultures and backgrounds and up brains that were in surroundings that we came from and so that that was there that the biggest learning I guess through through this whole wall because I knew I'm not supposed to be like everybody else right and the way I saw things the way the scripture came real to me the way I saw people was not the same as everybody else and so that's you know I guess I could say yeah I've come to that place of a balance but I'm still on that journey of learning more and more each day now what you just described about having to be in my American or my Navajo what it where do I fit that's really scripture tells us Corinthians about we're the body we're not supposed to all look alike or address alike or wear the same clothes or or even necessarily preach all the same way it's all we're all part of the body that's what we're supposed to do that's why I need you you need me and we need him and you know we need to be able to be that to everybody else because you're gonna reach people that I'm never gonna reach I don't I'm pretty sure I don't look anything Navajo pretty sure I don't I'm pretty sure I can't go there so I really that is such a profound statement and I love what you said this is a tribal book tell me more about what makes this a tribal book well if you read the scriptures you will see it on the Old Testament there's ceremonies right you know there was all about self-effort it was all about you know what can I do to where God can hear me how God can do something for me and in our native tongue we don't call him God we call him the Great Spirit or creator and so through the years there were so many misunderstandings from the Native American side and also from the missionary side that came in because the biggest misunderstanding through the years between Native Americans and the gospel coming to the reservations I think it was just a time that people we they should have took to learn one another I think that's the biggest part because the Native Americans they weren't against the gospel it was you know they were open to because you go back in the early 1800s God was preparing the Native Americans even back then that this the book from heaven was coming wrong and so our native culture and even in the scripture we see a the biggest part that God wanted and I call him and tribal God because of the big thing in tribes is community is connecting with one another and so it's there's no I in community and when there's a community there's a weak and so when we talk about covenant and I hear a lot of Christian people and ministers even say that covenant is promises so promises can be broken though and we see that in the natural realm but the thing we have to realize is covenant you're born into and so the biggest thing is for me I'm from and talking about tribal book here for me I'm from the Salt clan and so before I was born I didn't pick that I was born into that and so here we see the same thing we see the first chapter of Matthew we see all the lists of the lineage of Jesus where he come from the bloodlines let's say that you were adopted into the falkland and and they would bring you in and they would give you not only a name but they would give you gifts and these gifts are called covenant gifts and so when you receive these covenant gifts you know these represent the Covenant that you were born into and so the Bible says were born into this covenant well that God made with himself and we were born into it and then I read along the book there in the red letters and I read that I'm the salt of the earth okay that means I'm a salt clean and so now I begin to say this anyway this begins to unfold and I begin to see hey I know what God is talking about my mind because I did you know just from me looking at this as the tribal book I have learned so much looking at it looking at it like that sort of Scripture as a tribal book than I did at conferences are sitting under anybody and I began to read about the blood covenant and I begin to read about the salt covenant I begin to read about all these covenants in here I'm like I know what God is doing I know what he was saying he was speaking to all the people in the world you go back to my father's generation my father didn't read and write English so he couldn't all he could do is open the Bible and the Holy Ghost start teaching him how to read and that's how he learned how to read and whatever a few scriptures he knew he preached out there and now a generation later now we have understanding not only to read English but now we can break it down to Hebrew break it down to Greek and and do more in depth of Bible studying we have now more Native Americans that understand the Word of God than ever before and then with that we begin to see how what God put in me as a tribal man to see the scripture different than you yeah and there's a reason why God did that because you see the scripture one way I see the scripture one way and that's where the connection and I believe the revival is going to take place cuz we can learn we can love each other and we're gonna see a greater greater aspect of God and who he is because in Ephesians book says being rooted and grounded in love that you and I may comprehend fully understand comprehend what is the breadth the length the depth of depth and the heights of God yeah maybe I'm preaching the heights maybe you're preaching the links yeah I sure would like to see how you see God yeah and and I have something to bring to the table and you have something to bring to the table and so now we have that the Lord spoke to me of one fire for the dish this year that one fire is it there's not just one fire we all want fire but there's blue fires blue flames right it's white there's red there's a warrant so I believe all these colors will come together to make one perfect fire storm that's going that's going to be released throughout the world he's God ever see that and we're gonna say and so so what I mean by that is the fire storm is the blue fire you may carry the red fire I may carry the yellow fire is somebody else may carry but when all these different fires come together it makes one Holy Ghost fire now you have your gift represented my gift represented and but other brothers gifts in the oven that's right now these gifts and that's what the devil's been trying to do is we don't want that fire perfect storm to happen right we've seen a little glimpse of fire maybe