Robin Williams winning Best Supporting Actor for Good Will Hunting

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but seriously actually stepping in to give the Best Supporting Actor Award Oscar winner herself the great actress Mira Sorvino a bail bondsman former president a psychologist a contemporary artist and a porn producer sounds like the lineup for politically incorrect in reality their characters all brilliantly portrayed by our five nominees for Best Actor in a supporting role Robert Forester and Jackie Brown Jackie didn't trust Melanie you try to get Jackie going with it but they happened it amongst themselves but she did was take quite a risk to make sure you got your money and you helped it didn't you all I did was walk out with Anthony Hopkins in Amistad listen we're about we're about to bring you a case before the highest court in our land we're about to do battle with a lion that is threatening to rip our country in two now we have on our side is a rock Greg Kinnear in as good as it gets allowed me you know he knew what I was before I did and the morning that I left for college he walked into my room and he held out his hand and it was filled with money no big sweaty wad of money and he said I don't want you to ever come back Burt Reynolds in hoodie night the best work we've ever do it's a real film jacket feels good he meant fly now mr. film I want them to remember me Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting you've never looked at a woman have been totally vulnerable being someone a good level year with her eyes feeling my god put an angel on our tit for you and the Oscar goes to Robin Williams reducing phenomena this is his first Academy thank you oh man this might be the one time I'm speechless oh thank you so much for this incredible honor thank you for putting me in the category with these four extraordinary men thank you Ben in math I still want to see some ID thank you Gus Van Zandt for being so subtle you're almost subliminal I want to thank the cast and crew especially the people of South Boston you're a can of corn you're the best I uh I want to thank the muskoka Weinstein Mazel Tov and I want to thank Marcia for being the woman who likes my soul on fire every morning god bless you and most of all I want to I want to thank my father up there the man who when I said I wanted to be an actor he said wonderful just have a back-up profession like welding thank you god bless you you
Channel: Jeremy Ravenclaw
Views: 2,607,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RVzQv1HL9Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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