Matt Damon Gets Emotional Talking About Winning An Oscar - The Graham Norton Show

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your cellphone benefactor denied is winning officers never because we I think we just saw a picture there you work because how old were you there yeah I'm 27 and Ben's 25 why are you looking at younger yeah yeah yeah but you know funnily enough we'd been in the business for a while then I mean we'd been I got in the Union when I was 16 so I mean that's 11 years after getting in the Union but that still must be such kind of mind thing I yeah I mean it still it took a really long time to just process everything I mean things happen so fast a you know even though we'd been hanging around Hollywood for a long time it and that and that movie Good Will Hunting you know was five years in the making so it it happened kind of in slow motion for us we were anxious to get it going things weren't moving fast enough but once all of that happened that happened kind of overwrought that night must have sent you into a tailspin do you go crazy that that actual night did you go nuts actually I remember I remember very clearly going back with my girlfriend at the time and we went to her house and she went to sleep and and I seriously I cook about I had a ponytail back then but but i but I couldn't sleep I was just kind of still buzzing it and I was sitting there and I remember very clearly looking at that award and and and thinking very very clearly am I allowed to say a four-letter word on this trip I literally looked at it I was alone with it and I said to myself thank God I didn't [ __ ] anybody over for this huh and I suddenly had this kind of thing wash over me where I thought imagine chasing that and not getting it and getting it finally in your 80s or your 90s with all of life behind you and realizing what an unbelievable waste of your you know what I mean because it can't it's got to be you know what I mean it's not it can't be good enough right it can't fill you up it will never if that's a hole that you have that won't fill it right and and I felt so like blessed to have that awareness that's one when he said to learn it that'll learn it and and because I wouldn't have known it unless I you know anyway like imagine figuring out at 80 that would be how and I literally like my heart broke for a second I it's like I imagined another one of me you know an old man kind of going like oh my god where did my life go what what have I done and then it's over yeah what was the phrase was a phrase that you heard was it in a movie you heard a phrase there goes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I said it to my mother this is this is funny I said that in in the movie the natural Robert Redford and it's based on something the baseball player Ted Williams once said but so his character Roy Hobbs and the natural says all I want is to walk down the street with you know and when I walk down the street for people to say there goes Roy Hobbs the best that ever was and my mother and I love that movie and I loved Robert Redford and my mother asked me one day well what is it what is it that you want Matthew what are you and I said look all I want is to walk down the street someday and have people say there goes Matt Damon the best that ever whoa that is the most disgusting technically James Bourne has urged a James Bourne Jason Bourne hasn't been seen since and Jason bond is fine David I will use your ponytail to steer while you dine upon my lady sandwich she's really thought it through
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 3,873,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acceptance speech, Achievement, Acting inspiration, Acting skills, Acting success, Behind the camera, Best actor, Early success, Entertainment industry, Experience, Fame, Goals, Motivation, Red carpet, Red carpet fashion, TV host, Talent, The Graham Norton Show, Trophy, Winning
Id: Jf4hSjUNInU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2015
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