Mastering Gear 5 In EVERY One Piece Roblox Game

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ladies and gentlemen it's that Tim today I'm going to be playing a bunch of One Piece games on Roblox with only one objective in mind unlock gear five in every game and R each of them out of five to see what has the best one about 2 weeks ago I did gear four in every game and y'all seem to really enjoy that one so y'all know I had to bounce back for the gear five let's get right into it for the first game we have fruit Battleground now to obtain gear five in this game there's two routes you could take you can either spin for it but I wouldn't recommend that because it's 0.02% chance of getting it and for the second method if you have the time skip rubber fruit unlocked in this game there's a bunch of quest lines and objectives you can do to reach gear five obviously since I don't want to spend a ton of roblux I'm going to take this method but it's going to be really grindy and all right we're now in game so the first thing we got to do is find an NPC named Momos and he's going to tell us the objectives we need to complete I believe the Momos MPC is right up here yep right there let's see what he has to say come back when you reach level 300 defeat kaido five times with time get Reber and have 30 titles well we have the level 300 down but I've never defeated kaido and I do not have 30 titles I only have 14 now as for unlocking titles each title has different requirements to unlock it so let's go over here you can see this one courageous it says defeat somebody at least 150 levels above you you guys get the gist every title has a different requirement so with that in mind I think the best strategy we're going to use moving forward is we're going to get all the easiest titles out the way first and hopefully that'll have us enough to get to 30 and I think for the first title we're going to go with this unlock soru one I'm pretty sure I already meet all the requirements to get that so it shouldn't be too hard not to mention I need soru anyways okay here we go we have to talk to this NPC to get the soru says you're quite strong I think you might be worthy of learning this ability okay it's called soru get you the ability to move swiftly to avoid tag there's a book somewhere on this map that I used to own if you find it and read it you can learn Sor all right bet soon as we find that book we'll get this title and we'll also learn Sor so apparently if you come to this Red Bridge over here and go to this corner I guess the book is over there it should be right down here yep right there okay perfect all right let me go tap that strange looking book your knowledge has been increased okay so looks like we learned rokushiki oh yes sir now I have the rokushiki dash so this is how all them people be moving around the mobility has been increased like 10-fold also if we look we should have the uh title Now Yep there we go to Swift one we're now at 15 titles we're halfway there but I'm afraid it's only going to get harder from here that was actually one of the really easy ones and some of these other ones got kind of crazy like look at this 50,000 bounty to reach a title also for the next two titles I'm going to be getting I'm going to go for the Bounty Hunter title and the notorious title now you're probably wondering how am I going to get 50,000 Bounty my friend Noah is in the server and he has 734 th000 bounty on his head I kill him once I'm probably going to be at 50,000 all right here he is right here okay let's just get him in a combo let's try to kill him as quickly as POS oh I just got three titles Bounty Hunter notorious and captain and I got the 153,000 I did not think I was going to get that much Bounty from him but that is three down we're now at 18 titles sheesh and while we're here we might as well try to reach this next title which is Warlord 500,000 Bounty all right let's kill him one more time wait he left the game I mean I went up to 265,000 oh he joined back and said we were on cooldown so I leave when I'm in combat so that I will lose Bounty ah okay that makes sense there we go that's one more death we're up to 350 5 4,000 I think two more kills and we should be able to get that title let's get one more kill out of him though 425k one more kill and we will have that 500k but we have to actually kill him I guess cine all right I activated gear fourth let's go ahead and make quick work at this boy there we go warlord title is complete and we got his 500k bounty to she I I ain't giving that back to him I am not getting back that to him uhoh yo yo yo chill chill no chill the next day all right boys it's currently the next day and I ended up getting a title in a few fruits I got the Falcon title right here I got the dragon title right here and I got the smoke title so that's three extra titles now the title I'm going to try to go for next is this one right here courageous defeat somebody at least 150 levels above you I got my friend Andre on here and he's going to let me kill him for that title all right there he is right there I just got to hit him once and then he has to reset all right let's hit him with that chop Cannon okay just reset for me yes sir we got the title courageous that's another easy title right there about to reach level 100 on chop and there we we go right here we got title unlock chop Master that's another title down we only have a few more left to go about to get the next fruit to level 100 right now there we go unlock title mad scientist with this we only need two more titles to unlock left before we reach the 30 requirement and I think the next one I'm going to go for is this exterminated title which I have to get a 15 kill streak all right we in a public server now I got my gear 4 maxed