How We Made This Insane AI Trailer

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we teamed up with capcut to make this insane retro sci-fi trailer using AI for every shot if you want to see the full trailer click here then you can come back to this video afterwards where we're going to show you exactly how we did it so you can do it too let's go the first thing we created was the narration we wanted a retro sci-fi Vibe so we wrote a script that perfectly encapsulated the world we created for soul killer we then went to 11 labs and chose the atom voice which is perfect for that classic Sci-fi Style it is said that long ago the Galaxy was once a peaceful and prosperous place we added some vocal effects to make it sound old and slightly distorted as well as some Echo and Reverb to maximize the delivery of the final line that man is soul killer then we created a new project inside capcut on desktop and dropped it in the next thing we created was the music we almost always make the music before we do anything else especially with trailers because we often use it as the backbone of the entire thing we wanted to a piece that felt right at home between Michael Gino's revamped Star Trek theme from the 2009 reboot and other retro 60s mid-century modern pieces like the theme from lupon thei a woman called Fuji com once we had the soul killer theme completed we dropped it into our timeline and cap cut so it started right after the narration then it was on to placeholders every time we do a project we do some sort of previsualisation whether it's full-on previs storyboards animatics or most often just placeholders we actually edit the entire project before we start shooting or in this case before we created the AI generated shots we typically do this in two ways one is just adding text to the timeline of what each shot is going to be and the other is actually adding placeholder images to give us a clearer idea of what the shots will look like you can do this by using film stills from other projects as placeholders or you can just create a sort of moving storyboard or animatic by generating images on Mid journey and dropping those into your timeline where you want them to go this will save you a ton of time by making sure you don't get or make shots you don't need and it'll also help you have a crystal clear idea of what your project will look like early on so you can make adjustments as necessary before getting too deep into it next it was time to create all the AI imagery this part took the longest because we wanted every shot to be great we hopped in mid journey and started prompting away there's a few example prompts down in the description if you want to try them out yourself many of the shots we just upscaled using pixel cut but for a lot of them we wanted to widen the shots remove things or add things so we brought them into photo sh beta to use generative fill if you click the crop tool and extend the boundaries to any size you want your image to be then click generate it will create that for you with a few different options and you can generate as many times as you need to get what you're looking for you can also press the select tool then draw a box around something click generative fill and type in what you want like remove person or another prompt and it will remove add or replace things in your scene once we add all our images we either drop them into the timeline above their respective placeholders or prep them for VFX this is the main difference that really helps take the project to another level we didn't want to just drop in a bunch of stale images completely devoid of movement into our project and just cut them together so we added a ton of movement to the shots from simulated camera moves in fog to VFX assets like explosions and meteors a great way to simulate camera movement is to just key frame your clip's position click on an image clip drag the timeline marker to the beginning of that clip and set a key frame on the scale then move to the end of the clip increase the scale a little B bit and it should automatically set another key frame when you play it back the camera will look like it's slowly zooming or tracking in or alternatively you can increase the scale in an image and in cap cut you can just click and drag it to one side then go to the beginning of that clip and set a key frame on position move the timeline marker to the end of the clip then drag the image to another area of the shot it will automatically set another key frame for you this will simulate a pan or tilt making a static shot look a lot more real and engaging one trick is to keep these types of movements relatively subtle to increase their believability as well as how cinematic they actually look the next thing we did with sound design this is probably the most underrated step great sound design can sell a piece better than almost anything else in fact try listening to the trailer again with your eyes closed if you still get the same feels and Vibes without even seeing the visuals that's how you know it worked our favorite trick is to just add a riser at the end of any intense sequence this helps Mark the climax of a scene and helps to perfectly frame your biggest moments another thing we did was add a tempany roll after the narration that also served as a sort of Riser leading into the song to give it even more velocity and impact finally we added fley like the nuke explosion and the dinosaur roar all in key moments to help sell the entire thing even more to solidify the style we were going for we went heavy on effects cap cut has tons of unbelievable effects already built in that you can just add to your shots with a click of a button we added things like film grain color effects Distortion lens dust the works one of the features we added is the film strip this creates a letter box over your footage we then animated this using key frames just go to the beginning of the clip with the film strip effect applied and set a key frame next to size then go to the end of the clip and just drag the letter box out of the frame this will automatically create a new key frame and this beautifully animated letter box effect we then added some stylistic color grading to the whole thing and a beautiful 8 mm film grain to finish it all off after adding the finishing touches the only thing left to do was export it is said that long ago the Galaxy was once a peaceful and prosperous place ever since the fall it has descended into chaos Warlords slavers Pirates all manner of Horrors now plague these lands a select few were chosen by the old ones for one reason to Resto you can see the full trailer here with cap cut and these tools even people would connections to Big Hollywood Studios can bring their ideas to life if you want to try out cap cup for yourself click the link in the description and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: FILM CRUX
Views: 296,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI trailer, AI short film, AI film, AI filmmaking, AI VFX, midjourney short film, AI filmmaker
Id: z6ijigHxRfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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