The Best FaceSwapper yet! And it’s FREE!

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hey everyone so yeah I know you probably recognize me from my famous role in Blade Runner where I played Rick Deckard the Blade Runner who retired replicants who just might have been a replicant himself or maybe you remember me from my famous role in The Shining hi Lloyd yeah that is terrifying anyhow today we're going to dive into the best face Whopper I have seen yet the best part about it is that it is totally free it runs on your own machine installs with like one click and does a whole h of other things okay let's dive in so I know that most of the face swaps we see are like Elon memes or like Zuckerberg as a robot but I think that the technology does have some legitimate creative uses and we're going to take a look at those in just a minute but first let me introduce you to face Fusion now I know some of you see GitHub here and you're like I'm out but hang on a second because this is really really super simple and it works if you're on a PC or a Mac if you're like on a Chromebook I don't know what to tell you so the first thing you're going to need to do is download Pinocchio now pinoc is fairly new but it's basically a browser that allows you to run AI applications all locally on your machine plus side here is that you don't need to mess around with like git clones or cond installs or anything really actually technical at all so I will reiterate it is very new at the time that I'm making this video it's on version 0.8 so this is very early in but it is working everything more or less seems to be running on the Windows side and I did get it working on my M1 MacBook Pro running somoma so again download links are below on the Windows side you do have to authorize it on the Mac side you install it and then you do have to run a self-executing patch command just click on it and it's done once you have Pinocchio installed just head over to phase Fusion download it and you're off there's also a ton of other stuff in Pinocchio we'll be talking about that later on so make sure you stick around to the end of the video that is the first time I have ever said that on the channel I feel a little dirty about it so once you have face Fusion downloaded uh what you want to do is head over into launch normal mode click on that and you'll basically get a command line like this now this might take a hot minute before you get started so just be patient with it but after a few moments a browser window should open up and you now have face Fusion running locally on your machine so the interface is simple enough there are a few little things that you're going to want to know as we move along so the first thing you're going to want to do is use a photo of yourself so I have a shot here that I clipped from blade run I think this is from the Final Cut um has there been a movie that has had more Cuts than Blade Runner so taking that file and just dragging it into the target area it begins to analyze now one thing that you'll definitely want to do if you're on an M1 or M2 Mac or if you've got a PC with a beefy GPU is definitely have this core ml I think it'll be Cuda if you're on the PC side make sure that that's clicked on that will speed up everything a tremendous amount now if you click over on the preview frames uh my first frame was black so it didn't have anything um we can see now we've got some preview frames going it's looking for the reference of what the face is that I'm targeting here so once it has that so it has deckard's face and now it actually has my face there from there simply head down and hit the start button and off it goes so there are a handful of other modules up here such as frame enhancer face enhancer we're going to talk about those in just a minute uh you also have the face swapper models which is INS swapper 128 and ins swapper 128 fp16 ins swapper is actually Insight face swapper which we have covered way back on the channel it's kind of the most popular of the face swapping softwares now personally I'm finding that if you start playing around with the execution thread count or in particular max memory uh I tend to end up with a lot of Errors so you might just want to leave those alone for the time being once your render is done you can preview it by hitting the little play button here and download it via the little download icon right there what you don't want to do is hit start again which I constantly do I don't know why it's like pav laavian that hit the big red button to download it does not turn into a download button if you hit the start button it just well it errors on you or it will just start all over again so yeah just make sure that you hit that download button I how many times I've done that now we're going to take a look at some more examples and some best practices on all of this but I do want to point out this is only one way that you can go about it you don't have to do like famous movies or anything like that for example yesterday while testing this out uh I recorded this as a quick test test test this is a test test here's test I know it's weird right I'm not wearing a black T-shirt so anyhow uh I went over to Mid Journey after that and generated up this dude who's like cosplaying as I know super Chad um I do like the fact that he actually has like an Amber cromie belt on his superhero outfit well played Chad and running Insight face swap got us this test test this is a test test here's test so we'll Circle back to Bizarro me in just a second but first I wanted to take you through some fairly impressive results with phas Fusion uh for example this is a scene of Tom Hardy in Inception I mean it looks relatively decent although I will say that standard kind of face swapping rules still apply for example if I try to take my face and put it on Leonardo DiCaprio we get this which isn't horrible uh but at the same time it just looks a little bit off I think Leo obviously has a much wider face than I have you know looking at it more and more actually I don't think it looks completely horrible it looked I don't know it's my own face so it just looks odd and weird to me to begin with now that said I never look right on Daniel Craig so taking this shot from Casino Royale yeah clearly that looks completely off I mean the physique I mean that's all correct but but you know the face looks a little bit weird it is really funny my face looks so squished on there and then like the ears are gigantic it's a weird looking dude but taking Robert Downey Jr who I tend to face swap fairly well onto uh this is a shot from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang which if you have not seen I highly recommend that movie is great we end up here which looks pretty good you can see that there is a fair amount of compression and it looks a little on the crunchy side um that can be solved with the face enhancer tab here here now I will say that when you have that turned on your render times will get dramatically longer but the results may or may not be that great I really wanted to put face Fusion through its Paces so I gave it this scene from Blade Runner so this I would consider to be a super challenging shot there's a lot of things going on here the rain in the background you've got some smoke or steam basically in front of deckard's face uh just lots of stuff that could potentially trip it up um so running it through phase fusion with the enhan mode on yielded this which I actually I kind of expected um yeah it sort of has that warpy look I mean there's a lot to deal with in this shot um if we scrub through too you can see at certain points like the Chopsticks just kind of vanish um up my nose I guess it's a little weird but that said at the lower quality it actually holds together pretty well so with having enhance off yeah it actually looks a little bit better so maybe taking this output and then running it through something like topaz if you needed a higher resolution might be the solution for you as another experiment I thought it would be interesting to take someone's face and face swap it onto their own face in this case I took a photo of Harrison Ford as Han Solo and face swapped it onto Old solo and yeah that is not bad it looks at least as good as the face swapping in dial of Destiny I will say for the dialogue there is I don't want to call it like face paralysis but like the mouth movement is a little bit on the Mush Mouth side then again Harrison Ford is a pretty grumbly actor but I did run into the same thing with my Blade Runner shot as well you can kind of see my like my mouth sort of barely moves so just to see if maybe projecting and going a little bit bigger in a performance would have an effect uh I headed back to the Overlook Hotel uh and this came out which is really pretty impressive I mean that's that's really good terrifying again but good oh hey you guys stuck around to the end of the video like I asked all right cool there are a lot of other AI tools within Pinocchio that are being added uh for example illusion diffusion that does all of the crazy swirl stuff uh bark and stable diffusion um animate diff as well now here's the thing as I said earlier this is all very new and not all of the tools are 100% working one thing that I would definitely recommend after installing Pinocchio is to definitely join the Discord just in case anything sort of funky or weird happens it's also a good way of keeping track of when updates come out as these tools become more stable I will begin doing tutorials on them as well so if you see any in here that you would like me to take a look at please do let me know in the comments I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 84,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y8CMwl2Fv0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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