activated let's go clap some people up oh brother oh brother we got a noob right here shees I feel bad for this boy but hey I got to get my kills that's one kill down 14 more to go and I think there's a guy AFK farming up here let me see what that's all about oh he is oh bro oh wait no he's actually active Grizzly Magnum boom oh this dude only has 400 something Health that'll be easy red hawk damn he has he's using Dragon I thought he was using flame he's rest up his Ace no no no no he pushed me into the water and I ended up dying like that this dude's AFK though boom Oh no another Noob right here oh he's trying to attack me okay okay say less you attacked me first my boy so now I don't even feel bad let's hit him with that Gatling after this another one of these and bro's Dead all right I join a brand new server we're now on a three kill win streak we only need 12 more kills but for some reason my jet pistol is bugged it's literally just not working so this game sucks bro this game service sucks I'm going be honest with you boom check Gatling you fell right into my trap my boy you fell right into my trap stra into the Red Hawk and there we go we're at a five kill streak now 10 more to go 10 more to go another Target right here where do you think you going my boy where do you think you're going Grizzly Magnum wait wait what how did he avoid that yes sir yes sir you fell into my Gatling made a mistake my boy you made a mistake you ain't surviving that though six down let me activate gear four to make this quicker was good was good you shouldn't be out of Safe Zone my boy you should not be out of Safe Zone cine and that's seven down we're almost there let me not get let him get away no Siri no sir you're not getting away my boy Kong Gatling yes sir hit him with that hit him with that K gun boom okay this guy's actually a high level this guy's actually a high level let me hit him with that culverine bro why are you trying to run like this bro why are you trying to run like this no no he got me with that he got me like that okay that's not good that's not good that's not good uh-oh uh-oh you know what bro do all your damage do all your damage it ain't going to make a difference culverine easy easy kill nine kill streak bro we're almost there ah I didn't record it bro I didn't record it I just got the last kill right there and I unlocked the title bro oh my God God I I'm so mad I didn't record that bro but we need another title we need one more we're at 16 kill streak this next title right here bloodthirsty is get a 20 kill streak and that'll be the last one we need so we just need four more kills another poor soul right here bro I promise I'm not doing this for Joy all right jetto ging Die My Boy all right you know what bro you want to block guard break easy 19 kill streak we just need one more kill to get that last title boys it's crazy I spent almost 2 days just grinding for the title aspects but that's just the grind of this game man here we go right here last kill I'm sorry it had to be you my boy but it had to be someone boom Grizzly Magnum and there we go new title unlock bloodthirsty that is all 30 titles required to get gear five now we just need to feat kaido five times first thing we got to do is talk to Kuma right over here and have him take us to wano here we go right here onigashima you have to be level 150 to go there obviously we're max level so it's not an issue for us now the kidle boss will spawn in the game every hour and will despawn after 18 minutes he also has 10,000 HP total so he's a BP boss probably going to need a lot of people to fight I believe he spawns right behind these doors right in here Yep this is his spawn location wano Heights obviously he's not here right now so we're going to have to wait another hour or server hop many server hops later and we're finally in a server where kaido's about to spawn he's going to spawn in less than three 2 1 there he is right there kaido boss has just spawned let's activate gear forth with no waste of time I'm going to try to solo this thing though I don't think I'm going to be able to let's just give it a try though let's give it our best okay okay that did a decent amount of damage Kong gun boom got him there dodg his blast breath let's hit him with that Kong Gatling okay okay okay uhoh uhoh uhoh what the hell what the hell yo yo yo yo chill chill kaido chill bro just did like almost 200 damage with just that one ability oh my gosh oh my gosh yo yo yo this boss is kind of crazy let's head him with that King Kong gun HCK him up I only have 18 minutes to beat this guy I don't know if I'm going be able to do this solo let's just say that oh my God bro the damage he's doing is crazy bro we need at least minimum get in the second phase bro Kong Gatling pretty sure he has like three different phases he goes into he's going to go in hybrid and then full form I believe there he goes where he went straight to full form 10,000 Health oh my gosh oh my gosh hold on let me get away let me get away let him get away help help help I'm dying dog what the hell look at this bro how am I meant to fight this thing all right all right bro all right bro all right we about to get serious oh my gosh oh my gosh right as I saying we're about to get serious my gear four runs out all right we got this we got this bro no worries no worries no worries boom get him like that let me Dodge out the way oh my gosh bro he's dealing so much damage bro this is this is this is insane and I got to do this four more times after this kaido's finally almost at half Health he's at 6,000 Health God my for just ran out of again I'm about to die I'm about to die yep there it is right there second death I'm running out of time I'm running out of time I only have 7 minutes left to beat this