Tips For USA Tourist Visa Interview-B1/B2 Visa Interview Questions

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hey guys welcome back today I want us to talk about the most popular questions the top questions asked at the US Embassy when you go to apply for a B1 B2 Visa so the biggest thing to take away from B1 B2 visa and I've said this before is your biggest task is to prove that you have intentions of going back to your home country is to prove to the Consular officer that you're not just going there to the US to visit and then refuse to return back to your uh Home Country when the Visa when you approach the Visa officer at the window already they have made up their minds that this person is going to go to the US and not come back so your job is to prove to that Consular officer that no I'm just going there to visit and I will come back to my home country I know it's a very nerve-wracking process going through the visa interview it's a very nerve-wracking process you get nervous you get jittery you get you know you start sweating your heart is beating so fast but the key thing to take away is to try as much as possible to be calm uh be confident in your answers be honest about what you're saying um talk to them when they talk to you uh smile just be you be yourself remember what you filled ds60 in your application form for the Visa those questions will come to play when you go to the visa interview because that's what they're looking at they're looking at your ds60 application what information did you give there and is that information going to match with what you're saying during the interview so when you approach the window obviously when you're walking up to the window they're looking at you how how you're dressed how you're carrying yourself how you know how you look how you how you're presenting yourself as you walk towards the window when you get to the window usually typically they'll ask you8 to 10 similar questions which vary depending on your purpose of your visit depending whether it's um just for pleasure or for business so the questions will vary depending on the actual purpose of your visit so you approach the window obviously you have your file vouri you are prepared you have the documents that you uh depending on your ds160 that you know that you will need obviously you have your passport you have everything ready and you're walking up to the counter so you get to the counter and one of the questions uh one of the very first questions that the officer will ask you is may I see your pass passport so uh one tip here is not just to shove the passport into you know like a little window there speak to the counsel officer say yes here's my passport or yes here you go or something like that and then they would ask you what is the purpose of your visit why do you want to go to the United States why are you going to the US what are you going to do in the US variation of the same question so depending on the purpose of your visit then you'll say I'm going to visit my friend or I'm going to visit the Grand Canyon or I'm going to see the Statue of Liberty or I'm going to uh Disney World or I'm going to a conference I'm going for a business so depending on the answer that you give the follow-up questions will come uh the other popular question is how long are you planning to stay in the United States so once again it depends on the purpose of your visit if you're going for a graduation you're not going to say that you're going to be there for 3 months right you're going for a graduation so you say probably a week or two weeks you know so it depends on the purpose of your visit if you're going for a conference then it depends on the time uh that conference is going to be and when the conference is how long the conference is so you might be asked to show uh proof that you're going for that conference and the dates for the for the conference they will ask you what do you do for a living they want to see um if you have ties uh if they have you have ties to the to the your home country so you can tell them what you do for a living if you're employed you can tell them uh where you work uh if you're in school if you don't have a job then tell them you're in school you're enrolled in school um if you have your own business say this is what I do I have a matatu business or I have this and that business I have land I do farming or whatever it is that you do for a living that's what they're looking for they're looking for ties to see whether you have enough ties strong ties that will force you to come back to your home country after you visit the United States they will ask you are you traveling alone so if you're traveling alone say yes I'm traveling alone if not then um the expectation is whoever you're traveling with would be by your side during the interview um do you have family in the US so this is the tricky one so if you do not have family in the US then no is the answer if you have family in the US and you're coming to you're not coming to visit them let's say for example you have a distant cousin in Washington state but you're coming to New York to see the uh Statue of Liberty or to come to a conference in New York yes you have distance family but you're not coming to visit them that is not your purpose for the visit so depending on um on on your situation be honest don't lie uh but just know that in certain situations like for example if you have family here like your parents are here all your brothers and sisters are here in the US and you're the only one left in the country and you're telling them that oh I'm just going to visit and uh uh and I'll come back so they'll be suspicious so so um I'm not saying don't be honest I'm saying that that could be a tricky a tricky situation and they will need to grill you a little more to find out do you really have intentions of coming back to Kenya or to your home country after you visit if you've had multiple uh visits to the US you can show and they will see on your on your passport you know the Visa stamps and all that that you've been going back and forth and um you can tell them I'm still in school I'm not ready to to go live with my parents or you know I have been traveling I go every so often I go visit them and come back and they can show proof and that can help strengthen your case um have you ever been to the US before yes if you have and no if you haven't they know the answer to this question already so don't lie just say yes if you have and no if you haven't where will you be staying where will you be staying so if you're coming for a conference and um maybe it's a church conference or uh whatever kind of conference business conference if you've booked a hotel you can show that if you um have a Airbnb booked you can show that um if you're going to be staying with uh family or friends then um you can you can say that you can say I'm I'll be staying my friend lives in um Colorado or whatever state you're going and uh they are hosting me for this short period of time that I'll be there so uh followup questions might follow um what do these people how what is your relationship how do you know them what do they do in the US how long have you known them how did they come to the US all that so expect expect such follow-up questions questions so those are like the most common questions followup questions will depend on the reason for your visit uh be be calm I know it's easier said than done be calm be confident know your DS1 160 what is the information that is there have your valid passport ready uh make sure you have open pages blank pages on your passport so so that uh when you qualify for the Visa they can stamp it they can stamp it uh uh they can stamp your Visa there um the other thing is to keep your answers short to the point don't Rumble don't answer questions that nobody asked you wait to be asked uh the question don't be arrogant don't be rude be pleasant uh smile look them in the eye be presentable uh dress nicely just be cool cool just be cool be calm don't volunteer information eye contact very important I said that so um if you recently went for an interview and you are asked something different or your experience was different share with us let us know thank you so much for watching this video uh don't forget to subscribe to this channel Lucy mangi USA I give insights about life in the US as an immigrant and I also share ways that you also can come to uh the US is either to visit or uh through uh DV Lottery and stuff like that so thank you for watching guys I'll see you next time
Channel: Lucy Mwangi USA
Views: 22,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tourist visa, usa, immigration, visa interview tips, B1/B2 visa, visitor visa, lucy mwangi usa, immigration tips, visa interview preparation, visa interview questions
Id: QvIOmB-b5J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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