GOODBYE to Discord? Unveiling Midjourney's Web Image Magic! #Midjourney #discord #aitools #ai

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there's no doubt that mid Journey creates some of the best AI images out there so why isn't everyone using mid Journey the biggest barrier access mid journey is built in Discord which if you're already there is a great place for socializing and meeting other creators but my very first video ever was how to access mid journey in Discord and more than a year later it's still the most challenging part of using mid Journey but what if you could make mid Journey images on the web without Discord today let's take a sneak peek at Mid Journey's Alpha website the future of Aid driven creativity recently mid Journey has been revamping their website and now they're testing a new web-based image creation platform the website is currently open to users who have made over 10,000 images on Mid Journey on want to know how many images you've made go to Discord and typeinfo in the message bar if you're under 10,000 images keep watching I'll show you the Future Let's head over to the alpha mid Journey website as soon as you land on the page you'll notice it looks quite similar to the current mid Journey website I did a full review of the new website when it came out and I'm happy that some of my wished for features are starting to show up let us know what's still missing in the comments below but there's something significantly different on the alpha website the Imagine bar at the top is live this is where the magic happens type in your prompt and hit enter no need to type slash imagine first I'm playing with this bioluminescent snail prompt today just like in Discord you'll get four images you'll see the images being created in real time it's such a cool effect you can see this in Discord but it's not as smooth and there's no need to upscale the images are already at Full Resolution The Prompt and parameters you used are right there and I'll show you how to change these parameters in a second open an image and click the three dots for some quick actions copy the job ID the seed or the image link you know that sort of thing this section looks very similar to the current website you can't open this image in Discord but if you copy the job ID you can go to Discord and type slash show and then paste in the job ID to get your images to show up in Discord and you can also quickly download or publish the images if you're working in stealth mode like I am at the bottom you have many of the same tools you have in Discord you can reroll the prompt which generates new images on the same prompt you can vary The Prompt or remix if you want to change something in your prompt open the panel by clicking the carrot icon make your selection then click the button to activate the option if you choose remix your prompt appears in the Imagine bar with prompt and parameters and also the image itself to use as an image to image prompt from here change the things you want how about adding some purple now click enter it doesn't look like mid journe is doing anything because I still have the image Open click out and you'll see the imag is generating so what else can I do I can upscale the image by two or four times again click the the carrot icon to make your choice then click the button to activate your choice again it doesn't look like it's doing anything when you have the image open but it is working in the background one thing I love about this is that the labeling is very clear I know immediately this is a 2X upscale and if you click on the more button you can use the pan and zoom tools make your choice then click the button to activate it don't forget to click the button to run the prompt I keep forgetting click the use prompt button to put your original prompt back in the Imagine box ready for you to tweak it and you can easily use the image as an image prompt image prompting this is going to be so much easier on the website no more image prompt dance downloading the images uploading the images copying the URL pasting the URL forgetting the URL and having to do The Stance all over again so much easier on the website one thing you're not seeing is an upscale button the images made in the current version 5.2 are at their full resolution and you can't delete images from the website you're really going to have to use that rating scale under the action buttons to flag images you like and those that you don't so now let's talk parameters if you're new to Mid Journey parameters are technical instructions this video walks you through the basic mid Journey parameters on the website you can add parameters to your prompt just like you do in Discord by typing Das Dash the parameter code and the value or you can click the settings button and open the parameter panel this is similar to using the slash settings option in Discord now I usually type my parameters into the prompt using the Das Dash commands and sometimes I use the slash prefer suffix to reuse parameters in the comments below I'd love to know how often you're using the slash settings command the parameter panel is divided into sections and there are now sliders to easily tweak your choices your aspect ratios are on a slider with a Nifty tool to help you visualize the shape of your final image it only goes to 1 by two but you can type in other aspect ratios with the-- ar command 16 by9 is my favorite aspect ratio because of all the videos I do you can choose your model including the current nii Journey models and use standard