guy okay hold on we got to turn up we got to turn up gear four once again no no no no look at this Bros health is almost gone bro it put me in some random spawn I swear if I can't get back to this in time all right we made it back in time you guys can see kaido's health bar right there it's like literally at the bottom bro I'm so close I'm so close Dodge that Dodge that Grizzly Magnum Jack Gatling J ging of course he interrupts it of course he interrupts it of course he interrupts it he's so close he's so close I have less than a minute left bro Red Hawk jet pistol he has 500 health left 500 health left come on come on come on chck Gatling just do it grizzly Magnum there we go yes defeated kaido bro that literally took me basically all 18 minutes just to solo him and we have to do that four more times managed to get into a server that's at 38 minutes so that means he'll spawn right in about 20 minutes only issue is this is a public server so I have a high chance of getting jumped another K's about to be dead right here boys he's almost done boom Grizzly Magnum and there we go second kaido out the way just three more to go about to have our third Kido down right now here we go here we go and there we go third Kido down only two more to go I honestly did not think this would take us this long we almost have gear five go boys fourth Kido right here he's about to be dead and there we go only one more kaido to go boys we're so close to gear five here we go boys here we go it's the last kaido right here he's on his last legs this the last Kido right here boom Red Hook jet pistol and there we go boys last kaido that is it we have all the requirements met to get Gear Fit oh you have the time skip rubber fruit it seems like you might have what it takes to awaken this power do you want to awaken your fruit time skip River to NAA says right here you'll be able to come back anytime to switch fruits say less look at that bro it straight up gave us the NAA fruit like I thought it was just going to be a you switch to it but it actually gave us it in the slot okay we're in game and we have the moves down here Rock gun Neo Red Hawk Rock Gatling Red Rock and drums of Liberation let's go ahead and check out this first ability on this control user okay rock gun ooh yo that is a fire first ability I'm not going to lie let's go and see that thing again though Rock gun that is crazy we got our next move at level 12 we're currently level four but I'm not going to lie I'm going to AFK this overnight because uh I've been grinding all day I need to sleep all right boys it's been a few hours of AFK grinding I have all the moves right now so let's go for a quick showcase so let's go for rock gun one more time you guys can see right here it's like the Little Rock gun of course boom fire effects now we have Neo Red Hawk which I think is a tracking move fire fire you know what I'm saying they cooking with this next up we got rock Gatling oh no oh no this got it this got it bro this got it next up we have Red Rock oh my gosh look at this the charging animation no hold on hold on hold on oh oh nah that's heat bro that's heat but as you guys can see right here we have a mold bar off the side and we have drums of Liberation okay let's press this thing oh wait you have to charge it up more okay okay okay it's getting charged up more it changed the gear five okay hold on let's see this yo yo yo hey yo and we got like six new moves at the bottom bro hold on let's check these moves out before my mode Runs Out spinning top oh this is that weird attack Luffy did it's like the UFO attack look at the little jump okay we have Don rocket oh my gosh bro yo nah nah bro I haven't even seen the last two moves and this is a five out of five gon stomp yo yo oh my gosh bro they cooking with this gear five they cooking last move BOS wrong gun they better do this Justice okay oh oh yo yo yo dog dog bro nah dog this is a straight five out of five gear five I'm not going to lie I don't know if any other games can even top this bro this is crazy next up we have a one piece game now I'm not going to lie to you guys I already obtained gear five in this video right here a few months back but they did a complete rework of it so I have no idea how it looks right now but for those of you boys who are wondering how to obtain it there's two ways you can get it either just straight up buy it right here which I don't recommend because it's like literally like $50 and then the the second method you can get it you can get a 1% drop from the aliji rate oh they changed the model look at this this looks way better than the other model bro and just for reference this is the old model yeah it was pretty cursed let's check out hand clap oh they updated the one that one it used to look a lot more cursed that looks a lot better now I'm not going to lie Kamari I'm assuming they probably didn't change this one cuz the other one was pretty clean too kaminari okay yeah this looks the same oh they actually they updated a little bit they made it bigger and they added a little the comic zaps around it okay and they changed the impact okay that's fire up drums or Liberation what the hell what does this do what does that do I don't even know what that does last but not least though we have bajang gun okay this looks exactly the same oh they had a little bit of uh conqueror's hockey Aura there too okay well I mean this uh this uh gear five was pretty valid definitely not on the level of the uh fruit Battlegrounds one they did put in work in this I would have to give us a four out of five next up though apiece I've literally never played this game but uh it's another game that has gear 5 so we're checking it out it says free leopard 20 minutes okay well I got it to disappear somehow I don't know