an orange fire over here a blue fire over here we call it revivals but the real revivalist when all these fire come together I'd like to go back a little bit and when we talk about revivals or something that happened at white post tell me what happened there you know you go back to the 70s 71 I believe this when white post started but going back you know B even before it's 1971 1971 was the opening of white post church but before the church open God was doing amazing things behind the scene he was getting hearts different places ready for this move of God that was ready to take place and so brother Kenneth Peggy she he started the white post churches effort is that he was the one that established it and the mission worked there at white post was established brother brother Kenneth biggie Sheen but he started praying you know just by a little riverbed he just started praying out there and and then once he started praying and just wanted direction of what to do in life and so he was just born again didn't know didn't have it any direction of what to do and so he began to share Jesus from one house or at that time Hogan to one Hogan and to another Hogan and so forth in the community and then people start coming out to meet him and there was no buildings there was nothing out there white posts in and there were meet in this riverbed and there was a tree there right in the middle of the riverbed just I don't know went up 30 40 feet and they would pray there every evening under that tree and then they realized what you know it would rain and then some of the water would come down that riverbed and it was settled around that tree and they you know and when the tree got wet the the tree got turned white it started turning white now and so they didn't know what was going on so they continue to pray and then that the prayer services begin to grow and God began to do miracles among among the people there and many people were healed I mean even not only get saved but where they were supernaturally heal from sickness many of them you know they they had loved ones in the hospital that we're about to die even some of them that have died many of them you know we're not only heal but some of them their door raised from the dead and so there was a move of God an unusual way you know in white posts and pretty soon he went to 50 people pretty soon and went to to 200 people but but they'd they say we got to start we had a sort of church or something and so they put up this building and first church came to white posts in snidey and 71 and my father Eugene Bennett you know also got saved in 1969 and he began to help Kenneth's big issue and so Kenneth the gishy my father Eugene Bennett they began to just go to a neighborhood the neighborhood from little home HUD home huts to in that area and there began to spring people in so about a time 1972 hit Kenneth and Copeland and Jerry Savelle went out there to white posts and they were running probably about 200 250 people by then and so as a little boy I seen all of this take place and I remember in the beginning days you know they would have prayer meetings and get it remembered they didn't understand English they didn't know how to read it or write it and so they had Bibles and they would carry their Bibles and they would just start praying and holding their Bibles and there was such a hunger for God there was such a hunger to learn the scriptures and so God would manifest himself to these people and just love on them and healed them and bless them then and that's how white post church came about and you know prayer meetings would go on all night long I remember with with us Navajo people back in the 70s we didn't really go by time we went by the Sun so when the Sun went down that means way it's time to go to to the tree to white posts and so they would pray all night long and then the morni you know they go home and during the day they conduct her work you know they would hurt sheep and feed the cattle and horses and so forth life stopped then they would come back and eat and pray and many times I as a child I've set those prayer meetings and fell asleep and the next morning we on went home and so that's there was such a like I said hunger forgotten that's what I believe that brought the manifestation of the power of God into white posts and that tree turning white every time they meant every time it rain you know that's how it got its name white post that's cool was it I have no idea what kind of tree we just know it as white post it was a it was a miracle that whenever it rained it would turn white so if anything men undid him around the tree there they men around the tree and and you know I think people were just hungry yeah because they didn't know how to pray and this was when in the 1570s yeah 68 or 69 was when my father gave his life to the Lord okay and then the church white posts the church there open 71 and then brother Copeland and Jerry came there in 72 yeah and so you know and I think a lot of times it just takes a hunger yeah you know for God and just whether you know Scripture or whether you know how to pray it that really don't matter to god yeah he's like this I can just see your heart that's all he wants your heart and then these people cried out and man did they get a revival and that revival went on for years out of that white post revival throughout the Navajo Nation it revival hit different places God just would come down and the presence of God has come down either as a cloud sometimes I've seen in these tent revivals clouds coming in and I seen where the wind would come in and just blow in the service and then you know just everybody dancing and shouting and it would come as a fire sometimes and so as a child you know my mother would bring me to these at a time my father was preaching so he would she would bring me to these tent meetings and she would taught me up to the ten books make sure it all run around right and so but I seen them I was on the I was tied to the front row so you know I had I seen these things happen and people heal and people delivered and there and Hidden Springs where I passed her now well that was one of the church that came out of that revival and so people from everywhere God's got born again and I I mean the power God hid to where preachers came out of there yeah so it was probably over 40 50 churches that were started out of the white posts so in that revival even want you