or raw mode the stylize weird and Chaos which is now called variety parameters have their own sliders choose your favorite settings now you don't have to remember that the stylized parameter is from 0 to 1,000 but the chaos parameter is 0 to 100 I like my sty eyes about 300 and Chaos about 30 and when I use weird I like it about a th000 the sliders are nice but they do jump between intervals I can't actually choose weird one ,000 it jumps between 900 and 1200 so I'll leave it at 900 for now you can be more precise by typing your parameters into your prompt using the dash dash command so I can set stylized to 333 or weird to 1,000 I'm working in fast mode and I can move to Turbo or relaxed by clicking the buttons and as a pro user I can easily toggle stealth mode on or off now type your prompt into the Imagine bar and you can forget about your parameters mid journey is automatically going to apply your favorite settings like using the settings command in Discord once you set your parameters they persist until you change them but I always forget I have them turned on you can easily reset each section and choose new settings and if you type a specific parameter into your prompt using the Das Das command it does seem to override these settings when I was testing the website the weird slider wasn't turned on but weird was working just type-- weird and a value up to 3,000 and I just love how the parameters I Ed are really clear Under The Prompt click the parameter and it moves it to the Imagine bar if you're using a version other than the current one it also shows up to Future proof mid journey I wish the default version 5.2 would also show up we're expecting a version upgrade anytime and I'm always forgetting which version was the default when I created the image I'd love to have a reminder one more thing to explore the plus icon in the Imagine bar this is how you add inspiration images to your prompt no need to paste in an image URL like you'd have to do in Discord and it remembers all the images you've used before this is terrific you can easily use them again in Discord this was always a hassle I don't use image prompts as much as I should because I lose track of the URL and can't be bothered to go find the image again tell me what your biggest hassle is creating mid Journey images in Discord what do you want to see in the web version let us know in the comments below while we're playing with image prompts let me try one thing yes typing --iw or image weight to makes the image more important Image Weight doesn't appear in the parameter panel but it is working on the website so if you have a favorite parameter that isn't showing in the parameter panel go old school and type it directly into your prompt with a Das Dash command and if you like blending images just select or drag two or more images into the Imagine box and click enter no need to enter a text prompt though you can mid Journey gets Right to Work blending these images without batting an eye no need to type slash blend I thought eight was a maximum images you can use in a prompt but let me check let's put in nine and see what happens h no problem mid Journey takes some time but it does take a crack at blending the nine images I really like that you can easily see the images you've Blended together they show up as the prompt in Discord I always forgot which images I used in the blend the website image generation is performing really well it's speedy and very intuitive you simply type in your vision and hit enter no need for the SL imagine command anymore adjusting parameters is straightforward thanks to the use of Sliders the sliders operate in increments offering a more limited range of options but you can fine-tune these in your prompt with the Das Dash commands not having the clear distinction between grids and upscales like in Discord may take some getting used to an image only appears as an upscale if you enlarge it by two times or four times you'll really have to use the rating skills a lot to filter images but there is one hiccup here if you rate an image in a group of four as love it or hate it the entire group shows up when you search for the rating so filtering the search isn't quite as helpful as it could be I really hope this gets refined without upscaling we really will be relying on this rating system to sift through our images I'm genuinely pleased with the overall functionality very region is missing as is the describe tool and the new style tuners but most of the tools released for version 5.2 are here and ready to go I hope you enjoyed this look into the future of mid Journey image creation and if you're a super user with more than 10,000 images go to the alpha website and try it out all the images you make here show up in your mid Journey Gallery what is your absolute favorite feature of the alpha website and what is the number one most needed feature Improvement let us know in the comments below if you don't yet have access to the alpha website keep checking back if this test goes well M Journey will start opening up image generation to more creators this is Jen for making the photo let's make something amazing [Music] together
Channel: Making AI Magic
Views: 22,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney Web Interface, Midjourney Tutorial, AI Image Generation, Web-Based AI Tools, Discord Alternative for Midjourney, Image Generation Website, Midjourney Image Creation, AI Art Tutorial, Midjourney Guide, Creative AI Tools
Id: F6ZkB17UzTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.