how but the only issue is I really do not know how to obtain gear five let alone the gumgum fruit based off this sign right here it looks like gear five is a mythical fruit okay that might be tough to get there's a devil fruit gacha right here let's go ahead and interact with them if it'll let me I I I I literally can't what the hell oh wait bro there's a limited gear five Celler right here hold on let's see how expensive it is 999 Robux that's not too bad bro that's way better than trying to roll for it right here so let's go ahead and just buy that thing right there got new mythical gear five all right say less say less now how do I equip this thing okay here he is right here gear five let's go ahead and equip that how is this the gear five fruit well I pressed it and I think I ate it so let's go ahead and gear five right here uh we have transform kaminari mura pistol and barang gun okay let's go ahead and just transform my get oh my God okay okay this looks like it has kind of potential a little bit not really not really I'm going to be honest this is already looking like it's a one out of 10 what is this bro what is this okay let's go ahead and just check out the moves I feel like I definitely just wasted a ton of Robux for no reason though let's look at Kamari okay oh oh what the hell are all these effects on my screen like that I mean they cooked like halfway can I turn that off in settings or something PVP off horror mode on I what is horror mode okay let's just let's just turn everything off bro well let's check out this next one Mur pistol okay bro what the hell was that oh my God what that delayed ass bro oh my God this is the worst gear five I've ever seen well let's just check out the last one baj Ron gun okay okay they cut a cook in like half what the hell was that need Le to say uh I give this like a two out of five this is the uh this is the worst gear five ever seen it's like they didn't even put no effort into it whatsoever let's go ahead and check out kamario one more time at least though bro that was definitely the best move out of the whole kit well final verdict on the gear five in this game I'm going to give it a two out of five actually the whole game is just a two out of five low key bro this this game is scuffed and all right ladies and gentlemen for the last one piece game we're going to be playing in this video we're playing this cat piece the reason why I'm going to play this is because it says free gear five in the title so I me I like free stuff and it's a game that has gear five two birds one stone well first impressions I definitely don't like the HUD of this game it looks so cluttered at least the models look better though look at these islands these islands are more valid than the other one but how do I get the gear five they said it was for free is it literally right here free Limited Time free gear five claim hey say less subscribe to seven Quest Studio wait hold on what they're making us subscribe to get gear five oh my God okay what what is this what what fruits are these bro these people are just dropping them did they just drop the gear fight hold on let me see want to eat or drop this fruit okay let's take a chance let's eat it hopefully that's gear five fruit bro it is gum gear five yo I can't believe someone straight up just dropped that this thing only has three moves though and it doesn't it's not even a mode it's literally just moves okay hold on hold on let's just check it out let's just check it out gear five Cloud flight you transform to Luffy while you're using the move moves so it's not actually a mode okay well let's check out Kamari okay I guess this is just the basic wow and then the last move is Kamari barrage you just throw out a bunch of them so that is the gear five for this one eh that is very disappointing I expected much more I mean I guess the cloud flight is cool oh you know what I figured it out when you hold the gear five Cloud flight you unlock more moves so now I can do giant slam wait what the hell just did nothing okay let's try giant stomp what the bro what this is this is so goofy bro who designed this okay well let's try this out again Kamar barrage okay let's try out giant stomp look at this look at this like look look how goofy this is bro I'm not going to lie I didn't think it was possible but somehow this gear five is worse than the last one I didn't even think it was possible to get worse than that but this is they somehow topped it bro they somehow topped it but at least this was free at least this was free at least I didn't have to waste 999 Robux on this well ladies and gentlemen needless to say I'm going to be honest I'm going to give this one star it's just kind of M it but anyways that is all I have for this video ladies and gentlemen let me know in the comments down if I forgot anyone but the rankings are fruit battle Gall is a five star a one piece game is a four star that other apiece game is a two star and this game in last place one star let me know which fruit y'all want me to master in every one piece game next and with that I'll see y'all later
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 710,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece game roblox, roblox one piece, one piece roblox, roblox one piece game, one piece, a one piece game roblox, roblox one piece games, a one piece game gear 5, one piece roblox games, a one piece game, one piece games roblox, new one piece game roblox, new roblox one piece game, roblox a one piece game, obtaining gear 5 in every one piece game on roblox, gear 5 luffy a one piece game, gear 5 luffy, a one piece game gear 4 rework, gear 5, one piece game
Id: jgTla9ZRGOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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