Mastering Palworld: A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up Your Own Dedicated Server with SteamCMD!

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hey everybody this is Eric from the MMG Welcome to our Channel today I'm going to show you how to set up a p World dedicated server using steam CMD on a Windows machine before we get much further though please hit that subscribe button it's what drives this Channel and keeps us making these videos for free for you and also consider becoming a member of the group you can become a member and get access to a lot of special rewards within the channel including all your questions will get answered first in the comments below not guaranteeing I'm going to have the answer to all of them but I will try my best so please consider that it supports us and keeps us growing all right this game I mean this came out of nowhere it's blown up I see stuff everywhere I had people asking me in my other dedicated servers how to make it I actually didn't get my review copy of the game um I did apply for it and keyer but I got passed up so um pocket pair if you're watching I'm broke I can't buy the game please send me a key I'm going to spend you know I've spent hours making this video I'll tell you right now um so I would appreciate your your support pocket pair if you're watching all right let's get started first thing we need to do is download Steam CMD if you already have it you can skip this step if you don't just go to Google type in Steam CMD hit enter your first results going to be valve uh developer Community click on that then you're going to see the windows package here it's what we're using and then you click on the one right here next to download Steam CMD for Windows one click on that it will download it wherever your downloads go just execute that zip file I recommend you always put it in a spot that's easy for you to find I have a shortcut here um on my desktop and then all my files are here directly on my C drive um if you just have steam CMD on it just execute it for the first time and it will actually take a second to download some files and update the files if you already have it um and fill up this folder with stuff that you need which is well very important all right next thing we need to do once this is completely done you're at the steam prompt you need to type in login space Anonymous then hit enter it's going to log you in some games require you to log in with your Steam username and password if you have to own the game to host a server but luckily you don't have to own this and that's why I'm able to do this you can do it anonymously okay once you're logged in now we're going to download the actual files for the server um so you need to type in appcore update space and then the ID for the dedicated server is 23 94 4 0 1 0 then you hit enter and you're going to see it's going to actually start downloading the files this could take a various amount of time depending on your connection uh you know and how big the download is so you just need to wait for this to finish to get back to the command prompt all right once it is finished downloading it should be at a prompt like this you can type in exit to close that window out now and go back to your folder where you had steam apps and you want to go or where you had steam CMD you want to go into steam apps common then you should see a folder here called pel server you want to go in there that's the files we just downloaded um you're going to see a pel server.exe that's what we want to execute um go ahead and run that real quick it should just open a prompt like this let it set for a couple minutes um do its thing and then you can actually close it out and now we're going to create a dobat so right click here in your window and do new we're going to do a text document and we're going to name this start server. bat and hit enter it's going to ask if you want to change the file type hit yes if it didn't do that and your says b.txt come up here to the top where it says view in your window and you want to put a check mark here where it says file name extensions so check mark that and then you can actually change the extension by the name like I just did all right now we want to edit this you can do text editor always recommend notepad++ if you don't have it it's a great free tool and uh we're going to figure this out here so these are the default information that you can find for this game um server name obviously very important let's change it to the matured Gamers this is this is all you want to leave alone your Port is going to be the port you need to open in your firewall that's your router's firewall and your Windows firewall I don't show you how to do your router firewall or your Windows Firewall in this video you help with the Windows Firewall I do have a video on my channel it will be in the description of this video click on that and that will show show you how to open or forward ports on a Windows Firewall it's very similar to how your router is going to going to be but they all look different and they all kind of handle it differently um so there's no way for me to tell you how to do that because everybody's router is different so all right so we have this done um we're going to hit file save make sure you save your file and um like I said you got to make sure this ports open whatever you set you can change it here too if you don't want it to be the default Port all right now we're going to execute this start server. backat and it should execute into a window like this which is exactly what you want all right so our next step um after you've started the server and shut it back down you want to go to this default pel World settings.ini folder right here we're going to edit that it actually this isn't what you want to do but this is uh this isn't what you want to edit but this is where we want to copy the settings so these are all the settings that we can put in here so what we're going to do is we're going to actually grab this highlight everything from the slash script down to the bottom here and then we're going to copy it and because it tells you here the change of server settings you need to modify this file which is where we're going to go to next so once you have that copied uh we want to go into um that folder so we want to go to Pal then you you'll see a save folder because that's where we your new stuff was saved at when you started that server for the first time you want to go into config Windows server and then if you scroll just little ways down you you'll have a pel World settings. II and if you open it mine was empty yep still is empty yours will probably be empty too this is where we're going to paste all those settings that we just saw into and this is where you can adjust the settings for your server if you want to scroll through them there's a lot of settings here uh tax speed all that stuff um go back towards the end and you're going to get to the ones that we want to change so this is your you know your ports your archon ports here your public Port if you want to make this something other than the standard uh this is where you're going to put in your server password admin password what if you make that server [Music] description uh default P world serers this is the name so we want to change that make it whoa whoa I went went off the rails there hold on one thing bad about having this all on this one line like this um a little messy so make sure you're careful with what you're editing will be the matur minded Gamers oops okay and then you keep going there's more settings number of people you know that can join all that stuff so you can look through all this and change what you want that's the stuff that you have to get changed and like I said you have to put in your IP don't forget to do that if you don't know what your public IP address is you can just Google what is my IP and it will be the very first result for you that is your public IP address and once you have this done just go up to file and hit save all right once your server's up and running you're ready to join it and you and your friends are going to do join multiplayer game and then down here at the bottom there's going to be a direct connect option and you just punch in your your external IP for your friends if you are playing on the same land so at home um you're going to want to put the internal IP address of your server and so that's for most people it's going to be a 1 192.168.0 or1 and then whatever the last octet is for that server um when you're in your firewall and router and you're forwarding those ports that you need to do um you need to look and see what your internal IP address is anyway so you know you're forwarding right so let's say it's 120 and then you also need to put this you need to put the 8211 as the port um I did find out that that is the only Port that works right now so um I know earlier when I showed you in the video I said you can make it whatever you want I think for right now you just need to make it 8211 to get this to work as far as I can under far as I can understand um I think it must be hardcoded somewhere in their game code so you have to do that so um that would be like your internal join everybody else would join with your external IP address which would be like you know whatever your external IP address is 13423 68 something like that and then they still have to put the port in at the end and they should be able to connect and join and you should be good to go all right now you should be good as long as this is up and running you should be able to see your server if you don't see your server again most likely your ports are not open on your router um that's where 99% of the people who have problems get stuck it take some leg work make sure you Google how to open ports on your P your router and hopefully you'll come up with a solution most most of them are out there these days um and like I said if you need help with the firewall I'll have a link to that video in this video description here um which will show you how to do that so all right hopefully this video helped you set up your own pel server and you can enjoy the game with your friends thanks for watching everybody don't forget to hit that subscribe button and remember if you have some questions make sure you look at becoming a member of my channel even the lowest tier gets top priority on all comments on my videos so I'm I look at those first and I address those first so like I said if I can solve your problem I will help you the best that I can in the comments thanks for watching everybody have yourself a great day
Channel: maturemindedgamers
Views: 33,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #maturemindedgamers, mmg, gaming, Gaming, Mature Minded Gamers, Community of adult gamers, #gaming, dedicated server, how to, palworld guide, early access, windows server, Guide, Steamcmd, fast, easy, Pokemon
Id: haXBD3g6lpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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