know you said there were healings that came out of that of course you saw some physical manifestations and you saw clouds and what else did happen did history tells us that happened in those revivals I think the white posts and that Malik what I've seen is supernatural healings I've seen at the time that cancer we do you know what cancer was we've seen people throwing up balls of sickness I guess it was yeah and I've seen people where they they were had a few days to live and they got prayed for and they want any of these services and God supernaturally healed them there we've seen I've one time I seen it there was a car accident down the road and they brought the one of the babies from the accident to the meeting and you know God super now just to heal the baby I've seen just different things you know I'm here there's times where my father would get up four three four o'clock in the morning and just bother back ten you didn't have phones you know you may have even landlines on the reservation and it was they were all led by the spirit and so he would go to the hospitals and the Holy Ghost would say so I was in the hospital you need to go pray for them tonight so he would leave like you know 3:00 in the morning get to the hospital and sure enough so so we'll be there and he would pray for them they were about to die or sometimes they had expired many times they died they went on and died and he would pray for them and they would come back and so there were stories of that and so the manifestation you know there again I think I think he has to work revival what is your definition of revival because your definition of revival could be different than my different arrival and so because of what happened at white post there was another revival that took place they I believe that it was connected to white poles there was a youth revival in the 90s where we're talking about 96 97 98 in into 99 to where there was a huge youth revival in and at the time I did youth meetings and so we do these youth meetings and youth rallies and we would have hundreds of youth we started actually we started with 10 youth in a little bitty room the pastor said well you know brother Bennett you know he just came back from from Bible school and you know we're gonna have him take the youth in that little room back and so we I went that little room I didn't know I was gonna preach and Danny and Danny no there and like guys where's what we do you know I don't know tell us about Jesus so we started there were 10 youth and and then those 10 youth turn to 20 those 20 youth turn it kept doubling and multiplying and multiplying and pretty soon we just outgrew the church we had we were running so many youth ins and then there again there were scripture illiterate they didn't know how to pray but there was such a hunger for God they just wanted more of God and we're beginning to see a little glimpse of God here and there and kids would like this to just cry out to God and many of those youth Mena's ran through the night until three four o'clock in the morning and so those hundred youth turn into thousands and pretty soon we're doing youth meetings that ran a thousand kids in the football fields on the reservation and and the power of God woodcuts just come down no one had to lay hands and then we had one one girl there she was diagnosed with cancer and they gave her a few days to live and she was crying out to God and and during the worship service she said did she just felt this heat come all over her and then when that he came over her she goes I just felt stronger than ever she was I ran all that night you know and she was so weak she couldn't run but you know and she's still serving the Lord today you know so we have a lot of youth that were supernaturally heal a lot of hurts you know youth were hurting and suicide was was so heavy in the reservation that God showed himself in those and so I I noticed that every time there was a whether it's a zoo zoo whether it's a the Brownsville revival or Seattle revival whatever revivals in America God would first hit the Indian nations first really he would visit the Indian nations and then it would come out from there into whatever's Seattle or Los Angeles or wherever it may be so I begin to see as I stated Reviva beginning to see this pattern and so when that youth was the youth revival was taking place I began to see that and are we going to see the that the different moves of God and once once we experienced that we youthful rabble on the reservation I noticed that even at the time brother Hagins made me start with the little laughter and right in gaining drunken of the spirit and so I believe that God is for everybody and I believe that God is for the first nation I think the the bottom line is from what I've seen through the years going all the way back in the 70s to our present time just a hunger for God and just how hungry are you and I think a lot of times we get lost in the how to's oh we get lost in our step well we got to do this step we've got to be this way and we just come as we are and just begin to cry unto Him said lord I just want more of you I want to learn more of you well let's pray father I wrote I just thank you for Elson in Kali and Lord even as we've prayed and we've shared about community and one fire or we just commit and dedicate ourselves again to you for the calling that you've placed on each one of us the peace that we all bring the elements that we all bring together in the body and father ask you to bless Elson and Kali what they're doing and help us to understand each other more and be able to flow more in the spirit with you as we walk together as brothers thank you Father for it in Jesus name Amen amen so Kelly do you ever sing you ever sing acapella I do one of my favorite songs to sing in Navajo is amazing grace jo ba de son yes da Shi nest Heaney your yarn a dead-eyed shine the horse in dough ash Eden [Laughter] i wonderful i think no better way to end and on that we'll see you next time thank you guys thanks thank you [Music] you
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 4,903
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Gene Bailey, Revival Radio TV, Navajo, Revival, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Terri Copeland Pearsons, Faith, Miracles, Renew
Id: PmIVRKLoz4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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